Sunday, November 9, 2008

I won the Wicked Lottery!

The names were written. The papers cut. And put into a big pointy hat. And the extras were checked. And more names were added to the hat. I had a few advil. Closed my eyes. Took a deep breath. And pulled out a name.Have I ever told you about my mother's obsession with HGTV? One of her favorites to watch is House Hunters. The show about a couple's search for a new home. They go with their real estate agent to look at three homes. And then they choose. Each time they have a commercial break, they summarize what we just learned.

So, in the beginning we are introduced to the couple and their kids. And we have a commercial break. And a recap. Then we see house #1. Then there is a commercial. And then when we return. Just in case you have the attention span of a gnat. We get a recap of the couple and house #1. Then we get to see house #2. And it's time for another commercial. When we return. Let's have another recap. Because perhaps you have a short term memory issue. And now, we get to see house #3. And yet another commerical. Then we get the final recap. And the couple tells us the pros and cons of each house. Because you obviously were not paying attention to the previous 5 minutes of actual showtime. And then they look at each other and say "we chose..." And you get the biggest pregnant pause in history. Before the big reveal.

Or how about that show "My house is worth what?" Where they show home owners that have made renovations to their home...and they want to know how much a real estate agent would be able to get for their home. And at the end the agent says "If I put your house on the market today...your house would be worth...."And we get the second biggest pregnant pause in the history of television.

What is the deal with the pause? Or the "Right after the break?" That has been beaten to death on American Idol...Deal or No Deal...and various and sundry reality shows.

Do you think that I might be assured of fame and fortune if I do big pauses in announcing the winners of my contests? Although I suppose I gave you quite the pause in announcing this now rather than yesterday like I planned.

Have you entered this week's contest?

Okay...fine...I'll get to the big "reveal." But not before we recap. In case you forgot why you are here.

The first of our weekend winners will receive:

The soundtrack to the musical "Wicked"


The personalized, autographed copy of Wicked by Gregory Maguire

And the winner of the Wicked Lottery IS...................................................................................




So...what about you? Are there any TV shows that you find incredibly annoying? Or how about ones that are so annoying...but you are sucked in and watch anyway (Can anyone say "The Duggars?!")? Be sure to let JenniferSusan know how excited you are for her!

post signature

Theme song: Stone Temple Pilots - "Plush" because it has a pregnant pause...errr...false ending...


  1. You know how there are some celebrities who bug the crap out of you and you don't know why? You've never met them, they've never done anything to you. They just bug? That's how I feel about that Page chick from Trading Spaces. Can't stand her.

    (You ever go from twittering to leaving a blog comment and worry that you're running out of space to write?)

    Congrats JenniferSusan!

  2. Okay, I'm trying to be a good sport (and not pout too much), soooooo CONGRATULATIONS Jennifer Susan, you lucky lucky girl!!! As for annoying shows, just about anything with Raven drives me nuts. My girls love her though. And the host of Amazing Race bugs me too, but I still watch that one.

  3. I've been waiting and waiting -
    and then the post and then....

    congrats to jennifersusan and your a big tease KAT!!!

    can't watch Rachel Ray...

    I watch Intervention on AE with morbid curiousity.

  4. The Druggers, Jon & Hate + 8, and that dammed Calliou.... HEY, LET'S TEACH OUR KIDS TO WHINE!!!!!!!!!

  5. When I was little, my mom didn't let us watch The Price is Right. No matter how exciting it was to see contestants jump up and run screaming from their seats to the stage when hearing their names called, it was forbidden. The reason? Mom said, "it's just so LOUD. I cannot TAKE IT." Like some of her other rules, I just figured it was because she was kinda nutso, and snuck in as many viewings as I could while keeping the volume turned down really low.

    The thing is, now that's one of the shows I cannot tolerate. Because it is just SO LOUD. I cannot TAKE IT! And every time Brian lands on the show while channel surfing, and I hear myself saying, "change it change it CHANGEITFORGOD'SSAKE!!!" I hear my mom saying, "see?"

    Anyway, JenniferSusan, I am just sooooo excited for you (insert eyeroll (@@) here), since I had positively ZERO interest in winning whatsoEVAH. ;)

    No, really. Congratulations. (hmmphh)

    What! I mean go, girl! You won! I'm GLAD!




  6. oh man, I demand a recount..........

    alright, fine.

    Conragtulations JenniferSusan!

    Now, I thought that me and Lizzy were destined to be the best of friends, you know us sitting around watching Jon & Kate plus 8 and the Duggars together, but I guess not.........

    Okay, so here is what I struggle with watching.........

    and don't shoot me people, I just don't get it okay......

    yes, I know that everybody else thinks it's hilrious. I just don't get it.........

    are you ready folks?????????

    I don't get.........

    The Office.

    okay, bye now.

  7. Yay for the winner!! Can't wait until next week...

  8. Congratulations to JenniferSusan! Lucky girl :)

    Wicked is coming here next spring. Can't wait!!

  9. You big tease!! I'm so glad you're back!!

    I went out and bought WICKED yesterday because I decided it was high time I read it.

  10. Your top commenters widget isn't working at the moment, so I can't see how behind I am...

  11. Congrats Jennifer!

    I think the worse pregnant pause is on the Biggest Loser, wish they would just get on with the weigh in, but still love the show.

  12. How did I NOT know the name of this song? I love STP. ???

    Anyway, congrats to JenniferSusan! I'm wickedly jealous. Ha ha. It's 8am and I didn't get much sleep so that was the most clever pun I could muster up.

    And I DESPISE the Duggars. But that's a post for another day. The new Knight Rider really works my nerves. I don't watch it but it always ends up on my tv when hubby has the remote.

  13. Aww, I'm sad for my sister Michelle; she really wanted to win. Oh, well. Congrats to JenniferSusan.

    I cannot watch reality TV. Of any sort. Staged, phony crap. Not reality. Sorry.

  14. Wife Swap. We watch every week & I get annoyed at how unwilling to play the families are. Ugh!

  15. You crack me up.

    Most annoying TV show is the one my husband adores "Pushing Daisies"

    The reason I dislike it is not because of the commercials. It's because it's weird.

    Congratulations to the winner. I'm off to tell her so.

  16. Well drat. Boo hiss. I wanted that prize.
    Congrats to the winner.
    I have to say, I think the pregnant pause on My House is Worth What is way more awkward than the one on House Hunters. I do love me some HH though!
    I thought I would hate the Duggars show on TLC. And they do still give me the creeps, but I love the "normal" cousin's commentary. And I think the show shows a bit more of the love in the family and less of the chores aspect that I so disagree with. Still can't get behind 18 kids, but whatever.

  17. I have to watch Wife Swap and Supernanny as well, no matter how irritated I get at those families.

    How did I get so low down on your "top contenders for a restraining order" list?! Cute name, btw.

  18. I guess because I stopped leaving two comments every visit. That used to be my method. :o)

  19. Rhea cracks me up! And this post made me laugh out loud because I hate that they have to recap the recap on House Hunters....What are the Duggars????

  20. I am also a huge House Hunters and My House is Worth What fan. HUGE. However, my husband does not share the love.

  21. Congrats JenniferSusan! It's a terrific prize!

  22. Congrats JenniferSusan!! :)

    Let's see, Rachel Ray drives me nuts! I hate SATC but since its the only thing on at 9pm here have taken to watching it. But those women drive me nuts!!

  23. Congrats lady with two first names!

    Lots of shows irritate me so I've stopped watching...Survivor, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Trading Spaces are among those that I loved in the beginning. Then they turned downright sucky.

  24. Yippee!! I can't believe I won! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! My mom actually called me to tell me I won. She's very excited and can't wait for her goodies. We're splitting the booty--I get the soundtrack and she gets the book. :) We're so excited! Thank you!!!

  25. Love STP! I got to see them in concert. Sigh...I guess I will have to go out and buy Wicked all on my own.

  26. Congratulations JenniferSusan - that is one awesome prize!

  27. Congrats to the winner. I so agree about the Duggars. I think that most reality shows are like that. They suck you in and while watching you are asking why am I watching this?

  28. duuude!! i will not watch that show for that EXACT reason. the 'myhouse is worth what?' show. hate that show. its NEVER accurate. hate it. rrrrrrr.

    but i do love house hunters. i'm sorry. it's bad.

    i also miss the british version of 'trading spaces', with that cool scottish woman. sigh.

  29. Congratulations to the winner!!! I love that you autographed it first!

    Uh... "John&Kate+8" We used to TIVO it and watched it all the time, until her constant belittling of her husband got so annoying and so old, we stopped watching.

  30. No, wait, you pulled the wrong name, try again!

  31. Congrats JenniferSusan! I thought about this contest while watching the amazing race. one racer had green paint dust stuff thrown in her hair and face and her blond hair was bright green! :)

  32. Congrats JenniferSusan!

    Most kid shows annoy me... Caillou, Yo Gabba Gabba, Dragon Tales...

  33. Yay JenSue!

    Guess what Kat...I bought the book this morning. Can't wait until the kids go to bed!

  34. Jon and Kate + 8 grates on my nerves. My girls like, but those older twins are bratty to me. They are like their momma.

  35. I used to watch House Hunters all the time and was so annoyed by all the recaps. But I did like trying to guess which house they would pick and what I would pick.

    And I also have the Hunger Games on my nightstand. In fact, I am only on about page 50, but it's good so far. I totally applaud people that can imagine a whole other world like that.

  36. And R=Republican? That? Made me laugh until I peed a little. ;)

  37. Well I think since JenniferSusan is so crudely splitting up the prize that she should be disqualified!

    I mean, c'mon! That's like eating the chocolate around the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and handing the peanut butter pattie off to someone else!

    These things were destined to be together and what Kat hath joined together, let no woman put assunder!!

    Yah, I'm a sore loser, so what?? hehe

    I saw the stupidest show on one night as I was trying to fall asleep and now I can't quit watching it! It's like they're putting the stuff that's in Lay's Potato Chips out over the television waves! Seriously!

    Do not judge people! I dare you to watch Scream Queens, where actresses compete for a role in Saw 6, just once and not be hooked...


  38. p.s. Congratulations JenniferSusan

    I guess...

  39. p.s. I forgot to tell you there is an award waiting for you at my blog!

  40. I did not win. And that's OK. I have another shot.

    What TV show annoys me? Grey's Anatomy. Never watched it, but all that sexing and vexing in broom closets and such? Um, no.

  41. I truly was getting annoyed.. like "Come on Kat.. who won??" CongratulOtions to Jennifer Susan!

    I watch all kinds of annoying shows, but I'm a reality tv, teen drama loving freak. Okay, I just love TV.

  42. Congrats to JenniferSusan!

    Annoying shows ~ "we" watch a lot of military blow-em-up shows, forensic shows, criminal shows...argh. Mr Man has a grip on the remote AT ALL TIMES.

    I just tune out the drama...and switch to Bravo when he's not looking.


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