Saturday, June 7, 2008

Michael Flatley, Eat your Heart Out!


  1. That is hysterical! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. I keep trying to add text...but blogger just does not want to cooperate. Anyway...John Deere Mom did this a few days ago on her blog...and I had to do cracks me up so much. And like her, I have not shown my hubby. He can discover it just like you guys!

  3. Oh my gosh, that is extremely hilarious. You girls are all too funny, but I have to admit...Michael looks the funniest of all. I HAVE to do this. How???

  4. Teri--I know. I keep watching it over and over again. Click on the jibjab link...and you can create your own. You have to do it. It's so hilarious. You can do the hoe-down one...with you, Doug, Madison, and Mackenzie. And yes, Michael and his leaping jump. I can watch it 1000 times and still giggle. And over at Jibjab, you can create for free (and just enjoy it yourself) a Snoop Dogg video. I'm laughing myself silly about that one right now. Call me if you can't get it going!

  5. I love jibjab sendables. Those are SO much fun. This was a hilarious one!! Your family has quite the dance moves, Kat. NICE!!! I giggled through it as well. Too cute.

    The crusty-haired child with the missing clothes and spilled shampoo description was AWESOME! You should have taken pictures, seriously. :o)

  6. Your "husband" has some smokin' hot legs in this one. Just sayin'.

    HILARIOUS, Kat. For the record, I have seen Riverdance performed live. It rocked. But it wasn't as cool as your family's verison.

  7. hahahahahahaha!! I watched it ... more than once! So, you girls look hilarious, but it's Michael's head that makes the whole thing PERFECT!! The perfect head with the perfect expression. You chose well, Kat!!!

  8. I am so annoyed! Old School Dell won't let me see your dance moves. :( Hopefully Slimline HP will be up and running soon so I can see you bust a move.

  9. Thanks for a great blog! Fellow SITS sister here, me and my spikey son, Alex, just chilled listening to your blog music, and some good reading!

    via SITS

  10. Oh my gosh that is SO FUNNY. As soon as I clicked play, "I'm too sexy" started playing on your playlist...oh my gosh I cannot stop laughing...that is so funny.

  11. Rhea--I think that all of us need to post a jib jab on our sites. Angie started it...even Joye over at "Here I am" has done one. It is too hilarious. You should do one with you, the boys, your hubby...and Annie :-)

    Glad you enjoyed my description of Madalyn's homecoming. I don't know where my brain was in forgetting the camera!

    Lula and Susan -- Michael is the one that makes it funny. I cannot tell you how many times the girls and I have watched it...and attempted to duplicate "Daddy's" jump :-) Who knew this would be soooo fun!

    Angie--When I first came to the took a minute or two to actually show up. Maybe try again...and if must come back and see what you started!

    Jacki-Thanks for coming by! The music is ever changing...usually in a strange attempt to get it to match my post. You and the faux hawk child need to come back and visit!

    Debbie--I know. I am *still* giggling. And I am gonna watch it again!

  12. Wow! we have Pergo-so can you and the girls teach us how to dance like that while you're here next week? PLEEEEEEAAZZZZZZZ?

  13. Cindy--We'll have to make one for you guys, too. So, so funny. And I am sure that Madalyn will be more than willing to show off her moves :-)

  14. LOL that was funny! Great show!!

  15. I have got to do one of theses! Angie's had me cracking up!! The funniest is the Sexy Back playing in the background!


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