Thursday, October 16, 2008

Conversations with Katie

A few weeks ago I read a "tweet" by Rhea that she had seen a "Save the Ta-Ta's" bumper sticker. And when I had my bloggers summit with Shannon and Angie, we found "Save the Ta-Ta's" shirts.Then Julie left me a comment saying that her friend created that line of products.

You know, just when you become aware of something - it becomes so very prevalent. I starteding seeing Save the Ta-Ta's everywhere.

Last week, Katie and I were in the drive thru line at Chick-fil-a and the car in front of us had a Save the Ta-Ta's bumper sticker. Which I squealed in delight about.

Me: Oooo. Look! They have a Save the Ta-Ta's bumper sticker.

Katie: (head buried in a book. I wonder if it was a school book.) Whaaaattt?

Me: That car in front of us has a Save the Ta-Ta's bumper sticker.

Katie: What's that?

Me: It's a sticker for breast cancer awareness.

Katie: What are ta-tas?

Me: It's a slang term for breasts. You know. Kinda like boobs.

Katie: Hmmm. (Deep contemplation) Are they called ta-tas because they might go ta-tah?

Me: (Speechless)

So...what about you? Do you have to explain euphemisms to your kids? Do they have to explain them to you? Do you have a favorite euphemism? Or two? Or ten? If I were to do a random drawing for a Save the Ta-tas bumper magnet - would you want to be entered?

post signature

Theme song: Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun. Because it was a better choice than "I am turning Japanese." 'Nuff said.


  1. I LOVE the "Save the Ta-Tas" brand, and you know I already ordered a shirt and magnet bumper thingys. Which haven't arrived don't enter me for your drawing, but I think it's a great idea to give one away! BRILLIANT IDEA! Never would have come up with it myself. hehe

    I'll answer your other questions later...gotta leave my usual multi-comments, you know.

  2. LOL ... and thanking my lucky stars that I just swallowed my mouthful of cocoa before I read this !!!

    Oh, I'd love to enter a drawing for the magnet. I'd have so much fun, confusing them nback home, with that on my car's bumper!!!

    I have to explain my euphemisms to people all the time....

  3. No, I haven't had to explain any euphemisms- we don't really use them- but even more embarrassing is explaining childbirth to your 11 year old SON- because he asked from a scientific view point and I try not to act too suprised and run the risk of shutting him down....

  4. Yes, I have to explain. Yes, sometimes they have to explain. I'll have the think about my favorite, nothing comes to mind. It's too early, the mind is still half asleep.
    And yes, I would enter and if I won I would display it proudly for friends who have battled the Ta-Ta disease!

  5. "Big hands I know you're the one..."
    Memories of high school, Kat...Violent Femmes. Sigh...

    Katie rocks my world. She is a genius.

    We do have euphemisms..."tootie" is what we call lady bid'ness.

    And here's a story: the first time Libbey ever noticed the male anatomy was when I was changing a baby in the nursery at church. She asked. I told her, "That's his penis." She was satisifed. Later on that evening she tells Scott, "Daddy, I saw Ethan's 'toonis' tonight!"

    Love her heart. Tootie and penis..."toonis." Pretty darn awesome, if you ask me.

  6. I try and explain sayings like that to Hayden but he just gives me this dazed and confused look. I have since stopped.

  7. I try to explain some euphemisms to Ashlyn, but I get mostly quizzical looks. She'll laugh if I'm laughing, but I think it's to humor me and not feel left out of the big joke. I don't have a fave off the top of my head. I need caffeine before my brain will operate fully this morning. And I would totally rock a bumper magnet. It's the shirt that I just can't muster up the bravery to wear around town.

  8. wtz (what the zebra) does euphemisms?!?!?!?!?!?! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!

  9. ZEBRA?????!!!!!????

    Sugar needs her own show. Totally.

    And how did Rhea get 83 comments and it says I have, like 10. Dude...I've left 10 since last week. What's up with that?????

  10. Hmmm.. interesting questions. Right now my favorite euphemism is "Change" which is a euphemism for "I don't know what in the skeedoodle (look - another euphemism) I'm doing but I'm gonna make it sound good"

    (just to point out, BOTH candidates are wearing the bodingus (again - a euphemism) out of that word, so this is a very bi-partisan comment)

  11. I like Joe Six-Pack and Joe-the-Plumber as a euphemism for the middle class.

  12. What a great shirt & a fabulous idea!

  13. Luckily, my kids are still too little to have to explain much of anything. WHEW... But the day will come. It's just around the corner.

  14. Your kids are sharp I tell ya! "What the zebra", So funny. I'm using that. And I love the word ta-ta, so yep enter me if you do the drawing.

  15. soooo funny! I love the things kids come up with.

    Have you seen the Save Second Base? Pretty Cute too!

  16. Yikes! "because they might go ta-tah" ~ wow, what a reply! I'd be speechless too.

  17. My older boys are too embarrassed to ask any questions about anything, especially if I ask them if they have questions. I love asking Sam if there are any pregnant girls in his class just because of the look he gives me. Todd has asked a few times about the whole, "how did Rose come out of your tummy?" thing and we try to answer without being too vague, but at teh same time we don't want him to go to school describing it all either. If I actually used the word ta ta here the boys would probably turn red and die of embarrassment.

  18. Okay, I MUST have the I *heart* my big ta-tas t-shirt!

    Off to find it and buy it! I don't care that I will never wear it in public, I just wanna say I own it!

  19. We southerners throw around euphamisms like candy at a mardi gras parade. It is part of our culture - or lack thereof! :)

    I am duing over Lula and the tootie and toonis - I might pee myself - gotta go potty!

  20. I loooooove the Violent Femmes!

    I'm not one to really use euphemisms with the kids. Reminds me of answering the Qs with my 6 year old about how babies "come out". She was wishing she didn't ask when it was all said and done!

  21. This is one of my FAVORITE songs! I would so want to be entered in your drawing.

    I have a funny story about a euphemism that occurred earlier this week. I have to leave now for dance then soccer but will be back later tonight.

  22. It goes both ways around here. My daughter has explained a few things to me that I wish she didn't. Katie is hilarious

  23. Ooh! I came back to read comments and your site meter said 11,111!
    I am so #1, BABY! (Take that, Rhea-who-comments-50-bazillion-times-on-one-post!

  24. My favorite was one a friend of mine in college used:
           Roughing up the suspect

    When I asked what the heck he was talking about, he replied that it was to keep the suspect from going on a shooting spree.

    Yes, he explained a euphemism using another euphemism I had never heard of; but it did clear up the confusion for me.

    (and this would be Kat's hubby Michael with one of my rare comments)

  25. Oh, cool, a comment from Mr. Sunshine and Lemonade! WOOHOO!

    Is it bad my six year old now knows Sugar Honey Ice Tea?!!

  26. Actually Doug & I prefer to use the reall words just because it creeps the kids out so much. When I mentioned the word vagina the other day, I thought Matt was going to puke. I asked if he preferred "va-jay-jay," and he said yes! I think that word is just dumb. Geez.

  27. I want a Save teh Ta-Tas shirt for so long. But I have no ta-tahs so figure it is pointless to draw attention to that area of my body!

  28. What a great post and hilarious comments to read! NO kids yet so I have not come up with any cleaver names. I did have water almost come out of my nose when a show I was watching a while ago had a little boy saying "va-jay-jay". Totally not expecting that!

  29. I am laughing so hard right now. Man, they struck me so funny.... cause they might go tah-tah!

    Oh Kat.

    I need to get myself together. I am crying from laughter.

  30. Mine frequently go 'tah-tah' whenever it's cold and they aren't hidden by concelaing petals.

  31. Since my friend that does the Ta-tas line goes to my church, there's a ton of "Save the Ta-tas" stickers on the cars in the church parking lot. It's awesome.

    I don't know about explaining slang, but I did finally explain to my 8 year old why everyone giggles at the name of the planet Uranus. (myself included). Hey, did you know Uranus is filled with methane gas? For real! (I just learned that... thank God for homeschooling)

  32. My 7 yr old nephew once referred to his "family jewels"... I had to explain that one to my girls.

    Yes, I would enter a ta-ta giveaway! ;)

  33. A friend of mine who is a survivor as a tshirt that says

    Yes they are fake, the others tried to kill me!

  34. LOL my kids are older and they have to explain the euphamisms to me. And then I try to embarrass them with them. ;)

  35. I would so enter to win a random save the ta-tas bumper magnet. I had to have a breast biopsy last year and it was so scary....and painful! My boys are all about cancer awareness we we co-chairs of our counties Relay For Life in August.

    Everything I say is euphemisms I'm pretty sure we're all confused in our house!

  36. We will occasionally say weiner and boobs.

    BUT in regards to my period, it is forever known as "cherry monkey". (And briefly known as "jelly donut" but ewwwwwwwwwwwww I vetoed that one quick!)

  37. THIS was too funny....I loved that convo with your daughter! LOL

  38. Gosh...we use slang or euphemisms all the time and LRRH asks what they I can't remember what they are.
    HMMMMM..gotta think about that.

    Doesn't she get car sick from reading in the car? I do.

  39. I would totally love to have a Save the Ta-Tas bumper magnet. It would bring awareness, but most importantly, it would freak some of my townspeople WAY out and that's worth it to me!

  40. I want a TA TAs shirt! They are phenomenal. How do I buy them???


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