Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Sea Oats

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  1. Beautiful photos!

    Still jealous...


  2. Just a little...that picture was taken in December a little paradise right now would be welcome. ~sigh~


  3. WOW !!

    You are such a talented photographer, Kat. I so enjoy your photos. Makes me almost feel a though I was there. :-)

  4. Karen--Thanks so much. I *love* taking pictures. I always have. I remember trying to be "arty" or creative with it even when I had an instamatic!

  5. Great photos! Makes me want to be there!

  6. I am so glad you won the fight with your beach internet! Beautiful!


  7. I'm closing my eyes and smelling the salty air!


  8. Are you really wordless today???
    Great photos! I love the oat close up

  9. IM--I know. I'm wordless. Shocking isn't it. I think the salt has corroded my brain. I gotta think up some words for tomorrow so I can see if it still functions.

  10. So jealous, what great pictures!

  11. Back to truly WORDLESS huh? I love when people find beauty in the little things that mot would not see. These pic are just that. Great pic.

  12. I just noticed that you're reading the Midwife's Apprentice. I loved that book. The audiobook is wonderful. My fav part is when the villager see the devil's footprints. Tell me what you think of it.
    Oh, and last night I saw a teaser of the Twilight movie. It looked pretty good and accurate.

  13. Holy cow! Wordless (for real) Wednesday for you. I guess with photos like that there isn't much more to say. So beautiful and relaxing.

  14. haha- you must've been doing some wordy gems since you're being praised at actually being wordless! :) Don't worry- yours is one of the few that I'll be going back to catch up on all the posts I missed. :)

    Beautiful pics, though!

  15. Are those things edible? :-)

    Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. You really captured the moments and the scenery. It's as if I'm there too.

  16. Joye--Thanks. Everyone knows that I walk a slower, different path. Just for the photos.

    I just finished that chapter in the book! Alyce is so very clever. I need to get Katie to read this one, too. But at the moment she's obsessed with "Warriors."

    Elena--I'm laughing at all the comments noting my lack of words. I suppose I have to tow the line every once in a while.

    Nissa--Glad to see you! I can't imagine how long it will take you to catch up. And being one of the chosen few. My ego always needs a little stroking...

    Romi--Ummm...I don't think so. But then again...who figured out how to make oats useable/edible anyway?

  17. Will you adopt me so I can go to the Island with you next year?!

  18. It looks as though you are still enjoying the beach !!!! I'm glad to be back bloggin' and catchin up on all my fav's! Thanks for checking in on me :)

  19. Beautiful sea oats!! very nice pictures. You were actually wordless! I'm impressed.

  20. Why can't I take phots like that?????? Maybe I need to stop peeing in the wind and start snappig pics in the wind.

    Love it!

  21. Kelly--I believe the adoption line is quite long :-) Especially after my two weeks of heaven post. But...we usually do bring friends with us. Makes it easier when the girlies are entertained.

    Staci--We are still at the beach. But reality comes back this weekend. We are putting as much beach time in as we can. But today was kinda overcast. Glad your hand is feeling better. I'm still saying you need to teach the kiddos to type.

    Rhea--That is the big news of today. That I am wordless. Shocking, huh? Not much to say about the sea oats. 'Cept they are pretty.

    TC--Thanks for coming over! My third male commenter this week. And ever. Cool. And I was asked by my daughter's friend Diana this week "do you take pictures of everything?" Ummm...yes, yes I do. Cause I blog. And I like to take pictures. And I like details. Lots of details...

  22. Kat, your photos are gorgeous! And btw, LRRH responded to your question!!

  23. Hey, Princess Kat, who doesn't have to iron- or do any sort of laundry, I wish I was in your shoes right now, cuz sandals full of sand are way better than Tevas full of demolition debris.
    Crack me up that you were commenting just as fast as I could post today!

  24. Lovely photos. Hope you are relaxing and having fun.

  25. SIGH...

    And in other news, have you noticed our counter is below the 200 mark? Hallelujah!

  26. Great photos Kat!! I've missed all of you. Summer travel has been fun... but crazy. Those sea oats are cool!! That reminds me... I need to eat some breakfast!! I'll have oatmeal in homor of your Wordless Wednesday post!! ~Jill :)

  27. It's amazing that flowers can bloom in sand and wind. *big sigh* I want to go to the beach.

  28. Gina--It was funny yesterday. I was sitting here checking on my reader and one popped up. So I read and commented. Marked as read. And then you were there again. I thought something was wrong with reader. Read and commented. And then another popped up. But with a child demanding her time on the computer I moved on. Wasn't sure how many more you were going to add!

    Lizzie--Welcome! And because my curiosity runs rampant - how did you find me?

    Lula--Our vacay is winding down. But it's still quite fabulous. I need to run a million and one pics through photoshop and figure out what I can post today. And I did a happy dance when our counter moved into the hundreds. It's not ticking down quite fast enough...

    Jill--We have both been very beach this summer, huh? But I think you have done far more excursions! Enjoy your oatmeal. I prefer to just look at mine :-)

    Heather--Those white flowers are *everywhere* here. In the sand. They are so pretty. And I haven't noticed them before.

  29. If you keep posting pix of the beach, I'll be forced to take my own trip! Which wouldn't be too bad, except for the danged price of gas.

  30. I am really missing the beach!!!!!


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