Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Follies

It's Friday Follies time again. The time where I ask the questions. You answer them. And we get to know each other. Kinda like speed dating. Without you having to buy me dinner. Although. Dinner would be nice.

Have you entered this week's weekend winners? There are almost as many entries as there was for Twilight week. Who knew that games would the thing. Today is your last chance to enter. Winner will be announced tomorrow along with our FINAL week of prizes. Well. Final is a rather relative term. I am sure that I'll have more contests. At some point.

Okay. Enough blathering on.

Stay in or go out on New Year's?

Either way...what did you do?

Were you awake at midnight?

What are you most looking forward to in 2009?

Favorite thing you did in 2008?

Are your Christmas decorations still up? Or already packed away?

Do you make New Year's resolutions?

Shannon asked this great question this week - what do you resolve to NOT do in 2009?

So many people resolve to get organized. What would be the first project you would tackle?

White sales are the big thing in January. (Do you know why?) Tell me about your favorite set of sheets.

post signature

Theme song: U2 - New Year's Day. Just a day late.


  1. We stayed in for New Years Eve.

    I went to bed at 9 to read Breaking Dawn fell asleep before I finished the second page. Not the books fault though.

    I was not awake at midnight see previous answer.

    Disney in March. Oh we all can't wait.

    Hung out with some old friends and some new friends.

    My decorations are still up I wish some magic fairies would come and put them away. But I guess there to busy so I will be tackling it tomorrow.

    I used to make resolutions but not anymore. I never stick to them anyway.

    I will not be embarrassed by being liberated. lol (love ya bunches)

    I really need to tackle my closet. I have more shoes than Imelda Marcos. Seriously!

    I don't know why there are so many white sales in January. My favorites are our flannel ones although I really like the microfiber ones to.

    Ok I finally finished. wonder if I am still numero uno on the comment list.

    hmmm... doubtful.

  2. Holy Moly I can NOT believe it.

  3. 1.It depends where you are at in your life. Travis and I are still young so we like to go out. But I am sure once we have kids we will want to stay in and play games and be with them.

    2.Travis and I went to Seattle and we got a hotel room. We were able to watch the fireworks and enjoy midnight with each other.

    3.Of Course we were awake at midnight!

    4.Moving to our new house.

    5. Get married to my best friend in July.

    6.Our little tree is still up in our room. But its a live tree so we are going to plant in our backyard of our new house.

    7.Oh yes i love new year's resolutions!

    8.Not to sleep in!

    9.I want to finish my husband's Christmas present.

    10. Not sure what my favorite sheets are... haha but once travis and i get our own place we'll get new sheets.

  4. Kori-you are up too late! Get to bed young lady!

    Stay in.

    Read a book while the hubby watched Seacrest and Pickler (ew!), had champagne, went to bed.


    summer vacation?

    summer vacation!

    still up. UGH. Send the fairy over, Kori. I hate taking it all down. I, too, will be tackling that tomorrow. Promise.

    Not really. I will try to exercise more and eat healthier. Today I did neither. Whoopsies.

    I resolve NOT to worry excessively.

    That stupid tree. Mine isn't organizing so much as cleaning. I hate scrubbing bathrooms. Ew.

    I don't know why. I love my high thread count Egyptian cotton, although the t-shirt ones are super comfy too!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Stayed in, as always.
    We hung out and watched Stargate (the series) on dvd.
    I was actually awake at midnight (and that never happens!).
    I'm looking forward to change and for things to just be different in 2009.
    Favorite thing from 2008? Probably any time I spent with my parents.
    Half of my decorations are up and half are..well, I'm not really sure where they are.
    I don't make resolutions.
    Gosh, if I resolved to get organized I'd have to start with the big boys' room--I can't see the floor!
    I have no idea why there are so many white sales. I think my favorite sheet set is my new set that feels like brushed cotton. It's so snuggly!

  6. Stay in on New Year's

    what did you do? watched movies, ate, played with kids, blogged of course!

    barely awake at midnight

    I am most looking forward to shedding some pounds and visiting family far away

    Favorite thing I did in 2008 was start my blog...

    Christmas decorations are still up...i HATE taking it all down!

    I make New Year's resolutions

    Shannon asked this great question this week - what do you resolve to NOT do in 2009? gain weight!

    tackling my kids rooms and our room this sat!

    White sales are the big thing in January...why? flannel...soft and smelling good

  7. Go out -- especially to Wildfire for a Supper Club dinner.

    But this year I stayed in. I was on a flight that landed a little after 5 and hadn't seen the wee ones since last Friday. Definitely stayed in :)

    I was awake, althoug in bed and getting ready to sleep.

    Looking most forward to increased organization.

    Favorite thing I did was stand up in one of my best friend's wedding!

    Yep, they're still up, but they're coming down tomorrow or Saturday.

    I make the resolutions -- see my post from yesterday (Wednesday) :)

    I resolve NOT to overcommit myself.

    My first project is the office. Or maybe the closet. Or maybe just the bookshelves ;)

    Sadly umm I think sheets are sheets are sheets. As long as they're high thread count and clean, I'm good. Pathetic, I know.

  8. 1. Go out.
    2. We got my sister to watch the kids and we went to a party at a friend's house. Lots of food, drinks, friends, and dancing!
    3. Heck yeah I was up at midnight!
    4. I'm looking forward to getting some resolution with the baby we are trying to adopt-- either good or bad.
    5. Got me my baby boy!
    6. Christmas decorations are completely gone! You would never know that Christmas ever came!
    7. I don't really make New Year resolutions, becasue I don't believe you wait for the new year to do something to better your life. I did make a list back in October of goals I wanted to accomplish in the next year, so you could say I made my resolutions in October!
    8. Hmmm... I resolve NOT to worry about dieing so much. That was a big worry of mine last year.
    9. I'd start out small: maybe the hall closet. I'd work my way up a little at a time and evntually tackle the garage.
    10. (I have no idea why there are white sales in January. Maybe becasue you're starting fresh, so get some fresh sheets and towels to go with it?) My favorite sheets are actually my daughter's. White with colored polka dots. So cute!

  9. 1... Stayed in. Was going to go downtown and photograph the fireworks, etc. However the fireworks got cancelled, as the local casinos pulled out of paying their share :-(

    2... Watched TV. The hubby made me a cup of coffee leaced with Amaretto. Think that now may be my favourite way of drinking coffee. :-)

    3... Yes ... I think the coffee helped.

    4... At this point ... my husband finding a job !!!!

    5 ... Offhand, I can't think of a favourite moment. In the words of Queen Elizabeth ll in her 1992 Christmas message "1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure. In the words of one of my more sympathetic correspondents, it has turned out to be an Annus Horribilis." I think that 2008 was my 'Annus Horribilis' year. Actually, on second thoughts, the birth of my granddaughter at the beginning of the year.

    6... Yes. my Christmas decorations are still up. I usually take them down on the 6th January.

    7... Not as such as I never keep them. I make New Year Suggestions..

    8... I'm going to try not to over eat !!!

    9... My spare bedroom.

    10... I though 'White sales' were fridges, washing machines, etc. Didn't even know that 'White sales' were big in January. Shows you what you can learn from reading blogs. My favourite set of sheets, right now, are the new ones that I just put on the bed. Not sure what count they are, but they are lovely and crisp and they feel good!!

  10. 1.Stayed in
    2. Working (eww)
    3. Heck no
    4. Spring!
    5. Favorite thing? QUIT MY JOB. OK I was laid off but counts!
    6. Never did put them up. Work. Sorry.
    7. Nope. Except to eat more buttered toast.
    8. I resolve NOT to freak out over things I cannot control.
    10. At the moment my favorite set would be the clean ones. I do wish that they were on the bed.

  11. Stayed in.

    Had a Bunco party.

    In bed, Just barely awake.

    I'm not really sure, but I have gotten to the point that I'm tired of being cold and now I just look forward to spring....

    It seems to have slipped on past. I know there was good stuff, it's just not coming up on the recall.

    Yes- but we took down my mom's tree today. She couldn't turn the lights on for fear it would spontaneously combust.


    Acrue any more debt.

    I'm pretty good in that department. If I had to do a project, it would be to find or make curtains for my living room, and something to go over the sheers in my bedroom, have them hung, and enjoy the illusion of warmth they would bring to the room.

    I didn't know why until I looked it up. I found this answer on Wikipedia:
    In 1878, John Wanamaker of Philadelphia department store fame decreed January to be the time for a white sale. Bed linens, which were available in white only, were sold at a discount. It is believed he might have done so to keep linen makers in business during a slow time of year.

    I only have 1 kind- cotton and crisp. I don't like flannel, but I think I could like fancy-schmancy satin. If you wear flannels like I do, sleeping in flannel sheets is like being hung on the flannel-graph board for the night.

  12. We stayed in.

    We took down the tree and watched tv. I can't remember what though (maybe Numb3rs?).

    Yes, because Germans let off an enormous amount of fireworks on NYE. Think 4th of July, but bigger! And we have a view of the river from our house and it was unbelievably beautiful!

    Our Disney Vacation cause the kids are so stinkin' excited (me too) and to finding out where we will move to in 2010. Really really can't wait to know if we are doing the tropics (Asia please!) or moving to Finland (very much less fun!)

    Finally getting to the point where dd and I get along. For the most part she's finally become a true part of the family and even big brother is starting to like her (but shh, don't tell him!)

    Packed away.

    No, I don't make resolutions, I'd just break them.

    I would resolve not to try to clean more, it never happens.

    The overflowing TOYS.

    I think it's something about having fresh sheets for the new beginning, new year. I don't know I made that up. My favorite set of sheets are from Macy's and we simply refer to them as the red check sheets. They were like $60 back in 1999 on sale. They are starting to fray but I won't give them up. Something about them so soft and nearly silky or something. I just love them.

  13. Stay in or go out on New Year's? Stayed in ... though we did go down to the neighbor's house for a few hours to let the kids play.

    Either way...what did you do? Let the kids play with the neighbor kids so the grown-ups could talk. The "party" ended at 9:15.

    Were you awake at midnight? No!

    What are you most looking forward to in 2009? Seeing my son start kindergarten in the fall. (I am sort of dreading it too.)

    Favorite thing you did in 2008? Discover blogging!

    Are your Christmas decorations still up? Or already packed away? All packed away the day after Christmas!

    Do you make New Year's resolutions? The same stuff I'm always trying to work on -- lose weight, exercise more blah blah blah.

    Shannon asked this great question this week - what do you resolve to NOT do in 2009? I won't buy things that I really do not need.

    So many people resolve to get organized. What would be the first project you would tackle? The mess in the basement where I put everything I don't want to look at upstairs.

    White sales are the big thing in January. (Do you know why?) Tell me about your favorite set of sheets. I don't know why they are big in January. My favorite set of sheets are the flannel sheets we use in the winter. Nothing like a good set of flannel sheets when it is cold (and it is ALWAYS cold in our bedroom -- though it is HOT in the summer.)

    That was fun!!!!

  14. Stay in or go out on New Year's?

    Stay In

    Either way...what did you do?

    Made a fabulous supper and watched old movies

    Were you awake at midnight?

    Yes because the people next door where awake and our walls are paper thin.

    What are you most looking forward to in 2009?


    Favorite thing you did in 2008?

    Came to Montana

    Are your Christmas decorations still up? Or already packed away?

    No decorations

    Do you make New Year's resolutions?

    Not really

    Shannon asked this great question this week - what do you resolve to NOT do in 2009?

    burn the toast

    So many people resolve to get organized. What would be the first project you would tackle?

    my car, the my shoes, then my clothes

    White sales are the big thing in January. (Do you know why?) Tell me about your favorite set of sheets.

    My favorite sheets are 1000 count Egyption Cotton. I love these things. they are so soft and cuddly.

  15. I stayed in...dh went out..the teenagers went out...

    Dh and I had a i went to bed at 8:30pm ...with the kids

    nope not awake at midnite

    Mostly looking for peace in 2009, for some answers in regards to our very oppositional 13yr old foster son, some help maybe. Looking forward to redoing a few things around the house. Looking forward to summer.

    Guess my favourite thing for 2008 was just chilling with my mom's group and with my bestie..(my neighbour) Also did lots of fun things with the kids..saw the Wiggles, with the younger ones and Weezer with the teens.

    We just packed away our decorations yesterday..finally.

    I dont' anymore because I cannot keep New years resolutions for longer than a week.

    I have a lot of things I resolve not to do..still can't not do them..if that makes any sense.

    I think the first thing i would organize would be my own bedroom, closet and all...i'm so busy cleaning everywhere else our bedroom gets neglected.

    Dont' do white sales
    that was a lot of fun

  16. I stayed in...dh went out..the teenagers went out...

    Dh and I had a i went to bed at 8:30pm ...with the kids

    nope not awake at midnite

    Mostly looking for peace in 2009, for some answers in regards to our very oppositional 13yr old foster son, some help maybe. Looking forward to redoing a few things around the house. Looking forward to summer.

    Guess my favourite thing for 2008 was just chilling with my mom's group and with my bestie..(my neighbour) Also did lots of fun things with the kids..saw the Wiggles, with the younger ones and Weezer with the teens.

    We just packed away our decorations yesterday..finally.

    I dont' anymore because I cannot keep New years resolutions for longer than a week.

    I have a lot of things I resolve not to do..still can't not do them..if that makes any sense.

    I think the first thing i would organize would be my own bedroom, closet and all...i'm so busy cleaning everywhere else our bedroom gets neglected.

    Dont' do white sales
    that was a lot of fun

  17. Both :-)

    Went to Legoland (our annual passes end this week) for fireworks. Well, dh & boys did. They dropped me at the local outlets. I couldn't fathom even one more trip to L-land. We were just there last week.

    Nope. Read til my eyes closed. Long before midnight. I must be getting old. sigh.

    More photography and getting in shape. Oldest dude can now use gym equipment, so I can justify going more often :-)

    Photography. And blogging.

    Still up. I've loved the whole warm cozy Christmas light and decor thing this year. I'm in no rush to take it down. Tho I probably will in the next couple days.

    No resolutions for me.

    No non-resolving, either.

    Off topic: Can you please tell me WHY I like Pink's So What song? It's so sad and angry, and yet I like it. WHY!?!?!?!

  18. 1. Stayed in.

    2. Wrecked my car. Had post-accident panic attack. Ate Chinese food. Good times.

    3. Barely.

    4. Started blogging! What else?

    5. Gag. Still up. Hubby's family is flying in for a second Christmas next weekend. Fun,but I'm sick of defending the tree from the 20 month old. I just noticed last night that the tree has bare spots where he's pulled ornaments off and we've put them back elsewhere...

    6. Yes and no. This year I'm all about intentions.

    7. I resolve not to have another car accident!

    8. I have actually planned to organize my/our home office/craft room/guest room. And now that the attic is reinsulated, it's getting plywood floors so we can actually USE IT!

    9. I have no idea. Hm. But I don't have a favorite set yet. We upgraded this year and so far only have two basic sets. I'm on the prowl for a yummy flannel or satin.

  19. Stay in

    Actually we did go out. Sort of. It was Katie's birthday - and she went to a girl scout lockin. So, Michael, Madalyn and I went to our local bar to play trivia. Yep. Brought my 7 year old. They have a kids menu. We came in second place. Because we got the final question right - name the four teletubbies and what color they are. No, Madalyn was not helpful. Why do I remember that crud?!

    I was awake at midnight. I had to console my husband over his beloved Georgia Tech getting trounced.

    Ummm...we are cruising again the first week of February. Going to Chicago in July. Meeting more bloggers.

    Start blogging. Cruise last April. Summer at the beach. Week with Cindy Sue in Texas.

    All evidence of decorations packed into the attic. We didn't have out that much...but it all came from several different boxes. It made it more difficult to pack back up again.


    to gain more weight

    My closet. And the kids closets. There is another consignment sale coming up...I need to get prepared.

    Thanks Gina for looking up why we have white sales. My favorite sheets are clean ones. And my favorite clean ones are my 400 thread count red ones. I have a pair of 600 count and they are too slippery.

  20. 1} We stayed at home.
    2}Watched Hancock and a little bit of The Twilight Zone marathon on SciFi.
    3} I had every intention on staying awake...but told my husband to wake me if I fell asleep, which I did. Then he woke me at 12:30! He fell asleep too ha!
    4}My daughter's 1st birthday, our 2nd best friend's wedding...meeting my newest niece!
    5}Became a momma!
    6)Yes, we still have to celebrate with my in's all still up, and driving me batty ;)
    7}I normally don't. But this year I did. It's to be a better friend in anyway I can.
    8}I resolve NOT to let the little things get to much as I possibly can ;)
    9} Oh gosh, I'd purge a large amount of "stuff". Just random stuff we don't use at all. The rest that we're keeping for sentimental reasons I'd make it a point to showcase, maybe get a storage unit for seasonal crap.
    10} I can only guess it's a new year, new linens? I don't have a favorite set of sheets...but we need new ones. A blue pen snuck in my husband's pants and exploded in the wash, blue spots all over my sheets.

  21. Stayed in with the girlfriend, cooked dinner, and apparently I was asleep at 11:55pm.

    2009 I'm most looking forward to taking my GMAT.

    Favorite thing I did in 2008 was my trip to Puerta Vallarta

    No decorations up so none to take down.

    I set New Years Goals:

    I resolve not to let my emotions keep me from making the best decision for myself.

    My first organization project wold be my desk drawers.

    My favorite sheets are the clean ones.

  22. New Year's was so much fun!! We stayed in, but had a party at our house, of course.

    We were definitely awake at Midnight--toasting, kissing, and laughing H-A-R-D, a great way to start the new year!

    In 2009, I will run my first half-marathon in Seaside, Florida, and my first full marathon in SanDiego, CA. I'm also looking forward to summer with my girls at home. :)

    Favorite thing(s) of '08: turning 40, reconnecting with old friends, starting a blog, and going to the beach with friends.

    I ripped Christmas down as quickly as I could on New Year's day!

    No resolutions!

    What will I not do in 2009: Whine and complain!

    Organization - hmmm, I'm starting with my life and time management!

    My favorite set of sheets are the ones on my bed!

  23. Stayed in...invited some friends over. We are a little weird about going "out" on NYE because of drunk drivers and all.

    We ordered take out from our favorite Mexican place and played Pass the Pigs and talked and watched Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve!!!!

    Yes, we were!!!!

    Moving into our new house!!

    Met all kinds of great new bloggy friends!

    Our tree is still up...but everything is down (I think!). We generally leave everything up until The Epiphany.

    I generally do...this year, I'm having trouble with it for some reason???

    I'm not going to raise my voice as much this year!!!!

    Try to move less @^#& to our new house is getting organized to me!!!

    I'm not sure why white sales are a big thing??? Maybe because stores think people are tired of their flannel and want something different?? I'm just sure that's it! hee hee! My favorite set of sheets is this T-shirt kind from Bed Bath and Beyond. I bought some from Target...NOT the same. Have to be from BBB!!!! Love 'em!

  24. Hmm... I'd like to Alternate... one year in, the next out.

    Stayed home with my mom & the Ladies and played games.

    All of us were. I was not, however, awake at 7 pm because I needed a nap if I were going to make it to midnight.

    Being with Mr. B

    Meeting Mr. B

    Still up. For a few more days.

    Of sorts - I think about what I would like to accomplish, but I don't beat myself up for them if I don't make it.

    I will NOT gain more weight

    Um... not sure. Things at the moment are pretty organized around my house.

    Well... I like anything with a nice high thread count. I like the ones I'm using now because they are... wait for it...... PLAID.

  25. Well I had the stomach flu this new years eve...I was asleep (or being miserable in my bed trying to sleep) by about 9ish....

    I am actually back at my parents house. I love it when my mama takes care of me when i am sick though =) anyways, today i am helping her take down christmas decorations. since i am in the land of the living again!

    hope you had a great new years!!! happy 2009! love your blog!

  26. We stayed in this year, but I do like me a fun party.

    Yes, I was awake at midnight as were all of my kids.

    Hoping for a fun family vacation of some type.

    Sheesh, I think 2008 was a pretty boring year. We didn't do a whole lot.

    Yes, still up and staring me in the face. I just can't gear up to pull out all the boxes to put them away. Ughhh....

    I do make a few resolutions. ALWAYS loose some weight, last year was to take more family pictures and I did that. This year, I've GOT to be better about teaching my girls piano lessons.

    Not going to get more in debt this year.


    I didn't even know Jan. was known for white sales. learn something everyday. I loved my 400 count cotton and flannels in winter. However they're queen sized and I now have a king. Guess I need to hit the white sales this month. :)

  27. Hey Happy Be-lated New Year! Hope you have a healthy and good 2009!

    "Nana's Box"

  28. Ok, here goes:

    Went out for dinner with Granny (see my blog) then home by 10:30.

    Yes I was awake talking to Heather on the phone.

    New Moon, Noverber 20th, 2009!!!!!

    Started blogging in 2008!!

    Decorations are packed away.

    No resolutions. Still working on the ones made years ago.

    The basement.

    Why are white sales the big thing in January???Someone please tell me.

    Expensive sheets are my favorite.

  29. I'm temporarily in Austin at my inlaws, so I don't have time to answer ALL your questions, damnit.

    But I spent New Year's staying up with my boys, playing chess and monopoly, teasing the dog and we went to the convenience store at 10:30pm to get coke slurpees. We live the wild life, I know.

  30. I stayed at home New Years Eve, chatted with some friends online.

    Yes, I was awake at midnight.

    I'm most looking forward to Summer!

    Favorite thing I did in 2008 was spend New Years with my family in CA.

    My decorations are still up, but I will be putting them away tonight.

    I stopped making New Years resolutions when I was never able to keep the simplest one as a teenager.

    I resolve NOT to procrastinate about going to the doctor about my knee.

    The project I would tackle is my storage closet downstairs. I have tons of stuff packed away in there, and I'm sure I can get rid of a lot of it.

    I have no idea why white sales are big in January. My favorite sheets are ones that are clean and fit the bed.

  31. Stay in or go out on New Year's? We went out to a friend's house where we stayed up til 2am playing the wii.

    What are you most looking forward to in 2009? Hands down--the success of my husband and my new business!! (

    Favorite thing you did in 2008? Learned more about photography

    Are your Christmas decorations still up? Oh yeah. There still up

    Do you make New Year's resolutions? Nope!

    What do you resolve to NOT do in 2009? not spend all day on the computer?!

  32. I stayed at home New Years Eve, chatted with some friends online.

    Yes, I was awake at midnight.

    I look forward to losing more weight and getting healthy in 2009.

    Didnt really have a favorite thing in 2008.

    Decorations, what are those? Bah humbug!

    Resolutions? :P~~ No need to remind myself how substandard I find myself by making a list of my failings.

    Resolve not to do? I refer to the previous answer.

    If I resolved to get organized....first thing would be my music collection on my puter...convert to a lower bit rate, remove duplicates and get rid of songs I really dont wanna keep.

    My favorite sheets are 250 ct and higher! I swear the MIL only uses burlap on her beds. *sigh* Tired of getting a rug burn everytime we have to sleep in the beds at her place...

  33. I prefer to stay in...

    Went out to eat with Shane's two brothers and their families... then we all met back at my BIL & SIL's house. The kids played together while the adults played a few board games (Outburst and Battle of the Sexes... and I am ashamed to admit the men won both games!!!)... this is what we've done the last few years.

    Yes... we got home around 12:30

    Maybe going on my first cruise? (Just not in Feb., hee hee)

    started blogging

    The outside decorations came down a few days ago... but the tree and all the inside decorations are still up. But I'm sure they will come down this weekend.


    NOT gain weight... and obsess over the weight I need to lose. I do need to lose weight and I will work more on doing that, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it and then get discouraged.

    My bedroom closet.

    I have no idea why white sales are big in January. I have two sets of 300 thread count sheets... they're my fave! Shane swears he can't tell ANY difference... but he's a doofus, so what does he know?

  34. since having kids we stay in for new years but I would LOVE to go out.
    we did nothing this year just like last year.
    Hayden going to school every single day.
    first ever family of 6 vacation
    Christmas is done and packed away
    no resolutions expect try to loss weight, well not gain any more.
    I don't know.
    I want to finish our basement and get the toys organized!
    My favorite sheets are any that I am sleeping on.

  35. *Stay In, when you have kids I guess thats what you kind of do
    *Played games with the girls
    *Yes I was awake
    *Learing how to sew and crochet
    *Lake Powell
    *Just packed them up today
    *Yes and I actually wrote them down this year!
    *I have not really thought about that
    *The Garage
    *Flannel, aqua blue and brown with Snowflakes

  36. i would have chosen to win the Twilight pack for my daughter :)
    I once won a tshirt for my husband that had a microphone on -that was funny

  37. Stay in or go out on New Year's? We stayed in and played games and ate good food. As usual. But we love our traditions. We always go to our friends' house to do this.

    Either way...what did you do? See above

    Were you awake at midnight? Heck, yeah!

    What are you most looking forward to in 2009? Winning the lottery....seriously, getting a better job.

    Favorite thing you did in 2008? Oh, I don't know. I guess getting to know all you wonderful bloggers.

    Are your Christmas decorations still up? Or already packed away? They're down and packed away.

    Do you make New Year's resolutions? Nope.

    Shannon asked this great question this week - what do you resolve to NOT do in 2009? I resolve not to worry as much.

    So many people resolve to get organized. What would be the first project you would tackle? Nothing really. I'm pretty organized.

    White sales are the big thing in January. (Do you know why?) Tell me about your favorite set of sheets. Eh, sheets are just sheets. As long as they're clean, I don't think much about 'em.

  38. I put on my comfy sweat & tee and planted my booty on our couch with my man.

    Baked a chocolate cake & cinnamon rolls and watched Ryan Secrest.

    Wide awake!

    My little sister's wedding!

    Went to Vegas with my man for our 16th anniversary.

    My tree is down, little knick knacks put away BUT our outside holiday lights will be up until next weekend.

    No resolutions although I would like to eat healthier and lose a few before the wedding!

  39. I'm not sure I posted my other comments on the right post,so i'm going to post them again...I have won one prize.A lovely nativity plate.It was awesome.I sang it to the hills.

  40. I am now a follower...Ann

  41. My favorite thing,I wish I could win is the awesome scrapbook stuff.We can never-have enough,can we?...Ann

  42. I am going to post on my blog about your contests...Ann

  43. How did I miss this? Oh yes, I was off for 5 days.

    We went to a friend's for a few hours, home by 10 pm. Scott was Xboxing it, I was watching Mad Men...season 1's I had no idea it was even 2009 until right before going to sleep. Mad Men rocks.

    I was awkae at midnight...watching Man Men and all that fabulous smoking and drinking (at the office!) and matte, red lipstick and fabulous fashion and dapper men who wear hats. Sigh...

    I am most looking forward to Lost's return...and BSG's...and Joss Whedon's new show, "Dollhouse." And in real life? The new Star Trek movie...Ida-Ho...losing lots of weight...and a better New Moon. Amen.

    Favorite thing in '08? Meeting bloggy pals, for sure. And getting a tattoo. And a liberator. Ahem.

    Christmas is GONE. No traces left around these parts. Praise God.

    I do not make resolutions...I make revolutions...

    I resolve NOT to stay at my current weight in 2009. It's my year of fabulousness.

    I am organized...some times...some days. But our basement is a nightmare. Wanna come help us clean it? You did such a good job with yours.

    Flannel sheets. Any color, any pattern, any kind. Good times.


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