Monday, March 16, 2009

Heaven in a carton

I don't grocery shop. Mostly because my motivation to go is hunger. And I am an impulse shopper. And I forget things. Like coupons. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that I am not allowed to grocery shop. Michael has been doing that chore for years. Because he gets some sort of adrenaline rush from cutting coupons and saving money. And my rush is more about Little Debbie nutty bars catching my eye.

But ever since January when Michael had his aneurysm. I have been doing the grocery shopping. I have been going through his coupon book. And actually using them. I have been trying to stick to the list. And making sure that I have eaten lunch before I go.

But this week. I had finished my list. And was making one last stop. Down the frozen foods aisle. Bryers ice cream was buy one get one free. And I was going to pick up a new flavor for Madalyn. And as I walked down the aisle. I saw it.

It was like a light shined down from heaven. I heard a chorus of angels. And right there in the freezer case. Manna from heaven. Do you think that I'll be struck by a bolt of lightning if I use another religious metaphor?

It is my very favorite ice cream. One that I have never seen for sale here in Georgia. I have only found it when we vacation at St. George island. And now it's here. Prayers have been answered. It's truly a miracle. Okay. I am hearing cracks of thunder.

I'll be back after I have recovered from my ice cream headache. And diabetic coma.

So...what about you? Do you like a hard to find food? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Do you do the grocery shopping?

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  1. I am here to make you cry. Because I live in Texas! And that is were Blue Bell is from. I have been to Brenhem 5 TIMES, directly at the factory to watch them make my favorite flavors and to sit the the ice cream shop and eat to my hearts content. My fav flav has been Madi Gras Ice Cream that is only here for a short while each year. My brother use to drive a milk truck that delivered to Blue Bell. And he really was allowed to eat all the ice cream he wanted!

  2. I. am. so. JEALOUS!!!! We buy and eat gallons of this when we go to the beach in Alabama. Seriously. I love Blue Bell and we can't get it here in Colorado (unless we go eat at Outback Steakhouse). Rumor has it that they sell it in Arizona.

    I just can't get there fast enough!!

  3. Oh this cracks me up. Blue Bell, from the lil creamery in Brenham, used to only be available in Texas. My grandmother in New Orleans LUVED the stuff. She would eat a ton of it when she was in town and ask us to pack some heavily in ice to bring to her when we went to visit.

    I have a WEIRD one. I am addicted to the 'no Egg' tofu salad at Whole Foods. Evidently, alot of peeps like it. Whole Foods gets stock on Tuesday. By lunch time on Tuesday, the shelves are wiped out of the stuff. boo hoo

  4. Yuppers, a TinRoof sundae is scrumptious! gotta look for that in our frozen aisle on my next venture to the store...

  5. Blue Bell is also a staple here in Missouri. My most favorite BB flavor, though, is Mint Chocolate chip. It is the ONLY brand I will eat when it comes MCC. No other will do. I don't eat much ice cream, so when I *do* eat it, I go for the good stuff, like Blue Bell or Bryers.

    And yes, I do all the shopping. I do everything. Sometimes it really sucks being a single mom. Other times, it's absolute bliss. :)

    I don't really have a hard to find item. If it isn't at Walmart, I can usually find it at Price Cutter, and vice versa.

    I definitely have to eat before I go shopping or I end up buying all sorts of crazy fattening crap that I don't need and spending way too much money. Maybe I should have eaten a bit more before shopping yesterday?????


  6. this is GREAT NEWS!!!!! Good thing come to those who wait...ask and it shall be given unto you! I know how long you've dreamed of this moment! sort of a little anniversary present Michael didn't even know he was supposed to get!
    did you leave any for me?

  7. I live in Jersey, so I have never seen or heard of this brand. But Im really happy for you that your store carrys it now. Im kind of an ice cream slut...I will eat any brand. I love it all.

  8. We don't get Blue Bell here. I've only had it once and it was good. We have a little local dairy here that we frequent in the summer time. Helps keep my girlish figure. Their pralines and cream is to die for good! And lately, I've been on the Breyers (or is it Dryers?) Heath ice cream... YUMMMMM!

  9. I can see why it seemed lighting was shining down from heaven. That gold rim is quite the beacon, isn't it?!?

    Hmmm, up in Northern California there's a frozen yogurt shop that makes "tart" vanilla yogurt and you can choose the mix-ins that then get all grinded up (my favs being m&ms and raspberries) and swirled in. Yummmm. There's nothing like it down here in SoCal.

  10. My favorite ice cream is, hands down, Rocky Road. Yum yum. And yes I do grocery shop, but I hate it. I can't tell you how many times I almost talked myself into just putting all the food back and picking up some fruit and sandwich stuff. I hate spending all that money for all that stuff. I get grumpy. Not cool.

  11. I shop for the same reason Michael does. It is just too expensive to let my husband go- and we end up no actual meal ingredients.

    I can't actually relate to your icecream, since I don't like it. But, Hot Tamales are readily available just about everywhere.

  12. I do the grocery shopping, and you can always tell if I'm hungry while I'm there. I try to stick to a list, but sometimes you just can't resist!
    Anything with chocolate, as far as ice cream goes.

  13. Hi Kat!

    Ice cream is my FAVORITE food group. Yes, I said FOOD GROUP. My far-and-away, all time favorite is Baskin Robbins' World Class Chocolate. I ate gallons of the stuff as a kid. As an adult, I have also developed a love for Coldstone's Chocolate Devotion. If I were sitting next to both at the same time, it would be a difficult choice, but either one makes me a happy girl.

    My other ice cream weakness is for Mayfield Chocolate Ice Cream sandwiches. Like the ones with the chocolate wafers AND chocolate ice cream. Another thing I could devour an entire box of!

    Hope you guys are doing well. I have been keeping you in my prayers!

  14. I do all the shopping. Chuck would have us broke with no real food if I let him shop. I'm not good about coupons thoug.

    I'm also not big on ice cream so I rarely buy it but I do love a real tin roof sundae from a little restaurant at home so I'm sure I would like the BB Tin Roof ice cream. But my ice cream of choice is vanilla. I know, I'm boring. LOL

  15. I am so envious! I absolutely love their Butter Pecan, which I discovered at the beach in Florida, but we don't have it here. Now I have hope that it might end up here someday!

    I have a really random product that I can't get here. Roddenberry's Cane Patch Syrup. It's the only syrup I really like!

    Glad to read your words today, Kat.


  16. I am a sucker for every new product that hits the shelves in super markets. Have you seen the creamsicle Pop Tarts? Yeah, had to buy 'em (though, I haven't eaten them - my kids have).

    And if it's NEW ice cream - ALL. THE. BETTER. Because ice cream is probably the greatest invention EVER.

    Favorite ice cream flavor? It's currently Oberweis Birthday Cake. But I do love me some Chocolate Peanutbutter, or just basic Mint Chip. Or Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey.

    Mmmm...I'm hungry. Mental Note: Do Not Go To The Grocery Store. ;)

  17. You know what!!?? I had a "revelation" recently too! Prayers were answered....I danced a jig....I know exactly how you feel! I grew up, EVERY.FRIDAY.NIGHT. going to a little pizza place with my grandparents. Best pizza ever (if you like thin, greasy pizza that is!) Well, they only had one location (that is about an 1 1/2 hours from where I live currently)...but as of a month ago...they opened a second location (after almost 40 years!) 15 minutes from my house!!! We've eaten there about 10 times in the past 2 weeks :) I'm so glad you found your favorite ice cream flavor. I'll have to check and see if we have it here in OK! Hmmm, MY favorite flavor...maybe world class chocolate or PB chocolate from Baskin Robbins!!! And yes, I do all the grocery shopping but am TERRIBLE about using coupons.

  18. I honestly have not met an ice cream flavor that I don't like. I love ice cream and I just crave it in general.

  19. I despise grocery shopping. I go to 3 or 4 different stores to get what I need. I DO use coupons, and one of stores doubles them. I should shop with a list and a menu planner so I don't wind up with things I purchased and can't remember why...(cream of mushroom soup? huh?)

    favorite ice cream = New York Super Fudge Chunk!!!

  20. I am ok with grocery shopping. Hubby did it for a while, but it's back on my list of "duties". Unlike you, I am pretty good at the coupon thing. Much like you, I HAVE to have a full tummy when I go or forget about it.

  21. For as adventurous as I am with all my non-dessert food, I always seem to stick with chocolate ice cream. Every time.

  22. My favorite ice cream cream. I've never tried one I didn't like. But right now I'm loving coffee flavor. Yum!

    I'm sure you already know, but I do all the grocery shopping and I'm a coupon-aholic.

  23. BTW don't think I didn't see that carton of Breyer's cookie dough WITH M&M' sinful!

  24. MMM yep. Abbazabbas! It's hard to find them anywhere so you can be sure I grab several when I find them!!

    I may have to start ordering them online. Best thing to do is freeze the buggers then shatter them.

  25. Hey Kat normally I am an ice cream lover. In the past few weeks I am hooked on Whoppers. The small $1 little Easter cartons. Wow!

  26. Tin Roof Sundae was my mom's favorite flavor when we were growing up! It's not even on my radar now.
    I am an ice cream snob and will ONLY eat Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip or Dreyers Peppermint. The rest is a waste of calories and we all know I'd rather waste those on cereal!!!!

  27. I like grocery shopping and coupon clipping and the whole mess!!

  28. Oh, it's too bad I don't live closer or I'd so volunteer to do your grocery shopping. I love grocery shopping :)

    And favorites? Wow. That's tough. I'm currently on a hazelnut gelato kick. And I love *good* rum raisin. And Oberweis just about anything. Now I want ice cream.

  29. Favorite ice cream - limited edition Peppermint from Edys/Dryers. Only available at Christmas (which is a sin in itself!) or the Girl Scout editions. Sin in a container. I'm always happy to go there!

    I food shop three times a week because of our itty bitty fridge (and I hate it). I can't wait to move back home and hit up Costco and buy a weeks worth of food, yummy food, like Triscuits, and real ice cream, and Twizzlers and and...I'll stop because now I'm hungry.

    Hoping all is going well with your family. Still keeping you all in my thoughts :)

  30. I love finding a new/old product. So exciting. I love ice cream, especially Phish Food, anything peppermint, butter pecan is good. Yeah, as long as it's ice cream I will eat it...

  31. It is appropriate, indeed, to praise God for Blue Bell. I do it all the time. When home in Georgia, since Virginia peeps haven't got a clue about the glory that is Blue Bell.

  32. Crap. I was thinking Blue Bunny ice cream. Nope. Wrong.

    Now I want me some Blue Bell Tin Roof!

    I hate grocery shopping but I do it because I am staying home. I don't clip coupons although Sassy Steph TOTALLY makes it look fun and easy!

    I can't think of a hard to find food unless you count Girl Scout cookies and the one time a year you can get 'em!

    And my fave ice cream? Has to be Mint Chocolate Chip!

  33. Greg is a shop by list person. Me, I like a list, BUT... I like to have "play room" on the list. The list are things that we NEED, but I like to browse the aisles too. Not Greg - it's shoot, hunt, bag, and go. Lol

  34. Blue Bell is from Texas, so I have some in my freezer, of COURSE. LOVE it.

    And I'm so proud of you, grocery shopping and with coupons! You go girl!!

  35. Never go to the store with an empty stomach or a cranky preschooler. These things I have learned.

    I always do the shopping. This past Saturday I did it with all three kiddos in tow, and only spent $164. I was so proud.

    Of course, it's only Wednesday, and all the fresh fruit is gone 'cept for the bananas, and now I'm gonna have to go again.

  36. OMG, I am laughing hysterically! I saw the ice cream container and actually gasped with joy for you. LOL! So glad that the ice cream gods have seen fit to deliver a miracle your way.

    I don't like any hard to find foods (that I can think of) and currently, my fave ice cream flavor is Mayfield's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Yummo!

    I do all of the grocery shopping here. And I've become a serial couponer. Michael would be so proud. I spend hours each week coupon matching and working on the grocery list/menu plan. It's reached frightening proportion. I probably need an intervention. Ha!

  37. I'm not hard to please when it comes to food, so none of my guilty pleasures are hard to find. Maybe if they WERE, I'd be much better off. As for ice cream, my favorite is pistachio, with chocolate almond coming in a very close second. I'll have to try Tin Roof...I've never heard of it. Oh...and yes, I grocery shop. One of the few times I get to myself and I soak up every sweet minute.

  38. Since I grew up in MT and moved exactly 1,743.57 miles away, there are certainly things I miss!

    I suppose the food I miss the most is a candy bar called "Big Hunk."

    It's nougat and peanuts and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I'D MARRY IT!

    As far as ice cream is concerned, I like it, but I can live without it. I don't eat a lot of ice cream. There are two flavors that I grew up eating that are also very hard to find. Firestick is a creamy red-hot cinnamon ice cream and Black Licorice, which is also creamy licorice flavor.

    Yeps, I do all the shopping, but I manage to drag the hubby along sometimes!

  39. I love love love the ice cream called moose tracks. Dang, it's too late at night to go to the store so I'll have some here for breakfast :P

  40. Are you kidding me... this is the girlo who would pay $15 for a bag of Fritos.... I would pay anything for a box of Velveeta.

    My favorite BlueBell? BANNANA SPLIT. Talk about going to heaven...YUM

  41. LOVE Blue Bell Ice cream! I have had Tin Roof before and yes Heaven! I love Chocolate Chip Mint also.

    Off subject...on an impulse buy last week in Tar Jay I bought the First Season of Weeds...I am now the owner of All THREE and addicted. I have not even blogged because I have been watching this show.....LOL

  42. I've never heard of this ice cream - sounds yummy, though. Our favorite hard to find snack is the Key Lime cookies from down south which we get when we are in Florida - we'd have to order them here and shipping is as much as the box of cookies - so we go without. I do the grocery shopping and I get great joy out of saving with coupons. It's a challenge and I love it when I'm on top. :)
    Fun Blog! from another home educating momma

  43. "Tin Roooooooof! Rusted." the B52's always jump in my head at that carton. I see it all the time at Publix..

    My fave is plain ol' Vanilla Bean. I used to prefer chocolate chip cookie dough, but I got burnt out.

    You know I do the grocery shopping,. It really is a thrill to watch the total go down after each coupon is scanned. :) I'm all about the deals.


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