Monday, July 7, 2008

2 Weeks of Heaven

After spending Friday celebrating our country’s birthday and independence by shopping packing, Mom and I got an early start Saturday morning. Some of you might have had a cup of coffee before you left the house. Some of you might have stopped at Dunkin Donuts. Or perhaps Starbucks. But, I don’t do coffee. I prefer a steady drip of a different type of caffeine. The kind from a ginormous cup of Diet Coke. And it’s heavenly when it's from here:See, that was not much of a delay? I wonder how many potty breaks this will cause? It is a wonderful drive. Because I am not driving. Nor am I listening to Sponge Bob and Patrick argue. Or to the insidious vocals of Pokemon. Or to the latest exploits of the Tanner Family on Full House. We are in radio hell It is blissfully silent. So I get to read. And finish my book. And even start another.

And when we finally approach the bridge to the island, I just know that heaven can be a place on Earth...
We go to St. George Island most every summer. I love it there. It’s so peaceful. And not commercial or touristy at all. The island is mostly houses…one small inn…and a B&B. There are a few restaurants. A small market. We drive about half an hour to Apalachicola to go to the Piggly Wiggly for our groceries. The closest Walmart is 2 hours away in Panama City Beach. Heaven.

Here is our house. Another slice of heaven. I like to sit on the second story deck in my Adirondack chair and read. And watch the cars go by. And the people on their bikes. I can see the boats in the ocean. And sometimes Dolphins playing. Here is the view from that top most deck. See how close we are to the beach? Heaven.

On Sunday…we all slept late. 10AM late. If there was ever a doubt…this seals the vacation deal. After breakfast we moseyed over to the beach. There really weren’t many people around. There were a couple of guys fishing. They had “friends” waiting to be invited to share. And one friend who didn’t take kindly to waiting and stole breakfast right out of that open bucket. But I didn’t manage to capture that because I was being pummeled by waves. There must have been a storm out at sea, because it’s usually quite calm. Hardly any waves. Here is a picture of me last year. See? It looks like it could have been taken at the lake. (Do I get bravery points for posting a picture of myself in a suit?) After being battered by the waves, I got out to take pictures of the girls. And exfoliate my feet.The girls were in absolute heaven in the surf. I think they captured several pounds of sand in their suits.

And when we are done at the beach…we can just walk back to the house to the pool… I am not sure that two weeks of heaven will be enough…

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  1. How fun! I am totally jealous and happy for you. Have fun.

  2. Oh, 1 more thing I <3 being your 1st AND 2nd comment. It makes me feel cool :)

  3. this song is one we love to rock out to in church. when we go. the house looks terrific! should we hijack your trip?

  4. Love that house!!!!! Have a great trip

  5. I am sooooo freakin' jealous!!! :-)

    Have a wonderful holiday and I love that house!!!

  6. What a GREAT house! What great memories for your girls too :) Can't wait to hear more. Have a great trip!

  7. So beautiful and peaceful. It makes me want to go!

  8. Oh my, my, my, I LOVE your house!!! (Trying not covet, not doing very well.) Looks like an absolutely perfect vacation!

  9. Aaaaah.....I wanna go to the beach!!! And that you have a pool to supliment all the's just not fair ;P!

    Seriously--hoping you have an amazing vacation--enough for all of us!

  10. oh WOW! Fabulous photos. Fabulous house. Fabulous vacation!!!! And yeah. You get total brave kudos for posting a bathing suit photo ;-)

  11. OOOOHHH - that looks like so much fun! That's great that you guys have a place to go and "get away from it all". And gee, that house looks big enough for you to invite a few dozen of your closest blogging friends coughbighintcough ;D

  12. Oh, next summer I'm totally inviting myself along. Totally. You are definitely in heaven on earth right now, I'm totally jealous. Ocean, pool, books, beautiful views, not too many tourists, gorgeous island...Keep posting pictures, I love it!! (And you have wifi! PERFECTION!)

    Your girls are just so cute. I love that last photo of them posing together. Way to adorable. They always look so happy and pose so well. :o)

  13. Now THAT'S a vacation! Have fun!

  14. can i come with next year? please? this place looks gorgeous! have fun!

  15. Definitely looks like heaven on earth. This songs rocks too!

  16. If you hear someone knocking on your door in about, oh um, 8 hours, just ignore it. It's no one. No one at all. Not one person trying to steal a guest bedroom or the pool or beach time. Nope. :-)

  17. A beach family after my own heart. "Our" beach is private, completely non-touristy, devoid of anything tackily commercial, and heaven on Earth. Oh, and our house has a private pool, too--a MUST.

    Yes...we are in sync, Kat. Different beaches, different states, but pretty much the same idea. 'Cause you and I are classy like that. Oh yes, we are.

  18. Nice house! The action photos of the kids were great! I'm glad you had a good time.

  19. Oh man, I could do with some more beach. That place looks incredible. How can I work in another week? Thinking, thinking...

    "The closest Walmart is 2 hours away" - this fact alone would equal heaven to me for an entire lifetime. Just sayin'.

  20. I love your beach house. It reminds me of the movie, "Somewhere in Time."
    Great pics, and it looks like you are having a ball.

  21. Oh, you've made me so home sick for SC. : (

  22. Sonic and Chick-fil-A have the best Diet Coke!

    What a wonderful time and wonderful pics to go with!

  23. Oh girl... you are I just such "beaches" aren't we? I just posted a fun slideshow of some of our beach pics. Looks like you are having a blast. Enjoy!! Come visit my blog and check out my slideshow. :) ~Jill

  24. You actually inspired me to make my packing list instead of avoiding it. We leave Tuesday for St Simons. Glad you are having sooo much fun. We went to st George once and it is beautiful and we spent the most quality family time there becasue there was nothing to do. It is perfect. ENJOY!!!!

  25. Fun vacation and I love that house!
    Your oriental chicken (tofu) salad was WONDERFUL! I was even thinking about the leftovers as I was trying to fall asleep last night. The sunflower seeds were a great addition.

  26. OMG...Sonic is our ULTIMATE stop!! especially for 1/2 price drinks between 2-4pm...i'm not a coffee drinker either...

    that house is absolutely amazing!! hard to think there is a care in the world when you are there, i'm sure!

    enjoy, enjoy, ENJOY!!

  27. That is super awesome. I am a tad bit jealous because I have Spongebob and Patrick in my ears right now. Sigh.

  28. WE have TWO things in common....
    cold caffeine and the beach.
    I'm going in a couple of weeks.
    Can't wait!
    Your pictures just made the waiting harder. Thanks. tee hee

  29. How dare you taunt me with my all time favorite soda that cannot be found but 50 some miles from here! The nerve! Your vacay sounds heavenly...the house and view are spectacular. Have fun!

  30. What fantastic pics! I hope you're enjoying your vacay! That house is fantastic! Have fun!

  31. Oh that last picture is so sweet! Promise me you will blow that one up big and hang it somewhere wonderful in your house. And keep a little copy in your wallet for moments when you need a little cheering up.

  32. I totally need to be your friend, immediately...mmmmk? That beach house has my name all over it!

    And I haven't had Sonic since Texas! And Piggly Wiggly??? Yes!

    It looks amazing out there! How do you *ever* go home? I mean do you *EVER* go home?


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