My high school reunion was the first weekend in August. And when we left the house, the skies were looking a bit ominous. And pretty soon it looked like this:And traffic looked like this:
Because a tree had fallen on the highway. But, this is actually pretty normal for Atlanta. But not so normal for a Saturday evening.
I don't have many pictures from the reunion. Because I wasn't taking them. I got tired of asking my husband to do it. And the ones he did take are blurry. He normally does a good job. But this night. Not so much.
However. In our drive in bad weather. I got it. That shot that I have never been able to get before. The one I took 47 of with nothing. But. Finally. I got my money shot.
WOW ... that last was an awesome shot!!! Very appropriate music as well !!!
We had a spectacular thunderstorm here, a couple of years back. The lightning strikes were coming fast and furious. I was trying to take shots from the shelter of the front door, but kept cringing everytime there was a loud clap of thunder, I ended up with a lot of shots of the deck, the rails, the doorjambs and so on.
The storm was right overhead, so it kind of felt like the sky was about to fall on me, everytime the thunder boomed. if I'd kept my wits about me, I should have thought about hitting the movie button on my camerA.
Well done!!!
It's Greased Lightening!
I have a shot ALMOST just like this, but not as good! Pretty cool
I have a shot ALMOST just like this, but not as good! Pretty cool
Sorry I didn't mean to post twice...But since this is my third post, might I add that I LOVE thunderstorms. Not sure if you chose your song to match your post, but I LOVE IT!
Goodnight now!
Karen--I have tons of shots of sky. But only the one actual shot of lightning. It was a pretty intense storm here too. LOTS of lightning...but it is so hard to catch it!
FutureB--I was so excited about that picture. I just wish my reunion pics had turned out. And I can't even blame alcohol for Michael's poor picture taking skills this night!
Jennifer--I had gotten Grease for my girls to watch - thinking it was like my own version of High School Musical. Anyway...I looked up the lyrics to Greased lightning - OMG - I just had no idea!
IM--I love thunderstorms too. I wish I had a screened porch so I could sit outside during one. And, yes, I picked this song for the post. Actually, all my first songs on the playlist are matched to the post. Or matched to the best of my muscial knowledge. Or I sometimes ask for suggestions from my husband who is so much more music savvy than I am.
Love the lightning pic! One of these days I would love to capture a pic like that. Of course, that would require me not to be hiding under the covers upon the first hint of thunder.
First...awesome shot!
As for the Harry Potter fav book and date, it's #4. I love the Goblet of Fire. Getting to read about and see all the other students from different schools. Hands down, my favorite.
here's my own theory about Grease's lyrics versus High SChool Musical--during the Grease era kids could watch such a movie and not notice anything lude, butnowadays, if the lyrics imply something lude, some kids, no matter what age, have already ben exposed to the implication. so HSM had to be completely above that to appeal to the "family", which it did--and aren't we all glad about that?
great lighting, Katrina--storms over Georgia didn't keep you away from teh reunion at least!
Angie--Have you always been scared of storms? What about the girls? I have always loved them. My dad was fascinated with them as well...and we would watch them together when I was younger through the storm door. My girls are not fans either :-)
Mama Dawg--Thanks! And for those of you reading my comments - read mama d's post today about HP. Goblet of Fire is my favorite book. Movie is still either Order of the Phoenix or the third one. I wish they would get that director again that they used in that one. Oh...and I hadn't realized the Edward was Cedric!
CindySue--I agree. I was so naive when I was young. I didn't get half of the lyrics to the songs I liked. And now that I know what some of them are about...oh my! And I am so glad that HSM is as sugar sweet as it is. Naturally that is Katie's fav. And Madalyn's fav is still Justin Timberlake and Sexyback. Such a telling statement about the girlies!
Love the picture. Love that you captured it. I love thunderstorms.
Just started watching the Harry Potter movies. I have the books, but several friends suggested that I watch first, so that's what I'm doing. Loving them so far--on the 3rd movie. Will start the books soon...I need new "Crackliture" in my life. And I knew Cedric was Robert Pattinson, so of course I can't wait to see him on the big screen for the first time. Wooooooooo!
WOW! You could replace your own header photo with that!!
And don't be too hard on Michael. Indoor nighttime lowlight photos are just plain hard to take. And even when you do get one that's not blurry, you had to use a flash (and the flash from the camera itself is ugly, unnnatural lighting.)
You go, girlfriend! I'm impressed. I've never had a money shot like that. How exciting!!
I do love thunderstorms, as long as I'm home safe. That was one gloomy Saturday night though. My hair would be frizzing up a storm. (hehe, get it?!)
WOW that is an amazing shot! LOVE it! HMMM I see your the pics of Atlanta and the traffic and that will be life for me soon than later! UGGG BUT I love your pictures!
What a great shot! I am always trying for that perfect striking shot, also.
And the song is marvy. Love it! A few years ago, Doug & I saw Live three times in a year. They are great!!!
Lula--I'm pretty excited that I caught it, too. Re HP: they are wonderful books. I just loved them. Well except for the fifth one. But it was okay. You need to get reading on "Dark Lover" and its series. They are some serious crack...and they fill your vamp needs :-)
Susan--Thanks! I think I'll keep my header as is...mine is rather cluttered. But what do you expect with me shooting through a moving car windshield? I'm just so impressed with myself.
I am disappointed about the reunion pictures. But I guess I was just hoping that he would be me. And get the pictures. Rather than me telling him...and they all look scary and posed because of the flash. But...he is not me :-)
Rhea--I was just glad it wasn't raining when we got to the reunion. Just a whole bunch of lightning. It was a pretty cool storm.
Tam--I think most Atlantans are just used to it. I have a friend that was complaining about having to drive 20 minutes to her job. And all I could think is that I drive that far to get to the grocery. Well...10 minutes anyway. I mean it takes me a while to just get out of my subdivision. But I love my house. My neighborhood. The people. The schools. It's all a trade off. And it will depend on where your husband's job is...
Teri--Thanks. I was so excited to get it. Wonder if I'll ever capture it again? I <3 Live, too. One of my favs is their version of Johnny Cash's "Walk the Line." caught a bolt. That's so cool looking. I'm weird. I love big storms. They're so exciting!
Did the weather foreshadow the reunion? hehehe Nice money shot! Looks pretty messy. I want to hear about kitten adventures! :)
Very cool- and scary. You know I saw someone get struck by lightning before. It's the most terrifyingly amazing sight ever. Lightning storms freak me out!
Gosh, this should be my 25th, thankfully they must have not found me. Not sure I would brave going. Nothing better than a Gawga thunder boomer.
Oh totally cool! I've always wanted to take a picture of the lightning. We get the Monsoon season where I live and we are in it right now. I need to pull out my camera.
On a sadder note, my 10 year high school reunion sucked big ones.
I'm not such a big fan of thunderstorms and we get some doozies! I think it stems from the possibility of tornados with the bad storms...if there were basements in Florida, I don't think I would have as much of an issue...I am a sissy!
But I love the picture - so powerful!
That is so cool! I've never been able to get a shot of lightning, either (not that I haven't tried!)
I had to giggle re: your hubby taking pictures. Mine is like that ALL the time. People are either teeny-tiny in the photo, or somebody is missing a head, or half a body, or it's blurry. I swear he doesn't even look through the view finder - he just points it in our general direction and takes the picture ;P Which is why I'm never in any photos!
Perfect song for this post! ha ha ha!
The "Money Shot", made the ride in the nasty weather worth the while!
Lucky you!
WOW! That is spectacular. You should send that in for some kind of photo contest. And did I miss the post about the actual reunion????
Fantastic shot, congratulations on getting it! Don't you just love Atlanta traffic, it is my least favorite part of living here.
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