Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: a tisket, a tasket, a contest

Oh, it was going to be wordless. It really was. But I just can't help myself. Do you have a favorite? The third one is mine. I love it. It looks like she is leering at me. Which she might have been since she had been squirted so many times for getting up on my counters. Or the kitchen table. Or for chewing on the wires to my computer. And now the battery no longer works in the laptop. I don't know if it was shorted out by said cat. Or shorted out from all the water dumped on said cat and said laptop's wires. Hooligan.

So, who wants a kitty? Just kidding. (not really. I can hook ya up. Shhhh.) How about a contest? I love giving things away. Here's the challenge - these pictures need a title. You can title them as a group. You can pick just one and give it a name. And I'll pick. Or I reserve the right to do it randomly if I just can't pick. And the prize? A $50 gift card to Office Depot. I could hang out there all day. Except that I have to homeschool. Or drive to tennis lessons. Or remove kittens from the counters.

Enter now! Legalese: enter as many times as you like. Contest ends Wednesday, Sept 10 at 9pm Eastern time. Winner at the discretion of blog owner. Or random generator. Or which ever name the hooligan kittens pounce on. Have fun!

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  1. I'm first?!? Sweet!

    Ok, all I got so far is for the 1st pic:

    "you would be wise to get that camera outta. my. FACE!"

  2. Awwww ... so cute :-) Think my favourite is the 3rd one as well...

    1st Pic ... 'Mr Mouse, you is gettin' sleeeepy '

    3rd Pic ... 'You may kiss the paw'

    I'll be back with some more suggestions...

  3. 2nd Picture: "Luke, I AM your father."

    3rd Picture: Peeping Tomkat.

    4th picture: "You have underestimated me and the element of SUPRISE!" From the new Get Smart movie

  4. 4th pic

    "just... a little... more.... that cupcake is mine... almost... there... uh, oh... think I've been spotted!"

  5. Oh my word, I am so not good at this kind of thing. But I do love that precious pink paw in the last pic. Can't wait to see what all these creative ladies and gents come up with.

  6. How cute is she!

    The last picture of just her paw makes me ache for a kitty. I love their soft little feet. But I'm sticking to my guns .. no cats till I have a place for a litter box that is not out in the open. My girls don't need a treasure hunt sandbox.

  7. Wow! I love the pic of kitty kat kat kat peeking through the holes!

    pic 1: See my new highlights?

    pic 2: Shh...I'm hiding. I surfin' the net again and mom walked in.

    pic 3: You must be 21 or have a fake ID for me to let you in.

    pic 4: nugs.

  8. #3 "Hey you, yeah, I'm talking to you"

    #4 "Gimme five"

  9. One for all...

    "Contemplating a jailbreak"

  10. when is time out over?

  11. there's been a mistake. i was set up.the other kitten did it. i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. really.

    okay, so maybe as a title that's a little long...

  12. can i get a phone call? c'mon--

  13. I knew you couldn't stay wordless. I just knew it!

    These pictures are ADORABLE. You're figuring out the hang of that nice camera, aren't you?! hehe

    I'm gonna think about names...then enter, because I love Office Depot too. Have I told you about my passion for clicky pens? Oh, I think I feel a blog post coming on about this...

  14. "Kat's cat-nanigans!" ???

    Very cute pics. I'm quite partial to the paw. :-)

    Happy almost WW....

  15. Very cute pics, if I think of a title, I'll come back!

  16. Psssst...over here...yeah, you, cat.

    This is Lewis Litton. Dude, you gotta stay right where you are. For real, don't even try to get out. 'Cause last Friday these people I live with put me in a cage, drove me down a mountain, and left me at some really smelly place where all these ugly cats and offensive dogs were running around. And then...

    ...they stole my mojo.

    I'm half the cat I used to be.

    So stay put, my friend. Keep right where you are. If you value your mojo, that is.

  17. this lil piggy went to the market, this lil piggy went to the laundromat....

  18. I'm so bad at these picture caption contests. I'm just not witty enough to capture gold. I'll give it a shot nonetheless. You know, because I have this office supply addiction and all. ANYWAY, here's my hat into the ring.

    Picture 1: "I go from zero to catty in 1 shutter snap"

    Picture 2: "Do not let my inaction disguise my annoyance"

    Picture 3: "I know where you sleep"

    Picture 4: "You see cute & fuzzy. I see weapon of mass destruction."

  19. HOW funny! Cute pictures! I have to think on it...I'll be back!

  20. Cute pics!

    But I got nothing...darn it.

  21. I love kitties; it's when they grow up and gain their alto ego things go bad here.
    Cute, cute, cute!

  22. Kat*astrophe in the making. hehe


  23. Okay after much deliberation between, myself and Chris and Rose we've decided on... okay we couldn't decide. Rose is calling it "here, kitty, kitty" and Chris is calling them "kitty in jail".

    they are way adorable and I'd so take a new cat, but i'm not sure how Jynx would feel about it.

  24. I am soooo bad at this kind of thing---but the second one just kind of reminds me of a saying I'm sure is true: wherever there is a pile of fresh laundry, a cat will find it.....and lay on it.

    I don't know--maybe the last one could be: "come here and let me claw your eyeball out :)"

    See---really, really bad.

    But you can't say I didn't leave some form of a comment!

  25. Oh! Angie's Spot should win! Too funny :)!

  26. Those are soooo cute. I wish I wasn't allergic:-(

    Good luck with your contest:-)

  27. Great photos.

    I'd name them all "Yearning for Freedom."

  28. I didn't make it for the contest. But I do LOVE the pictures, I love the third leering picture. But I also love the second picture, with the basket right between her eyes! Beautiful shots!


  29. Darn it! This is what happens when my slacker self doesn't keep up with my bloghopping! I miss out on a cool contest! :)


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