Monday, September 29, 2008

Popularity CONTEST

I told my husband the other day that I was the popular girl. One day last week, three different blogs mentioned me in their posts. I even had a brand new commenter who "came to see what all the fuss was about." Not that she's come back or anything. I will retreat to being the geek in the back of the room.

Over the weekend, I did a post about our gas crisis here in Atlanta. And CNN linked to me on their website. To me! Yes, it was quite short lived. Apparently they link to three blogs at a time - of people blogging about the topic. And mine cycled through rather quickly. But for a moment, I was popular.

I have been popular on my SITS day. On my BATW day. And now (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek) I am out meeting my fans. I have met Nissa. Angie. And yesterday afternoon, I had the great pleasure of meeting Hot Tub Lizzy. And I so wanted to call her Hot Tub Lizzy. But she said it was okay to just call her Lizzy.

We met at Applebees - and you can read her post to see about the blonde hijinx involved in getting to the correct restaurant. We talked. And talked. And even talked about things like sex. Politics. Religion. And gossiped about other bloggers. And laughed. And laughed some more. Did you know that Lizzy likes to cross her eyes when she talks?

Eventually the kind people at Applebees let us know that we had been warming the seats for over three hours and that we might want to move along -so we went back to my house. So that Lizzy could meet my family. And get the two dollar tour of the house. For some strange reason, Lizzy chose to leave to meet with Mr. B rather than staying for dinner. It was the gourmet treat of hot dogs. I just don't understand how Mr. B could compete with that option.

And, guess what? I am meeting yet another blogger on Saturday. Please maintain an orderly queue. No autographs, please.

So, what about you? I am going to GIVE you a $25 gift card to Applebees. Because that is THE place to meet up with fellow stalkers. What stalker blogger are you going to meet there? Quick, quick, pick one. No pondering. No multiple names. Just ONE. And, tomorrow morning sometime, I'll do a random drawing. And you could be going to Applebees. And because I have a strange sense of humor, the most popular blogger - the one EVERYONE wants to meet at Applebees, will also win a $25 gift card. (Can you just see me emailing Dooce to collect her prize? Please don't make me email Dooce. Or Black Hockey Jesus. Or PW.)

post signature
Theme Song: Popular from the "Wicked" soundtrack - and because the last line of the song makes me giggle.


  1. If I could, the blogger I'd LOVE to meet at Applebee's is my friend who moved away from the DC area, who write my very favorite blog at It's my favorite because she's a great writer, she has a brilliant sense of humor, and we have similar pop culture interests.

    Y'all check it out! I think she's worth subscribing to. ;)

  2. Correction. She don't write it. She writes it.

    (Lawd have mercy-- I can barely type that way without cringing!)

  3. Gossiped about other blogger huh? Did you talk about me? hehehehe.
    Anyway, I am so glad that you got to meet. I think that it would be really cool to meet some of these bloggers in real life, especially the if the ones in CA would fly me out there.
    I would like to meet Cristin from Tip Toe through the Tulips at Applebees.
    I really like the soundtrack today, Popular. LOVE Wicked.

    And lastly, I don't know what to tell you about my prolific blogging. I just have a lot to say and my life is full or blog fodder. Some of it good and some of it not so much.

  4. Oh, so many, so many that I would love to eat lunch with. (You of course!) Why can't you all live close by so we could just make a monthly date? But I think the one that I will nominate today is Emily @ Little Momma and Company. Because she throws the most fun girls' night parties and I would SO love to attend one. :) And your music makes me want to see this show SOOOOO bad! I hear it's great.

  5. I would meet up with Tipper at She and I have a lot in common, as we were both raised in the mountains.

  6. OHMommy @

    that'd be fun ...

  7. you are totally popular! CNN???! my choice would be sarah at waiting on the womb to change. she just got a pfp! I am so happy for her. we have tons of stuff to discuss at applebees!

  8. Lula at Lulaville. She would be hilarious and I am sure she has the gift of gab.

  9. OH and I just finished my swap box. It rocks. watch out... can we tell who we have ? or is it a surprise?

  10. Geeee ...does that mean all of us who commented on that post, were also on CNN ? :-)

    Who would I like to meet at Applebees.... does Johnny Depp count?

    Well, there's you... and Debbie ... and Rhea ... and Mrs 444... and JDM .... and Suzanne .. and AIN ...and Lori .... and Rhonda ...and Lulu ...and.... I can't make up my mind !!!

    I think it would be really fun to just sit back and watch the interaction between you all ..

  11. You should meet Lula! oh how I wish I lived on the east coast!

    I had plans to meet up with Tiffany of SITS and Mariah of Insane Mama over the summer, but life got in the way...

    I would also love to meet Tootsie Farklepants of Vintage Thirty.

    and candid carrie and YOU!!!

  12. It would be me, the John Deere Mom, and 4 rugrats. Although it'd be nice if we could go out without the kids for once. Our usual haunts are Cheeseburgers in Paradise and Panera, so Applebees would be a new one. I would love to meet the 6 Year Med and tell her I love her. Or Moosh in Indy. Or Lisa Leonard. Okay, now I sound like a stalker. So I'll stick with the JDM.

  13. The SONG is KILLING ME!!!!!!! WAY too freaking funny.

    Well... since I've met you, I'm gonna go with Ms. Debbie the Avacado Dip queen and BATW goddess... just cause i gotta tall she is.

  14. There are SO many bloggers I want to me. YOU are one of them.

    I'd love to meet Cristin from Tiptoeing through the Tulips and Mama Dawg from Two Dogs Running.

  15. ONLY ONE???? Ok, officially, one: Leigh Ann (Lula). I have to meet her, face to face, over a Blue Moon before I die. It's on my bucket list.

    But, I am dying for meet ups with Rhea and Even the Nice One too. Those two, being in the Lone Star State with me, are a definite. At some point.

  16. Ehem. Pick ONE. ONE blogger to meet. ONE for the entry - and then you can tell me all about everyone else you wanna meet. ONE. Please.

    "la, la, la, pop-u-lar..."

  17. I totally love your blog header. I linked to from The Nuthouse. It is a pleaseure to meet you. I shall be back to read more.

  18. I would love to meet Candid Carrie:-)

  19. I would love to meet Candid Carrie:-)

  20. I SOOOOO want to meet Leigh Anne (a.k.a. Lula!) from Lulaville. I'm hoping she'll make her way through Chattanooga the next time she's heading south. Hint hint.

  21. Cool beans! I will be here dreaming of becoming an It blogger like you.

    And if the media picked up my blog they would be SO sorry... it would severly compromise their credibility.

    Good to meet you. And I envy you for getting to meet Lizzy!


  22. Oh shoot. I always do something wrong. I would love to meet.... Valarie Lea of Tennessee... cause I think I am going to get to soon!!!!

  23. You are one popular princess my friend! Okay...there are soooo many (absolutely YOU) bloggers I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet....but...if you are MARKING me pick only one...I'd pick Lisa@verybusymomof4. We seem to have started commenting with each other when we were both just beginning our journey in to blogdom. She seems like such a sweetie. She only lives in Texas...maybe it will happen some day :) I'm still counting on your big blog conference :) Hey...did you gossip about me and all my.....'s??!! I'm so glad (if I could do that thing where you put a line through the word...I would put a line through jealous instead of glad :) hee hee!) you get to meet all these great people!

  24. Okay, I'm back to leave just ONE choice, seeing you insisted!! :-)

    It's still really hard !!!

    Okay ... Debbie@BATW ...because I think she is an example of still waters running deep :-)

    Lulu was running a close second though ... I really want to know if she say 'Y'all' in one of them Southern accents .. and all the others I mentioned were pretty much on her heels...

  25. BTW ... I love Lizzie's smile. :-)

  26. I seriously can't pick just one. There are so many that I want to meet.

    I love the picture of you and Lizzy. It sounds like you had a great time.

  27. Is it Saturday yet?!?!?!?!? WOO HOO!!!!!

    If I HAD to pick just one blogger to meet... I would pick Lori from Lori's Blog. She is funny and I like her writing style. And since the two of us have entered our oldest kids into a marriage contract, I think we had better meet face-to-face one of these days! ;)

  28. Oh man! Just one?? There are too many but the first to come to mind are Lori @ Lori's Blog and Shelle from BlokThoughts. We would have a fierce time!

  29. Sounds like you two had a great time!! I'd love to meet HTL....she was so sweet to me and asked ME if she could put me on HER blog roll!! I was floored!

    Also, Debbie....I knew her before she was famous. That's all I'm gonna say..but I'd love to meet all of you fun girls, including Darcy.

  30. By the way, Is it okay if I add you to my blog roll??

  31. And I LOVE the song choice for this post!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!

  32. Well Kat, if I had to choose just one blogger to meet, it would have to be PW. But of course, she lives no where near here and as you know, gas is like gold at this time.

  33. Hey Kat, Can I pick you instead? You were actually my first choice but I didn't know if I could pick you?
    Also, I LOVE the theme song today! I've played it over and over and over.....
    I actually need it for my latest post...

  34. Ooooh Rhea,

    Shannon's about to pass you for top commenter spot! Uh oh...

  35. PW would be at the top of my list too. But Kat said we can't use her.

    Then next my choice would be Kat, but I guess that won't work either.

    So, my third choice, for now, is Mama Dawg.

    Then Cristin.

    And the list would go on and on because I have so many I want to meet. Including Lula, and the SITS founders, Tiffany and Heather.

  36. BTW, I don't think it qualifies for KimmyDarling to meet her friend she already knew. I think the point of this is to choose someone you don't know ALREADY.

  37. Off with her head!! That's what Queen Kat should say. :o) The Queen of Random Drivel who is enforcing rules. The big meanie.

  38. I'm just making sure my VOICE is heard.

  39. can't let the man keep me down. nuh, uh.

  40. Do I have to pick just one?

    Really? I don't want to pick just one. I'm non-confrontational like that.

    About a month ago it looked like we were on the fast track to move from WA state to North Carolina and I had my blog meetings all lined up in my mind.....I was going to be road trippin to meet you, lizzy, Debbie and Lula!!

    But since I have to pick would be Lizzy.

    ( I do love you Lula and Debbie......Lizzy sure could use that Applebees for a nght out with Essie and Gert though!!)

  41. Since I know I'll be meeting a lot of my favorites at some, uh, point---I'd have to pick Emily at Chatting at the Sky. I know she'd bring her sister Nester and we'd have a great time and I could pretend I was their sister too :)!

    I have LOVED getting to meet bloggers as they stumbled over the border to Idaho. I really do feel like "the famous Jennifer P."---ha!

  42. Darn Rhea! I'm gonna get bumped if I don't do some comment padding here :)!

    I do love that picture of you and Lizzy!

    And I would meet YOU at Applebees too ya know :)!

  43. Dang! I already got bumped! Stupid too busy to blog week. Stupid poetry professor and his overly abstract assignments. Stupid empty pantry making me go grocery shopping. DOn't they know I wanted to stay on Kat's top commenters list?

    I'm a faaaaaaaailure!!!!!

  44. I would pick Julie in the above post (to see her purple house) or Lauren at Life of delight to do fun crafting or Kimba at a softplacetoland to do furniture rehab...

  45. All the best blogs are found by following the trail of commentors... (is that even a word?)
    Great looking blog. Cheers

  46. Do you know I couldn't sleep last night...fretting over having to only pick one?? (well, and the booger factory inside my head)

    I have to add to my "unofficial" list, since I have already given an official statement.

    I wanna meet Mama Dawg!! I kinda think we are the same, but different. That would be fun.

    Oh, and how about Lizzy. She's a doll! I'm sure you would recommend that meet up!

    Swirl Girl...her too.

    And Stephanie of Live.Love.Eat. so she can throw a party for me.


  47. How did I miss this yesterday? Really? How? You were on CNN? That's is so fantabulous!

    I love that Lizzy wore PLAID for her meeting with you. That rocks my world.

    Who would I like to meet? In blog land? Oh, please...Katie and Madalyn, of course. Katie & I could sit and discuss all things Rob. And then I'd discuss JT with Madalyn, because I'm an equal opportunity supporter of mighty fine young men.

    I have to pick one?

    Kat, of Sunshine & Lemonade. OF COURSE!

  48. Okay, I'm so voting for Lula. But it's okay if I don't win. I just want her to get the $25 G.C. for being popular. 'Cause I'm a good friend like that.

    I love meeting blogger buddies in real life. We should so have a blogger cruise. Anybody have any super rich friends or uncles who would be willing to foot the bill? Anybody?

  49. Well, anyone that reads me knows my pick.

    Trooper Thorn of Dogs and Jeans.

    Cause then we can get our groove on and he can propose and we can make beautiful babies and live happily ever after.

    That's my choice for the pick.

    Now, for the others:

    Sassy Steph (she ROCKS)
    MAW from Unmitigated
    Jen from Steenky Bee
    Captain Dumbass (I have a thing for Canadians)
    Literal Dan
    Momo Fali

  50. All you had to say is that you gossiped about other bloggers and now I'm all sweating and looking around nervously thinking..."Did they talk about ME? Do they like me? Am I annoying? Have I done anything to offend them? I'm freaking out..."


    I have to think about just one person I'd like to meet. There are so many!!

  51. Thanks for the shout out... I think... LOL! I haven't been in blogaritaville much the past little while. Sorry for the lack of visits :). All I have done while here is focused on getting our Twitter Girl's Night Out all set up for tonight. I hope you're joining us. Talk about a way to be POP-U-LAR!!!

    On another topic, I have reloaded your site three times just so I could hear Popular again. I can't find my CD. I saw the play on Broadway a year ago and got the best seat in my house. LOVED IT!

    Seriously join us tonight!!! And, invite all of your friends. It was a blast last week. Trying to keep up with 35 other tweeting women. Major multitasking is what that was :).

  52. BTW: If I could only meet one blogging mama, it would be Jen from Happily Ever After Land.

    Happy Tuesday!

  53. Great song choice!!! So dig the music... it's my girls favorite song!

    I think I'd like to meet xbox4nappyrash. I'd like to just give him a big hug and tell him that it's going to be a-ok!!

  54. Hmm that's a tough one...

    I would have said Jyl, but she chose Jen.

    Sooo....I'll have to go with LeeLouBlogs because I JUST FOUND OUT that she friggin lives in my NEW town!!

  55. Other than you or PW (who doesn't want to meet her? She sounds like a ton of fun...and calf nuts.LOL!) I'd have to say Lula. And she just happens to be in VA with me...although not that close. :[

    And I L-O-V-E the song choice...I saw Wicked this summer. It was too awesome for words.

  56. ...listening again...

    You... will... be...popular... pop Uuuu lar...

  57. would someone vote for me? please? I like edward cullen! and I say lula for me! why? she sends me dayly edward pictures! adults don't get better than that (unless they're David Cook... or Edward, if he counts)

  58. I CAN'T pick one - so I'll throw out bunches, you, Lizzy, Lula Belle, Heather from SITS, Melissa from Stretch Marks, Tracy Buxton from a cottage industry, Cindy from my romantic home.....somebody stop me.

  59. Hey Kat~
    I can't get my Top Commenter widget to work. I think I downloaded it wrong. I did you download yours. Come over and see what mine is doing. What did I do wrong? Arrgghhh!! ~Jill

  60. I came back to hear Popular again.

  61. It has nothing to do with Rhea and her comment padding.

  62. Nope, nothing to do with Rhea at all.

  63. Love ya, Rhea... but you are going down!

  64. Okay- I thought about some more and took my thoughts public instead of the stealtyhy email thing we've been doing, Kat.

    does George Clooney have a blog? 'Cuz if he does - i'd meet him at Applebees or the the 7/11 ...whatever.

  65. Hot Tub Lizzy does have a nice smile. That's so cool you two were able to meet!

  66. Look how many comments you have, Kat!

  67. Oh, I've now asked that THREE times?

  68. CNN???? Holy schnikes!!! You aren't just popular, you're FAMOUS!


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