Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Laws-a-mercy. Where has the time gone? And I left you at such a cliffhanger in my trip. I mean. I am sure that you have just been hanging. And wondering what on earth we are going to do after our trip to the Hoover Dam. Well. You'll just have to hang on to your hats a bit longer. And I'll fill you in on the flotsam and jetsam and minutiae that fill my day.

Right before Thanksgiving, my aunt and a bunch of cousins came to visit. We visited. Chatted. Ate lots of PW's brisket. But. I did not take one picture. Not one. I am not sure where I put my brain. Or my camera.

Ugh. And then there is the car. The car that just this summer turned that 100K mark. The car that is otherwise known as the money pit. It died when we went on our cruise last year. It has had flat tires. Battery issues. Electrical issues. Mental issues. So when the check engine light came on, we once again headed to the dealer. While they rubbed their hands together and praised my American lemon. But this time. I just got the minimum amount of work done to make that light go away. And I promptly drove to the Toyota dealership and traded that sucka in. And now. We have a lovely new Sienna gracing my garage.

Lizzy spent Thanksgiving with us. We had a great day. With turkey. More recipes from PW. Family. Friends. And "V." Yes. "V." The original. Oh my goodness. We laughed so hard. And that scene of Diana eating the guinea pig was played over and over again. What? Isn't that how ya'll spent your day?

What about black Friday. Did you shop? Lizzy and I shopped. And I realized how easy Katie is to buy presents for. And how difficult Madalyn is. Especially when her list includes impossibles. Like her own house. A laptop. And a baby sister. But what is the most difficult is my husband. Who is impossible to buy for. Because he doesn't want anything. I had a stroke of genius last year in getting him reusable shopping bags. But this year I got nothin'. Any ideas? What are ya'll getting your significant others??

Did you know that if you create a wishlist on Amazon, you could win a $25,000 gift card? Wait. Forget I told you that.

Speaking of Amazon. Did I tell you that I finally earned money from my blog? Do you see all those book covers there on the left? Well, if you click on those. You will bring up Amazon. You can read more about the book. You can look at other books. Order books. And if you do make a purchase. I get a percentage. A very small percentage. Teeny-tiny. So. After almost 2 years of blogging. I finally earned a $10 gift card.

Oh. Did you want to know what I bought? I did not buy a Christmas gift. I bought a book. For me. It's rather shocking. I am a library girl. But for this book. I didn't want to wait. I got "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner. And wow. What an amazing book. I don't think I have been this riveted to a story since "The Hunger Games." (August 24, 2010 - due date for book three. Not that I am counting.)Have you read either one?

And speaking of books. I just finished a really good one. "The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate." It's the story of a girl on the cusp. It's 1899. She is about to enter into a new century. She is about to enter her teen years. Her family is changing. She has an aversion to the female role she is supposed to play. She is trying to figure out who she is. I don't know how to describe except that it was an absolute delight. I wonder if my bookclub would be willing to read it...

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  1. Just started reading Maze Runner today. On chapter 3 and very interesting so far. I'd be farther, but I got a nasty migraine today and was pretty much incapcitated for the majority of the day. I've been thinking about that Calpurnia Tate for Alyssa for X-mas. Is it one she'd like? (6th - 7th gradish?) Love the poor dead turkey high 5-ing Michael. LOL! And seriously, is there a picture of Lizzy that exists without her being a hoot and a half? LOL! SHe cracks me up!

  2. SO happy you are back! - Bjørn is another who is IMPOSSIBLE to shop for.. coming up with NADA...nothing...nights... we just don't NEED anything ya know`?

    Glad your back (again)

  3. Oh, if Elena only knew what other pics of Lizzy you have...


    This year will be known as "The Year of the Jackets" for Shane. I've already bought him two and I know my mom has bought one. Two of the three are motorcycle jackets, and he did ask for them... but still.

  4. My husband and I have created Amazon wishlists for the last three years. Now we do one for Sophie as well which we send out to family. At first I felt weird about it, but boy howdy does it make life easier. Having said that, my husband is still terrible to buy for. His list is like a replacement CD/DVD harddrive for the computer or a Green Day CD or a emergency road kit. BORING.

    I just finished The Maze Runner. I really enjoyed it. It didn't capture me quite the way that The Hunger Games did, but I am still quite excited to read the next one. I'll add The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate to my list!

  5. Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving love the high 5'n the turkey pic!
    oh and arent PW's recipes just the best!

  6. Looks like a great time!

    I'm ADDICTED to PW.

    Just picked up the Maze Runner yesterday from the library. Sounds like I may want to get my own copy (I'm only 2 chapters in so far). I LUVed HG. Thought book two was even better than the first!

  7. Two recommendations for 'The Maze Runner'? Guess I will need to put my cheapness aside and get that book.

    That's one good looking turkey there! And I'm really talking about the turkey. I swear.

  8. So glad you and Lizzy get to spend time together...how close is her new house to yours?

    Yay for your new Sienna! My dream van. Sad to have a dream van, but it is what it is...

    Joe wants a Garmin. And a souvenier from Sexy Stuf. (I'm getting him a can of crescent rolls.)

    Two years, $10, huh? Guess you won't be quitting your day job.

  9. I find it really hard to get gifts for my husband as well. I did purchase him 4 jars of his favorite Peach Salsa from Harry and David. That is a treat because we usually buy the salsa from Aldi. I also bought 2 bobble-head Star Wars figures (he collects Star Wars things). I just happened to see them at Target. And, I found a cool game that I think he would enjoy playing with the boys. I may pick up a Suduko book for him because he always does that at swim meets. I'm sure I haven't given you any ideas that will work for your husband but...

  10. That was one good looking Turkey!
    Congrats on the 10 gift card!!!!
    congrats on the new CAR!

  11. I always love hearing about great books. Thanks for the recommendation.

  12. Love your recommends. I'll be looking for them.....:) Did you see Glee last night? What did you think? Loved it.......the last number was a goosepimple fest.
    I'm going shopping tomorrow to hopefully finish Christmas shopping.

  13. Love the picture of your husband "high Fiving" the turkey!

    I don't do black friday - or cyber monday.

    Sounds like you had a great time.

  14. Never read "The Maze Runner" ~ I'll have to check it out. Love the "high 5" turkey picture! Too funny!

  15. So that's why Lizzy wanted you to post....she knew you had a picture of her!!

    Don't ya just love a Sienna!!!

  16. I love when you mention books. And congrats on the new Toyota! woohoo! I say do some Googling for awesome trivia shirts or bizarre GREEN gifts...hmmm...

    I've missed you!

  17. I finally just asked Doug today if he could please tell me a couple of things that he would like to have for Christmas. I explained that I get great joy out of buying him something special, and it has nothing to do with hoping to get a single thing in return. And, low and behold...he told me TWO things. Maybe you should just ask pretty please to Michael.

    I would have so totally also spent that $10 gift card on myself. hehe

  18. doing some blog stalking to a came over to say HI!


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