It is really the kittie's fault. The trouble that those two get into. They work as a team. One follows the other. One is the lookout while the other opens the drawers to my jewelry box. One works on popping the closet door open. While the other rushes in to steal crocs. They are double trouble. And they have always reminded me of that pair of velicoraptors that chase the kids through the kitchen at the end of Jurassic Park.
So when I made this comparison, my girls had no frame of reference. I mean. Jurassic Park was released before they were born. After a few adjustments to my netflix queue, we were ready to sit down and watch the movie.
Katie LOVED it. And it was just the beginning of our so called disaster flick marathon.
There was "Day after Tomorrow." Which led to many discussions on the "science" used by Hollywood. To does global warming = an ice age? To how cute Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal are. Serious. And educational discussions.
"Deep Impact" was fun to watch.Especially after reading "Life as we Knew it" which tackled what would happen if a comet hit the moon.
With all of our volatile weather this spring...and Madalyn's new found terror over tornados...watching "Twister" was actually quite helpful. I could show Madalyn that there was no way we would have a tornado unless she saw a cow flying through the air.
Fears totally abated. (Total trivia side note. Twister was the first movie released on dvd. You're welcome.)
And then there was "Independence Day." And now Katie can write a dissertation on the various ways that the Statue of Liberty can be destroyed at the movies.
So...what about you? Do you have a favorite disaster movie? Summer blockbuster? Popcorn movie?
Not that I can think of at the moment. That's sad I know, but so many movies are running through my head I can't nail one down.
But I do love popcorn. Especially MOVIE popcorn. It's the best.
Nope, you got them all! The other tornado movie I like is "Night of the Twisters" but only because it's based on a true story near my hometown (the acting is really terrible, as are the special effects).
My Dad took me to see Twister when it was released in theaters. He did this knowing that I was (and still am) deathly afraid of storms, and tornadoes for that matter. I don't remember ever actually watching the movie in the theaters. I just remembered burying my head in my Dad's arm, and praying that the movie would end soon.
Now, Twister is one of my favorite movies. Day After Tomorrow is pretty good too. But, movies such comets hitting earth, and earth coming to an end, scare the crap out of me. I'm not sure why. But you listed some of my favorite disaster movies, and I can't seem to think of anymore.
One movie that has always stuck with me is The Day After. I was 'no nukes' after that one.
and gimme a Planet of the Apes marathon and a big bowl of popcorn on a rainy day and I am lovin' life!
I saw Testament, a nuclear holocaust movie, with my then boyfriend now husband back in the early 80s. It absolutely terrified me! It was so sad, so disturbing, so depressing. Never had a movie upset me so much before. I was shaken for weeks and weeks. Wished a billion times over that I had never gone to see it! Just talking about it again is bringing back all those emotions that took me forever to quell back then. It's a movie that you can never forget!
BTW, if you're into classic movies, The Bad Seed is excellent.
PS: So glad that you're back Kat, and that your DH is doing better. What a horrible scare! So grateful everything is going to be alright!
Not a huge Helen Hunt fan, but I did love Twister. And anything with Will Smith rocks.
Stopping by from SITS to say Hi!
Your cats remind me of my twins.
I haven't seen a disaster movie in a long time. I haven't even seen some of the ones you listed....
Is it sad? Except for Twister, I haven't seen a one of those... an I don't think I need to :)
I ws actually just thinking of one of my favorite movies that I haven't seen in forever -- The Man From Snowy River. I need to watch that one again soon....
You really did have a natural disaster marathon! Yikes.
Tornadoes show up in my dreams when I'm really stressed...and they CHASE me.
If my kids saw these movies you listed...they'd never sleep in their rooms again. Shhh!! Don't tell them I said that.
Independence Day! YAY!
Oh and those two cats....they aint v'raptors...they're these two:
There are so many movies I love...too many to name.
I laughed when I read about your cats. We have a similar situation, except we usually have one cat that's getting in trouble, while the other watches. I think the watching/lookout cat wants to make trouble too but is afraid of getting caught.
You know, if you asked me I would probably say that I'm not a big fan of disaster movies. Yet when I ran down your list I realized that I love all those movies! Huh, guess I don't know myself as well as I thought I did. LOL
We have 2 kittens that have moved in (long story) and my husband has named them Hurricane and Tornado. They totally live up to their names.
Oh ... I just noticed on your "nightstand" ... "The Well-Trained Mind" ... is that a new edition? My copy has a different cover. Wonder if I need to update.
If you haven't seen "Knowing" then you don't know what a disaster movie is. not sure you'd see it with the kids.
Caroline has a friend whose cat gets himself into a drawer and then closes the drawer by slamming his body against the back of the drawer. Felines are amazing!
My go to disaster movie has always been Armageddon. Cute boys, realistic situations, and totally plausible science all in one movie! One out of three ain't bad. :p
All of those are awesome movies my kids and I should so have a disaster movie day or atleast a movie day not sure the little one would enjoy disaster movies all day.
Sounds like a great, hollywood special effects day!
Favorite disaster movie? Armageddon! Makes me weep every time. I know...I'm a loser.
Summer blockbuster? So far, Star Trek. Never a fan but hubby drug me to it and I LOVED it. That is until Transformers 2 comes out!
Popcorn movie? Any one we watch at home!
I am a total disaster movie JUNKIE! The Day After Tomorrow and Jurassic Park are two of my FAVORITE movies. I also like Deep Impact and Outbreak.
Twister is pretty good... so's Independence Day. Jurassic Park, too!
I haven't seen any movies yet this summer... but I'm looking forward to a few. Transformers 2 being one of them. Have you seen the first one? I just NetFlix'd it a few weeks ago...thought it was great!
My Dad would always watch the Jean Claude VanDam and Sylvester Stalone movies with me because no one else wanted to watch action movies with him. So I remember watching Kickboxer and thinking I wish I could do the splits as well as Jean Claude VanDam(sp?). Thanks for the memories, I love your site found you by SITS!
Can't really think of a favorite disaster movie, I did see all the ones that you mentioned. Someone mentioned "Man from Snowy River", that is my all time favorite movie as well. Went and saw "Star Trek" Friday night with my hubby. Would highly recommend it!!
Love Twister and Jurassic Park. The rest um... I haven't seen them. But I sure do love me some popcorn.
Also when are you going to announce that the Paula Deen Autographed cookbook is mine? I mean the 29th has came and went. It's June. lol
I'd say Deep Impact. It's the most realistic of any of them.
Seriously, do people really think that we'd only see a comet or asteroid flying at us two weeks before it hit? DERRRRR
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