Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: All about words

I love words. There are some words that are just fun to say. There are some that can be used to impress. There are some that make me uncomfortable. There are ones that make me cringe when I hear them.

Words can be hilarious. Ironic. Sarcastic. Helpful. Uplifting. Painful. Beautiful. Crass. Lyrical. Healing. Patronizing.

And without a doubt, words can be powerful.

Along with loving words, I have this tendency to over-analyze things. So a few weeks ago when Shannon had a virtual jewelry party with Kristen’s custom creations, I was stumped. I had to choose my words.

I looked through Kristen’s samples.

And there were many options. Warrior. Courage. Patience. Saucy. Wise. Blessed. Loved. Namaste. Imagine. And so many more.

But none of those screamed my name. And so I pondered. And thought. Because that is what I am good at. And then. Miracles of miracles. I had a light bulb moment.

My favorite book of all time is Gregory Maguire’s “Wicked.” I love the musical as well. (And if you have seen the musical – but not read the book – please know that they are truly two different entities!) And I was so glad to know that all of you enjoyed listening to part of the soundtrack during my “popular” posts. One of the best songs on that sound track is “Defying Gravity.”

It is a sentiment that is dear to my heart. Because we all have the ability. And the power. To SOAR. And there are some days that I truly need to be reminded of that. And now, I can wear that reminder around my neck. And the necklace that the charm is on. Well, when you move, it makes a very quiet noise. And that quiet hum also gives me the reminder that not only are the words powerful…but so am I.
So…what about you? What is your word? And have you ever bought anything amazing from an etsy shop?

Many inspiring thanks to Tiffany and her Bliss post.

post signature

Theme song: Tom Petty - Learning to Fly. Because "Defying Gravity" sounds odd out of context.


  1. Wow. Great post! I have not browsed an etsy shop in a really long time. I need to go do that. Now.

  2. That's a great necklace/charm.
    I found Tile Scrabble Necklaces on Etsy (don't remember where though, but just search tile scrabble necklace and they come up). But these are cute. I got two from different sellers. One was a Cherry Blossom tree (which I LOVE) and the other was just an orange blossom. Simple and pretty!

  3. I love words too. I'm glad you "found" your words. What an awesome sentiment! And I love the necklace!

  4. That's a good question. I'll have to think on it and get back to you.

  5. Awesome post, Kat. I love words too, and I love the ones you choose for a necklace.

    I love Kristen's designs and have been thinking about getting one too.

    I think the right words for me right now are "mind pain" and "borborygmi."

  6. I love words, too... sometimes I have problems getting the right words out, though.

    Glad you like your necklace! It turned out great!

    So far, Kristen's Etsy shop is the only one I've purchased from. But I found another one, Lewa's Designs, that I really like. She has those vinyl thingys for your wall... there is one that I'm thinking about getting. Its from a Robert Browning poem that Shane and I used in our wedding:

    Grow old along with me!
    The best is yet to be...

  7. Oh how I love Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Soooooooooooooooooooo much.

    I bought stuff from MAMA DAWG's etsy shop. Everyone, go buy stuff from Mama Dawg. That's my PSA for the day.

    My word is IDENTITY. Not the movie with John Cusack (although that is a spine-tingler). And not my identity. But in Whom I find my identity. Yep.

  8. that is a beautiful post and an even more beautiful idea. I love that can wear it around your neck. Perfect

  9. It's more than one word... and it's gonna sound over used and trite, but ask me if I care....

    "Happily Ever After"

  10. Excellent Choice. I have no idea what mine would be...

  11. I love your descript of the "noise" it makes. How very cool.

    My word? Dunno. At least not one to be hung around my neck. Hmm. Maybe "saucy" or "believe". Oh wait, "sassy". Or maybe "live". "Laugh" is a good one. "Love much" is something I live by. Hmm. Think all of that would fit?

  12. Katrina what a sweet post and I am so glad you like your necklace. I love custom pieces and especially love when they hold special meaning for the wearer! Thank you for allowing me to create a custom piece for you.


  13. I have never bought from an etsy shop but your necklace is beautiful. I should definitely browse through, although it would take me weeks to choose a word that describes me.

  14. I love your words, hun. You have such an eloquent writing style..

    My word.. Unique. It's the word I use to describe my crazy name, my crazy mood swings, my crazy ideas and fears. It calms me and makes me feel 'normal', yet special.

    I've found many wonderful things via Etsy. I wish I could buy them all. I love creativity and seeing other's talents and passions. I love buying homemade.

  15. I totally blanked after seeing your necklace, but I have an award for you over at my place.

  16. Great post and that necklace is awesome! Power word, hmmm... I think I'll have to think about that a bit longer, but I'll try to get back to you on that!

  17. Hmmmm...I think I would have to stew over the perfect word for me. Although laugh would be one of my top choices. I love your's it's perfect!

  18. Tom Petty rocks!! Words rock!! Your blog rocks!!

    Come by to visit... I mentioned you on my 100th post!!

    ~Jill :)

  19. I just notice your "Top Contenders for a Restaining Order" and I'm LOL!! ~Jill

  20. I haven't bought anything yet...but I really want to! One word...I have to think about that...

  21. I don't know what my words would be - maybe "For Good." I, too, LOVE Wicked and all the music. Defying Gravity and For Good are two of my favorites!

  22. I LOVE her shop. I have 2 necklaces from her; the 3 disks with my initials and one for my blog. I also love Etsy. I could browse all day. I am really going to try to get all my Christmas gifts from there this year or from other handmade/independent sites.

  23. Words well and thoughtfully chosen.

  24. very cool.
    i wear my girls names.
    and i LOVE etsy. i bought almost all of my x-mas gifts on there last year. just made me super excited to see wicked this november.

  25. I'm trying to make my word "Fearless". The older I get, the easier it's becoming.

    I've not purchased anything from an etsy shop before, but it's just because I'm too lazy to shop something new at the moment.

  26. Smart has always been my word of power. (i.e. knowledge is power:-)

    I am going to shop on Etsy this holiday season! And, I have an amazing Etsy shop :-)

  27. I am deep in thought and can't seem to come up with one word or saying. I do wish my 'girls' could defy gravity though it would life a bit easier. ;)

  28. I just thought of my word -


    Cause I am.

  29. What a great post! The word I use the most is "no"..."come here"...does that count??
    I bought a tassel from the nester...loved it!!!

    -Sandy Toes

  30. I honestly have only purchased one item through an etsy shop and it was just the other day. I have been feeling the need to be surrounded by homemade and handmade items lately so I'm going to have to visit those soon.

    As for words? I'm rather obsessed with words. I also adore type, so imagine how crazy my mind can be. Do I have "a" word? I have been sitting here trying to think about it and I don't know that I do, but I'm going to ponder on it for a bit because I am intrigued.

    BTW...I'm having a give away, pop by my blog if you're interested.

  31. I haven't bought from etsy, but I do make those necklaces. My 2 favorites are one that says "Inspire" with a little apple charm and a tiny one with the word "Be" a la Addison. I don't know that I've really found my word yet, and I need to order more blanks to play with.
    Is it gold? Cuz it looks gold, but I thought that might be the lighting.

  32. Nice necklace - love the word you chose for it

  33. Never bought anything from an etsy shop. But xmas is coming so i can put it on my wish list for hubby. Those necklaces are adorable.

    I was interviewed the other day for something and one of the questions was "Give me 2 adjectives to describe yourself".Easy, I said. Wife and mother. They are not adjectives but they are THE best way to describe me. It's all I ever wanted to be and it is truly all me. Tattooed Minivan Mom fits me to a T too.

    I love Tiffany's Bliss post too.

  34. That necklace is FABULOUS! I love what it says and what it means. Love it.

  35. Awesome choice for words! I love that song, and I still need to read the book. There just aren't enough hours in the day!!

  36. I've bought beads but most importantly........I SELL on etsy. Come on over people!

  37. I love this necklace. I read Wicked and can't wait to see it next year when it comes to memphis!

  38. Let's see...

    I have no idea what my word would be. I like the following words, but not sure I could narrow it down: introspection, love, cheeseball, respect, scrumptious. I don't know what I'd put on a necklace!

    I have Wicked sitting on my bedside table, waiting to be read. I will start reading it tomorrow!


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