And did you know that I have my very own Fairy Blogmother? She lives inside my computer. She waves her magic wand over my blog and I go from this:
to this:
And then a few months later, she waved her wand again...and made a few adjustments...and I got my current look.
She did my daughter's blog.
And it went from this:
to this:
I love the favicon she created (it's that pretty sun up in your URL bar). Love the "bidness" cards she made for me.
And now. I am ready to share her magic. And our winner of the favicon, bidness cards, and Office Max Gift card is: Michelle (AKA Heather's sister) at Tales from the Lunchroom. Congrats!! (Email me your address so I can send your gift card and hook you up with the Fairy Blogmother herself!)
Now this week's prize.
A few months ago I hosted a My Favorite things swap. And I was talking with Shannon. And asked what she was sending her partner. And she told me about this devine dessert. That I had never tried. Because I really didn't realize what it was. So, I felt compelled to try it. Since it was one of her favorite things. Oh my. Devine is a great word for them.
What are they? Betty Crocker Warm Delights. Heaven. In a box. It is so simple. You add a little water. Squeeze out a little chocolate. Or caramel. You could probably add some nuts if that is your thing. And stick it in the microwave. Yep. The microwave. And in just over a minute. You have a warm. Delicious cake.
That no one else in your family will know that you made. Except it does make your kitchen smell good. But you can eat it before mauraders arrive. Hide the evidence under some papers in your trash can. And plead ignorance.
And what goes with some Heaven in a box? How about a book? A delicious book series. That makes you feel all warm inside. For lots of different reasons. Ahem.
It's my favorite series. My friend Jeanine donated these for our give away this week. The first one - Outlander is from a library. It's well loved. And well read. But it's hardback. With a really cool cover.
And the others that are included: Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager, Drums of Autumn, The Fiery Cross, and even the Outlandish Companion. All are hardbacks. Several are first editions. And all make a great companion to some warm delights on a cold winter's day. And even if you have read them. Or have them on your shelves - you might not have the hardback version. Or...you might want to enter because you could actually get a pretty penny for these if you put them on ebay.
To summarize: this week's winner will receive 9 boxes of Betty Crocker Warm Delights. And the first five books in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Plus the Outlandish Companion. I am going to need a big box. Worth playing for?
This is what you need to do:
1. Post a comment here. Tell me about your favorite book series. Do you like historical fiction? Time travel books? Romance?
2. For another entry...follow me. Only seven more to make it to 160! Do you think I can crack 200 before we are all said and done?? If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry.
3. Blog about this week's contest.
4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. When you post about it...come back and leave a comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!
5. Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday. Along with the week six prizes!
Theme song: Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground.