Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where HAVE you been?

Has it really been a month since I have written? I haven't completely fallen off the face of the earth. Just a slight slide into oblivion. I keep trying to put on the brakes. But more and more seems to fall into my lap.

There was the kindney stone drama. Remember that stone that hit over fourth of July weekend? Well. It wasn't gone. I thought it was gone. Because it didn't hurt anymore. And then at the end of August I had what I thought was a bladder infection. That two rounds of antibiotics did not cure. Apparently it was my kidney stone. Knocking on the door of my bladder.

So my urologist decided to go in and get it. Yeah. Quite the visual. And just to make you squirm a little more. I had to have a stent put in to keep the tube open between my kidney and my bladder. And when did all this happen? The same weekend as our flood. The. Same. Weekend.

On Monday morning when we woke up to the floodwaters. And flooded basement. I had to get to the doctor to remove that stent. But most roads in the area were blocked. Including the ones that would have led me to the doctor's office. After many go rounds on the phone. The powers that be finally agreed to let me see a nurse at a different office. Thank goodness they did. Because within an hour of me coming home...the road was under water. So the stone is gone. And now we just have to wonder about the two other stones that are hanging out in my other kidney. Hopefully they'll agree to just hang out. And not try to move the party to a different location.

What else happened the week of the flood? Well. Four days later, we went to Disney World. Leaving behind a damp basement. With it's cement floors instead of carpet. And Lizzy. To stay and babysit the kitties. And breathe the nasty air. We brought her back a t-shirt.

And then. The week after Disney. What did I do? Michael and I took yet another vacation. This time to Las Vegas.

OH. And I almost forgot. In between the surgery. And vacations. I have been diagnosed with skin cancer. And if you have seen my pasty white skin. And my industrial size jug of 50 spf sunscreen. And my lack of time in the sun. It's almost comical. So. I get the area removed tomorrow. It's just a little spot on my back near my shoulder. But let me tell ya. I am so over doctors. And especially their bills.

So. I am up to my ears in insurance claims. School work. And readjusting to the Eastern time zone. Hopefully. Sooner rather than later. I'll be back to regale you with stories of Disney and Vegas. Rebuilding. Homeschooling. And whatever other nonsense I move from my brain to the computer screen.

So...what about you? Have you ever taken a big break from blogging? Disney or Vegas?

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  1. Wow, you certainly have had your plate full for months now. I hope that they get all the cells when they remove the skin cancer. I will add you to my prayers. 21 days till EE. Can't wait.

  2. Wow, you sure have been having some adventures. I hope that things settle down for you soon.

  3. Yikes about the stone and flooding. Wow - when it rains it pours? Sorry, bad pun. I'm glad you're back! I'd stop by your blog, to see if you posted anything. You've been missed!

    Usually when I go on vacation I pre-schedule blog posts. I don't want anyone to worry :) I went to Disney last year and loved it! We're going to Cali this year and will visit Vegas as the start and stop of the vacation. I'm looking forward to it.

  4. If you have any questions about skin cancer, drop me a line. Mom gets it all the time with her having albinism. I've had a couple of spots removed as has my Dad. It's never fun. I'm glad they found it and were able to remove it. My aunt didn't get checked for skin cancer until she was in her 70's and by there, most of it covered her face. They were able to remove it, but she went through a LOT, very painful.

  5. ****hugs**** You haven't had the best of luck recently. Good luck at the doctor's office tomorrow. **hugs**

  6. Wow! You and your body have been busy. I wish you the best of luck with those stones and getting the skin cancer removed. Can't wait to hear about your vacations.

  7. I wondered where you had been! Now I know! Wow, and I thought I had a lot going on. Well, actually I do have a lot going on and cannot seem to find the time to blog about it. But then, I haven't found the time to blog since January 1. Disney or Vegas, huh? That's tough. I LOVE Vegas although I have not been post-girls and I LOVE Disney as well. That's tough, Kat.

  8. Yikes, how are you doing? I hope as good as you can with all of that going on. Your absence from the nets has been noted...but of course forgiven. Just get better alright? That's what's important.

  9. Good night Kat! Skin cancer TOO? I think the doctors are plotting against you to get all your money this year. ;) And even though I don't like it, I think your bloggy break was WELL deserved.

  10. Oh my gosh! At least you've got a whole list of valid reasons for being so quiet. I'm having trouble coming up with even one. Glad to hear from you though! We'll definitely have to do some catching up next month. :-)

  11. whoa girl!

    you have every reason to take a break from blogging.

    when it rains it pours, Kat, huh?

  12. Welcome back! Seems like you have had quit a bumpy ride!

  13. Wow, you've been busy! Never taken a long break. The longest was a week, I think. Never been to Disney, although we were just wondering yesterday how old Sophie should be before we can take her and it be worth it. Vegas? Yes, 10 or 11 years ago. It was fun. I would like to get back there. One of these days.

    Glad you're back!

  14. Saw a picture of you at the Sits Convention:) Looked like you all were having much fun.
    Sorry for all of the hard times. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    I really worried about you and the floods, but since you did not post and Lizzy did not say anything,,I figured you were safe.

  15. Never a dull moment, huh? Not fun with the stone or the skin thing .. hopefully neither one will revisit you. You've got better things to do I'm sure. I've missed your posts, but so glad you got Disney and Vegas in. A tad jealous (two trips!) but happy for you. Can't wait to see some photos and hear about your fun times!

  16. Oh Kat ... I've been wondering where you were!! I'm so sorry to hear about all the craziness with you... the skin cancer, the surgery, the flood, the chaos. Yikes!!

    I hope to see you around more now that you're 'back'...

    Take care of yourself... and your family!! :)

  17. The last blogging break I took was because I had the flu. That was fun. NOT.

    Hopefully those other two stones will behave themselves since EE is right around the corner.

  18. Man, you've had a lot going on. Geez.

    I often consider taking a really long break from blogging. Or I want to write that one, really long, really full of rage blog post that will probably scare everyone away for a really long break. I dunno.

  19. So, the flood. *Some* people build and ark, and *some* people go to Disney ;D

    And Lizzy got a t-shirt. Was it a "I cat-sat a flooded house and all my friends bought me was this t-shirt" shirt? *snort*

    And here's to no new doctor's bills for you!

  20. OH... MY GOSH. You certainly have been innundated!

    Well, you are in my thoughts as you go to have the cancerous area removed and I hope that the next blog you post says "It's all good". :)

  21. Funniest COmment EVER on a Blog

    "And Lizzy got a t-shirt. Was it a "I cat-sat a flooded house and all my friends bought me was this t-shirt" shirt? *snort*"

  22. Wow you have been busy! Funny about the SHIRT...LOL

    I will be thinking of you!!

  23. To tell you the trth, I am having a hard time with the fact that EVERYBODY got to go to Vegas but me. SOOOOOO jealous....
    But I wouldn't trade you problems.
    But, please promise that if you are ever in Seattle- or Vancouver BC for that matter- that you will let me know. You are on my short list. You, Lizzy, and Lula.

  24. oh you poor dear. You've really had a round of ick. Fingers crossed it's done now. How did you figure out it was skin cancer?

    And right now I'm going for Vegas because I could use some adult play time. Give me a little more sleep though and I'll change my mind and go Disney.

  25. Welcome back! Maaaaannn Take care of yourself girl!

  26. Sounds like you need a vacation from all your vacations and other fun activities.
    Gee! And I thought things were crazy here!
    It was good to run into ya'll at Epcot, hopefully next time we'll get to see your mom too!

  27. I said something yesterday about our upcoming weekend... I wish I had a camera to record Michaela... she looked at me and was all, "you're going on another vacation?!"

    That's right, sweetie, I am. Oh, yes. I. Am.

    Speaking of Vegas... have you got any pics to send to me? ;)

  28. Wow, what an adventure. The trips to Disney and Vegas seem rather well deserved. I certainly hope you are feeling better and that everything works out well for you!


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