Thursday, January 22, 2009

Anyone home?

Thanks so much for your emails. Manic comments. And phone call. It really is nice to be missed.

Let's see...this is what is going on ovah here...

Last weekend Lizzy came to visit. And while she was here, I just did not feel like myself. I cannot even think to describe how I was except "off." Or maybe just in a fog would be a better word. But it's truly hard to describe. And then on Sunday night I was in bed. And went to turn over to get more comfortable. And when I opened my eyes, the room was spinning. Around and around. Ugh. Get me off of this ride!

I have never had motion sickness of any kind...nor drunken binges, so the spinning was quite a new sensation for me. And not a nice one. I had Michael leave work early on Monday and take me to the doctor. Where they did ever test known to man. All of which turn up negative. There is nothing to pin this on. Nothing to say when it will leave. Or if this is a permanent thing. But my diagnosis - vertigo.

I was given a prescription for the dizziness. It's an antihistamine. So, most of this week I have spent sleeping. The spinning has stopped. But the fog. Well, it's still here. And I am not sure if it's a vertigo fog. Or an antihistamine fog.'s still a fog. So, when the clouds clear, I'll be back. Until then...maybe you could send me a flashlight.

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  1. Oh, no! I'm so sorry. Remy had an experience like this when he was little. They did lots of tests, never truly figured it out.

    It was scary though. Scared me. He fell down and couldn't get up, the "world was spinning."

    This also happened to one of my sisters. She was teaching a class and fell down. Said it was scary and horrible.

    I'll send you a flashlight. A honking Texas-sized one. And I'll hand delivery it. :o)

    I've missed you!!

  2. Oh Kat, I am so sorry you aren't feeling "right". I sure hope that the fog lifts and this is history real soon.

    I hate when they give you a diagnosis that really doesn't tell you anything. Hopefully it will NOT be a permanent thing.

    Feel better and come back with all kinds of great new stories to tell! We miss you.

  3. I've worried sick about you all day today! So glad to see a post. Although, it's not the best of news, some news is better than none. Glad to hear the spinning is gone. I'm telling ya, lots of water and NO sugar. (Yuck I know, but it really does help me.) Please get better, I miss you tons!!!

  4. eeek! I'll be sure to put in the good word for ya with Yaweh (yes it's a U2 reference).. I hate anit-hist.. it really makes that fog dense. If I can do anything for ya (not that I can do much) let me know! Are ya a tea drinker? If so try making some ginger tea from scratch.. It's an old holistic perscription for vertigo.. Just get some fresh ginger root and seep it water. I add lots of sugar because it tastes YUCK other wise. I'm sure you could use splenda if you were trying to be more waistline friendly (then again it's not "natural") or maybe honey? Best.. really! I miss your posts.

  5. I've missed you bunches. Hope you get better soon. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

  6. You poor thing...hopefully it's just a virus that will pass soon.
    Hold on to the edge of the bed, close your eyes - and get better soon!

  7. Vertigo is more of a symptom than a diagnosis. Something has to cause the vertigo. In my experience, a virus or an ear infection can cause vertigo. Hopefully it won't last long, run it's course and you'll be all better soon!

    I was worried about ya ... keep us posted.

  8. Sorry, I hope you feel better and thankfully it isn't anything too serious

  9. My stomach dropped as you were describing your symptoms. Look up labrythitis when you get a free moment. I had it just over 2 years ago, and it completely did me in for a while. I couldn't do a thing! The vertigo was horrible, beyond anything I've ever felt before. It affected me for months after as well. To this day I still feel that "off" feeling when I lay on my stomach or get up to quick. I hope you feel better soon.

  10. I hope you gwt to feeling better soon!! ♥

  11. I know that kind of dizzy!! Right before I got pregnant with Todd I had the same problem. It sucked! All tests came out negative (including pregnancy) and it just kinda came and went and made my life complicated and a pain.
    I hope it clears up soon!!!

  12. I have missed you and I am glad that you posted but I am sorry that you are sick. I hope the world stops spinning soon.

  13. Glad to hear that you're okay...I've been in a fog today too--wonder if it is hanging thick and heavy in this cold Georgia air!?

  14. I've been worrying about you! I hope you feel better soon. I hate feeling dizzy, and I hate feeling foggy.
    When you get a second, come see who I regifted that movie card to--it's hilarious! It may just make its way round the bloggy world!

  15. what a great blog,
    for one who's in a fog!
    i wish you well,
    a way out of this hell,
    or at least pray tell,
    someone to answer your bell,
    for being ill is, well,
    not fun at all,
    even if one that's tall,
    is in the ER on call,
    when you are there,
    trying hard not to fall,
    unable to stand tall,
    without the help of a wall.
    so i wish you well,
    a way out of this hell.
    For this was a great blog,
    From one who’s in a fog.

    see what you do to me! I just couldn't make the rhyming STOP!!!

  16. Oh, that is so weird. Hey, isn't there an Alfred Hitchcock movie called Vertigo?

    Hope you feel better soon!

  17. That stinks... I had a feeling like that once, it was an inner ear infection.

    I hope you are feeling better.

    You're always the one having it is your turn to enjoy one....

    I'm having a Valentine's give-a-way on my blog, come on over and check it out. :D

  18. I have had dizzy 'attacks' before also. Not fun. My Rx...take some sinus meds and stay in bed.

    Feel better soon !

  19. Oh hon, I am sorry! I am placing you on my prayer list! Hopefully the fog will lift soon!

  20. Feel better! I was so wondering why you hadn't popped up on my reader for the past week!

    Thinking of you!! Dizziness is no fun.... that's how I felt for the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy.

  21. Kat,

    Glad to know you are still around. I was beginning to wonder and had considered emailing you but thought that it might be a computer issue and if that were the case, you would not be able to access your email anyway.
    But, glad to know you are still here and hope you are better soon.

  22. oh no! I hope you feel better soon. We'll be waiting for you!

  23. I will now recreate my phone call excitement with Katie:

    Me: HEY--is your mom there? (all excited over the Lost blog.)

    Katie: Yeah. She's in bed. She's not well.

    Me: Oh. (deflated) I'll just e-mail her...tell her I hope she feels better.

    Kate: Ok.


    Me: Oh, this is LULA, by the way.

    Katie: Ok.

    Me: (still deflated) Bye!

    Then I hung my head and cried. And missed you.

    It was funnier when it actually happened. Just sayin'.

    Feel better. Have you even watched?

  24. I will now recreate my phone call excitement with Katie:

    Me: HEY--is your mom there? (all excited over the Lost blog.)

    Katie: Yeah. She's in bed. She's not well.

    Me: Oh. (deflated) I'll just e-mail her...tell her I hope she feels better.

    Kate: Ok.


    Me: Oh, this is LULA, by the way.

    Katie: Ok.

    Me: (still deflated) Bye!

    Then I hung my head and cried. And missed you.

    It was funnier when it actually happened. Just sayin'.

    Feel better. Have you even watched?

  25. You poor thing. Did you even get to watch the show?! If your head was already spinning before, I'm sure watching Lost with all the time traveling did not help one bit...

    Feel better soon. Hope it's just a bug.

  26. It is horrid to hear you down and out. Dang it. Don't it make you mad that in this day and age how much is still not known about our bodies.
    I pray your better soon. That the fog lifts and your steady on your feet again. I have lit a light house for you. See the light safely to shore.

  27. Ugh! I'm so sorry... the people I know who've had vertigo did not describe pleasant things at all. Did your doctor give you the lay down get up quick from your side exercise, too? Fingers crossed that the fog lifts soon!

  28. I really hope everything is okay and that you'll be feeling better in no time. We'll be here waiting for your return!

  29. I've missed you, too! Hope you're better soon. Not knowing how long the fog will last kinda sucks :(

  30. Oh wow. A few years ago I had an episode just like that. For 48 hours straight, I couldn't sit up or open my eyes without the room spinning and it came on gradually and went away gradually (after the really bad 48 hours). I went to the doc and he said it was a vertigo episode and pulled a HUGE chunk of wax out of one ear and gave me vitamins and medicine for the next time it happened, but thankfully (so far) it's only happened the one time. I hope you get fully over it soon and it doesn't happen again!

  31. Oh dear! I hope you're feeling better soon! Spinning rooms - no fun!

  32. I tagged you for a meme. I know you may not feel like doing one right now, so that's ok. It's about books, which is the reason I'm doing it, and I thought of you.

    Hang in there, girlfriend! Is there anything I can do?!

  33. Hey - they don't call me Dizzy Lizzy for nothing.

    I think it's too much WII!!!! :)

  34. I've had an bout or two myself with vertigo. They never could figure it out. I'm sure you will feel better soon!

  35. I've been missing you !!!!

    That's not a good thing when the world spins on you.

    I had that happen to me on a couple of occasions.

    The first time turned out to be an ear thing ..

    The second time was my neck. It was all screwed up. Was really weird, as I hopped out of bed, the world span and I almost fell through the window. Apparently it was all the fault of my pillow. It was old and it messed up my neck..

    Hope you are feeling bette soon and that the fog lifts !!

  36. I've missed you and I'm glad to hear you're doing a little better.

    I'm going to send you one of those flashlight hat thingies so you can still use your hands. You might look goofy but whatever gets you back to blogging!

  37. Kat, feel better soon. Those antihistamines do make you foggy. Just lay low and rest for awhile.

  38. That sounds horrible!! I hope you find relief soon.

  39. I hope the fog lifts soon. Vertigo is no fun!

  40. One flashlight, coming your way!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  41. oh. so not fun. my mom has had two of those episodes over the last decade. luckily that's all it's been. just the two. but each time it's taken her a few days to bounce back. scary things those vertigo experiences.

    praying you're back to "normal" soon (as normal as that gets - wink!)

  42. I'm glad you're starting to tunnel your way out. I've had vertigo and it's not fun!

  43. Sounds like something I had in spring 2005. When headed to bed, my head didnt feel right at all...I woke up the next morning with the head spinning like a carousel with a turbo engine. If the spinning wasnt bad enough, it made me nauseous enough to..well you know. Hubby had to get me to the dr and I was put on something to get the room to stop spinning AND an antinauseal. The meds made me sleep a good part of the day (roughly 20 hours or more). After 3 trips to the drs and a week on medicines and sleep, I finally got better. The dr had no clue what it was, just that it was a bad virus and that it had to run it's course. All she could do is make me feel comfortable and let nature take its course. The spinning stopped after 3-4 5 I could walk pretty much unassisted (although it felt like I was walking on a waterbed) days 7-9 I was better enough to get up and do some light housework.

    Hope you're feeling better today.

  44. Aw, Kat .. I'm way behind on my blog reading, but I see you're still not back. I hope you get to feeling better SOON!

    I'd send you a flashlight .. but .. yeah, I still haven't bought one. Stupid memory.

  45. Yeah, vertigo is one of those "it could be almost anything" things. VERY frustrating. I assume they checked your ears for an inner ear thing. As far as the fog, I have that and call it peri-menopause. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry, just laughing at myself. I hope you feel better!

  46. Just saw a post over at SITS and wanted to let you know that I am saying prayers for your husband.
    praying his surgery goes smoothly and he comes out healed.

  47. Many prayers for your husband and family.

  48. Just heard about your husband over at Lizzy's place. I'm so sorry to hear he's in the hospital and of course I'll include all of you in my prayers. Please keep us posted when you have a few minutes.

  49. Lots of Prayers to YOU and your Family right now!

  50. Kat - sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and your husband and entire family tonight.

  51. Kat, we love you and are praying continually for Michael, you and the girls. Please know you are in our thoughts.

  52. Kat I just read about what happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  53. I pray for your husband, Michael, to have recovery complete.
    I pray for you to have strength and surrounding love.
    I pray for all of the family and close friends that will be there to help.
    I pray for your daughters that they will not feel fear and confusion now.

  54. Kat,
    Just read Rhea's post. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help, call me. I'm at 770.712.7492. I am within 40 minutes of you and will do anything I can to help.


  55. Kat--lots of prayers heading your way from Indiana. Love you!

  56. Prayers for you and your husband. I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. We are all praying for you guys.

  57. Praying for both of you!!!
    May God heal you.

  58. Kat, I got Lizzy's first tweet this morning during the middle of church! I got some glares because I had forgotten to silnce my phone before heading in to church, but I'm glad I did. I immediately started praying for Michael and you and the girls.

    Tonight I am praying for peace, and rest for you and for wisdom for the doctors.

    Much love,

  59. just saw the news about your hubby. wow, am praying for you. can't imagine what you are going through right now.

    don't even know if you have healed from your vertigo yet. i've been dealing with it for a year & a half so i do understand part of that.

    asking God to heal your husband and bring you all HIS peace.

  60. Wow...I had this same thing a couple of weeks ago. I get it every once sucks. I hope you are feeling better soon. Keep Dramamine on hand for when the spins case it should ever happen again.

  61. Vertigo sucks! my hubby fell and clocked his head and had vertigo for about 3 wks and had to go to physical therapy to get it to calm down. Hope you feel better.


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