It seems that lately, when someone in this house gets a hair warrants photography. I took pictures of the girls getting bobs last year. When Michael got his hair trimmed. When he got it buzzed. My hair never warrants photography as it hasn't changed in a decade. There is something sad about that situation.
Anyway. Katie got her hair done today. Madalyn got hers trimmed.
But I suppose that Katie's was a bigger deal. Since she got her hair dyed. Dyed. Really.
Well. Just a small part of it. First we had to pick which part was going to get colored.
And then it had to be bleached. Which required some time under the dryer.
And while she was under there, there were very LOUD requests for entertainment. And very LOUD questions about how much longer. Beauty takes time my dear.
Then there was washing of hair. And acclamations about how drastic it is looking already.
And then. The dye.
Do you see that? It's blue. ELECTRIC blue. Multi shaded. It's a wow. And she looks pretty darn cute. I am such a cool mom. For the next 15 minutes anyway. Except that I am now the bane of existence for the moms of Katie's friends. I apologize in advance for any strange hair-do requests that you may now have.
So...what about you? Have you ever done anything wild with your hair? With your kids' hair? Are you the cool mom?
Very cute!!! I keep telling my kids to do reverse mohawks but they just aren't going for it. You're such a cool mom!
Yes I told the hubby out loud that you let Katie die her hair blue. Jacob overheard, Now, he wants to come live with you. I am packing him a bag as I type this.
Tell Katie she ROCKS! I love it!
Her Mom isn't so bad either, to be honest she is AWESOME!
I never did anything THAT cool with my hair. You are an awesome mom:-)
geez, and I thought highlights were wild and never to be done again! (i really like my natural hair color, and highlights just end up this weird shade of orange, no matter what)
You are so cool!
this is so COOL! I have always wanted to have blue or purple in my hair but b/c of dress codes are work, I can't.
When I was in 8th grade I dyed my hair pink. That went over like a house fire with my parents. I would like to be the cool mom, but I don't think I will be. I'm too set in my ways.
VERY cool!
When I was in 6th grade, I decided I wanted a mohawk. So my Mom made an appointment with Richard, our long-trusted hairdresser. When we got there, he shampooed me, and sat me in the chair. He said, "so, darling, I hear we're doing a mohawk today. Is that what we're thinking?" And I said, "YES. I think they are SO COOL." He said, "oh, yes, darling, they ARE. VERY cool. I do have another style I want to tell you about, though, if you're open to it. It's super COOL, and I thought of you as soon as I learned how to do it. Have you seen Olivia Newton John's video for "Physical?" And I was like, "Omigod, YES! Olivia is my FAVORITE! I *LOVE* her!" "Well, I think her cute new haircut would be FANTASTIC on you. Have you ever thought about something like Olivia's hair?" "Well, no... but now that you mention it, I really like it... and I could wear a headband?" And Richard said, "ooooh, yes, darling, I am SURE your mom would let you get a headband or two, wouldn't you, Marjorie?" And winked at Mom. And Mom gushed, "oh, YES, darling, I think a headband would be FABULOUS on you. So if you decide to do The Olivia, headbands would be okay with me." So I said, "okay! Let's do The Olivia!" And so he did. Cut about 15 inches off of my hair to do it.
On the way home, Mom said, "sugah, I know you really wanted a Mohawk, and I've been thinking of some other ways you can show your *unique* taste. How 'bout we dye your basketball shoes purple when we get home?" And I squealed. And we did. And my white canvas Pro-Keds turned purple.
Looking back, I totally love how my mom called my bluff. She & Richard knew exactly what would change my mind, but they let me think it was my idea. I hope to be as cool when I'm a mom.
Happy hairdo to Katie!
My son once got his hair spiked with bright blue hair gel after a haircut. He was one happy kid until we had to wash it out.
Great pictures. I didn't realize they would have to bleach the hair first, but it makes sense. But oh wow - the color! Lol. I like blue, so I'm good with it, but I don't know if I could be that cool of a mom!
in sixth grade, which seems to be around the time when all bad hair choices begin, i idolized cyndi lauper...went and got my haor cut short on one side and left it longer on the other...and my mother let me! I am, convinced she did so knowing it would only last a day or two, which it did, i quickly went back to even it up! wasn't as cool on little old me at catholic school as it was on cyndi!
Yes, you are a COOL mom! I am SO not. No cool hair dos here, not for the kids or me. We're boring, but Katie looks like she's having a great time!
Well, except for choosing blue instead of purple... she did pretty good. I love the small expressions of personality that are so vital that don't squelch the spirit but that also aren't ummm overdone because of all that squelching.
I just cut 10" off my hair and donated it, so that's major for me but... that's it for excitement for me. I've never been one to dye my hair or do anything drastic. Sad, I know.
And so far... at 3 and 5, the wee ones let me do whatever I want with their hair :)
I've always had a rule that if one kept one's grades up, one's hair was one's own domain. Now my middle child is lobbying for a black swatch, like the governess on Hogfather (or as M.C. likes to call it "Pigdad"), and I don't know that I can deal. On the upside, she'd have to get good grades first!
That looks AWESOME! And definitely makes you the super cool mom. We are trying to get the teen to cut a mohawk for band camp, but so far he's not going for it. LOL!
I do the bleach thing (as pictured) but I'm thinking of dying it hot pink.
Very cool. And I love that you've apologized to the moms of her friends! HA!
Do you remember the red I had put in my hair last November? I LOVED it and am totally going to do it again sometime!
Hmmm... I've been after Hannah to get a haircut... maybe if I let her get a streak of color in it, she'd at least get it trimmed!
I'm a cool mom but NONE of my kids have asked for blue pink or purple hair yet any ways and if they did I would let them its just hair and will grow back or be returned to its original color if its that bad.
Now if were talking about a belly ring, nose piercings, or tatoos those have to wait til they have a job and can pay for it themselves. I wont pay for it but I wont tell them no either.
How completely fun! And yes, you totally get cool mom points - with Katie's peers ... and probably NOT their moms ;-).
Love these pics!
just a decade, Kat? Umm. It's been at least 2 are such an adulty type!
I've wanted to put highlights in my son's hair for a while (he's 6), but my husband would disown me if I did. Guess I'll live vicariously through you! :)
The girls are looking GREAT! I love the color in Katie's hair. The last time I got highlights, I really wanted a true blue. Dang it! I should have gone for that!!
I used to have my hair a LOT shorter than I do now. That was probably the wildest SHORT, razored haircut!
Oh. And I am SO the cool mom. I think.
Blue hair = awesome mom. I've had my hair all shades of turquoise pink and purple, but not for a while.
Mine is color crayon red, peeking out in the back, and really needs redone.
My kids can't figger out why I won't let 'em.
Does blue fade as quickly as red?
Ooooh! I ~LOVE~ it! About as drastic as I got was when I attempted to dye mine black. All I got was a nasty shade of brown.
Aw, I just can't do it. Mackenzie keeps wanting to dye her entire head blue or purple or something like that. I just can't. But we DO spray our hair red and blue for baseball games. That's about it.
You are so totally the coolest mom! And Katie is a pretty cool kid. Love the blue, Katie!
I wish my blond experiment had turned out more like this, but alas, I'm still in the process of fixing it. Next time, I'm just going to go with a blue streak like I had originally planned and be done with it.
And I would let my girls do funky stuff with their hair, but hubby, well, he doesn't even approve of cutting their hair, so I'm definitely the cooler parent. LOL!
That is so cool!
Love her hair! We recently let my youngest son get a mohawk, so I guess we're pretty cool.
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