Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Katie Cooks: Chicken Cordon Bleu edition

I like cookbooks. I have shelves of them. I love to pick up cooking magazines. But I am not really good at following directions. I use recipes more as an inspiration to make something else. Mostly because I am picky. I used to make my variation of chicken cordon bleu all the time. Except it was made with turkey cutlets instead of chicken. But I can't find turkey cutlets anymore. A few weeks ago I "re-discovered" my recipe and made it with chicken for my family. And everyone liked it. A minor miracle. So, last night, Katie decided to make it herself.

We got out all the ingredients. (Oh...I am feeling like I am having a Pioneer woman cooks photo shoot!) Easy -- only 5 items needed. Note: the scissors are not part of the recipe. Nor is the diet coke in the McDonald's cup. My photo shoot is so unlike Pioneer Woman's.

We put the bread crumbs and honey mustard into small bowls. Katie then dips the chicken into the honey mustard and spreads it around the cutlet.
Next, we added a slice of ham and a piece of Havarti cheese.
Then you fold the chicken into thirds, tucking the ham and cheese inside.

Lightly dredge the chicken through the bread crumbs.

Be sure to wash your hands...they get kinda messy.

And voila...a yummy dinner.

Here is our simple recipe:

Chicken Cordon Bleu (Sunshine and Lemonade style)
(notice that there are not measurements for this recipe...it's so easy, you don't need them!)

Turkey or chicken breast cutlets (you can use regular chicken breasts, but you will need to pound them thin. I am lazy and prefer to pay more for someone else to do this part)

ham slices

cheese slices (we used Havarti...most chicken cordon bleu recipes call for swiss, but we don't like swiss...use what ever you want)

honey mustard dressing (if you don't like honey mustard...try ranch...or your other favorite dressing...or if you are fancy...a creamy wine sauce would be yummy)

seasoned bread crumbs

Moisten the chicken/turkey with honey mustard
Place ham and cheese in the center and fold into thirds, tucking the ham and cheese into the center.
Dredge through bread crumbs.

Bake at 400 for 30 minutes.

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  1. Oh, that looks very yummy!! I wonder if my boys would eat though. The older one will try things but the younger one doesn't. My husband and my dad will eat anything. lol It looks easy and good. Thanks!!

    I love the icky, messy hand shot. I think kids cooking is such a good, learning experience. BTW, I'm impressed you use recipes more as inspiration...I use them as important, not to be changed, guidelines. I cannot deviate from the instruction! lol Sad, I know.

  2. I think that when you bake, you should follow the instructions. I wouldn't know how to improvise there - other than adding a little something or taking out something like nuts. Or we like to make chocolate chip cookies sans chips. Yum :-)

    For any other cooking - as long as you have the time and temp correct, it's hard to mess up. My family complains because they really like something...but I have a hard time repeating it. I never remember exactly what I did.

    For the chick cordon bleu -- Katie didn't know it had honey mustard in it until she made it. She would never eat it if she knew...and then she cooked with it. If your kids like chicken, ham, and cheese...they'll like this. If not...leave out the one part they won't eat for theirs. It really is an EASY and YUMMY meal!

  3. Hi Kat! Thanks for coming over and leaving a comment. I will have my daughter visit Katie's blog again and leave her a comment. I am glad that she feels famous! Her blog is just adorable. That recipe looks delicious and I loved the pictures. I made need to have my daughter help me make it, too! I'll be back!

  4. That looks so very delicious! Your daughter is amazing to have made it herself. I can't get my 12 YO son interested in cooking something, although he's a pretty good sous chef. I'll try and get him interested in making this since it has mustard, one of his favorite foods in the world. ;)

    I have a texture aversion, and would need to wear latex gloves to make this dish. LOL!

  5. Welcome Teresa!

    How interesting that your son loves mustard. I cannot get my kids interested in any condiment. Except ketchup. Which is it's own food group :-)

    A texture aversion, huh? We like to get messy with our cooking. The only time it doesn't bother me. Is cooking a craft?! When Katie was making it, she said we should make this in the summer because the honey mustard was sooo cool on her hands.

  6. I have the perfect song for your blog... it's called Sunshine and Lemonade. check it out and enjoy :-) www.trizonnamcclendon.com

  7. These were really good. I think it was the first recipe of yours that I tried. :-)

  8. So next time I come to Atlanta I expect Katie to cook.

    Looks good I might have to try this one. Seems easy enough.


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