Sunday, March 16, 2008

Going to my Happy Place

My husband was not as amused as I was about my post yesterday. He wanted me to be sure and set the record straight. We didn't just play softball. He took me to dinner AND to a play. I didn't mention it yesterday because it would have messed with the flow of my narrative. And because the name of the play would have brought some strange sorts to my website. People that really aren't looking for a rambling drivel of a blog. We went to see this political satire. Called "The Missionary Position." See!? I cannot wait to report what my sitemeter reports for the google searches that lead to hits on my site now. went to church...and Michael went back this afternoon to take the girls to the Easter Egg Hunt before his softball game (and in case you are wondering...they didn't lose by much...just was a nail bitter). And I was without children. For an entire afternoon. It was a momentous ocassion. And dangerous to boot. Because I was going to my happy place.

Target. Oh, how I love Target. And I do love to say it with a French twist - Tar-jay (how on earth do you phonetically spell that?!). It's my happy place. And the place that makes my husband's blood pressure rise, jaws clench, and impressions of his finger nails show up spontaneously on exposed pieces of skin. Because you can't just run into Target. It's a law that you must spend at least $100.

I like to follow the law. And then some. About a year ago, my mom and I went to Tar-jay for jar openers. Just jar openers. Somehow they cost $400. Look at them...they are that good: I went to Tar-jay. For Easter candy. Good stuff for $275. It is a happy place.

This afternoon, the girls decided that they needed to get into the hot tub. For those of you dealing with may want to look away. General mayhem ensued...

And then they got cold. They really didn't give the hot tub the opportunity to warm up.

(We must have forgotten to feed Katie today.)

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  1. brrrr--it was 96 here on Friday. are you going to describe the missionary position, or let the rest of us use our imagination? hmmm. it's good you told us you went to church.

  2. one more thing--by the looks of it on my computer, you dressed the girls in bikinis and dunked them into a tub of snow. no wonder they were cold. nice job.

  3. I think letting you all use your imagination on the play would be best. You can always google it. No idea how much you might have to wade through to actually find out about it. Might be educational.

    We have been in the hot tub while it was snowing. Today it was not in the 90's...or 80's...or even in the 70's. The girls have a touch of spring fever. Their lips only turned a little bit purple.

  4. You definitely must not feed those poor girls, having to eat their own towels! lol

    I was wondering what your Happy Place was, and now I know! I LOVE tar-jay as well. One of my absolutely favorite places. I can't leave there without spending way too much money...every single time, so I can really relate to your post.

    Thanks for sharing, loved your blog as usual!

  5. YEAH!!! The jar openers!!! WOO HOO!!! I love that story!!!

  6. Costco and World Market are my danger spots...

    I'm off to World Market right now ... seriously ... I am...

  7. The Missionary Position - SNORT! hee hee ! Too funny!

    And the softball game - a nail biter! Kat, you're killing me here!

    And Tar-jay (that's how I spell it as well) is not a good place to send me without supervision.


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