Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Is Orange the name of a flower?

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  1. Ooh pretty!!! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  2. My garden is pink and lavender, but I keep sneaking in orange. Orange flowers look great with just about anything. I love them.


  3. Those orange flowers are gorgous! I want some. Great pictures, Kat! You did a really nice job.

  4. Tali -- Thanks. And just think a few weeks ago there was no color whatsoever in my yard!

    Michele -- most of our colors are reds and purples...but I love orange flowers. They just look so happy.

    Rhea--Well...go get yourself some! I got these at Lowe's this weekend. We have a couple of big terra cotta pots in front of our door and I was just getting them to fill in. That is the extent of my gardening skills.

  5. Those are fantastic, both the pictures and the flowers. I like how the water droplets are sitting on the petals.

  6. Nice job on the photos. I'll send up a couple of mine, too. Lots of purples and reds - trying to escape the massive yellows from the previous owner's choices. A few yellows are good, but everywhere??

  7. Why yes! Yes it is!

    Maybe Jenny will visit and give the real name...

    I love the last shot.

    (I put a link telling the location of the mountain in the comments of my WW)

  8. BEAUTIFUL!! Orange has become one of my favorite colors the last couple years too! It is fun & pretty!

  9. Gerbera Spider Daisies? Whatever they are, they are beautiful! I wish I had a nice camera to share all the flowers blooming in my year. Even after those wild storms last night!


  10. I was going to guess Gerbers, too. I think they just must be a variety with pointier petals. There. Howz that for a scientific description?!? :-}

  11. Beautiful flowers! I have none right now, my tulips are gone and I don't have anything else planted yet.

  12. My favorite color! Gorgeous!

  13. Orange you glad you take great pictures? I'm impressed with your camera skills. :) ~Jill :)

  14. Beautiful! Orange is my favorite color.

  15. beautiful pics! I just love flower pictures.

  16. Beautiful! I like the Orange one! *Ü*

    No seriously... those are great pictures... now I cant wait to see more of the yard... you have my interest peaked even more now!


  17. Those are beautiful photos, Kat...

    I really miss growing flowers. You can grow tham here, but it takes an awful lot of work as it gets very hot and rarely rains ..


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