We lay out our offering.
And wait patiently. It's not easy being patient. All the other girls went inside to find more interesting pursuits. But not Shannon. She waited. And waited.
And then they came.
And brought their friends.
And their cousins.
And their brother's girlfriend's aunt twice removed.
And they demanded more and more offerings.
And actually had the nerve to drop an offering of their own on Katie's face. And her back.The girls got wise to this. And learned to duck and cover after they threw out a treat.
And when the offerings were gone...
They still sang "mine, mine, mine..."
sorry Katie-I'm sure they enjoyed your offerings to them more than you enjoyed your gift of gratitude from them...Katrina the pics are boootiful!
It supposed to be good luck...keep telling Katie that. lol (Sure it is)
ReplyDeleteThat was quite the feeding frenzy! It kind of looked like a scene out of a horror movie there for a while. Yikes!! That's a lot of birds.
Hilarious commentary and wonderful photography!!
Cindy and Rhea--You are tooo fast! I wasn't quite done yet. Now it's complete...and with very appropo music.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm back! Must have the complete experience.
ReplyDeleteThe music is great! Perfect for this post. You are the queen of themed music to your posts, I love it!!
Did you see the SITS poll, btw? Most people voted that music annoyed them on blogs. I don't understand that at all. I just turn down the music if I don't like it, so easy. Most of the time it's a nice accompanyment to the post, depending on the blogger. Sheesh.
Did you have a nice birthday? I've been wonderful where you were...
ReplyDeleteLooked a little scary there for a minute. I just love seagulls! Ever read the strangest book ever Jonathan Livingston Seagull??
ReplyDeleteRhea--I did see the SITS poll. I had no idea people despised music that much. Just turn the computer to mute :-) But...I am contemplating my own poll. Wanna know if I am annoying my own readers.
ReplyDeleteMy birthday was okay. I went snorkeling with the kids...and they were whiny, ungrateful wretches. We didn't see Mama Mia on my birthday because the nearest theater is over 2 hours away. But, since we are home now...Michael and I are actually going out tonight to see it. With no whiny children :-)
I've been away - snorkeling, driving...and today spending a small fortune at Limited Too. Just to give you an idea...I came away with 20 Too Bucks when I left.
Joye--Scary? Maybe with the music :-) I love that piece! And no...I have not read that...heard about it...but never cracked it open.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I had so get my daughter and show her. We both loved it!!
Love the song of the day today. Very fitting for dive bombing gulls! What a riot for your kids.
ReplyDeleteI love seagulls, even though they are a pain...they remind me of my dad and the beach!
ReplyDeleteI love the music! It looks like a Hitchcock film landed on your deck. Poor Katie. Have a safe trip back!
ReplyDeleteYikes! That would have freaked me out! I don't like birds. Or anything with wings, really. Why is it that those things always want to flutter right by your head??
ReplyDeleteLove the music!!! Very appropriate. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe photos are great. Looks like Shannon waited a loooong time, as she appears to have changed her outfit in some of the pics.
Hope you enjoy 'Mamma Mia'. I saw it on Friday and loved it. There were a couple of *interesting* bits in it, that went right over Taylor's head, thank goodness!! She loved it as well. She walked out of the theatre singing and dancing. :-)
That photo of Shannon sitting waiting patiently is way cool!!!
WOW - FABulous!!! Did you have any idea there would be SO MANY?!? Such a wonderful photographic extravaganza and blog fodder to boot. Woohoo! Way to capture the action, Kat!
ReplyDeleteShannon has excellent posture! Love the pics and the music.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that is like a scene from my worst nightmare! I can handle heights and closed spaces and spiders and...well ANYTHING but a huge flock of birds flapping around my head!
ReplyDeleteYou gals are seriously so brave.
This "feeding frenzy" was repeated several times after this one. Madalyn was *constantly* asking me if we had any "rotten" food to give the seagulls.
ReplyDeleteAnd even when we'd just go outside to read...they'd come screeching to see if we had more offerings for them.
And Karen - Shannon did wait a long time! And when she got tired of waiting...she changed clothes to go ride her bike...and then came back. So, they were all taken the same evening. It took a long time to get them to come...but once we did...they never left us alone :-)
Hi great pictures! I read your blog but do not comment much.. I am shy
ReplyDeleteToo funny :) (That's actually one of my favorite parts in Finding Nemo!) Are you back to reality yet??
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling very much like Tippi Hedren just looking at the photos! I saw "The Birds" when I was pretty young, and while I love, love, love birds - flocks of them in my general vicinity make me nervous.
ReplyDeleteCody loves feeding animals, too, but I don't think we've ever fed a flock of seagulls before. Ugh, and now my 80's hardwired brain has started playing "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls.
EEWW! I abhor those nasty scavengers. If you ask my Elizabeth, She will tell you that a seagull stole her sandwich right off the table on a field trip to Seattle and her teacher had to share her lunch. No, we are not friends with those nasty things.
ReplyDeleteMy husband has a name for people who come over, eat your food, leave thier s**t around and then leave. He calls them Seagull Friends.
What an awesome post! Love all the pics.
ReplyDeleteBut why didn't y'all do this NEKKID, is what I wanna know?
ReplyDeleteThe music is hilarious, Kat.
Did you show them Hitchcock's The Birds before they did that? I bet there would have been a lot more screaming if you had.... :)
ReplyDeleteI love all the pics and the commentary!!!
ReplyDeleteI hear it's good luck receive offerings from birds...at least in Venice and the birds are pigeons.
ReplyDeleteNext time, the girls will wear hats!
Great pictures! Looks like they enjoyed the feeding. That was a lot of birds!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos!! I love feeding seagulls. ~Jill :)