Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weekend Winners: Greatest Hits

My goodness. I had no idea that family game night would be the give away that would get you all excited. With 194 entries. Second only to the Twilight week that ended with 195 entries.

We seem to be having non-stop family game nights here. Game days. Game mornings. Because we got a wii for Christmas. We have been playing wii sports. Lots of tennis. Bowling. And I had no idea that I have mad boxing skills. We also have become addicted to Mario Cart. All thanks to Heather from Mindless Junque. So addicted that I HAD to buy a second wii remote. And so much that we are considering two more remotes. So that we can all play. And Michael and I keep playing after the girls go to bed. Is there a 12 step program for the wii?

But for you guys. The big winner of the semi-unplugged family night. That includes the two movies. The read aloud book. Blokus. Snacks. And some hot chocolate. That lucky family belongs to Jori-o. Maybe you all can console yourselves by seeing if she'll invite you over. (Email me your address so that I can get all your goodies out to you!)

Over the past nine weeks there have been some amazing give aways. And I love all the new faces that I see here. But. Today is the last week of our weekend winners. And for our final give away...I thought we might revisit the past. And give again some of the greatest hits.

Week one was all about Wicked. With JenniferSusan as our winner. Let's add the Wicked soundtrack to the goodie basket. (Oh, and one of my favorite Christmas presents was I got Pop-u-lar as the ringtone on my phone!)

Week two was in the pink. Jen won. And got a bonus goodie from Amazon in her box. For the week 10 winner, I have a Save the Ta-tas magnet for your car. And some pink spatulas for your kitchen.

Week three was all about Twilight. With the most entries - by one. And Sassy Stephanie won on her birthday. And you can now have the Twilight Barnes and Noble gift card. So that you can read Twilight. Or whatever book you might want to read. Or buy a half off calendar. Or even some godiva chocolate.

Week four brought us the favicon and Mommy cards from Darcy. Michelle from Tales From the Lunchroom was the lucky winner. Who decided she did not need mommy cards - and she got a button instead.

Isn't it cute? You can get yourself some office type things at Office Depot with another gift card added to the pot.And on the fifth week of giveaways, my true love gave to me some sex and chocolate. With Jen (a different Jen. Hmmm...that is the third "jen" or variation on Jennifer to win. Veddy, veddy interesting) from Buried with Children as the big winner. And this week, you can have your cake. And eat it too.The sixth week of winners was also rather pop-u-lar. With dvds for season one of Weeds and Lost. Michelle was our big winner this week. (Hey....that is two Michelle's. What are the odds of that?!) And guess what? I have another 1st season of LOST to add to the mix. Ya'll must get caught up before the new season starts.

Week seven was all about Disney. And scrapbooks. I gave away a huge Disney prize pack to Darcy. And two mini packs. Those supplies came right from my shelf. Because I used to be a Creative Memories Consultant. This week's prize is an assortment of supplies. An album. Some paper. Some hostess only goodies. I am not sure what will go in the box. But it will be at least $100 worth. And it will not be any of the items pictured above. Because they are all gone now.

Week eight was to have a night out. With the prize being dinner and a movie. Debbie from Finding Normal is looking forward to her night out on the town. And now you can go to dinner with your honey. Or your family. Or your best friend. Or maybe you just "vant" to be alone.Whatever you choose - you can eat at a Darden restaurant - Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Longhorn, or Bahama Breeze.

And the surprise favorite week. Was week nine. With it's game, movies, book, and snacks. That have found a home with Jori-o. And now one of you will be the proud owner of the game Blokus. And can add it to your family night repertoire.

To summarize - week 10 Weekend winner will receive: The Wicked soundtrack, a save the ta-tas car magnet, a set of two pink scraper/spatulas, Barnes and Noble giftcard, Office Depot gift card, some warm delights, LOST season 1 on dvd, at least $100 worth of scrapbook supplies, restaurant gift card, and the game Blokus.

Worth playing for? Here is what you need to do:

1. Post a comment here. If you could pick a week that you would have won, which would you choose? Have you ever won a prize from a blog or somewhere else? What have you won?

2. For another entry...follow me. If you already follow me, you also get an extra entry. Be sure to come back and leave a separate comment saying that you are a follower!

3. Blog about this week's contest.

4. When you comment you get an entry. When you follow, come back and leave another comment saying you follow me. If you are already a follower, post another comment saying that you are already a stalker follower. When you post about it...come back and leave a third comment saying you did it. Then I can truly use random number generator and I won't have to type in all those names!

5. Contest ends Friday (Jan 9th) at midnight. Winners have one week to email me to claim prizes. All unclaimed prizes will be added back into the pot. Winner will be announced next Saturday.

post signature

Theme song: Popular from the "Wicked" soundtrack. Because that is the song that launched our Weekend Winners.


  1. And I'm posting the post about the contest right now!

  2. Oops, sorry -- I hit the enter button twice. Do you want me to delete that?

    Otherwise, I did win a prize (thank you! We're loving the DVD's!) here. As much as I love it, I love Diana Gabaldon more and really wanted the excuse to try those cakes ;)

  3. I went and drooled over the prizes..
    I would love the cakes..yummy but my scale laughs at me already.
    I think the dinner gift card..cause things are a tad hard right now with me being sick and the darn kitchen is GONE..yes I know it will be back..but until then let me

  4. I am putting this giveaway on my blog..

  5. oh my
    i'd have wanted to win the wicked cd!!! i've not won anything on your blog, but have hosted pif giveaways on mine and won on others

  6. This is fantastic!!! If I could have won a week....gosh they were all good...I've never seen LOST...but I LOVE chocolate...hmmmm, one of those.

    I've been fortunate and have won some giveaways since blogging. I love each and every thing!!

  7. I've blogged here about the final week!

  8. I have won jewlery on blog contests---twice. Wear it all the time too!

    I would have loved to win all those warm delights because I'm sitting here craving 11:14 pm cake right now ;).

    It is so good to see "Sunshine and Lemonade" pop up on my computer screen again. Like seeing an old friend!!!

  9. i wouldlove me anything from that stash! you rock!

  10. I realized i didn't answer your questions on my last commetn so let's try this again.
    Which week would have wanted to win...well I would have liked the scrap supplies. We always go to disney on vacations, I am always in need of mickey and the gang.
    Have I ever won from another blog and what did I win
    I won this awesome pink cupcake alarm clock from skip to my lou and some fun halloween stuff from My Chihuahua bites.
    This list is awesome you are such a generous soul!

  11. Ok I have blogged about your candy it is in the sidebar!

  12. I was sooooo insanely coveting your Weeds Season 1 and Lost Season 1 giveaway! I am happy for the winners though. :)

    Thanks for another chance.

  13. Wow Whee! What a prize pack. That is totally awesome! Count me in and I am a long time follower.

  14. Wow! What a prize!! You are too good!

  15. Wow! What a prize!! You are too good!

  16. Holy Crap, that's a lot of stuff!

    And I want it all!

    Can I enter about a hundred times, to improve my chances?

  17. i would have loved to win the twilight contest! i've just recently gotten into the books.

    i have won from a blog before. i won a tutu set for my nieces and a bag/purse for myself.

  18. Congratulations to Jori-o!

    I hope to win this one though!!!

    My two favorites to win (tie) were the Twilight one and last week's offerings.

    Yes I have won a few blog contests! I've won giftcards, and a cotton grocery sack, and some Christmas decorations.

  19. I am the winner of nothing..sob. I enter and enter and have no luck...yet.

    My favorite was the Wicked soundtrack.

  20. posting now! Maybe this week will be my lucky week - LOTS of my favorites!

  21. What an amazing giveaway! I would have liked to have won the Going Out week~ but of course, this week's is the BEST!!

  22. I also follow you as of this morning! :)

  23. I would have love to win the Twillight contest or the family game night.
    I have won a few blog contests, none from you:( A blog makeover, a kitchen towel and hot pads, a wine travel case and a shirt.

    Thank you!

  24. Man, 37 comments already?! craziness!! Well, you know I already follow (or "stalk" as the restraining order states) you. And now I'm commenting...pick me! pick me! pick me!

  25. Since my husband and I haven't gone on a date in quite a while, I would have like the date night, but we're also trying to get caught up on Lost.

  26. This is an awesome giveaway....please enter me. And I already stalk you, so thats 2 entries, right?

    I have won giveaways before....I won a Poingo and coupons.

  27. Wow, I've had so much going on - have missed the giveaway goodness. I love the Princess Bride, and who can say no to Olive Garden? I'm in!

  28. Pretty sure I've signed on as a stalker too, Kat. :-)

  29. Your giveaway was my first win. I would love to have won that Wicked week. Because I have yet to read or see the Wicked, but I love the music you've had on from it!

  30. I would have loved to win your week 3- Twilight giveaway!! That was a good one. I've never won a giveaway before so I'm crossing every body part to win this one!

    "Nana's Box"

  31. I'm a follower too!!

    "Nana's Box"

  32. I blogged about your contest here:

    "Nana's Box"

  33. I actually like the week that I won the mini-prize! I love scrapbooking, so it was perfect!

    I have won a prize from your blog and one from another blog. Both were great prizes!

    I won your mini-prize of a scrapbooking kit and I won some eco-friendly laundry detergent. I LOVED that stuff!

  34. Uh... I'd choose to win this week! Or the Twilight week...

    I've won one blog giveaway... a cute cherry printed apron.

    Oh... last week on the way to Dollywood, I was dozing and woke to find Shane had put the satellite radio on the Broadway channel. First of all, I was like "Dude, what is up with you?"... whatever. Anyway, "Popular" came on! I turned it up and sang along! :)

  35. Wow. A pirate's booty worth of prizes.

    I'd go for the Twilight week...oh WAIT! I already won that! Go Sassy, go Sassy. Next pick...mmmm...maybe the Blokus cuz I love me some games and have never played that one.

    I was on a little lucky streak for a little bit. I think I won three giveaways in a matter of a week or so.

  36. I'll follow you, I'll follow you. Actually, I already do.

    And, my three yr old boy is HOOKED on Mario Kart. He always wants to be "green Yoshi".

  37. Blogged about it!

  38. Oh, blogger. I commented once and it was eaten.

    I would pick week 2 because I love pink things. I have won a necklace and some books from a podcast and a pumpkin carving contest in grade school (the prize was a watch).

  39. I would have wanted to win last weeks game night package.
    Nope. Never won anything from a blog.

  40. I will follow you... follow you wherever you maye go. There isn't an ocean to deep a mountain so high it can keep, keep me away, away from your Blog.

    Yep you know you loved it. Be glad I typed it and didn't sing it.

  41. Of all? I think I'd like week 10 {tee hee}...the little bit of everything! What a wonderful birthday present to myself!

    Most recently received I won a a few prizes from a 4 gal online tea party a few months back. A felted flower pin from Katydid and Kid and a FYI sugarlush body scrub. My very first giveaway win was a Baby "love note" journal. Which was perfect because I was pregnant with my daughter at the time.

  42. Last week's prize was my favorite, only because it has my favorite movie: The Princess Bride!

    I won jeans for my daughter once on a blog. They are pretty cute.

  43. I posted about your contest

  44. Wow, what a fun gif you have going here. Ok, please enter me for your drawing!!! PPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEE!!

  45. Ok, now I am your new stalker....I mean follower. And, I didn't add this on my first entry, but if I would have had my choice of weeks, it would have been week #3, I just went and saw the movie Twilight and now I am dying to read all the books! I have never won a blog candy anywhere. So, I am looking forward to jumping in and giving my luck another try!!

  46. I most definitely blogged about your site! Check mine out if you get the time. Have you seen the musical Wicked yet? My son is dying to see it, I have heard mixed reviews about it, so I was wondering what you thought.
    Have a great weekend, Leslie

  47. You are the queen of giveaways! I love it. I want it. I must have it. AWESOME.

  48. You are so generous. I hop my number is the lucky one. My birthday is Jan 10 so that would be especially awesome. I'm going to post this to my blog and sign up as a follower as well.

    Oh, I have won some blog give aways before...I won three books and a CD.

  49. I would have liked to win week 7's prize (disney scrapbooking)!!! My husband and I are obsessed w/ disneyland and have a lot of pictures to prove it. It would be awesome to compile our memories into that. :)

  50. Oh, and I am following you now :)

    I subscribed to you in my google reader feed. :)


  51. I posted a blog about your giveaway :)


  52. Week eight would be my choice. A night out.

    I've won a few other things from blogs in the past...earrings..fabric...books.

    Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!

  53. I'w have loved the Princess Bride. Great movie that, for some reason, I do not own.

  54. And I am, as well, a follower.

  55. I would have loved to win week two. Partly because I think the Save The Ta-Tas stuff is great. But mostly because I have an unnatural affinity for cookbooks.

    I won a target gift card once by filing out the survey on the receipt, this was back when it was $500. I was in grad school at the time so they kept me from having to subsist on Ramen. It was awesome.

  56. The humdinger of all humdingers is week 10!

    Wow is all I can say!

  57. Wow - what an awesome giveaway! Of course, this week is my fave, but week 3 would have been awesome! Can never have too many books!

  58. I would pick either the twilight week or the family night week.. I one once, I won a book fron Canyon wren cottage.

  59. I just started following you!


  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Count me in for the contest. I did a pay it forward contest on my blog this summer and I won a pay it forward contest.

    I would love to win the scrapbook items, the Red Lobster gift certificate (MY FAVORITE place to eat!) or LOST. (I need to refresh my memory before the new season starts!)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. I'd have so dug the B&N gift card. I have yet to read Twilight (a collective blogo-gasp resounds). I'd buy that. Hubby has first editions of all of her books but won't let me touch them because they are "mint".. WHAT EV! I'd also have dug the pink stuff..I'm all about saving the Ta-Tas! I walked 36.9 miles and raised over 2 grand this year for the Avon Breast Cancer walk.. woo hoo! I have won.. TWICE even and I NEVER win. #1. was amazing scrapbook pages from Nana's Box a group of SUPER cancer fighters! I made pages of my walk pictures and take them to recruitment meetings trying to enlist more walkers for 09.

    I also won a FABU necklace from Lori my favortie Packers fan at Time of Your Life. I know she'll be routing for my Chargers tonite.

    I just really love winning ANYTHING! doesn't it feel great when you do? like a kid getting candy. HAPPY NEW YEAR

  63. Oh me me!! That sounds fabulous!!

  64. I'd love to enter if Canadians may. If I could pick a week to have won it would be week 9. I have won prizes in the past from blogs (books, yarn, etc.) and elsewhere (a poetry book, cash in a 50/50 draw).

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  65. I would choose the disney scrapbook!

  66. Oh man is this a good one. Only problem, can I win twice on the same blog????

    I won the Button and Office Max gift card and it was awesome. I just used the gift card today and bought some blank CD's and an ink cartridge for my printer. Thanks Kat.

    Can't really say I would have picked something different. I just love to enter and win, I don't care what it is, it's always great!

  67. wow 96 comments??? guurrrrll, you are the shizz...... just sayin':)

    the prize i want to win? this prize!!! it's the best ever. the bees knees. the shizz forevah fantastic.

    er. uhm. i just love princess bride and the goonies!! how you speak to my soul!!!

    ahem. i will leave another comment lettin' ya know i'm a follower. cuz duh. whoever doesn't follow you totally sucks.


  68. yeah so i totally follow you. i am so a follower. er. i mean. a leader. and a follower. and somethin' like that.

    count me in twice yo!!!

  69. I would have loved to win Week 3's Barnes & Nobles gift card. I LOVE to read. I have won on blog contests before - I won a monogrammed cup, chocolate and two books, a blog design that I am waiting for, and a few more things.

  70. Week 8 Dinner and a Movie would be my pick- I've won quite a few things- a PS3 for gamer girlie for Christmas for one, a Disney World trip for 8 for another. (I'm addicted to winning, I blog about it.)

  71. This will be the week to pass all weeks..I bet! Great Giveaway and this has been lots of fun! Congrats to this weeks winner!

  72. yikes! This is the mother of all giveaways!

    I was really excited about the game night giveaway. Date night giveaway was cool, too! Really, I would have been excited to win any of them! I've won a few contests in the past, but they've been small.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I just learned about your blog from my sister, and I am already hooked. I signed up to be a follower too!! I would have loved to have won any of the weekly contests, but especially the one with the Princess Bride dvd, as it is one of my all-time favorites!!

  75. Was I supposed to send a separate comment saying that I am a follower now? Oh well, I guess I just did! Thanks!

  76. Holy giveaway! And look at all these comments! Yes this is worth playing for, so fun. If I could have picked a week to win, it would have been Wicked. I had it all planned out, my signed copy of Wicked with the picture of you and Maguire at the book store taped right to the front cover. I did just win mints and scentsy stuff from Queenie, that was fun! And these have been so fun to see what you will come up with each week.

  77. Oh! I would SOOO pick this weeks! LOL I have won 2 blog giveaways. A purse from the SITS blogathon and a $10 Chili's GC from another. It's so exciting to win!!

  78. Sorry I'm took me a few days to scroll down to the bottom of all of these comments. Holy smokes!!! Look at you, girl!

  79. 114 comments? Wow-Wee! Kat, you go girl!

    I would have loved to have one any week of your giveaways but the one I most secretly hoped to win was the Disney scrapbooks.

    I won a coupon for a free case of Primo water on a blog. However, I've never been able to find the Primo water in stores although their website claims it's sold at Kroger and Publix. So, I guess I won a coupon! Woo hoo!

  80. I've never won a contest from a blog before, but I sure would have loved to have won during your "Wicked" week - I'm still drooling over the signed copy!

  81. Blogged about it here:

  82. And I'm already a "stalker", LOL!

    Pick me, Pick me!!!

  83. Coming over from SITS. :)

    I probably would have wanted to win the dining out gift card. I so need a night out like that. :)

  84. My favorite week was with the Lost and Weeds DVD.

    I have won bloggy giveaways. I won magnet buttons from Columbia Lily Designs and an ornament of Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire, from The Duchess of Devonshire, Gossip Guide to the 18th Century.

  85. I would've liked to win the pink spatulas from week two!

    I won an embroidery book from a blog once, but that's the only thing. I have my fingers crossed it won't remain the only thing I've won *L*

  86. Oh yeah baby!! you are one amazing giver awayer......(yep, I just made those words up!)

    So, if I could have one any week it would have been....probably the Wicked week!! But I would have loved to win any of them including this one.

    I have won a couple of blog giveaways.....some magnets from Infarrantly Creative and a Summer/Beach basket from my good friend Delores.

  87. I'm now following your blog =D

  88. i blogged about this giveaway. it was hard to do. i really want to win this all myself!!

    here's the site address:

  89. The prize that I would pick would include the Barnes and Noble gift card. :) And, I did win one blog giveaway over the holidays (out of the --what?-- 60 that I entered?) I won a blog makeoever (it's not up quite yet).

  90. I would have chosen the night out...they are so rare these days!
    I have only been bloggin for one week, so not a winner ...yet!

  91. Hmmm....pick which week...that could be tough...Love the Wicked soundtrack, and the cakes too...dd loves the game Blokus, when we visit gram...

    I guess I'd be happy winning anything.

    I have won a shirt on SITS and a box of eco friendly cleaning supplies from a Green blog...that's it...

  92. oh yeah...i'm gonna follow I go...I promise not to stand to close...

  93. I would have loved to have won the scrapbook supplies. Last year I did a cookbook/scrapbook for my daughter and a small regular scrapbook for my sister.

    As far as winning, I've won a hand chopper, a book, and a custom imprinted t-shirt. Woo Hoo!

  94. I double checked and I am already a follower.

  95. I am visiting here from SITS. I found you before and like your blog. What a great givaway!!

  96. I was already following you, but letting you know about it. LOL! Have a great day!

  97. I would have picked week 7, but week 8 would have been wonderful, too. Of course, all the weeks have great prizes!! Thanks for the chance to win again! :)

  98. And I'm already following. :) Thanks!!

  99. Wow. That is a lot of stuff you're giving away there! I hope I win!

  100. OH! And I'll follow you too :-)

  101. I would pick the week with the date night package. I love dates!

  102. Wow. What a huge giveaway! Thank you!

    I would have liked to have won the family game night prize. Or THIS one!

  103. I'm adding you to my followed blogs!

  104. And I'm off to blog about it at my blog now.

    Thanks again for having the giveaway!

  105. OH what a great giveaway...count me in!

  106. I just found you.I want to enter the contest for week 7.I will follow you and blog about your contest,I have won one thing.A beautiful nativity plate.It was awesome.I sang it to the heavens I was so proud...Ann

  107. Hi Kat.....I came over from SITS today....I needed a little Sunshine!

    What an awesome giveaway! Lets see...I would have wanted to win every week (ha)....but I'll say the 6th week because I LOVE Lost and keep wanting to buy all the seasons of dvds anyway.

    Yes, I have won off off of blogs before. I won 3 TIMES on Ronda's Rants. I won a coffee/chocolate gift basket, a National Geographic book and a Build a Bear gift certificate. I also won from Shannon at the Nuthouse an iTunes giftcard and a Starbucks giftcard. All were very cool gifts....boy, that Starbucks one went FAST!!!

  108. I haven't won anything yet but would have loved to win the Twilight or Wicked giveaway. :)

  109. Ok,I'm following you now too!! So, pick me....choose me! :)

  110. You rock! Besides week 10, I probably would have picked week 8 to win. But since one of my IRLBFFs won that one...maybe she will take me with her to the Olive Garden. Hello? Deb? :)

  111. AND I have loved you and followed you from the beginning.

  112. Oh. My. Goodness. Wow! This is awesome! I have son once at Becky's blog. I won some great ornaments and a mitten memo holder.

  113. I have never won anything from you. I did win a magazine and a chocolate from another friend once. And I just won something handmade from a fellow blogger. Now I have to pay it forward with something I've made. Wish me luck.

  114. I would love to have one the Barnes and Noble gift card, i'm a sucker for books!

    I've won a necklace, some DVD's, and some kid's shoes from other sites!

    Thanks for the chance!

  115. I'm in from SITS. If I were to have won a week giveaway, I would have wanted week 7. Please enter me in your giveaway. I have never won a prize from a giveaway.

  116. Okay I love the giveaway...a little of everything. How appropriate for the last week...but I really love. THE SONG! You put my song back up...wooohooooooooooo! And I'm totally coping you and spending $1.99 to get that ringtone.

    Oh and I've watched seasons 2 & 3 of Weeds...cannot wait to get season 4. Thats all because of you.

  117. I'm a follower! One of the original ones I'd say. Before you became so Pop-u-lar...:]

  118. I just love giveaways..I have only ever won one...and it was a pair of mismatched socks..which I love..LOL....
    If I could chose a prize I would love the scrapbooking prize from week 7...I love to scrapbook.
    Thanks for the great giveaway contest.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. wohoo!! I'm crossing my fingers and toes on this one! It's the last week, I better conjure all my lucky charms to win it! :) I would love to win the B&N and restaurant GC's! Those would be awesome!

  121. ok I am now a follower of your blog.... it looks like I will really enjoy reading it and following along...thanks

  122. alright and now I have posted about your giveaway...
    again thanks for such a fabulous giveaway....

  123. If you could pick a week that you would have won, which would you choose? week 8 oh how I need a dinner out!
    Have you ever won a prize from a blog or somewhere else? yes to both
    What have you won-I won some cute Christmas towels from another blogger and i won a wii from GIA

  124. i already follow you ;-)
    Good Luck to everyone

  125. i think i might be able to stalk you...and i say stalk proudly. yep. i just might. but don't tell anyone. i don't want a restraining order!!

  126. You have amazing contests! Glad I keep checking your blog :) Oh, and Blockus is possibly the best game ever. We have the regular one and was thinking of trying the one in this give away so that would be PERFECT.

  127. Greetings.

    I would have liked week one - Wicked. I loved the book!

    Have I ever won a prize from a blog or somewhere else? Yes, Monkees concert tickets when I was in the 8th grade from a local radio station as well as some ribbon from a blog giveaway.

    Thanks for the chance to win, Beth

  128. I'm now a follower. Can't wait to stalk, I mean follow you now that I've found your blog via the Reluctant Housewife...Beth

  129. I LOVE Wicked, so I'm a week 1 kind of gal!

  130. just posted about your giveaway!!

  131. I would have to say I am super jealous of the Goonies dvd... I loved watching that.

  132. I would have like to win week 9, although all fabulous prizes!!!

  133. I definitely would've loved to won week 7! Love scraping and take more than enough pics to stay behind!! lol I have never won a giveaway in blogworld but recently I won tickets to a comedy club through an online radio giveaway. That was the first thing I have EVER won!

  134. Okay, I'd love to have won ANY of the prizes, but I would love the Warm Delights ... in fact, they're making my mouth water now!! I did win 2 Webkinz from a blog once - my kids loved me! Thank you for such fun, generous giveaways. They're a wonderful way to start the new year!

  135. I am now officially one of your stalker/followers!!

  136. I would pick week 3 for the Barnes & Noble gift card, since I love to read. Thank you!

  137. Ok so I think I am finally done now that I posted on my blog!

  138. look at YOU little lady! outdoing yourself left and right!!!

    All of your giveaways were fab... but if i had to choose my fav? it would have been the barnes and noble giftcard because there are so many reads out there i want!!!

    i've won a few things on blogs and have given away some things too! my favorite win was a hotel stay in portland! it came at the PERFECT time and was such a nice mini giveaway!

    happiest new year to YOU!

    p.s. i'm adding your giveaway to my blog too!


  139. I'd have to say the night out (week 8). I won a giveaway last week ~ can't wait to get my goodies !!

  140. Wow! What amazing giveaways you have! If I was to win the in the past it would have been week 7! Who can resist more Art Supplies!
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,

  141. I am now your newest stalker...err follower!
    Thanks again,

  142. Popped over from SITS to check out your awesome giveaway! Count me in....I would have loved to win the Barnes and Noble giftcard. Buying books makes me so happy:)

  143. Caught you on SITS - great blog! I've not won anything from one - not too worried about that as I'm more of just an admirer! Have a great new year!

  144. I would love to win. I have won one blog contest where I got a pre-made blog makeover design. It's beautiful.

    Wicked is my favorite, followed closely by Red Lobster & Borders.

    Thanks for hosting this wonderful contest.

  145. I am now a proud follower also!

  146. I would of liked to win week 3 prise-love to have a new book to read. I have never won before and I'm hoping this to be my first!

    Elaine R

  147. Gosh I saw your contest the other day and I didn't enter. Goodness I am behind in the blogging world :P

    If I would have won a week it would have been the twilight week because still have not read the books or seen the movie. I just got a little extra Christmas money so I was able to get the first book so hopefully I won't feel so left out even though i am starting late.

  148. Oh I am definitely a stalker ;)


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