Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Follies

Another week and no blog posts from me. Do I have anything exciting to tell you? Have I been busy doing very cool things? Have I been on any adventures? Ummm. Negative. On all counts. We are here. Just doing things like swim lessons. Tennis team. Playing with friends. Farmtown on facebook. Reading lots of books. Basking in the cushyness of my new bed.

I have been list making. You should see my two page list of blog ideas. All of which require me to take pictures. Upload pictures. Edit pictures. But I get distracted. Or have to take the girls some where. Crops have to be harvested. Or my computer can't handle all the photos I have loaded and it slows to something resembling a sloth.

At least we have our follies.

Desktop or laptop?

Write blog or read blogs?

Favorite thing you've done this summer.

Favorite book you've read this summer.

Favorite movie you've seen this summer.

swim or tennis?

Time you got up today.

This summer - vacation or staycation?

Ding, ding, ding!! You have just won an all expenses paid, 1 week vacation for your entire family. And you don't have to listen to a time share spiel. Where are you going?

How many photos are on your computer?

post signature


  1. Kat!!! It's been way too long since I've commented, though I read all your posts!! Glad to see that you're having a great summer, you're enjoying your new bed, and all is well in your world. :)

  2. What we don't even get the story of the new bed? I'm so jealous of a new bed. I need a new bed... or at least a new mattress. Mine is (shhhh) the one I bought when I graduated college.


    Both read and write?

    Spent last weekend at BlogHer. Hands down.

    Ooo, that's tough. Ex and the Single Girl, I think. Or The Queen's Fool. Too many to decide.

    Ummm, I haven't seen any movies since last fall.



    Sorta vacation -- heading to Florida for a week next week.

    If I don't have to stay with the wee ones on the plane, we're going to Bora Bora (LOVE that place) and this time staying in a cottage over the water ... so long as the wee ones are ensured of not going in without us. If I have to go on the plane, too, we're headed to Playa del Carmen for an all inclusive resort vacation with the name of the place I can't think of OH! Club Med.

    NO idea. Thousands. Too many. And almost none printed out. Oops.

  3. Did you get one of those yummy tempurpedic beds or a sleep number????

  4. Loving my new MacBook Air!

    Both write and read blogs.

    Favorite thing: Long meals with my kids and mom and sis at cafes in France/Monaco.

    Favorite book: The Ginger Tree

    Favorite movie: HP6 in English with French subtitles while in Nice.

    swim or tennis: swim

    Time you got up today: 6:30 -- someone accidentally set the alarm!

    Vacation! I don't know "stay."

    Dream trip? Hmmm. Maldives?

    Photos: 1000+, and the computer is 1.5 months old...and these are all photos taken since then.

  5. Desktop or laptop? lap on a desk. is that a position of some sort????

    Write blog or read blogs? READ and comment:)

    Favorite thing you've done this summer. fb

    Favorite book you've read this summer. umm...

    Favorite movie you've seen this summer. Hangover

    swim or tennis? swim

    Time you got up today. 5:45

    This summer - vacation or staycation? both

    Ding, ding, ding!! You have just won an all expenses paid, 1 week vacation for your entire family. And you don't have to listen to a time share spiel. Where are you going? Hawaii
    How many photos are on your computer? <5

  6. I love list making! If I get it out of my head, it makes more sense:-)

  7. I'm so with you on the FT addiction. It's beyond ridiculous!


    Read blogs, apparently. It's been over a week since I've written.

    4 days in Chicago with the kids

    I'm in the middle right now--The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes

    Sex and the City.



    vacation--leaving Monday!

    Ding, ding, ding!! Hawaii!

    I have no idea how many pics, but I'm sure it's a lot.

  8. Laptop on my desk.


    Visit Lula.

    Outlander series (yes, again).




    A little bit of both.

    Cruise to the Western Caribbean.


    I love your follies, Kat!

  9. Desktop or laptop? Both. Gotta be mobile for the booming business, but still like the big screen of my desktop

    Write blog or read blogs? Both.

    Favorite thing you've done this summer. Uh, the cruise was fun, but the new living room is turning out to be fun too.

    Favorite book you've read this summer. Hmmmm... Cutting for Stone

    Favorite movie you've seen this summer. Milk. What can I say? I'm a little behind.

    swim or tennis? Definitely swim

    Time you got up today. 7 a.m.

    This summer - vacation or staycation? Vacation

    Ding, ding, ding!! You have just won an all expenses paid, 1 week vacation for your entire family. And you don't have to listen to a time share spiel. Where are you going? Kauai

    How many photos are on your computer? Very few. I copy them all to disc and post them to Flickr. Then get them off my computers so they don't junk them up.

  10. OH I so hear you! I have nothing exciting to report from my house either.

    Desktop or laptop? Desktop, thank you very much. I really dislike laptops.

    Write blog or read blogs? All of the above.

    Favorite thing you've done this summer. All the ice cream trips to the dairy.

    Favorite book you've read this summer. Percy Jackson or Stephanie Plum

    Favorite movie you've seen this summer. The Proposal

    swim or tennis? Can't do either of these things. I'm am SO un-athletic, its pathetic.

    Time you got up today.

    This summer - vacation or staycation? little mini vacations

    Ding, ding, ding!! You have just won an all expenses paid, 1 week vacation for your entire family. And you don't have to listen to a time share spiel. Where are you going? New York/DC or Hawaii

    How many photos are on your computer? How would I even know that? Probably thousands.

  11. Both but laptop more often

    Both again. Although people may not want to read the blogs I write.

    Played darts

    Pretty in Plaid

    I haven't seen any new movies. :(

    I don't do either very well but I'd say swim. At least there isn't sweat involved.

    6:45 AM

    A little bitty vacation

    A tropical beach, with a chair, umbrella and a book.

    Too many

  12. both but currently laptop

    is this a would you rather cause I write and read them, I don't think I could pick.

    umm, go to Berlin.

    Somedbody Else's Daughter (not the greatest but the best of what I have read)

    tough again - its so hot I'd love to swim right now but I really like tennis

    6:04 thanks to the kids

    staycation (movecation more like)

    Beaches resort or a Disney cruise.

    9 on this computer, thousands on my desktop, most of which need to be developed.

    I didn't feel like using capital letters or much puncuation. hope that's cool :) And FYI - I'm going to BlogHer 2010 and bought my ticket - start saving lady! you have to be there.

  13. and apparently i didn't feel like spelling correctly either

  14. Laptop

    Write blog. My reader has been seriously neglected for quite sometime now.

    Scrapbooking weekend where I got a TON accomplished.

    I'm currently reading Eclipse and enjoying it VERY much!

    The Proposal was probably my favorite, but Harry Potter was a close second.




    Disney World

    About 5,000. And my external hard drive has about another 4,000.

  15. Both. But mostly laptop.

    Lately it's been more writing, less reading.

    Trip to Orlando.

    Thanks to Angie, I've read all 4 of Jen Lancaster's books this summer... those were great. I also read and liked the newest Stephanie Plum that came out.

    Harry Potter 6.


    Well, technically I woke up @ 6:30 when Shane left for work. But I didn't get up out of bed until about 9:30.

    A week's vacation to FL. Other than that, it's been a staycation.

    Hawaii. Or Disney World.

    Between the laptop and Mac, I have no idea how many pics are on our computers...

  16. I almost forgot to answer my own questions. Again.


    Lately read. Writing is just not coming to me. I wish I was witty.

    Have Michael go back to work. Or when the girls were gone for a week at camp. I like to be alone :-)

    I have read a lot of really good books. "What Happens in London" was hysterical. "Shanghai Girls" was was "Sarah's Key." And...ugh...I can't pick.

    The Hangover. Hands down.


    a little after 8am

    staycation. For some reason I have two vacations scheduled for Sept/Oct.

    NYC. Or Hawaii.

    11,000+ On my laptop. No wonder the thing is soooo freakin' slow...

  17. Laptop (although we have a desktop too)


    Go to Chicago for Blogher

    Guernsay Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I cried. Big time.

    Harry Potter. I can't wait for the last two. The waiting is painful.


    8am. My daughter has been letting me sleep in lately. It is divine.

    We're not really doing either. Sadly.

    I would love to go to Ireland and stay in a castle and travel around visiting museums and castles and such. This might not be a kid friendly trip so I guess to rent a great big house in the Virgin Islands. It would of course have a cook and maid and would have an amazing beach with a boat and jetski.

    There are 10s of thousands of pictures on my computer. We had to get a new drive for our network just to hold them all.

  18. desktop
    road trip
    His Dark Materials trilogy
    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
    6:00 a.m.
    Great Britain
    10,000+ (yikes!)

  19. Desktop or laptop? both

    Write blog or read blogs? both

    Favorite thing you've done this summer. relaxed, read lots

    Favorite book you've read this summer. Glass Castle

    Favorite movie you've seen this summer. nothing comes quickly to mind. maybe Juno? (tho that might have been before summer)

    swim or tennis? both, but neither, really.

    Time you got up today. 7a

    This summer - vacation or staycation? staycation so far.

  20. whoops, missed the last two.

    Kauai, in a heartbeat.

    1000's of pictures, in triplicate. ;-}

    Happy Weekend to ya, Kat!

  21. Desktop
    Both write and read
    Dairy Farm vacation
    Since it's the only movie I will say Ice Age 3, but I didn't like it
    Little vacation

  22. Isn't the summer crazy? I can't believe it's August already! My kids can't go a day without doing something. Can't they just play video games? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  23. Thank you for giving us our weekly follies!

    Both. Mostly desktop these days though.

    Definitely read. Creative juices drained.

    Attend my little sister's wedding. Looking forward to white water rafting with the kiddos!

    Eeek! I haven't even picked up a book this summer. Now magazines on the other hand...

    I Love You, Man. A MUST see!


    9:00 a.m.


    I'd love to take the fam somewhere with clear blue water and white sandy beaches. And drinks with umbrellas for the hubby and me.

    2426 in 54 folders. Hmmm...I think I have a bit of an picture organization issue. LOL

  24. Laptop


    Camped across the country and crashed a 4th of July parade, by crashed I mean we BECAME the parade. we jumped a float.

    Alabama Moon, easy read, good for the car

    Harry Potter, fav. b/c it's the only movie


    um, shhh... 9:00


    Bora Bora

    2000 + but they're slowly being uploaded to Flickr

  25. Oh, FUN! Here we go...

    I have a laptop. Scott has 2 laptops and a desktop. (Don't ask. Apparently we need to open a store in our house.)

    I write and read blogs!

    Favorite thing this summer--seeing "Mayberry" through the eyes of the girls. They were in paradise!

    Favorite book I've read--this summer? Hmmmm....oh, "Till We Have Faces," by C.S. Lewis.

    Favorite movie I've seen--HARRY POTTER, of course! tennis. I swim. When it's not raining, that is.

    Got up at 8 am. Typical for summer.

    This summer was mostly a staycation...except for Mt. Airy and Austin. We have 3 more weeks till our beach trip!

    An all-expenses trip for the entire family? Hawaii, baby! And the girls stay at home this time. They can come when Caroline's about 7 or 8. (Yep...I said that. And I stand by it, too.)

    Too many photos are on my computer. And only a quarter of them are of Jason Statham. Ahem.


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