The thing is...that dusting...it's not dusty feeling. It's hard. Packed. Crystalized. And impossible to drive on. When we get snow here, our temperatures usually hoover around freezing. Which means that we don't get true snow. But more of a mix. Rain. Sleet. Freezing rain. And maybe a smidge of snow. And then since we are in the south. Our DOT is not equipped to deal with the ice. I watched the news this evening as they showed "them" dealing with an icy hill. It was a dump truck full of sand. With one guy standing on the load. With a shovel. Can you imagine how slow that process is?

Our temperatures are not forecasted to be above freezing until Monday. So we are staying here. In the house. Because the ice is on the streets. We are trying to stay warm watching the first 5 seasons of LOST. Admiring Sawyer. Noticing LOTS of details I didn't see the first time around. (I didn't remember Kate's father being in

Oh. Would you like to know why we are TRYING to stay warm? That would be because our heater decided to stop working today. Friday. And they will schedule a service call on Monday. If they can get here from there.

So...what about you? What's the temperature at your house? Did you get snow? Enough for your kids to play in? Do you watch LOST?

I know! It's amazing. Here in Wisconsin, we got a foot on Thursday and there was no question that there would be school the next day!!
ReplyDeleteOh my! Do you have a fireplace? What are you doing? And yes, we have about a foot of snow, but the kids can't really play in it anymore. It's so cold her (negatives and single digits) that the snow is hard as cement. The plows came by last week and left a little "pile" at the end of my driveway where I pull in and out. It is so frozen solid that it's like driving over a speed bump. I forget about it and every time I hit it, I panic for a sec that I've run over a child. But your icey pictures sure are fun to look at.
ReplyDeleteYou poor freezing things! Do you even have space heaters? I would be miserable!
ReplyDeleteThe temp in my house is 71. But only because our furnace is working overtime to beat the single digit windchill outside, with our over six inches of snow on the ground.
And you know I watch LOST. I would love to have the first five seasons. Maybe I'll have to get them now. I want to see all of those details!
Hope your heat gets fixed soon.
Wow Kat, I am sorry your heat is out. That really sucks, you have a fireplace, right? The first winter I was in SC, we spent a week with no heat, because it was over Christmas week, there was snow, and of course the repair folks were overwhelmed besides it being a holiday. We had fun though. I am lucky enough to live where it is pretty easy to get out....but it is amazing when you are driving how quickly you get into something, where you think to yourself, "I really don't like this" We are just so unprepared. And although it is interesting for about 10 min to watch the cars slide on TV, it gets old. I will send warm thoughts your way. Wish I could do more.
Well you know Savannah did not get any snow. We got rain but you know the very intresting thing everyone has been laughing about the run to the store that people did here. Yes bread, tp, milk, eggs went flying off the shelf. My question is really why?
ReplyDeleteMy house inside if so cold. It is 63 inside right now. My heat is running constantly but it just is not warm. I think I may have a problem with my heating unit. O I shall have to see to that. I guess you guys must be super cold with no heat. I will be thinking about you. Have fun staying warm and well just remember this will bring great memories to laugh about when the girls are grown.
Happy Cold Saturday Kat!
We got about 4 inches that one kid and one dog played in. House is warm, about 70. Don't watch Lost.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't get any snow and my daughter was SOOOO disappointed!!!! Seriously! She's never seen it, Georgia born as she is, and it's her MISSION to see some this year. It's cold enough for Pete's sake...
ReplyDeleteYes to the LOST. I'm going to so cry when this show is finished. I feel so jipped, lol!!
UGH... sorry to hear about your heat (or lack thereof...)
ReplyDeleteThe temp inside my house is 70 or 71. Our electric bill came today... and I almost cried when I saw how high it was. It has never been this much. GAH.
I think we got about the same amount of snow you guys did... just a light dusting. But the ice. Oy.
Shane had the brilliant (she says, as she rolls her eyes) for us to drive up to Fall Creek Falls today. Yeah, the falls were pretty cool to see, all mostly-frozen and iced over... but I froze my patootie off.
I think my toes still have yet to thaw out...
Oh, and about LOST...
ReplyDeleteWell, you know I watch it. I still have yet to watch any of the DVDs I got... but thought I'd start tomorrow. Give it a good shot to get through the whole series.
Shane then had to burst my bubble and suggest we take down the Christmas tree tomorrow.
Oh my. Yikes. Fingers crossed you stay warm enough -- and so do your pipes! can you wrap them in blankets to try to keep them from freezing?
ReplyDeleteWhen it snows here, it really snows, and luckily we don't get the sleet/ice mix too often. The image of the dump truck with the shovel though -- wow that's special.
Fingers crossed!
The temp outside is 22 degrees, inside it's about 63, but there's a fire in the fireplace. we got, obviously, the same "dusting" and there are churches cancelling their services tomorrow. i really don't get that. The girls did go out and play in it a bit, but it was too dry to do much with.
ReplyDeleteNope... no lost....
Our heater went out a few years ago and we spent the two days it took to get someone out to fix it hunched around our gas fireplace. Thank goodness for it.
ReplyDeleteIt's been cold and snowy here. We're reasonably well prepared to deal with snow, they actually implemented a new effort this year that includes spraying salty molasses out on the streets. Wild, right? It works, though.
Stay warm!
Wow, I do hope they furnace guy can get there today. More importantly, I hope you guys are staying warm. I have my heat set on 68 and I freeze. I'm layered even in the house. LOL I prefer it much warmer, but my wallet does not prefer those bills.
ReplyDeleteWhat an adventure! I just typed a huge anecdote that erased itself suddenly. ugh. obviously a weather-related hiccup for my laptop!
ReplyDeleteHope your heat was restored quickly!! These past couple of weeks have been just grueling!!
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking of brushing up on last season of Lost with the hubby before Feb. 2nd.
ReplyDeleteWe have yet to see any snow. It seems like everywhere around us is getting it, but not us. Not that I'm complaining, but my kids sure would love to see some.
I'm sorry to hear about your heater. My feet are freezing right now!!!!!! I'm using this cold weather as a excuse to stay away from the gym.....:) I need to pack away some extra body fat in case our heater goes out....:)
I am in lower Alabama, and yes - that little "dusting" shuts us down and gets us out of school early as well. Bless your heart on the heater situation. I hate being hot, but there is nothing worse than not being able to get warm either. This summer my husband and I brushed up and caught up on the last 5 seasons of Lost while I was in my last trimester and the heat index was around 110. I can't wait until February, but I cannot believe it is all going to be over! :(
ReplyDeleteI wish you could see the 4 inches of snow in my yard. That we got last THURSDAY. Which hasn't melted. As our temps have not been above 24 degrees in almost 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah...we got another inch on Monday.
p.s. I rewatched season 5 of Lost last week. Had forgotten a lot. Now I'm rewatching Season 3...as a refresher course. Then Season 4. I'm so excited, yet so sad for February 2. Sigh...
I wish you could see the 4 inches of snow in my yard. That we got last THURSDAY. Which hasn't melted. As our temps have not been above 24 degrees in almost 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah...we got another inch on Monday.
p.s. I rewatched season 5 of Lost last week. Had forgotten a lot. Now I'm rewatching Season 3...as a refresher course. Then Season 4. I'm so excited, yet so sad for February 2. Sigh...
So nice, I had to say it twice!
current temp outside.....-2 (windchill -16) still warm enough for outside recess!!
ReplyDeleteCurrent temp inside...70 :-)
It is impressive living in a place that is prepared for the snow. Our roads are plowed immediately, and life goes on. We have yet to have school cancelled, my kids even went to school in a blizzard warning!
I have not watched LOST at all. The public libraary has all the DVD's of every season EXCEPT season 1. What's up with that?
I am thinking of joining NetFlix and ordering season 1 then I can borrow the rest and find out what all the fuss is about!!
It's been between 10-20 degrees here in Salt Lake City, and unless I am absolutely forced to leave the house (like a pesky little thing called "work), then I try to avoid leaving at all costs.
ReplyDeleteOMG, you're the 3rd person I know who has a heating unit that gave up recently! Hope you guys are staying warm.
ReplyDeleteIt's been brutally cold here with the lovely snow & ice mixture, but it finally warmed up a few days ago, which wasn't a moment too soon. I'm over the really cold temps. I can deal with the 50's, but not much lower than that.
And no, I'm still not watching LOST. Although I did catch up on the season of Flashforward, which figures now that it won't be back until March. Ugh.
Is your heater still acting up? Thank goodness we have a bit warmer weather coming on in the next few days.
ReplyDeleteThat bush looks like it is covered in sugar. Deceptive.
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ReplyDeleteOooo girl... its cold here.. but as long as the sun is out, I'm cool with it. Where ya been? - miss you posting!
ReplyDeleteComing from Connecticut, I find Georgia snowfall amusing! My poor children made a snowman that was about 6 inches tall!