Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Saying "It's French" is explanation enough

Business first:

Today is the last day to sign up for the Favorite Things Swap. Just click on the picture there in my left side bar to read all the details.

Did you read my post yesterday? About getting to meet Angie? At the end of the post, I asked if you have any questions for me. You know. Fodder for a future post. Right now, I only have three questions. I beg your indulgence. I need a little more to work with.

Moving on...

I want you to watch a commercial. A commercial that my husband emailed to me several months ago. I have had many reactions to this ad for the French drink Orangina. Including:

1. WHY did my husband send this to me?

2. That I MUST show this to everyone. Or at least those that might not be offended.

3. Sometimes, I am not sure whether to gasp in horror, shock, lunacy, or hilarity.

4. My inner cynic wants to say: "No wonder French women don't get fat if this is what they do with their food and drink."

5. My inner puritan wants to say: "I'm outraged! What about the children?"

6. My inner liberal wants to say: "Get over it! It's French. Let them show orgasmic animals in their commercials if they want to."

7. My inner twelve year old boy wants to say: "Hehehehehe. You said orgasmic."

So...you watch it. Tell me what YOU say:


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  1. Mostly, I'm wondering.... WHERE/when do they air this kind of ad??? WHO is their target market? Exactly what mind-altering drugs was the creator taking?

    Oh yeah, and I'm totally forwarding this to my husband....

  2. The target market for orangina drink is children. Kinda like Sunny D here. I don't think my kids would "get" what was going on. Or what all that looks like (can we say "golden showers??"). But...it's French. Really, that does say it all.

    And can you imagine the google searches this is going to bring to me???

  3. Wow. Sexy animals. I'm not sure I know how I feel about that!

  4. I think it's a brilliant ad. Beautifully done.

    All this from an artistic point of view. Does it make me want to drink the product? Not necessarily. But, it's beautiful.

  5. Must. Go. Shower. I feel dirty.

    Yuck, and even if kids don't "get" it, it's imbedded in their little minds forevah.

    But then again it's French, and the french aren't nearly as prudish as me!

    Okay, so here is my question.........

    Why do you homeschool one of your girls but not the other? Or why does one of your girls go to public school while the other is homeschooled?

  6. Wow -that was disturbingly, freakishly, cool, I think. Get me some Orangina, quick! Maybe hubs wants to do that to you, haha!

  7. Holy exploding orange drinks! That was HAWT! Majorly sexy and artistic. I LOVED it and laughed out loud so many times. The panda lost her clothes, the octopus squished her tatas and orange juice came out. The outfits, the choreography, it was awesome!

    I LOVED IT!!

  8. I'm working on some questions for you RIGHT NOW.

  9. I'm so glad you decided to post about this! I was telling Jake about it and he was insisting to see the ad. Now I can show him.

    And I totally forgot to ask my question yesterday. So, here's 2 to make up for forgetting. :-)

    1. Did you grow up in GA? If so, would you ever want to live somewhere else? If not, what was your next favorite place to live?

    2. Are you going to go back to school for your PhD? And what would it be in?

    3. How did you and hubby meet?

    4. If you were sent to a desert island for a month, what 3 things would you bring with you?

    Ok, I think that's it. For now.

  10. If their target audience is children, I think it is gross. I know we are more uptight than Europeans but...would you let your kids watch it?

  11. If you had to constantly carry a weapon of some kind, what would it be?

    If you could have one thing made out of pure gold, what would you choose?

    If you could suddenly find out that one work of fiction was actually true, what book would you select?

  12. Okay, from an artistic standpoint, I think the commercial is incredible. My girls, however, would find it hilarious only because they would not "get" it. I'm glad that they would not get it.

  13. Have you always followed the classical approach to hs'ing?

    How long do you plan to hs your older daughter?

    If you weren't hs'ing, how would you spend your days?

    If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

  14. One more question...
    Did you create your own blogicon?

  15. Woooh! A bit steamy for younguns' eyes I think. Although, it would probably go right over my kids heads. But then they'd start trying to reenact the commercial and start trying to ride pop bottles and sit on each others laps. And my girls would find water balloons to immitate the tata squeezing octopus. So no, I don't think I'd want my kids watching it.

  16. I HATE not being able to see video at work!!!

    REmind me to check this when I get home.

  17. Actually, Orangina is not targeted for kids. It's seen as a beverage for all and it's in the US too. I don't think it is sweet enough for kids.

  18. Here's my question. What in the world is twittering? I see it everywhere, but don't get it. Okay, that was lame, you probably want a more personal one. So here's another, (but still answer my first b/c I really want to know). Are you a neat freak or a bit sloppy?

  19. Oh my. That's a commercial?

    Oh.... a wee bit sexual, don'tcha think?

  20. I thought it was the trailer for Madagascar II.

    thank god it wasn't or my kids would NOT be seeing this movie.

    or drinking that crud.

  21. OMG! I honestly don't know what was funnier... watching the actual commercial or reading the comments about it!!!

    There is just something wrong about a Speedo-wearing bear.

  22. that. was. the. weirdest. thing. i've. ever. seen.....

    but very representative of European television! I couldn't BELIEVE what they allowed on TV---and that was 15 years ago. Apparantley it's gotten stranger...

    a question for Kat. Hmmmmmm......

    what was your favorite Halloween costume ever?

  23. I think that I need to move to France and watch some more French TV. What can I say, I am a 'dirty' girl sometimes.
    Excuse me while I go and find my husband. ;)

  24. I thought it was funny, scary, confusing and kinda cool all at the same time.

    I don't really know what it has to do with the product, but hey, I'm not French.

  25. I loved it. It's a far cry from Anita Bryant, isn't it?

  26. The end was especially nice...with the freshly squeezed breasts. I had no idea animals could be so sexy. I'm definitely showing this one to the hubby!

  27. When we lived in Switzerland my husband LOVED Orangina - it's like the French version of Fresca. I can't wait to send this to him and wonder whether it will put him off the drink or further his obsession with it.

    In the meantime, let me just say that this commercial is MILD for European TV - I saw boobs and butts all over the place whenever I would turn on the tube over there. Gum commercials, salad dressing commercials, you name it. The French use sex to sell EVERYTHING.

    And like a bunch of horny junior high students, we usually fall for it and buy buy buy.

  28. The animals confuse me. Why use animals? Artistic I suppose.

  29. Heh-heh-heh...

    You said "golden showers."

  30. What the world!!! Such a weird commercial for an orange drink!

  31. I.am.speechless.

    Do you and Katie have a strict homeschool routine? Or I guess my question is really, how do you manage your homeschool day? I am always curious about that with HS moms.

  32. I'm not offended, just not impressed. I dunno, but wierd sexual animals don't do it for me, somehow. lol

  33. Interesting ad. :-)

    We have some fairly interesting ads on TV downunder, in both NZ and Aussie. Must do a search for some of my favourite ones and post them.

    I posted ne awhile ago for Underdaks , which are an Australian brand of men's underwear. I think it got pulled off the air after a few showings.

  34. Hmm... that's a different relationship than I'd always heard bears and deer had...

  35. Does it mean I've spent too much time living in SoCal that the first thing that popped into my head was: "Hmm - those must be LA animals because I haven't seen so many fake boobs since California!"

  36. you say Orangina, I say vagina...the two words are just too closely linked.

    question for you: do you like the edges, corner, or middle of a brownie batch?

  37. That's my first deer in a bikini dancing with a sexy bear. Interesting. All the imagery at the end was surprising. Can you imagine if they tried to play that here? ha!

  38. I really do love the creativity of this ad. It's amazing to me how many people don't like it. fuddy duddies!!

  39. So, when are you gonna answer all these questions we asked you?

  40. I think I've just hit 300 posts on my blog this week! Not bad, huh?! I bet you're right around there too, right?


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