Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday we left Atlanta – going on Madalyn’s first plane ride – and Katie’s first that she’ll remember – for San Antonio, Texas. Leaving Michael at home. With my mom. And her cat.

So…Honey…have a wonderful Father’s Day! By yourself. Doing things that you want to do. However you want to do them. Did you know that people often give gifts that they themselves would like to receive?

So...I asked the girls today...what are their favorite things about Daddy...and here is what they had to say:

I like it when he plays games with me. (Michael will go and play the DVD Pokemon game with the girls...even though he knows *absolutely* nothing about it. Or, his favorite was the My Little Pony matching game. Where all the ponies look curiously alike. If you are a dad. Or a mom.)

When he is silly.

When he teaches me new things to do. Like camping.

Or cannon balls into the pool.

Or how to ride a scooter.
And especially when he throws me in the pool.

When we go to feed the ducks.

Hey...that's not a duck.

When he shares his snacks with us.

When he lets us do things that mommy won't.

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  1. What a great Father's Day tribute! I *love* the last photo! I wouldn't want to have been the one to clean them up, though ;D

  2. That's great Kat! I forgot it was Fathers' Day -- the flight attendant reminded us...oops.

    Have a great time in Texas!

  3. This was a great tribute! Loved the fun pics

  4. Wonderful, wonderful pictures!! Michael looks like a lot of fun and a great dad! What a sweet, sweet post and hilarious too.

    Hope you're having fun in Texas!

  5. Kat: That pic of the girls with the painted faces had me rolling! I'm surprised I haven't come home to something like that yet.

  6. SOOOO sweet! I bet it was quite the ordeal to track down all the right photos to fit the characteristics the girls were naming off. Loved it :)!

  7. What a great dad! And what a wonderful mom and daughter's for letting him know.

    Have a great trip!

  8. Cute, cute, cute! I hope you have a great trip!

  9. Too cute! I hope Michael had a great, indulgent Father's Day. And I hope your trip goes well.

  10. Oh my!!!!! Michael has a knack for the goofy! No wonder your girls are so mild and aloof--ha!

  11. OMGosh - that last picture nearly made me spit my coffee out!!! And it's official ... Michael is way more accommodating letting you take his picture than My Man is!!! Happy time in Texas!!!

  12. What a great post for your husband! That's so sweet.

    Enjoy your trip.

    -Amy @ The Q Family

  13. Cute, cute, cute. Loved reading this, Kat.

  14. What a fun father's day post. So cute and what a good daddy your girls have. I loved you BFF pictures too. Isn't it GREAT when the stars align (or heaven shines down on you) and you find a perfect friend?


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