Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the kitchen with Katie: Scotch Eggs

A few weeks ago we studied Scotland as part of our homeschool geography program. I was really excited about it because I could coordinate the learning with going to the Highland Games. And Georgia hosts the largest gathering of clans and games. Bigger than the ones in Scotland! And naturally, I was excited about the games. About watching the parade. Seeing sheep dogs at work. Witnessing a caber toss. And most importantly. Photographing hot men in kilts.

Except that it didn't quite work out like that.

We did see caber tossing. And learned that the object was not to toss it for distance. But to get the caber to make a complete rotation.

We did see some dogs learning to herd.

We got to meet Katie the hawk. But there was not a birds of prey demonstration because there are so many wild hawks in the area.

And there was the parade of clans. (And Heather - I didn't see anyone resembling Jamie. Trust me. I was looking.)

With their kilts.But someone forgot to send Gerard Butler his invite.And tell him that I needed some sexy Scots for my blog post.

We went to console ourselves with some food. And found this shocking sign.

The girls decided to have some fish and chips. Because I told them that I could teach them to make Scotch eggs.

And now. Katie can teach you.

The ingredient list is pretty short.

Please notice my eggs.A while ago, Staci did a whole post on how horrible her hard boiled eggs looked. And then I found this video that showed how to peel them. Without actually peeling them. Has anyone tried this? We did. It didn't work.

All you do is mix your Worcestershire, bread crumbs, beaten eggs, and a little bit of lawry's with your sausage.

I know that some of you are squeamish with your tactile issues. Have someone else mix. This recipe is too good and too easy to pass by.Once it's all mixed, scoop out a handfull and roll the egg in your hand so that the sausage completely covers it.

Put all the sausage coated eggs on a pan. Have ya'll noticed how many of my recipes include sausage? I had no idea that I had such an affinity for sausage. And here is the finished product. Delish!

Here is my simple recipe:

Hard boiled eggs (the sausage will cover about 10)

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 egg lightly beaten

1 1lb breakfast sausage

bread crumbs (ugh. you are going to want to know how much aren't you? A handful? 1/4 - 1/3 of a cup? The bread crumbs help to hold the sausage together. But you want the mixture to still be sticky)

1 tbs flour

Lawry's seasoned salt. Just a dash. Or a shake.

Mix all the ingredients (except for the hard boiled eggs). And then scoop out a handful of the sausage and press around an egg.

Bake them at 350ยบ for 30-45 minutes. You don't want them crispy - just cooked through.

So...what about you? Have you ever been to a Highland games? Seen sexy men in kilts? Eaten Haggis? Or yummy Scottish food?

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Theme Song: Big Country - In a Big Country. Love me some 80s bagpipes...


  1. Awesome. I had a completely innappropriate comment about haggis, eating and that gorgeous man you keep posting a pic of, but I'll refrain.

    I'm totally gonna do that recipe. I LOVE sausage (that's what she said) and I love hard boiled eggs. Combined, delish!


  2. I can say I have had haggis and can cross that off my list!! I love the pics!! I was able to spend 2 1/2 weeks in Scotland and my friend and I were "flashed" by a Scot in a kilt!! Fun times for 2 girls in college!!!

  3. Hmmmmm....a boiled egg inside sausage. (And yes, I have noticed you like sausage. ;) ) I think it sounds kind of fun. Something my kids might eat just because of the peek-a-boo factor. I'll have to give those a try. And I was severely disappointed that Jamie didn't show up for you pictures. He should have known better. I'll just pretend the man you have pictures of has red hair. :) Never eaten haggis or anything Scottish I don't think.

  4. Oh Kat, thanks so much for this!
    My heritage is Scottish, we even have a working castle in Lanarkshire that is run by Scottish relatives, and the middle son is really into his heritage! We'll be making us some Scotch eggs this weekend!

    We had a Highland Games celebration here is Chatt. this past August when we on vacation!!!!!!! My parents used to attend the one in Atlanta and I've always wanted to take my kids!So a big THANK YOU for this post!

  5. I would be so disappointed in missing the hot guys in kilts!

  6. Those look so yummy! I have never heard of scotch eggs, and now that I have I may have to make them. We have an affinity for sausage in this house. Sausage stuffed mushrooms was how I conned my boys into eating mushrooms. My family used to go to the rendevous at Fort de Chartes every year and we'd see loads of men in kilts. I always liked listening to the bagpipes. I've never been to a Highland game but now that I know about the one in Atlanta, maybe I'll have to plan a trip. The kids would love seeing them.

  7. I can't believe that the haggis was sold out.

    I have been to many highland games wearing my husband's tartan. (Gunn)

    I always am on the lookput for Jamie and Claire~sigh.

  8. Gosh that looks good.

    So do the eggs.

  9. What, no Jamie Fraser?!

    Oh, well, a girl can dream... These days I don't know who I'd rather meet: Jamie or Edward. Jamie is awfully hot. And he wears a kilt. And he doesn't suck blood.

    But Edward. He's just so dreamy.

    I digress.

    Thanks for the gratuitous kilt pics, and the yummy recipe. I had never heard of these before; they look delish! (And I love me some sausage, too. And bacon. And goetta. Have you ever had goetta? Yum.)

    What a fun experience. When are you gonna let your daughter read Outlander? In about ten years?

  10. That looks really good! I'm definitely going to try this!!!

  11. That recipe sounds yummy (and does does the picture of the Scott guy)

    I'll have to try the recipe. I wonder if Greg would be open to the idea of a kilt? He has sexy legs...

  12. Hello Gerard. I like your sword. *snicker*

    I haven't eaten haggis and I pretty much pass on anything that is encased in a stomach and boasts ingredients like sheep lungs. Eeeeeuw. I suppose I would try it, but thankfully, I haven't run across it yet.

    p.s. If it ain't Scottish, it's crap!

  13. oh lordy.... gerard butler is ... phew... never thought i'd say i found a man in a skirt sexy.

    but boy he is SO on my sexyman list. phew! thanks for that!!!!

    also? that uhm scottish egg thing? that looks delish and i hate hard boiled eggs. so that's sayin' somethin. i may try a variation on this. and then talk in a scottish accent. and then pretend gerard is my eating companion. sigh.

  14. Let's see: LOVE the caber tossing. If that was in teh olympics more people would watch.

    LOVE Diana Gabaldon and as soon as i saw the topic i wondered if Jamie and Claire showed up. LOL

    Is it wrong that i think the scotch eggs look REALLY tasty?! :)

  15. We have seen Highland Games. In fact, a guy my husband worked with was a pole throwing, kilt wearing scottish warrior. So, we went to the games ...

    the kids got fat pencils to pretend they were cabers.. We drank some good beer and had cornish pasties and fish and chips. It was fun, but not something I'd like to do every weekend.

  16. I love Scotch Eggs !!! You beat me to it, as I'd been thinking of posting the recipe I use for them. :-)

    I do sometimes bake mine, but I also deep fry them, which is the more traditional, if fattening, way of doing them. They're great fo dinner or lunch with a salad.

    When peeling boiled eggs, I stick to the way that I was taught at a coffee Lounge I worked at before and after school, as a teen in NZ.

    Boil the eggs, stick them under running water until they are cold. Tap them against the counter to crack the shell, then gently roll them until the shell is completely broken, then peel it off under running water.

    I also love fish'n'chips, black sausage, Cloutie Dumpling, Shortbread, Shepherd's Pie, Toad-In-The-Hole, Selkirk Bannock, Rumbledethumps, Pies and so on. I have a lot of Scottish ancestors amd my Grandma used to cook many of the traditional recipes ...

    To a certain extent, depending on what part of Scotland you're from, English and Scottish recipes sort of intermingled..

    And yes, I've been to Highland Games back in NZ and Military Tattoos. if you ever get a chance to go to one of those, don't hesitate, they are awesome !!!

  17. Ok, I have to ask in reference to 'Jamie' did you Jamie Fraser?!!? As in Diana Gabaldon's Jamie and Claire Fraser? I LOVE those books. If you have no idea what I mean just ignore me :) I'm Scottish, I rarely make sense.

  18. LOL at all the Gerard Butler in a kilt pictures!

    What were they wearing under their kilts? Did you look? ;)

    And I can't believe the Haggis was sold out! Yuck.

    But I'm tempted to try that boiled egg recipe.

  19. Never heard of Scotch eggs until this very moment. But it doesn't look like something I would hate.

    And I definitely like Gerald Butler. Kilt, sword and all.

  20. Ok, I haven't even read one word of the post yet...
    Was a little distracted...

    Staring at Gerard Butler.

    Drooling over Gerard Butler.

    Fantasizing over Gerard Butler (TMI for some people {cough, cough... Kori} but not for you, I know).

    He is one fine specimen.

    Ok, going to read it now....

    And maybe drool some more...

  21. OK, I'm back.

    I have never been to a Highland games but think it would be very cool to go. Especially if there are hot guys in kilts. But I don't think I would go for the food.

    And I have to say it again... Gerard Butler is one sexy, sexy Scotsman.

  22. I don't so much do eggs--but I do like me some men in kilts! I've never gone to our Celtic games here, but I am for SURE going this year :)!

  23. I have never seen anything like this recipe in my life. I'm intrigued and I think Little Chief would love it! Putting on the list for this weekend.

  24. I have never even heard of Highland games...lame I know...I am not a big sausage fan, but that finished product is really making my mouth do such unique things with your kids, and husband for that matter, would be turning up their nose at this....

  25. Oh and I LOVE this song...reminds me of college...

  26. LOL
    Sorry! As I was getting closer to the end of the post I was like "hey?" It hit me that you were kind enough to sprinkle a little Gerard here and there!

    What a neat field trip with the girls!

  27. I actually married into a Scottish family and so I have been privy to the Highland games. Except, we came from the McEwing clan which were lowlanders. I guess they were the "bad guys". Maybe I should have done a better background check:-) Hee, hee, hee.


    He made it on my Holy Hotness Sunday this past Sunday. Absolutely adorable.

    I <3 everything Scottish.

  29. I haven't made Scotch eggs in a long time. Being Scottish, I can say that I'm not much a fan of the food, but I like the eggs. No haggis here, nope, not gonna do it.

    And I know exactly who you're talking about when you said you looked for Jamie ... I often look for him too ... haven't found him yet. ;-) The perfect Jamie only exists in my wild imagination. sigh

  30. the hubby LOVES Scotch eggs. There is a festival in town every year where they have them and he always has to get one. Now I will try and make them for him. Thanks.

  31. What an awesome post! I love how you coincide Katie's studies with these cultural festivals. I had no idea Georgia hosted bigger Highland Games than Scotland! Way cool.

    I've never heard of or had Scotch Eggs...but they look DELICIOUS! I'm gonna make them this weekend. I've never made a recipe from someone's blog before, so it's fitting I start with one of yours.

    I love bagpipes. And men in kilts. The women don't look so hot in their attire though...

  32. Wow - you really do some of the COOLEST things with your family!!!

  33. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I dared try these at a pub one time. Ick. Almost lost my beer buzz.

  34. These look easy and sound yummy--egg & sausage breakfast, all in one bite! And this is a great song!!

  35. I've never been to a Highland Games, mostly because I feel quite sure that I would be disappointed about not seeing a Gerard or my James there. Sigh.

    The only sexy men in kilts that I've ever seen were in the movies.

    I'll NEVER eat Haggis. I'm not ruling out any other Scottish food at the moment.

  36. He can wear a skirt for me anytime!

  37. I am a little afraid. I mean I like eggs, a lot. I think they are about the perfect food. But, I'm really picky about how I like 'em.

    do you promise this is good? Do your kids eat it? I think mine would look at me like I had 8 heads.

    As you can tell... we aren't Scottish here. But I love trying new foods. usually when someone else makes the exotic food. ;)

    I can't believe I missed your Wicked give away. I'm kicking myself.


  38. Haggis.

    Oh yikes, here I go again...

    Where is the Commodium A-D?

  39. I forgot I wanted to make this. I'm going to write down the ingredients right now and go buy them. I MUST EAT THIS.

  40. I have the ingredients now to make this...and I plan on cooking it TODAY.

  41. I made them. They were fabulous.

    But no sexy men in kilts showed up to eat them with me...what gives?


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