Monday, April 21, 2008

Are you SURE that you want to tag me for this meme?

I’ve been tagged again. My second this week. My second ever. Not that I am bitter or anything. I want to be like Sally Field and yell “you like me. You really, really like me!”

So…what is this meme about? I'm supposed to pick up the book nearest me, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence and then type and post the next three sentences after the fifth one.

Okay…what is closest is the last book I finished: “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” by Tucker Max. Ummm…it’s closest because it’s here to give to the next guy that wants to read about such debauchery. It’s hilarious…but just wrong. In oh SO many ways. I think Tucker Max might have an aneurism if he knew that a late thirty something, home schooling mom read his book. And laughed out loud. But…this is a dangerous assignment.

Okay…I’m going to look now. You have been warned. You might just want to stop reading here. If you are my daughter, stop reading here. Go do your school work. This is a post that is not for you. Go away. Find something important to do.

Okay…really going to look now. Found page 123. Yep…this is a mistake. But…you know, I follow rules. (no comments from the peanut gallery) And here is what is there:

“I wait patiently for about three minutes, then I start pounding on the door, screaming at him that I am going to sh*t on his bed if he doesn’t get out of there. A short time later he opens the door laughing his *ss off, and says, “That was perhaps the most prodigious sh*t ever. I just put that toilet into therapy.”

Somehow, I think I’ll never be tagged for a meme again. Or at least not for books. You never know what I might be reading. And that is a pretty “innocent” excerpt. Really. (And for those of you with a love of debauchery and some morbid curiosity…the events after this quote are gross beyond words…and leads to Tucker Max being PERMANENTLY banned from Embassy Suites. And if your interest is truly piqued now…click on the book in my “kat has read” section…so that I can have a veritable river of cash flowing into my coffers from Amazon referrals.)

Now the hard part…who to tag now. I think I have tapped out my "regular" readers. When I did the meme over the weekend…I went to read what everyone did…and who they tagged. And some of those people were so excited to be tagged. I am sure they will be thrilled to be tagged again, right?! What on earth will they think of being tagged by me…when I have only read their blogs once. Will they refuse to get this far down in the post because of my book selection? Will they be so thrilled to be picked, they will ignore my obviously bizarre taste in books? I guess we’ll all find out:
Jill at One Wired Woman
Tracey at Make Room For
Heather at Mindless Junque
Ctina at Tinalina Time

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  1. Hi Kat! The grits look good, the cardinal is gorgeous and I cannot believe I missed all these posts in the last 24 hours. I can't keep up with you!

  2. Debbie! I have hijacked all your friends for this meme! :-) Of course if they read through this post they might not ever visit me again! I have posted a lot lately...might need to be silent tomorrow...but I doubt it. With only my 10 year old for entertainment, I must reach out to the blogosphere :-)

  3. as your dear friend and confidante, I must resist several opportunities to comment about things like, "i always follow the rules..." because i was so perplexed to see that you chose to read this book in the first place. whatever. i just have to say that this curiosity for the crude is not something you learned from me. nope. good grief--stop reading such trash and get back to setting a good example for the rest of us!

  4. Cindysue--You know that is a good question - why I read Tucker Max. I suppose he is the antithesis to the chick book...and the reviews on amazon piqued my interest. It is hilarous...and gross...and a definite guy book. Goes to prove that I'll read just about anything. Now I have to convince my mom that just because it's a "true story" doesn't mean she'll like it.

  5. oh...and I am back to good can see what I am reading now...a memoir called "Jesus Land" and a series of stories about Rwanda...

  6. OH MY STARS!!!! Tagged twice in one day!!!! Wait... I need a moment. Okay, to say I'm excited is a gross understatement. I LOVE to read and am reading something equally as edgy as you are!!

    WOOOO HOOOOO! I also must say that I loved seeing the Twilight series on your book list. Not only are those my favorite books of all time (which says volumes about my level of maturity) but it will explain alot about what I'm currently reading.

    Oh, and you are so going in my linky love list.

  7. Heather--"Linky love??!!" I love it! I get such a thrill seeing my blogs name listed on someones favorite list. And I cannot wait to see what you might be reading. I don't think I have read anything cruder than Tucker Max...and I believe we have established that I'll read just about anything.

    Will I be removed from "linky love" if I say I didn't love the Twilight series? I did a review on the site (if you go over to labels..and click on book reviews you can find it)...but I will HAVE to read the next in the series when it comes out...

  8. Wow! Thanks Kat! Now you need to insert a widget that says, "1st to tag Jill Award" because this is a very coveted honor. Hee Hee! Thanks for tagging me. I feel so special! Now I need to read your post carefully to make sure I know how to do it. :) ~Jill

  9. Jill--I am so honored by the award. I think I even found a site that does graphics...I might actually have one made. Because I am not savvy enough to figure it out myself. And because it would be hilarious. To me.

  10. but I don't want to read either of those stories.

  11. Cindy--want me to send you a good and smutty book? I can hook ya up!

  12. Oh yeah. You're gonna be rolling in Amazon dough.
    ;-) Or not.

    btw, my current read is Lamb, per your recommendation. It's not making me pee-my-pants-rofl like Right Behind (Nate Wilson's spoof of the Left Behind series), but it's had me giggling in several places. :-)

  13. Susan--yep, rolling in the dough. I actually have earned $1.21 from my amazon referrals. I need to have $10 before I can get a gift card though. I wonder how many years I have left?!

    Oh, to think I have influenced someone to read Lamb...and someone else (Joye) to get Tucker Max's book. I wonder if there will be a special place in hell reserved for me? :-)

    I have not heard of "Right Behind." I am going to have to go immediately to check that out...

  14. Funny, Kat! We think alike... I was already thinking about creating some goofy award looking thingy to send you as a joke. Your blog is fun. I'm adding you to my favorites right this minute!! :) ~Jill

  15. You just create away...and I'll post it. Because I am not savvy. Or crafty. Thanks so much for linking to me. The "linky love" is spreading this evening!

  16. Wow, Kat! I knew I could count on you for a good meme...that was quite an exerpt! I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure my kids weren't in the room...blushing from the langauge. lol You're too funny!! Hilarious.

  17. Kat~ One more thing... if you haven't read the book "Love is a Mix Tape" by Rob Sheffield, then that should be your next book purchase. A friend of mine bought it for me and went on & on about how it was "so Jill" and he was so right! I laughed, I cried, & didn't want the book to end. A great memoir. :) ~Jill

  18. Jill--Thanks for the suggestion. I have put it on reserve at the library. I am on a memoir trend right'll fit right in. I am still giggling to myself about my new "award." I can just imagine it being posted all over the blogosphere - and "Jill" becoming a euphamism for someone who has never been tagged for a meme. See...sometimes just funny to me :-)

  19. Uh oh, Kat- you just asked for it. Tell everyone you like being tagged and you shall receive. In triplicate, I'm sure! ;)

    I'd be happy to tag you on that 7 things about me, meme!


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