Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Follies: Su-pah Hero!

Happy Friday everyone! It's time again for the Friday Follies. And yet another guest inquisitor. Who was so on top of things that she emailed her list to me weeks ago. And blogger promptly ate it. So today. I had to ask her if she still had the questions. Because between me purging the email. And blogger quirks. (Because surely. They were not my quirks.) I had no questions.

Luckily. Our guest questioner is on top of her pile of children. Perhaps because she is standing on top of all her Outlander books that she won last weekend. Or maybe she's on task because she is functioning on a sugar high from eating all 9 of the warm delights in her big box of goodies. But whatever the reason - Jen - thanks so much for answering my call for help. I knew that shining that big glass of lemonade in the night sky would be just the ticket!

1. Would you want to be a superhero?

2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero?

3. Would you have a cape?

4. Would there be a letter on your chest?

5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be?

6. Would you wear it all the time? Under or over your clothes?

7. Do you have a Superhero?

8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? What?

9. Have you ever been anyone's hero?

10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero?

(The queue is open for January if you'd like to be a guest inquisitor. Just email me or let me know in the comments. Today is the last day to enter the weekend winners. Tomorrow launches a HUGE prize pack!)

post signature

Theme song: Alecia Keys - Superwoman


  1. I can't believe that I'm *actually* getting to respond before 37 other people ;)

    OK, here goes:

    1. Nope, don't think so. I deal with enough overly needy people as it is ;) But for the sake of this folly, I'll say "yes"

    2. In reality, to be a super hero would probably be the equivalent of being the 911 operator who's so busy fielding calls from people who: want a ride home after drinking/want to report their neighbors are aliens/complain about the teens down the street that the ones with a REAL emergency can't get through.

    3. Absolutely not! I saw "The Incredibles" and I *know* what happens to superheros with capes!

    4. Sure, if it will take the emphasis off of my hips in spandex ;P

    5. Black on the bottom (it's slimming, you know) and emerald green on the top (to match my eyes ;)

    6. If I *didn't* wear it all the time, I'd probably never find it when I needed it.

    7. Yep - my hubby ;)

    8. Yep, my kid has super powers. He has Sensory Integration Disorder (his nervous system is EXTREMELY sensitive to sensory stimuli). As a result, all of his senses are heightened. We call them his spidey-senses. I'm forever having him identify smells for me ;)

    9. I sure hope so!

    10. Oh, yes!

  2. This is a series of questions close to my geek-girl heart. I love comic books and superheroes! :) Let's see..

    1. YES!

    2. Totally!

    3. I saw "The incredibles" and will leave the capes to Superman, thank you.

    4. I am not the tragic heroine of a Hawthorne novel so i will leave off the letter.

    5. Blue and Black maybe... But since Stella McCartney is going to design my super costume i can only assume that it will change according to whatever is fashionable.

    6. One of my superpowers is being able to change quickly.

    7. Yup: my mum! :)

    8. No kids. But both Hubby and i have mutant powers. I can always choose the most expensive thing when presented with a series of choices. And he can always pull the biggest bill out of his pocket, which annoying when you're trying to pay for a taxi.

    9. I hope so. :)

    10. Absolutely!

  3. Would you want to be a superhero?

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero?
    I would try.

    3. Would you have a cape? Yes, either a shiny black or blood red one.

    4. Would there be a letter on your chest?
    Na, maybe a cool symbol though.

    5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be?
    Either all black or black with a red cape.

    6. Would you wear it all the time? Under or over your clothes?
    Only when needed. I like the secret part.

    7. Do you have a Superhero? Yes! May Bird.

    8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? What? My youngest also loves May Bird. Oldest...? Not sure anymore. Maybe Shakespeare.

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero?
    I don't think so, but I still have time.

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero? Yes! A quiet one.

  4. I'm already a superhero!

    Yes, I handle it fairly well.

    I do have a cape or two, in varying colors.

    Of course there are letters on my chest. I am the queen of monogramming.

    Pink and black, baby. Pink and black. Or, for this season, purple and gray--I am wearing those colors out with a passion.

    Yes, I wear my uniform all the time. Hello, haven't y'all seen me?

    I do have a Superhero. His name is Jason and he's a super action hero. Sigh...

    My kids will grow into their superpowers with age, as did their mother.

    Of course I've been someone's superhero--I AM a superhero, after all.

    Jen, did you really ask this final question? Because you--mom of 84 kids (!)--are living the answer to this one. YES!!!! Mothers are the superheroes of the world. Duh.

    I must now don my pink and black cape--my pink and black zebra-print cape. I'm pretty fly for a white, girl.

  5. 1. Would you want to be a superhero? NO nO no No

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero? too stressful

    3-6 don't apply now

    7. Do you have a Superhero? my incredible college girl

    8. Do your kids seem to have 'super powers'? What? kicking ADD's ass on a daily basis

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero? I think I am my college girls? Will ask her.

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero? Always. Strength, super strength to do it all, all the time.

  6. 1. Would you want to be a superhero? Is SuperBloatedGirl available? Cause that I can do.

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero? Of course

    3. Would you have a cape? We've all seen the incredibles... no way.

    4. Would there be a letter on your chest? B - you can decide what that means.

    5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be? Black & blue

    6. Would you wear it all the time? Under or over your clothes? OVER?? I'm bloated enough...

    7. Do you have a Superhero? Yes

    8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? What? Yes... Super Whiner & Super Arguer.

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero? Doubtful

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero? Most of the time I just feel like the evil villian.

  7. 1. Hell yeah!
    2. Ummm. Maybe?
    3. Yes, I'm thinking it would hide any obvious body flaws.
    4. No. My chest is big enough without emphasizing it thankyouverymuch.
    5. I'm definitely Purple? I dunno but it has to be green.
    6. No that would be icky. Under.
    7. Stevie is my superhero
    8. The ability to eat. A lot. ~sigh~ 17 yr olds.
    9. I would like to think so.
    10. Sometimes

  8. Oh I love this. I can't wait to read what every one says. I'll be back!!!

  9. I wanna be an inquistor! Of the Spanish variety, please.

  10. Wait, I didn't mean that.

    The Spanish part I mean.

    God forbid I offend someone whose ancestor died in the Spanish Inquisition.

  11. 1. Ummmm...only if I could remain anon.

    2. Probably not. I can barely pay my bills.

    3. Duh, every superhero needs a cape. Except for Peter Petrelli. But he could totally rock on.

    4. Yes, a big scarlet A.

    5. Puce and petunia (is that even a color or just a pig and/or flower?).

    6. Even in the shower. I would wear part of it over and part of it under.

    7. Yep, my daughter.

    8. Yes, generosity and kindness.

    9. My kid says I'm hers and I once saved a kid who fell in a pool when I was a teenager.

    10. EVERYDAY!

  12. LOL
    These questions are the bizz-omb! I'm gonna have to think about this and come back.

  13. 1. Would you want to be a superhero?

    No I don't look good in bright colored spandex or in body armour. Unless I could be a foofoo super hero all decked out in feathers, sequins, chiffon and rhinestones. Oh I could be "Chiffon Woman" or Rhinestone Girl defender of sparklie shirts.

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero?

    I don't know. I mean being on call 24/7 cleaning up other peoples messes, protecting the masses? Wouldn't that be a little sedate after raising 4 teenagers?

    3. Would you have a cape?

    Why of course and it would be trimmed in feathers and have lots of sparklies and embellishments.

    4. Would there be a letter on your chest?

    Oh Heavens NO! My chest doesn't need anything else on it.

    5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be?

    Hot Pink and Green? Purple and Aqua?

    6. Would you wear it all the time? Under or over your clothes?

    Well it depends on who the designer was. I mean if it was Kathy Lee Gifford I would definitly wear it under the clothes but if it were Pucci (see above pink and green/blue and aqua answer) I would wear it on the outside all of the time.

    7. Do you have a Superhero?

    Why yes I do. He has a bat in the cave, um I mean he has a bat cave and everything.

    8. Do your kids seem to have 'super powers'? What?

    Techman-can overcome a computer glitch with a single key stroke.
    Tadpole -has the healing powers to calm tin foil hat wearing naked in the bathroom schizophrenic drug addicted clients

    Fallulah - can talk to the animals. She is the animal whisperer

    Lizziedoodle-is the kindergarten charmer. She can potty train even the most difficult pants pooper.

    Lulu- is the master of subtle. She can persuade with just the bat of her 10 ft long eyelashes.

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero?

    I don't think so.

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero?

    I think it's more like being a nurse, a janitor, a teacher and a snake charmer all in one.

    I do have to admit my mother was an exceptional super hero. She knew things before they happened. She had a way with sick people and she was as brave as anyone I've ever known.

  14. 1. It would depend on the power:-)

    2. I wouldn't want to set people on fire. Flying would be cool:-)

    3. I am with capes!

    4. No letter on my chest. It would take too much material:-) Hee, hee, hee.

    5. Pink and brown

    6. I would wear it under.

    7. My Superhero is my MIL. She gets us out of jams all the time:-)

    8. My daughter has super vision , remember?

    9. My girls love to copy me. For a time, I could walk on water as far as they were concerned. I love that time:-)

    10. Moms make the magic happen everyday (leaping tall mounds of laundry in a single bound, preparing dinner faster than a speeding bullet, etc.)

  15. 1. I would LOVE to be a superhero. I'm total superhero material, baby.

    2. Are you kidding? I could totally handle the responsibility. As long as I could drink alcohol too...when it got to be too much.

    3. No, no cape. I've seen The Incredibles and if Edna Mode says no cape, I agree.

    4. No letters on my chest. A cool symbol though would be ok.

    5. Black and pink.

    6. I'd wear it all the time, under my clothes, because I need to keep my identity secret.

    7. I do not have a superhero.

    8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? Yes. They're amazing.

    9. I don't know if I have ever been anyone's hero. I'd like to think I have but probably not.

    10. Being a mom means sometimes definitely means having some super powers.

  16. BTW, How is the Beetle Bard book? I'm curious.

  17. K, don't have time to answer the questions right now, but I just have to say that your new profile is freaking me out! I CAN'T recognize you! LOL! Of course its very adorable and seasonal appropriate, but it's totally throwing me off. Love it!

  18. 1. Would you want to be a superhero? sure but no spandex!

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero? yeah, I am a cool cucumber

    3. Would you have a cape? Hell yeah

    4. Would there be a letter on your chest? J

    5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be? Blue and white

    6. Would you wear it all the time? all the time. Under or over your clothes? maybe like a hat, gloves, and cute short trench (over clothes)

    7. Do you have a Superhero? mom

    8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? What? my ovaries need superpowers to make super kids!

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero? I hope so

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero? yeah

  19. Okay finally I can comment on here.

    1. Would you want to be a superhero? I'd like the powers, but not the responsibility.

    2. Could you handle all the responsibility of being a superhero? Ooop, answered that in the first one. No, I don't think I could handle the stress.

    3. Would you have a cape? Definitly a cape.

    4. Would there be a letter on your chest? A big letter M for Magnificent Mom.

    5. What 2 colors would your 'uniform' be? Brown and more brown, that way no one could see all the dirt smeared on me from a hard days work.

    6. Would you wear it all the time? Under or over your clothes? Yes, over my clothes to protect them.

    7. Do you have a Superhero? Hmmmm...I don't really have just one personal hero. I like a lot of good about a lot of people.

    8. Do you kids seem to have 'super powers'? What? Yeah, they're invisible and make a mess without even moving.

    9. Have you ever been anyone's hero? Oh, for the sake of that person, I certainly hope not.

    10. Do you feel like the job of being a mom means sometimes being a superhero? LOL! Completely.

  20. Perhaps a day late and a dollar short, but here as always :)! And planning to be here a LOT more now that stupid school won't be cramping my blogging style! I LOVE your new avatar by the way---so cute! Alrighty--here I go!:

    1. fo sho.

    2.I'm a mom. I can do responsibility. high boots, please.

    4.what chest? and black, and kind of metallic-y

    6.totally wear it ALL the time. Over my clothes. Just stroll around in it and wait to be noticed. mom. that can hear only what they want to hear! Ethan wrote a whole paper on my being his hero. Blogged about it!

    10.again, fo sho.

  21. You didn't ask us what our superhero name would be....I would be the green goddess! Yes, I know it's some kind of salad dressing, but it would so fit my cool green and black costume :) .


Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I *heart* comments! And it helps out with my rampant curiosity about who reads this drivel...