Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wordy Wednesday: an Homage

And we have a winner! Or as my daughter says "many will enter. One will win." So, many thanks to all of you who played along. Many thanks to all of you who voted. But we have found the Queen's fool:

And it's Teri from Let Me Think On It.

Let me tell you a little about Teri. We have known each other for about 8 years. We met at church. When I used to help out with the craft night. I know what you all are thinking. But that's what they callled it. I would bring my scrapbook supplies on Wednesday nights while our kids were in choir. And the moms would work on albums. Teri would skirt the room. Checking it all out. But she didn't participate.

But then...before I knew it, she became one of my biggest supporters. Launching herself into album making. And telling everyone else that they needed to be doing the same thing.

When I had Madalyn, she gave me a gift of a photo session with her. And I am now blessed with amazing photos of my girls from over the years.

She endured long sessions with me because I have very uncooperative children. The family picture below includes one of my all time favorite pictures of Katie. Now. Then, not so much.In this one, we were trying so hard to get a picture of both girls together. But Madalyn wanted to run. And Katie wanted to watch TV. Finally when I was ready to beat them...Teri offered them some goldfish. And they climbed into her husband's office chair...and a great photo was born. You can see the bag of gold fish they have between them. And then the bottom one of Madalyn. Oh...she had had enough. She was standing at Teri's door. Screaming "bye-bye!"

We did some sessions at her house, and some at mine.

And then we branched out to local parks. And you wouldn't even know that most of these pictures are taken with me smiling. AND threatening my children. Telling them that they had better smile. Pretend to be happy. I think that Gap should have hired us this year.And when my father unexpectedly passed away in December of 2006, she agreed to my strange request of photographing the service. And the all of the guests that came to honor him. And we even managed to get someone to take a picture of us.

A few months ago, I did a give away of scrapbooking supplies here on my blog - and I emailed a few of my friends to tell them to enter the contest. I think that was Teri's first taste of the drug that is blogging. She read my blog. She got it. And not too long after that I was getting emails on how exactly she could set up her own blog.

And then she started writing. I've read Teri's journaling before...and I knew she had some great stories to tell. From her love of Donny Osmond. To her strange eating habits (that she submitted for this contest). To her desire to win a crown as she begged all her readers to come and vote for her.

So, Teri...I am thrilled to finally bestow a tiara upon you. Wear it proudly!

(And thanks again to Rhea who inspired the contest, and created the bling!)

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  1. These are awesome pictures, Kat. LOVE THEM. Teri is way talented. Wonder if she'd travel to SW Virginia for a photoshoot?

    My fave was the one of the girls in their fabulously chic and sassy hot pink blazers and argyle sweaters. They need to be on a magazine cover!

  2. Yay for Teri! And what adorable pictures of your little family throughout the years. I don't know that I've ever seen a picture of you hubby. I think your oldest (is that Katie?) sure looks like her daddy. And I LOVE those sweaters your girls are wearing in the bridge picture!!

  3. Ooooooh, this is soooooo cool! The crown is spectacular...with LOTS of red. My FAVE color.

    As I looked at all the photos we have created together through the years, I got a little teary-eyed. I can't believe the girls have gotten so big. Yeah, I get this way about my own kids, but it happens with yours, also. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - I LOVE those girls!

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this really cool award. I am humbled by your kind words.

  4. Congrats to Teri! It was a great post. The pics are beautiful.

  5. Congratulations, Teri! What a sweet tribute, Kat. I love all the family photos. There are some really great ones!!

    Thanks for the shout out too!

  6. I didn't know you knew teri in person, how fun! Love the pics. I'm Lula, I like the one with the pink argyle sweaters. You guys are so cute

  7. Lula--I bet she would drive to you to do a photo shoot. And it would be worth it! She drove to Alabama to do a wedding for another friend. And I would love for her to meet us at the beach one year to do pictures.

    I *loved* those pink jackets and sweaters. Madalyn is almost the same size as Katie was - so we are about to recycle that one!

    Elena-I've had some pictures of Michael - and there were tons of them from our cruise. And you are right - I think both girls look like him. Apparently I was just the vessel...

    Teri--You soooo deserve the homage! I adore you ... and your gift. You manage to get such amazing pictures when I am sure that (because of my children) they all suck. And I take all the credit for your status as a blogger!

    Mama Dawg--She is amazing isn't she? From the stories she tells.

    Rhea--You are so welcome for the shout out. Thanks for making yet another badge for me. I appreciate it. And I know that Teri is thrilled to finally be crowned.

    IM--Yep...known her for a while. And am completely responsible for her blogging today :-) Right Teri?!

  8. Congratulations, Teri. Great post and great pics of the family! My favorite is the one the girls are climbing the tree.

  9. Congrats, Teri!! You're so deserving (wink) and I totally voted for you :-). And how totally fun to see your portrait work here. And I'm totally not going to use the word totally again...

    Kat - You get the award for diligence in getting family portraits done!!! We've had our family portrait done exactly ... once. I LOVE yours!! I especially love the pink/green Gap year one. And the first one - because it's clearly a posed family portrait, BUT it totally has a wonderful candid feel to it. What a wonderful collection of gorgeous photos.

  10. Just wanted to echo some of my fave photos were taken by Teri and che captured each of my girls personalities. Yeah for her!

  11. Many congrats to Teri!! That was a richly deserved award.

    And Kat, those pics are fab! My fave is the last group shot of the 4 of you. Beautiful family!

    I might have to twist Teri's arm into traveling north sometime. I'm only a couple of hours away, right?!

  12. Those pics are great and so unique. I am so happy for her winning the crown. Thanks for a fun contest!

  13. Becky--The tree pictures were something else. Trying to keep them from falling. AND looking at the camera. And the leaves from that same session! Madalyn insisted on having one in her hands. Naturally Katie had to have one too. Teri was wonderful enough to go with the flow while I was screaming at them to put the leaves down!

    Susan--Part of that diligence is Teri. She'd call or email and want to know when we could schedule it! And it was easy because she would barter with me. And I need to schedule our session for this year because we missed it last year with the craziness of our move.

    Kim--Teri did take some fabulous pictures of your girls!

    (Teri came out and did individual and "class" pictures for our homeschool group.)

    Angie--Its so hard for me to pick favorites! I love those first ones. Back before digital and we had no idea as to what we captured! And the last one of the two girls. I love Madalyn's laugh. And you should totally email Teri and have her come north! Really!

    Joye--I am so glad you threw your hat in the ring, too. It was a tight race between some of you. I hope you took your Lady in Waiting badge!

  14. Congrats, Teri! And great pics, Kat. I love the one of the girls in their hot pink blazers. So cute!!

  15. Those pictures are beautiful...she has real talent and you have a great looking family!

    Congrats to Terri, the new Queen's Fool.

  16. Terri--I've heard sooooo much about you over the years and had the enviable pleasure of meeting you twice and know your creativity cup runneth over! thank you for your diligence (as well as your eye for the perfect moment)towards my darling god-daughters. we owe you in so many ways! congrats!

  17. Congratulations to Teri...I'm jealous that you live so close...she's a very talented photographer. You've got some great family pictures!

  18. I had to come back and add a comment. I was just over at Shannon's blog and read your comments. Another reason we were separated at birth...that Staples commercial is my all time favorite!!

  19. Those pictures are spectacular. I love all of them but my fave is the one with know THE ONE...hands on hips...That is hilarious!

  20. These are great pics. I really like the 13th one down... the close-up of your girls in the pink blazers. To me, this one captures one of the many bonds between sisters.

  21. JDM--I love those pink blazers. We were stylin' for sure. I really think that Gap should have given us some press ;-)

    Brandy--Teri is amazing. She even met me at the park one day to try and explain how to use my expensive pro camera. But my brain did not I stick to automatic. And let Teri be the pro!

    Kelly--I am so fortunate. Especially that I could call her in December and have her give up a Saturday with her family to photograph a funeral. Now that's a true friend! I haven't seen that Staples ad in a while...but it cracks me up just thinking about it!

    Debbie--oh...I was sooo mad at her that day. She was trying my patience! I am glad I didn't see this look till later. I am not sure how Teri kept a straight face.

    Shannon--That is Teri's favorite picture, too. She can really capture their personalities...

  22. Congratulations, Teri!!

    Kat, those photos are absoloutly stunning!!!

  23. Yay Teri! Kat, thanks for the contest, and sharing the photos and I'm perusing your blog right now... :-)Hi.

  24. Way to go, Teri! Those photos are fabulous! Hmmm, wonder if she'd ever come out to Oregon for a photo shoot? ;D

  25. I just love all of these pictures!

  26. Your friend Teri sounds like a true friend. What beautiful portraits she has taken of your family through the years! So nice that you are honoring her. :)

  27. What beautiful photos... I have a "thing" about family photos. I just love seeing the transformations of the kids growing up...

    And even better knowing I'm not the only mom who yells at their kids to smile through clenched teeth - with a smile on my face too!

  28. These photos of your family are all so awesome. What wonderful memories.


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