The girls and I headed over to Nissa's house on Saturday. Nissa was hosting a house party for Fisher Price. And even though my girls are long past the Fisher Price stage...Nissa said there would be cupcakes. So, we drove across the
Those cupcakes were yummy. Shhhh. I had two. Nissa's daughter Melodie thought they were divine. Or great face cream. Or something.
Nissa and I have a lot of things in common. But one place we diverge is in the crafts department. She is a crafty soul. I don't like the mess. She has an etsy store. I just shop. So, when she asked the girls if they would like to make a craft - they eagerly followed her. All the while discussing the absence of this greatest glory from their lives.
Nissa had set up a spot in her dining room for the girls to make friendship bracelets. They picked out 6 pieces of yarn.
Got a circle to help with the braid. And made a knot in the yarn.

Before we left, Katie agreed to take our picture. With a lot of caveats. Just faces. No hips. She did great! (I won't share the other photo she took. Of just hips!)
And then Madalyn informed me today that she wished Nissa was her mom. Cause she is sooo cool. After I suggested that if she would jump in the van, I would make her dreams come true. She slightly adjusted her proclamation. And now, Nissa is just the coolest craft mom.
So, what about you? Are you the cool mom? Or do you thank your lucky stars that your kids have a cool mom to hang out with? Have you met any of the friends that live inside your computer?
Theme song: Fountain's of Wayne - Stacy's Mom
I have been lucky enough to meet several wonderful moms and friends through the computer. Not through blogging, b/c that is still new to me, but through Babycenter, which I have been active on since Nov. '06, when I knew I found out I was preggo. Glad you met your buddy. It's great, isn't it?
ReplyDeletehahaha, you are the coolest blogger mom I know :) My students tell their parents that I am cool. I think when you are a tween any adults other than your parents seem cool. For me it straightened out when I was about 20-- then my mom turned into a real hip chick!
ReplyDeleteI have been called a cool mom. By everyone but my own kids. Matt especially likes to remind me that I am NOT hot, no matter what Doug says to the contrary. Kids, kids, kids.
ReplyDeleteAll the kids think I'm cool, except my own. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't met anyone from my computer, but I hope too soon!
I'll have to tell Tristan that I was called a cool mom. He'll laugh, because, you know, I'm a horrible mom. Boys don't want to make friendship bracelets & such. He wants to play video games and play baseball. (SO not my thing!)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you traveled to the ends of the Earth to see me & keep me company so I wouldn't feel like a loser. I can't wait to hang out again!
(Give a big hug to my new BFF, Madalyn...) :)
Oh, and thanks for taking the pictures!!!
I'm not a cool craft mom but I aspire ot be a cool craft gal. :)
ReplyDeleteOh how fun!!! I'm so jealous! Nissa does look like a fun mom! I am not sure WHAT kind of mom I am...I'm learning to let them get messy...but it's hard for me to do! I sooo wish I could meet some of these people who live in Blogland! I for sure would be hearing the same thing you heard today..."I wish SHE was my mommy!" I do love your song...Staci's Mom has got it Going on...but actually, that would be MY mom not me...bummer :)
ReplyDeleteSo cool that you were able to meet up with another blogger...was it awkward at first? or just natural?
ReplyDeleteMadalyn is such a ham isn't she?!!!
The only fellow blogger I've met in "real life" is Tressa :)
I am not the cool mom but I am the mom with the best treats:-) Hee, hee, hee.
ReplyDeleteMy kids have told me they wished for a different mom too. I said the exact thing you did, "Who do you want? I'll take you to her right now." They quickly changed their tune. I'm definitly not the cool crafty mom, but I like to think that I'm a good mom. (Maybe I'm fooling myself.) And nope, I've never met any of my "stranger" blog friends. I would love to though. And you're at the top of the list! :)
ReplyDeleteSusan--Oh, we should do a meet up for metro Atlanta bloggers! Either that or you'll have to let me know when you venture this way to the indoor aquatic center. Then again, I am not sure that I am ready to meet someone for the first time in my bathing suit :-)
ReplyDeleteJoye--Awww...thanks! I'll be sure to let my kids know that everyone else thinks I am cool. And I think you are right - everyone except the parental units is cool.
Teri--That is too funny. But I can understand that. You never want to think of your parents in those terms. Gross :-)
TF--Are you in the process of arranging something? It was really fun! And, of course, it's blog fodder.
Nissa--We really did have a great time. The girls keep talking about you. I am very inclined to lend them to you. For long periods of time. I just can't believe we live in the same county and you are still an hour away. Georgia must have the largest counties on the planet :-)
I need to send you the other picture of Melodie. It's pretty cute, too. I am still hitting myself for not taking a picture of those cupcakes. And your flags.
Scargosun--You are very cool. And that pesto you made - thanks for posting the recipe!!
Kelly--I don't think it was awkward. But then again, I'm an extrovert. Madalyn is something. What, I'm not so sure :-)
Susie--Sometimes that is what makes the cool mom. I am so not the cool mom. Cause I want the kids outside and not messing up my house. And I have this irritating tendenacy to have rules. Lots of them.
Elena--That is the sweetest thing! I would LOVE to meet more of my bloggy friends. We need to have a blog stalkers convention. At the beach.
Madalyn has a friend whose mom is VERY crafty. Madalyn went over to play last year - they made Christmas ornaments. Decorated Christmas cookies. It was never ending. Then the friend came over here. And I sent them to the basement to play. And she came up and asked me what they were going to "DO." Cause I am not the entertainment. I don't think she wants to come back :-)
I'm cool. I think.
ReplyDeleteI just recently took 4 of my offspring and a friend each, plus poor lonely Jonah on a day out and about Washington.
We went to movie, we went to a WWII bunker, we rode a ferry and had dinner at a cool 50's diner, we went out to icecream, and they all spent the night.
Wait, maybe I'm not cool...Just stupid.
I'm not a mom yet, but when I get the chance, we'll see. I'm the silly aunt to my nieces and nephews-- they all think I'm a total goofball, in a good way, which I love. They think I'm their age, just in a grown-up body, by accident.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as meeting the people in my computer is concerned, I have met at least a hundred of mine! I've been big into the Sweet Potato Queens (books by Jill Conner Browne), and there is a community of women who initially met on her website messageboard. Many of us have met in Jackson, MS, at the Sweet Potato Queen's Million Queen March/St Patrick's Day Parade. It has been an absolute hoot, and some of my very best friends I met via the web! So I highly recommend meeting some of the people with whom you connect, if you can.
How cool! Cupcakes and a craft, no wonder your girls fell in love. Nissa looks like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteI have met online friends before, but not recently. It went well. It's amazing to me how many people are leery of making Internet friends, and while I agree you have to be smart, cautious and careful, it's just a newer, modern modem of meeting people in this day and age.
Great photos! Love the friendship bracelets!
I'm totally cool...but only 'cause my girls are still young. In a few years the eye rolling will commence and then I'll know that my cool status has been revoked.
ReplyDeleteI've "met" such an intimate way that your phone demanded we cease our conversation. What the crap????
Gina--How many children is that? 9? Oh, my. Just you?? I agree. That line between cool and insane is very gray!
ReplyDeleteKimmy--It sounds like you are the cool aunt. Which has to be great for your nieces and nephews. It is so important that kids feel like there is a cool adult in their lives. And the Sweet Potato queens sounds like so much fun. Do ya'll get together each year?
Rhea--I would love to meet more of my computer friends. I keep saying that we need a blog stalkers convention. On a beach. Somewhere. It would be a fabulous time! Maybe we should have a mini convention here at my house. I have that ginormous guest room...
Lula--We have met. I am still giggling about my phone. But meeting without a phone yelling at us would be fun. But knowing us...I wonder what kind of trouble we might get into...
Thanks for the giggles with my coffee this morning. I do so love your light-hearted, witty writing. "we drove across the universe (hehe) for friendship, connections and cupcakes." :-) And CRAFTS!! I have friends who do Etsy. And we're still friends. Even tho I don't get the whole Etsy-Crafting way of life. I just don't.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to say that I'm a pretty hip and cool mom. My sixth grader just recently told me that!! Wow... the ultimate compliment from an 11 year old. I don't try to be a cool mom... I'm just myself and I guess that makes me cool. Woo Hoo!!
ReplyDeleteYes... I was blessed to meet one of my blog buddies!! HipMomofBoyz and I met at a baseball tournament and have become good friends!! I wished we lived closer to each other. We see each other every now and then through baseball. :)
Eric and Adam's mom has got it goin' on... :) hee hee
Jill :)
Stephen's friends think we're cool...and I think he does too for the most part. I cannot even make it from the parking lot to the school without being hugged 10+ times! And these are high school kids so I feel honored. Sometimes.
ReplyDeleteSad to say I've never met a fellow blogger.
I've never met any online friends. That is so cool that you have! I'd love the opportunity to meet some of them one day.
ReplyDeleteI have had the amazing opportunity to meet almost all the India bloggers who I've been in contact with over the past few months.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, at the school picnic last weekend, some lady popped out of nowhere and told me she MUST meet me. Her husband walked up behind her and said... "Hey, I know you. You're the Perlman Update, right?" Eerie... but fun!
You all look to be having so much fun. My daughter loves making friendship bracelets too. I think I was cool Mom once upon a time. When Jessica had friends round they always went home with lots of creations. Now they just prefer to do their own thing. I am fairly new to blogging so I have never met up with any other bloggers. I am just pleased to have made some bloggy friends and hope to make a few more. I loved your post about the cruise you went on. Jessica and I were so interested. We felt like we had ben on a little cruise just by watching. Thanks so much.
According to my daughter's friends (and even the "neighborhood" teenagers), I'm the cool mom. Cause I make jewelry with them, allow them to play dress up with my GOOD heels, let them take Barbie toys and Baby Doll toys outside, etc.....
ReplyDeleteI've met people I only know on line but not through blogging. Only through Yahoo Groups and it was only after we'd known each other for a couple of years. I don't regret it A BIT!
I was the "cool mom" until my kids hit about 8, and now I'm just out of ideas. They scare me at this age. They no longer think that I"m hilarious when I dance and sing---just kind of embarassing :). Ah well. What they don't know is that I'm actually WAY too cool to hang out with them and their friends~
ReplyDeleteGlad you got to meet a blogger buddy! Mucho fun!
Humph... I'm the only mom since we just moved here and don't know anyone... and I'm the bad mom because since we most likely plan to move again next summer, I'm not overly excited about making mom friends around here... I try to be the cool mom but I think perhaps I fail quite often.
ReplyDeleteI want to be a part of the Metro Atanta Bloggers group. I have not met anyone from my blogging but I have spotted someone once. I just thought that was so way cool. My girls do not think I am the cool mom but all their friends do.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someday I can be the cool mom. Right now, I don't feel too cool. Love the songs on your blog! I'll work on writing out the recipes. I've had several emails already! lol~
ReplyDeleteI have trying like crazy to host one of those parties and they keep turning me down. One of these days! What kind of stuff did you guys get to sample or take home? I'm all about the swag you know.
ReplyDeleteI've not met any of my new friends that I've met while blogging, but I'm hoping to change that sooner than later. Most live too far from me.
And I aspire to be the cool mom that my kids want to bring their friends home too, but that's going to require a larger house first. I had better get to work on that problem first.
Have not any personally yet but sure I will someday! I am not sure what MOM I am yet as my boys are just 2 and 4. I am sure they will soon LET me know where I am compared to other MOMS. I hope to be the cool MOM but I fear that I will so NOT really fit that profile! LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm a cool mom. My kids say so and so do their friends. I'm the one that they all wish was their mom.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm probably considered a cool mom because I bake and cook and make stuff and they are fascinated by someone who is domestic and not hired help. I'm like a freak show:-)
I haven't met any bloggie friends yet.
Wel I think you're cool, so there!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe friends of my youngest son, all thought I was the coolest thing out there, after they found out that I used to surf and play the drums..:-)
I've met people from inside my computer . Not since starting to blog though. I used to belong to a BBS way back in the early 90's and a group of us from there used to get together and have video and gae nights. We also formed a team for quiz nights at one of the local pubs.
Nothing cool going on here - totally mean and irrational. Also humiliating, because I teach.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to think I'll be a "cool mom"!!!
ReplyDeleteCupcakes & crafts... my girls would have been all over it!
I haven't met any of my new "bloggy" friends in real life... the only one I know (for real) is Angie but we knew each other before our blog obsessions began!
I don't know if they consider me cool. But they do think I'm fun. I try to make things fun for my kids and their friends when they come over. Snacks, games etc. I host a back to school party every year that the kids and mom's oooh and ahhh over because it involves scavenger hunts and the like. I am also one of the only Mom's at the pool that will spend two hours throwing sticks in for a bunch of them to dive for. Not sure how that happens. But it does.
ReplyDeleteFYI that last pic of the two of you is GREAT!
I think all of us are the cool moms in different areas. I am totally crafty, so I can rock a birthday party or home projects, but I'm not too good at sports. So I can't teach my kids much in that area and don't usually know what's happening when I watch their games. I still want to applaud the efforts of both teams, hoping they'll all be ready for cupcakes at the end of the game.
ReplyDeleteVery cool!!
ReplyDeleteYes - your a cool mom! Mine is 2 so she thinks I am cool and her best friend. Will see when she gets older.
ReplyDeleteI think you're a cool mom! :o) I've never met anyone from my computer in real life .. and I kinda like that. I'm pretty shy in real life. My keyboard makes me bold :o)
ReplyDeleteMy girls think I'm Queen of the World .. but then again, I taught them to say that. We'll see what they say when they start forming their own opinions ;o)
Now that just cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteMine tell me how lucky *I* was to have my mom as a kid, because my mom is waaayyy cooler than me.
As if!
Kat, the SPQs get together in Jackson on the third weekend in March, every year. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, I rteckon that a fortune could be made by delling cupcake flavoured face cream !
ReplyDeleteAnd I swear that your little Madalyn is going to be an actress. She has that wide mouthed grin down pat !!! And the wide eyes :-)