Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weekend Whimsies

After much deliberation. Pondering. And consideration. I decided that the Friday Follies have a new day. And a new title. Let me introduce the Weekend Whimsies.

Whimsy: (hwĭm'zē) n. pl. whim·sies also whim·seys

1. An odd or fanciful idea; a whim.

2. A quaint or fanciful quality

Seems to fit. And off we you know that I forgot to answer my own questions last week?

Exerciser or couch potato?

Read a newspaper or get your news online?

Watch Olympics or boycott?

When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk?

Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you?

What TV show did you love...but then got canceled?

Favorite board game?

carpet, hardwood, or tile?

Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog?

Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?
(Many thanks to Joye! I have stolen some of her questions from her Copy Kat posts!)

post signature


  1. I like "Weekend Whimsies"!

    Exerciser or couch potato? Couch potato trying to reform

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? read online

    Watch Olympics or boycott?

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? bus

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? Snow White with my Nana when I was 5

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? "Dead Like Me" - I even signed a petition to get it back dice :(

    Favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit - I'm not really that into board games hence my boring answer!

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? hardwood

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? Honestly it depends on the topic. I've never gotten a response to a topic via e-mail. Sometime when you are addressed back in a comment section it's like you got picked to go to the head of the class so that's kinda cool (I'm still 12 at heart :)

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?
    Any place I can get Mexican, I'm a happy I guess I would say, Chili's

  2. I posted my answers on my blog. Thanks!

  3. Hey - I remembered to answer my own questions today. Of course I am doing it to procrastinate things I need to do this morning.

    Couch potato at heart. But I actually found an exercise that I LOVE - and that's water aerobics. I kinda got off track over the summer, but Monday is the registration for the new fall session. And I can't wait to get back to it with all the seniors.

    I actually read a newspaper. Every day. Gives me a warm fuzzy. Even though most of the news is old by the time I read it. Because my husband gets his online and tells me what I am missing while I live under the rock of homeschooling and blogging.

    Kinda neither. I have watched a few things. And the opening ceremonies was just incredible. Or the 15 minutes I watched was. But...usually I am reading, or dealing with kids, or blogging, or something...and tv always takes a backseat.

    My mom always drove me to school in the mornings. In one of the apartments where we lived, we walked. In another, we rode the bus. And when I got to high school I DESPISED riding the bus. I would even hang out till 5 or 6 so that a friend of mine who was part of the newspaper staff could drive me home. Or I would guilt my dad into coming to pick me up. Or something. Anything to get out of riding the bus.

    I was 2. And it was a Benji movie. Katie and Madalyn were both 2 as well. Katie's first was Tarzan. Madalyn's was Finding Nemo.

    There are LOTS of shows I loved that have gotten canceled. An older one "The Homefront" - set at the end of WWII. Great show. I think it only lasted a season or two. More recently - "John Doe" and the amazing "Arrested Development."

    Trivial Pursuit.

    Hardwood. In our old house, we had put all hardwoods down. And then we moved. There is way too much carpet here. And tile in the kitchen. I want it all gone. Eventually...

    In my own, I try to acknowledge all the comments in the comment section. Somedays when I have been out and about, it's too overwhelming to even think about. And sometimes, like the other day, I accidentally left out STACI when responding. So, sorry! I like to read them in the comment section - because sometimes people ask questions that I would like the answer to as well.

    Hmmm. At Applebees I always order the same thing - the Oriental chicken wrap. And it is to die for. But O'Charley's makes the best rolls. I am such a carb freak. Which is suppose a good thing as I am doing carb free. And even lost a little over 11 pounds the first week. Just a few million more to go...(or so it seems!)

  4. Exerciser or couch potato? - Used to be a couch potato, but now I'm an exerciser. mainly walking and biking and some hand weights at home.

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? - Both. I like sitting down and reading the paper for the local stuff. I read the NZ news sites online though.

    Watch Olympics or boycott? - I've watched some of the events, like the swimming and the gymnastics. I've been a bit disapointed that they haven't shown some of the sailing and rowing events, well at least not at a time I can watch. NZ just one it's first gold medal in the rowing. YAAAAYYY!!

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? - Walked or rode my bike.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? - Don't remember going to the movies as a very young child. When we moved to Matamata, when I was about 10, friends and I would go to the Satursay matinee. First one I remember seeing was a Cliff Richard movie ... maybe 'Summer Holiday'. In those days, half a crown (2 shillings and 6 pence) would get us entry to the movie, an icecream and a packet of jaffas and a fish'n chip meal afterwards. Times have changed!!

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? - There have been a few lately. ER is in it's final season. Friends, Dead Like Me, Jericho ...and a few others that I'nm not awake enough to remember!!

    Favorite board game? - Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly and Aggravation, Scrabble. I can't choose!!!

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? - Hardwood !!! I have dogs and grandkids!

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog?
    - I like being acknowledged in either the comment section or email. I've been a bit bad re my own blog. My latest resolution is to start acknowledging comments!

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)? - Probably Applebees at the moment. Though I also like Red Lobster..

  5. Hooray--Kat's questions are BACK! And I was all worried yesterday, hence my frantic e-mail plea to you. I can do Weekend Whimsies, though--and I'm happy to do so.

    And you have to know this: Supertramp rocks my world. ADORE THEM SO MUCH. Ok, now you know. Here we go...

    Currently an exerciser--for the first time since high school. Writing that just now makes it seem all the more real. Shudder!

    Both--paper and online.

    Haven't watched a single iota of the Olympics. They bore me. Sorry, but true.

    Mama drove me--'til I was 16 and then you know I took myself, even though she taught at my high school & was going there anyway!

    Star Wars--I was about 4 and scared to death of Chewbaca.

    My So-Called Life & Firefly.


    75% of our house is hardwood. The girls' rooms, guest room, and "man's room" are carpet. All the bathrooms are tile. I love our hardwood, but it's dark--shows every speck of dust and dirt. UGH!

    Um...I do both. I answer in the comments a lot, or if it's one of "regular peeps" I do e-mail. Or, as Kat can attest, I pick up the phone and say, "Let's chat!" I type fast, but talk faster.

    Olive Garden or California Pizza Kitchen (does that count? My most favorite salad in the world comes from there.)

  6. Probably more of a couch potato, need to be better about thatn.

    I just watch the 10 o'clock news while laying in bed.

    Watch....LOVE the Olympics.

    Rode the buse in elementary then my parents gave me an old beater of a car for highschool.

    I think it was Annie. I remember getting dressed up and everything.

    I can't remember the name right now, but it was just a couple of seasons ago with John Ritter's son.


    More of a carpet lover, but hardwood is nice too.

    Comments, I love to come back and read all the responses to everyone. I try to comment back on my own, but sometimes it just doesn't happen.

    Applebees blonde brownie/ Chili's White Molton Lava Now after reading your comment about low carb I have to ask what diet you're doing. I've been trying one too, but I kind of fell of the horse. Need to get back on. Best of luck to you!! Maybe you can share some of your low carb meal ideas. :)

  7. Hey-
    I like the new day/title. Well done...

    Both. But I'm more naturally a potato ... with a good book in my hands...



    Car ride

    yes! Bambi when I was three. And Mom & Dad left my younger brother at home with a sitter. I thought I was just the cat's pajamas.

    The Mole. ABC bastards (they cancelled it mid-season and never played the remaining episodes). And then they revived it later as Celebrity Mole. Which totally sucked donkeys. In so many ways and on so many levels and completely missed the whole point of what makes The Mole so special. So I was happy to have The Mole back this summer ... without celebrities. But, gosh, I miss Anderson Cooper as the host. (hmmm, I'm sure that's way more info than you really want on a whimsy post)

    I kinda like card games best. Board games, I tolerate.

    I know it's kinda white trash, but I like carpet. I like SOFT under my feet, and I prefer to vacuum than to sweep. But I have all three in my house. Tile because we have a big DOG and big dogs can leave nasty deep scratches in wood. Hardwood in closets (because if I ever re-carpet the house, I do NOT wish to empty the closets). And carpet in family room & bedrooms. (again, more info than necessary. geesh, what has come over me this morning????)

    I don't care much. Whichever way seems most appropriate to blog author is totally fine by me. For me, I usually just answer in the comments.

    Hmmm, I don't really like Applebee type restaurants. I much prefer cheap, whole-in-the-wall tacqueria type places. Or In n Out Burger.

  8. still thinking about exercising.
    love the swimming--we tune in a yell at the TV as a family every night so far.
    all of the above--and sometimes on the same day
    either Bambi, Snow White, or Dumbo. I remember going to Bambi and being terrified and wanting to leave but when Mom would get up to leave I would chnage my mind. i think we made it through the entire movie.
    Hot Shots--last season, was great eye candy with funny quips and absurd characters. i was terribly sad to see it get cancelled.
    coment section
    Olive Garden

    thanks for starting this whimsy thing-LOVE it!

  9. My own Fairy BlogMother...of sorts...forgetting ME in her comments! How do I go on? I'm so crushed I don't even know if I can pull myself together to participate in your Weekend Whimsicals...big sigh...
    Okay, I'll try... (you do know I'm kidding, right!?)
    Couch potato at heart...but I am doing better at exercising


    Watching mainly swimming and a little gymnastics...but still, would rather be reading blogs:) GO USA though!

    I lived with my grandparents starting at the age of 12...they literally lived right down the road from the school...but my grandfather would always drive me...can you say spoiled? (I did walk if it was a PERFECTLY beautiful wind..ya know, it would mess up my hair I'd worked so hard on :) Oh and when I got a car...I actually RAN OUT OF GAS right in front of the high school and my grandfather WALKED up there with one of those red thingies filled with gas...only after he made me leave my car there for all my friends to ask me why...did I mention it was also the day of the National Honor Society meeting that I was President of ??? Oh did I survive?

    Close was my sister's b/d and I still remember the little boy saying...
    "Good-Bye". I'm not sure how old I was...I guess I could figure it out if I knew what year that came out...I'm too lazy to look :)

    Gosh...I can't remember the name of was a couple of Fall's ago...he was a blind cop...I guess Brian and I were the only people who watched it though...we thought it good :) (Blind Justice maybe...I dunno...I think the guy is cute too...Chad someone-or-another?)



    I think I prefer acknowledging them in the comment section...but this is a sad subject for me right now...unless they forget...oh, I'm tearing up as I type. (Again, kidding :) I try to leave comments in the comment section on my own blog.

    We love Chili's...cause you can be loud and no one cares! Not that I let my boys me obnoxious or anything...I just like to know that we won't be looked at with raised eyebrows or anything, ya know!

    Kat---you truly are THE BEST at returning comments in your comment section...and I am NOT kidding about that :) Big Hug! Have a great weekend everyone!

  10. Yay for Weekend Whimsies!!!

    couch potato

    online mostly but we do get the Sunday paper

    watching the Olympics

    I've done all... ride the bus, ride in a car, walk

    I think it was ET; I would have been 6

    Once and Again... I LOVED this show!

    I like the Scene It? trivia games

    We have tile in our kitchen and baths, carpet everywhere else. But I would really like to put in hardwood.

    I've done both... acknowledge someone's comments in my own comment section or responded via email. I don't have a preference, it just depends on if the commenter has their email on their profile or not.

    Probably Olive Garden

  11. Trying so hard to be an exerciser...not working so well.

    Online newspaper...but not everyday. Too depressing.

    No Olympics for me...just not that into it.

    A combo of bus and car...depending on the school/age.

    The first movie I remember was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I had to have some scan done that required me to sleep during the day so my mom took me to a late showing to keep me up!

    Will & Grace


    Comments, email, doesn't matter to me

    Olive Garden/Cheeseburger in Paradise/Ruby Tuesday!

  12. I'm so glad you found a way to continue to entertain us, you blog stalkers ;D

    As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I'm a couch potato. But I *am* trying really, really hard to change my sluggish ways ;D

    Online. I only read the paper for local happenings and the adds.

    Watch Olympics (an Oregon homeschool graduate won bronze in fencing :)

    Rode the bus when I went to public school, then in a car when I went to an alternative school.

    The first movie that I can *remember* seeing was Star Wars when I was 5.

    Firefly - hence my blog name!

    Trivial Pursuit, but nobody will play it with me. I'm the queen of useless information!

    We currently have all three in various areas of the house.

    It's nice to have some kind of acknowledgement, in whatever form. I usually do in the cmment section of my own blog.

    If I had to pick a large chain restaurant, it would be Cracker Barrel (I so wish we had one here!) Of restaurants we actually go to around here, it would be Greek Cuisina.

  13. I love the new title. It is great and Whimsies is much more fun. Thanks for giving me time to take a break and to ponder these questions. I just posted it on my blog.

  14. excersisor except when I am on the couch.

    newspaper, but now that I am blogging, I have less time (or interest) in reading the paper. Shame too, it's a dying medium.

    Olympics, although I am sick of the jingoistic broadcast.

    walked, rode the bus, or drove....depending on my age, and where we lived.

    First movie was Blazing Saddles. With my brother and his friend. That is the first one I remember.

    Loved Mad About You...Friends, Six Feet Under. I think these shows more ran their course rather than cancelled in the raw sense of cancellation because they were bad.

    Backgammon, or Trivial Pursuit

    Hardwood, tile in the wet rooms, though. Hate carpet - love rugs.

    Either acknowledgement is fine. I just love acknowledgement of any kind.

    Don't like either Applebees or Chilis.. Whatever happened to Ground Round? We do like Macaroni Grill for family dining. Who doesn't love coloring on your table? And, the food is decent for kids and adults.

  15. Exerciser or couch potato? I try to exercise, but I like to sit!

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? newspaper

    Watch Olympics or boycott? not boycotting, but not really watching much of it.

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? all 3-walked to K-4, bus 4-10, rode with friends 11 & 12

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? no memory of that

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? My So-Called Life

    Favorite board game? Scattergories

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? carpet these days. Hardwood someday

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? Comment section works for me.

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?

  16. Exerciser or couch potato?

    The second, though i'd like to be the first.

    Read a newspaper or get your news online?
    online, and noe the Washington post :)

    Watch Olympics or boycott?
    Watch when we can. We saw that incredible swimming finish while in the hotel in Richmond last night. Whoa.

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk?
    Walk. All grades.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you?

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled?
    ? Party of Five?

    Favorite board game?
    Sorry, cause i don't like long games.

    carpet, hardwood, or tile?
    we have heart of pine, and i love them.

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog?
    doesn't matter, really. i guess i respond in kind -- email if the comment was in email or in comments if that's where the comment was.

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?

    Johnny Carino's? Macaroni Grill? Don't tend to go to any chain restaurant much other than Moe's. Ate at a Moe's in SC, and they had to cook up the tofu -- seems no one there orders tofu.

  17. Exerciser or couch potato?
    A couch potato that wishes she was an exerciser. But I absolutely *love* water aerobics, too. I think I will go on Monday, if I feel well. Thanks for inspiring me!

    Read a newspaper or get your news online?
    Online-- can't stand wasting paper.

    Watch Olympics or boycott?
    TOTALLY watching. I am such a fan.

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk?
    In elementary, I rode the bus-- was even a PATROL, which meant I could stand up. (That seems ridiculous to me now, and against All That I Am About!) I rode the bus in High School until tenth grade, when we moved to a neighborhood not half a mile from the school. Then I rode with somebody until I could drive myself.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you?
    I don't, but I remember the first R-RATED movie I saw in the theatre-- my mom *loved* Flashdance, and took me to see it!

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled?
    Let's see... Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, NewsRadio, Millennium, My So-Called Life, Beauty & the Geek, The Wire

    Favorite board game?

    carpet, hardwood, or tile?
    We have carpet, but I want hardwood ASAP.

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog?
    Because my blog is on myspace, I comment on the blog. I have no preference as to how bloggers acknowledge my comments-- don't really feel they have to-- I'm just a grateful reader!

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?
    Not as big a chain as Applebee's or Chili's, but my absolute favorite is Houston's. I've ordered the same exact thing every single time since I started going there (which I think was back in the late 70s, if I'm not mistaken). We go about two or three times a month.

    Otherwise, I like Chili's sometimes.

  18. Exerciser or couch potato?
    I'd like to think exerciser (cough, cough)
    Read a newspaper or get your news online?
    Watch Olympics or boycott?
    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk?
    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you?
    Storm Boy when I was 8. We had just moved to Australia from East Africa.
    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled?
    No sure... I can't remember
    Favorite board game?
    carpet, hardwood, or tile?
    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog?
    In the comment section definitely.
    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?
    I can't answer this as I am not sure what Applebees etc are - I like Thai restaurants.

  19. Exerciser or couch potato? Exerciser

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? I read the Sunday paper all week long. I get some news online.

    Watch Olympics or boycott? Not really boycotting, but it just bores me.

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? Bus (hated it)

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? Bambi. My sister cried.

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? St. Elsewhere

    Favorite board game? Yahtzee (because I really like yelling "Yahtzee!!" because I BEAT EVERYBODY!!! It's all in the wrist)

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? Hardwood

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? Either way, but it is kinda cool to get an email

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?
    Cheesecake Factory, with the 1800 calorie cheesecakes slices/hunks

  20. To the other "Dead Like Me" fans on here (Kelly, Karen) - they've made a direct-to-DVD movie that was originally supposed to be released this summer, but they've pushed it back to 2009. So we'll be enjoying some more reaper fun soon!

  21. Couch potato
    Watch Olympics
    Rode in a car
    Hard to think back that far...probably a Disney movie
    Here Come the Brides
    I answer comments on my blog.
    Mimi's Cafe

  22. Thanks for that info 'Firefly Mom' about 'Dead Like Me' ... I'kll be watching out for it!!!

    Oh, I should of added 'SG1' to my list of favourite TV shows that ave been canecelled. I was really bummed out about that one!!! At least they made two movies, which helped wrap up storylines!!

  23. I've always been an exerciser but give me a good book and I'm a couch potato. Since having kids, I've been all over the place...couch potato during nursing days, more active now, back and forth depending on what I have time for.

    I read news online...sporadically. I'm not a regular news reader but I do have CNN ALERTS subscribed to my email so I find out IMPORTANT news. lol

    I'm trying to watch as much Olympics as possible, because I really enjoy it.

    I went to private school and my parents drove me. No bus.

    I do not remember the first movie I saw in the theatre.

    I loved Dresden Files and it was cancelled. That's the most recent TV show I can think of that this happened to.

    I love Blokus and Sequence right now. I enjoy Monopoly when I'm in the right mood. :o)

    I love carpet but hate cleaning it. I'd prefer hardwood or tile over it anyday in my own home but I mainly have carpet here in our rental house...and some tile.

    I think I prefer most blog suthors to respond to comments in the comment section. I've been trying both on my blog.

    I don't know. We so rarely eat out. I like Chili's. I like TGI Fridays.

    I can't believe you didn't answer your own questions last time! Bad Kat!!

  24. What a great name for the weekends.

    Exerciser or couch potato? COUCH POTATO I like the computer.

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? Newspaper on weekends, news online during the week

    Watch Olympics or boycott?Watch the Olympics

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? Ride the bus and rode my bike every once in a while

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you?
    I saw Bednobs and Broomsticks, I think I was about 10 years old

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled?
    I really liked Melrose Place

    Favorite board game?

    carpet, hardwood, or tile?

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? I love reading the comments. I do a little of everything on my blog. Recipes/complaining/diary

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)?

  25. I did not fall off the face of the earth!! hehehe
    -couch potato wishing she would exercise every once in a while!
    -neither-Read a newspaper nor get your news online. I watch the news on TV
    -Watch Olympics!
    - walked or rode bike in k-6, bus in middle and HS until I was too cool and caight ride from friends and finally got a car!
    -no idea about the first movie YOU saw in the theatre.
    -I loved Six Feet UNder...but then got ended.
    -Favorite board game- Pictionary
    -I like acknowledgment though the comment section. I try to do that too.
    -Favorite restaurant Chili's! We meet there for "faculty meetings" and margaritas!
    I was flattered that you liked some of my questions.

  26. Oh girl... I was going to just dart in, read a few of your posts... now you're making me have to think? My brain is fried after two weeks of Disney!! Forgive me for not answering all of them. Let's see what I can muster up...

    Benji? I think that is first movie I can remember seeing in a theatre. I cried and cried.

    Fav board game? Apples to Apples

    I think its fun for a blog author to acknowledge in the comments... you are a pro at that!! I should issue you an award.

    I love Chili's... the food is consistent. The chicken tacos have tasted the same for twenty years and I love that.

    I'm a "sit at the computer" potato... not much into being healthy, working out... gag!

    Read the sale ads of the newspaper... love catalogs and magazines.

    Love to watch the Olympics... these athletes have worked so hard to get there. Got to support them.

    Walked and rode in a car to school... later rode the bus during middle school. Then drove to school in high school.

    Hardwood and tile...

    So sorry I've been MIA in Blogland... it's been crazy around here. Calgon!! Take me away.

    ~Jill :)

  27. Great new title! Here are my answers.

    I aspire to be an exerciser, but I just aspire from my permanent couch potato spot.

    I get about half from my morning paper and half online.

    I've watched the Olympics sparingly. Mostly because hubby is obsessed and my laptop is located in front of the t.v. in my couch potato spot.

    My parents drove me to school every morning. I've only ridden a school bus on field trips.

    The first movie I remember seeing was The Empire Strikes Back when I was 4 yrs old.

    Recently, I loved Big Shots. And those punks at ABC canned it. There were some VERY cute guys in that cast. Hmm...that gives me an idea.

    I love Monopoly. It's a classic. I also love Cranium.


    I prefer an email, just because I forget to go back to the comments of all the blogs I follow. I try to email all my commenters, but have been failing miserably here lately.

    My favorite chain type restaurant is O'Charleys.

  28. Exerciser or couch potato? EXERCISER! HATE SITTING STILL FOR TOO LONG!

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? TALK RADIO BABY!


    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? ALL OF THEM AT SOME POINT. IT VARIED FROM YEAR TO YEAR.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? XANADU. THINK I WAS 4 OR 5.

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND.



    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? IF IT INVOLVES SOMETHING PERSONAL, I PREFER EMAIL. I TRY AND HIT EVERYONE'S BLOG PERSONALLY TO ANSWER QUESTIONS, BUT AM AWARE OF THOSE WHO ANSWER IN THEIR OWN COMMENT SECTION AND WILL STOP BY AGAIN LATER TO SEE WHAT WAS SAID IF I CAN.

  29. Oh yeah---and I love Macaroni Grill!

  30. Potatoe- with sour cream AND butter.


    Involuntary boycott. If we had cable I would have to really consider this.

    Yes, all 3 at different points along the way.

    Star Wars? Lady and the Tramp? I was really young. We went to the movies a lot.

    The Cosby Show.

    Sequence? Cribbage? I'm more into cards.

    hardwood and tile

    In the comments or not at all. If I aknowledge it is always in the comments.

    Applebees!!!!!! Especially from 3-6 and 9-12 when I can get my favorite nachos with no ground beef and no jalapenos for less than $5!

  31. Exerciser or couch potato? Exerciser

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? Our local paper is local only, so I get national news by TV or online.

    Watch Olympics or boycott? Started out boycotting but I'm in lurv with Mr. Phelps and Ms. Dara Torres, so it was watching all last week.

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? ride the bus for elementary and walk for middle and high.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? A Care Bear movie when I was about 8.

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? Arrested Development

    Favorite board game? Life

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? hardwood

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? I don't care. I rarely leave a comment that deserves a response.

  32. Two days late, but here goes anyway:

    Exerciser or couch potato? Former couch potato, now an exerciser.

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? Online

    Watch Olympics or boycott? Boycott (Hate to say this, but I find them insanely boring.)

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? Combo of all three.

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? I think it was Jaws. I saw it with my parents and sister at a drive-in. I believe I was around 9 or 10.

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? Freaks & Geeks

    Favorite board game? Imaginiff

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? Combo of carpet and tile.

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? No preference. On my blog, I don't even bother with a comments section.

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type)? Uno, Texas Roadhouse, Baja Fresh

    Have a great week, all!

  33. Exerciser or couch potato? Potato, but I'm trying to improve

    Read a newspaper or get your news online? online, for sure

    Watch Olympics or boycott? I meant to boycott, but then decided to watch. I'm wishy washy

    When you were in school, did you ride the bus, ride in a car, or walk? yes, all of the above

    Do you remember the first movie YOU saw in the theatre? What was it and how old were you? Live and Let Die, and I was maybe 4? I remember it, so I think it counts

    What TV show did you love...but then got canceled? that time traveling one from last year, what was it called? Journeyman?

    Favorite board game? Cranium

    carpet, hardwood, or tile? hardwood with throw rugs

    Do you prefer a blog author to acknowledge your comments in the comment section, via email, or not at all? What do you do on your own blog? I acknowledge in the comments section mostly, but I like email comments too

    Favorite restaurant (of the Applebees/Chili's type) None of those- yuck!


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