Anyway...about a month ago I did a post on Young Adult authors/books and Rhea asked me if I had read any of Sarah Dessen's books. I had she sent me a bunch of her books. Plus a bonus from Shannon Hale. Thank you Rhea! They have been placed on the shelf...and are awaiting their turn...or a way for me to finagle them into my 888 challenge list.
(Tell your hubby that I am waiting for a thank you note. From him. For sending these to you.)
As I was taking these pictures. And writing this post in my head...I noticed something. My books are in horrible shape. I break the spines as I read. I dog ear the pages. And some of them are a smidge water logged from being read in the hot tub. Or in the pool. Or they were used as a coaster.And then I looked at the books Rhea sent to me. And they are pristine. The spines look brand new.
The pages are immaculate. There are no cheeto fingerprints anywhere. Rhea, I hope you don't mind my sloppy seconds.
So...what kind of reader are you? Are you a book snob or a book slob?
Book Slob for sure. My poor mother in law probably hates it when I borrow her books. But a good book just isn't the same if you can't enjoy your favorite food with it too.
ReplyDeleteI'm a book snob. I like my books in pristine condition and treat them very well. No spills, no rips, no missing pages. Glad to know you're an avid reader as well. Are you on GoodReads? If so find me! We need to be friends on there! I'm on there all the time.
ReplyDeletealso... i gave you an award. stop by my blog to pick it up!
Elena--I so agree. If my books are means I didn't get past the second chapter. Slob = well loved?
ReplyDeleteI'm a collector--I collect and gaze at many books and only read a few. i know. I can hear the booing and hissing all the way over here---
ReplyDeleteSydney--I am not on Good reads. I think I have looked at it before though. I'll have to check it out again. And thanks for the award!
ReplyDeleteCindySue--Collecting books is good. I think. For Barnes and Noble anyway. Are you still reading "Sin in the second City?" I finished it at the pool. It is *SO* waterlogged. It was okay...not nearly as good as "Devil in the White City."
Love this,'s a great conversation starter.
ReplyDeleteAre we being honest here? 'Cause I will TOTALLY break out my fangirl status and admit to being a total book SLOB, particularly when it comes to my favorites. My all-time fave, "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin has been dog-eared, marked in, has notes in the margins, passages name it.
And then the Twilight Saga? Girl...I certain parts underlined, with the page number referenced in the back. Yeah--I am THAT kind of a nerd. Some of the stuff Edward and Bella say to each other just SLAYS me. It's so good. I have to be able to find what I'm looking for on a moment's the Twilight books look like one of my old college literature textbooks.
Are you scared of me now? Or impressed?
Hmmm, the REAL question ought to be: What kind of reader are YOU (Kat) going to be with Rhea's books??? (assuming you're supposed to return them?!?)
ReplyDeleteI'm both a snob and a slob. How sad is this?: for my real favorites ... I like to have a reader copy (to be a slob with and curl up in bed with and take to the beach with and take in the bath with) AND a first edition (that gets put in a fancy plastic slipcover and put on a shelf to increase in investment value year after year (ha!). I don't actually have many that are worth anything. But I do have Chamber of Secrets that's worth a pretty penny or two now.
I'm still waiting on my book package, Kat!! I WANT TO READ THE SMUTTY BOOKS!! Now.
ReplyDeleteI'm a book slob most of the time. I love to read while eating, so I usually get food on my books.
And, I don't mind if you mess up the books I sent you...and you don't have to return them.
Oh, yes, I totally dog-ear pages also. My boys give me a hard time about that.
BTW, I just read the Twilight series this last week while in Houston.
ReplyDeleteI totally fell IN LOVE. Amazing. Wonderful books.
I can't wait till the last one comes out! And, I just saw a teaser trailer for the looks hot.
Will you still be willing to loan me books? I am a book slob. I put them face down open to my page. I read while eating breakfast. I take them to the beach....
ReplyDeleteI'm a total book slob. I break the spines, dog ear pages and drip all kinds of food items on them. They were meant to be enjoyed dammit! That means reading while eating, at the beach, the pool, in bed, on the couch, while waiting in line to pick up your kid at school, while at a stop light, know, the normal places!
ReplyDeleteI've read half of it, but not sure if anything is going to happen to interst me anymore. I think I get the gist of it.
ReplyDeleteI'm working on reading my collection. really.
Book Slob. Even with library books. I hate book marks. I would rather bend the page a little. And I totally break the spine. That's why I like hard backs. I just don't love the price.
ReplyDeleteI used to be a book snob and I guess in some ways I still am. But, I'm a total dog-earred page convert and I have been known to ruin a book jacket or 2. If I read more, I'm sure I would tons more practice with being a slob.
ReplyDeleteLula--I am impressed. While I am reading - especially if it's one that I am going to talk about at book club - I want to write notes or mark up the pages. But usually I am too lazy. Meaning I am in my recliner or in bed and don't want to get up to find a pen.
ReplyDeleteSusan--Thank goodness I don't have to return them. And I am not one to hold on to books. If I actually buy them it's because the library doesn't have them...and then I usually pass them on. I would have issues with borrowing a book from a book snob. I am not sure that I am capable of not breaking a spine as I read. Or laying it open on the couch while I go do something else. Or get dorito cheese on it...
I do feel sorry for people borrowing books from the library after I have read them. I will refrain from taking library books into water. But the sorta happens!
Rhea--Let me introduce myself. My name is Kat. I am the queen of random drivel. And the grand poo-bah of procrastination. Your books are boxed. And in my kitchen. I was going to take them last night when I went to office depot...but I was in such a rush to get away from my children...I forgot to bring the box.
I'll get it in the mail today. I promise. Really. I think.
I'm a total book snob. I'm so careful with them! When I loan my books out to people, I always throw in "Please be careful with my baby!"
ReplyDeleteRhea--if you profess to be a book slob...why are your books sooo pretty? I was thinking that you were going to gasp in horror when you received your box from me.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked the Twilight books. They are fun, huh?! I cannot wait for Breaking Dawn. Two weeks. Or a little longer if you are me. And you are number 270something on the wait list...
Gwyneth--I am happy to lend you books. And because I don't want them can do whatever you want with it! (You should see the state of my laptop keyboard. It is gross...full of crumbs! Kinda like the floor of my van)
Mama Dawg--Oh, I am sooo bad about reading in my car! If I am really into a book (which is usually) it goes everywhere with me. So, I crave red lights then :-)
CindySue--It wasn't as tittilating as the title suggests :-) What I thought was interesting is that all the reformers work on white slavery is what got them asking questions about what women were making in legitmate jobs. And that is where we get a federal minimum wage from...Read "Sex Lives of Cannibals." It'll give you some much needed levity.
Gina--I can just never keep up with book marks. My kids love to look at them in the bookstore. Have you seen how much they charge for those babies?! They are like 5 bucks each! I just dog ear the pages - or put the down with the pages open.
ReplyDeleteAngie--I've never been a snob...but I can easily see how a snob could come to the dark side. (That just sounds wrong!) How are you ruining the book jackets? If I have bought a hard back...I usually take off the jacket when I am reading it. I suppose I can then disguise my slobbery when I put it back on the shelf.
Apple--You would so not want to lend me a book. And I'd be so nervous about borrowing one!
Kat, sometimes I read books SO fast that they don't have time to be destroyed. Seriously. I'm a fast, fast reader.
ReplyDeleteBut, I promise, most my books are a mess.
BTW, I leave next Tuesday for a family reunion trip to a river resort. I hope my reading material arrives by then!! hehe all of Sarah Dessen's books are pristine?! Well...I promise they will have water stains and cheeto marks before you know it.
ReplyDeleteRhea--Are you working on your comment count? :-)
ReplyDeleteI will get those books to you. I need to go out and get some things for my consignment sale, so I can mail the books. Are you going to hide some of them? Since you won't even post on your blog what smut you are currently reading for fear of "outing" yourself to your grandmother.
I love that no one has commented on exactly what you are getting. Just on the snob/slob stuff...
i didn't know about the miniumum wage link--that is interesting. perhaps I'll finish it.
ReplyDeletecannibals is okay so far--i can't believe there is a place like this on earth!
No, I won't hide them, I promise! I'll even do a post about it, in your honor. hehe
ReplyDeleteBTW, looks like a great selection. I can't wait to get started.
Have you read any Meg Cabot books? She's fun.
I'm a book snob for sure. I hate to admit that, but I'll spend the bo-jillion dollars just to buy the hardback so I don't get those wrinkles on the spine. However, I am a very good friend and always give my books away. Except for the Twilight series. People have to go buy their own.
ReplyDeleteHardcover books I'm a snob about. Paperback books I'm a slob about -- I'll even dogear the pages of a paperback. *gasp* THE HORROR!
ReplyDeleteSnob I guess. I ay this bc I nag my students not to bend the cover of paperbacks around to do the 1 hand hold and don't bend the corners to mark pages. This is bc I have to stretch the use of books. I think this has just slipped into my book behavior. So why not a smutty book list??? I still have 2 weeks off. hehehe
ReplyDeleteI totally abuse my books, especially the smutty ones :)
ReplyDeleteKat...big confession...I've never been a huge reader, gasp....take a breath...I know, I do so hope that I am still invited to read your blog! I love reading magazines if that counts?? My "spare" time these days...I READ blogs! I hope I'm not too much of a loser :( What would you recommend?? I'll give it a shot! Oh yikes, did I just commit to something?
ReplyDeleteI like to say that I Love my books.
ReplyDeleteThey have that homey lived in look after I get done with them. Not that I'm ever done with them because I have several that I read over and over and over and over again (some of those titles I have several copies of as well, every copy well loved)
I'm a snob. A big snob. I get so annoyed when I get a slobby library book.
ReplyDeleteIs Dessen young adult? I love those covers!
I'm a bit of a book slob. My books are all well loved.
ReplyDeleteI have bought the Twilight series, after seeing the good reviews it got in bloggy land. I picked up some of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books at our local libraries book sale .... then I saw a comment from Heather, I think, saying that you had recommended them. So I pretty much knew I'd done the right thing in buying them. :-) I'm really enjoying them so far.
I try not to be, but I'm a book slob. I do use a bookmark so I don't dog-ear pages. But I break spines all the time (ooo that sounds gruesome!).
ReplyDeleteCindySue--That link is mentioned in a single paragraph in the last chapter. How far are you into Sex Lives?
ReplyDeleteRhea--I'm thinking of doing my Thursday Thirteen on the books I sent you. Maybe. Or one of your other suggestions. Who am I kidding? I need to figure out Wednesday's post first.
Heather--Do you keep books because you read them again?
Tali--What I like about the hardbacks is that you can be a slob about them...and it's not as noticable. I don't know how anyone can read a paperback and not break the spine.
IM--What is your favorite smutty book?
Staci--Blogging has certainly dug into my normal reading time. Last year I read 260ish books. But now that I blog...I am not sure that I have even read 50 so far this year. And I'd be happy to suggest something. And something fun. But, maybe you should give me a better idea of what you would think would be fun.
Judy--Welcome! When I was younger, I used to read and re-read books. Now...I find so many that I want to read I don't have time to go back to my favorites. Sometimes I'll reread if my book club picks one I've already read...but that has been a while since I finished it. What do you like to read and re-read?
FN--I am one of those people that you don't want to read after. And I am usually on top of when things are I am one of the first ones to get my grubby paws on new releases at the library. I apologize for all library using book slobs. And Dessen is Young Adult.
Karen--JR Ward's series is fab! And wonderfully smutty. I am reading the newest title right now - "Lover Enshrined." And for some reason, Library Thing won't show the cover in my "pile."
I'm a book slob, for sure! I even dog ear library books :D
ReplyDeleteI will admit that there are some books that I'm nicer to, and it generally has to do with the feel of the paper. I love the heavier, rougher papers (as opposed to the lightweight paper that most books are made out of these days) - and I'll take very good care of these.
I'm a book slob, for sure! I even dog ear library books :D
ReplyDeleteI will admit that there are some books that I'm nicer to, and it generally has to do with the feel of the paper. I love the heavier, rougher papers (as opposed to the lightweight paper that most books are made out of these days) - and I'll take very good care of these.
I'm a book slob, for sure! I even dog ear library books :D
ReplyDeleteI will admit that there are some books that I'm nicer to, and it generally has to do with the feel of the paper. I love the heavier, rougher papers (as opposed to the lightweight paper that most books are made out of these days) - and I'll take very good care of these.
Oops, sorry about that! Nothing happened the first time I clicked the button so I hit it again - didn't know it would post twice!
ReplyDeleteYou know, you *could* post the titles of the your really smutty books and get "Thank You" notes from a lot of husbands ;D
I'm a Librarian...I take care of books for a living so my books are in pretty good shape.
ReplyDeleteI do have extra copies of books I particularly love and write comments in the margins and dog ear the pages in the paperback versions.
I left you an award on my blog.:-)
I have to admit that I am a book snob. I like them nice and neat when I put them back on the shelf and I hate when I loan them out and they come back, if they even come back, all slobby!
ReplyDeleteI'm just a bit of a slob. Not too bad though.
ReplyDeleteJust barely into 50 pages maybe. I have't picked it up in a few weeks. What to do what to do what to do....
ReplyDeleteyour weather kept Mike in the air and diverted last night while trying to get from dc to Montgomery. brutal. i hope it was just rain for you...
Just barely into 50 pages maybe. I have't picked it up in a few weeks. What to do what to do what to do....
ReplyDeleteyour weather kept Mike in the air and diverted last night while trying to get from dc to Montgomery. brutal. i hope it was just rain for you...
BOTH! When I love a book, I'll take it with me everywhere... into the bath, crammed in my purse when I go somewhere, into bed with me, to the breakfast table to get coffee spilled on it... slob extraordinaire. BUT when I borrow a book, I kill myself reading it in such a way as to not crack the spine, even. Because I hate hate hate when I loan someone a book and she ruins it!
ReplyDeletelol I'm a total book slob. My Nana always teased me because I cannot seem to read sitting up straight. I'm always sprawled somewhere, covered in a blanket, a bazillion pillows around me, my book in front of my nose. My books get cracked, smudged and broken in, because I love them. And the things I love get worn from the constant use. Like a baby blanket. My mom always got on me for my 'bookmarks'. I've used kleenx, t.p., candy wrappers, scrap paper, napkins, hard candy, blankets, socks, various slightly flat toys .. and if nothing is in sight, I just glance at the number and close it up. My husband marvels at how quickly I can find where I was again without any markers.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, everything about the way I read is slobby. But it's comfortable, and I like it :o)