Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Semi Wordless Wednesday because I can't help myself

Yet more of our pictures from Disney. We made three trips in one year for a total of over 24 days in the parks. Trust me...I am Disneyed out (if that's possible!)...but saying that we have a lot of pictures makes my mind lean towards hyperbole.

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  1. Oh! Hippos are the best exhibit. The SD Zoo has a big exhibit that is the coolest. When those hippos swim from one end of their "pond" to the window to "visit", the wave created is HUGE!
    Neat photos!! Happy WW - Susan

  2. This was so be up front when one decided to come up and say "hello." Gotta wonder what was going through the hippos mind!

  3. Awesome shots! We've never been to Disney. Now I'm feeling rather deprived...Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics!

  4. We love Hippos.. very cool pix!

  5. Wah, I've never been to DisneyWorld. I wanna be all Disneyed-out, too!

  6. We bought an annual pass - and we absolutely got our money's worth!

  7. This are great! Look at that face! That hippo is huge!

    boy, what a great trip that must have been.....I have never been to DW either... just the land *Ü* this looks ike you had so much more to see and do!

    Happy WW~


  8. I wonder what he is thinking???? Great photos!

    Happy WW,

  9. Love it! I think I'm Disneyed out also we went 3 times last year and while I really am a Disney nut we won't be back for awhile. We have 2009 summer trip to San Diego planned so we'll hit Disneyland for a few days then. :)

    Happy WW!

  10. I don't think I've ever had an underwater view of a hippo in real life! Very cool!

  11. That is a wonderful picture! What an experience.

    Seeing things like this always make me wonder what the animal is thinking.


  12. I really, really have to go to Disney. Probably be as I'm leaving the country !!

    And of course I knew that your blog was interesting. Just didn' know how many interesting posts I'd missed by not strating from the right end when I first started reading you!!

  13. Awesome photos. We love Disney. Although I, too, was Disneyed out after our last visit.


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