It's time again for the Thursday Thirteen. I am a rebel two weeks in a row in not going with the theme. Maybe I should go with the theme as my own versions take me forever to write! Two weeks ago, I wrote about places I have been. Then last week, I wrote about places in the USA that I wanted to go. I actually have an international list that I am working on...but I think my brain needs some time off from thinking about traveling or I'm likely to whip out the credit card and book a trip to some far flung place. I'm not sure why I thought this topic would be a curative for that travel bug...because it's just gotten me drooling over other things. I need to think of something for next week that won't want to make me spend money!
So...if money was not an object...if I had a wealthy uncle to finance my dreams for homeschooling...this is what I would want to do/get:1. Telescope
2. Art classes and more art classes. Because I cannot teach art classes. I actually looked at this art series called “teaching the masters” where I was supposed to teach painting. Hah! Katie already takes two classes a week (Latin and folk dancing)…but it would be great to put her in some others as well – more language classes, gymnastics, maybe another instrument…
3. Well…we’ve clearly established my travel bug. So, I would fund our national and international field trips. We are about to study ancient history – how cool would it be to go and see the Pyramids, the Parthenon, and the Pantheon?
4. Oh…and how about more local field trips. We could get memberships to all the museums rather than just one (or none) a year like we do now. We could go to traveling exhibits (we cannot wait for the King Tut exhibit that will be here in November)…plays, musicals, concerts…High School Musical is coming in August…that’s educational, right?
5. Books, books, books. More reference books. I love the images in the DK Eyewitness books. Audio books. And I’ve always had a dream about having a library – a room with book cases on all the walls….
6. I wouldn’t feel guilty about buying curriculum that I am not sure about. I could buy it and pass it on if it wasn’t a match for us. In July, at our local homeschool convention, I am buying the IEW writing program…which will set us back about $400. I cannot buy it without talking to someone about it. We could get as many of the Rosetta Stone language programs as we wanted…and see which one sticks. Or at least figure out how to say “where’s the bathroom?” in all the countries we will now be able to visit.
7. Another laptop. And we could even get a Hello Kitty one with Swarovski crystals.
8. More science manipulatives. We could get models of cells, skeletons, robotics kits…
9. LOTS and lots of Teaching company dvds.
10. Summer enrichment programs…like Duke’s TIP camp. Or Space Camp.
11. I was running out of “big dreams” so I asked my husband. And he said an electron microscope. We already have an optical one. And a small hand held one. But he wants the big guns. The electron microscope. Like one that even your average high school wouldn’t even have. (Why don’t we just get a planetarium while we are at it?) And my additional thought…it would be cool to have an attachment so that we could have the image projected up on our television or computer. And…how about an attachment so that we could take photos of what we are seeing. How cool would that be?!
12. Still thinking about what we need – so I ask the kids. Madalyn says that she wants a robot cat that will do her homework. Ummm…not exactly what I was thinking. Katie starts thinking of things to get for herself…for when she finishes her school work…like more time on her DS…more games. Again…not what I was thinking. And then she wants to know if I am really going to list a robot cat. And then she wants to know if she can make up things – like a trip into space…
13. I suppose if we are going to make wild and impossible dreams…then I’d love for Michael to quit his job and homeschool the kids…while I sit at the computer eating bon bons and blogging all day…
You've listed a lot of good ideas for enriching a child's life - whether or not you're homeschooling. Our local library has cards that you can sign out that allow entry to 13 different museums. Perhaps you could write to your local museums and library board to suggest they adopt a similar program. See:
Girl... the pink laptop!! The Bon Bons!! Calgon... take me away!!!!!!!!!! Kat, if I win the lottery, I'm buying every single one of those items for you. :) ~Jill
May 8, 2008 10:11 AM
I would cut off a toe for that Hello kitty computer.
One more thing... love the million dollar song playing in the background of your million dollar post!! :) Jill
fun TT. Isn't it great to just sit and dream sometimes? Great TT
Yeah, number 13. I want that too ... well, not Michael per se, but my Big Dude!
Stop!! You're killing me :-). We're working on getting a telescope this summer.
What a fun post! Audio Books... I was just shopping for them online and thinking, "I want them all!"
One of many things I love about living in D.C... Free Museums! Or as we like to call them - "prepaid" by American tax dollars! : )
I love the coordinating song too! All you bloggers are just too creative matching your post to a song...guess I'll have to step mine up a notch!
Jill--bonbons and a hot bath sound lovely. I'll just need to make that hello kitty laptop waterproof and my life will be complete. I'm hoping you'll win the lottery...I have that promise in writing :-)
Heather--you can always make me laugh! I guess a toe is better than an ear. We just need to wait for Jill to win the lottery and maybe she'll buy you one! (I wonder how much it is?!)
Susan--glad that I am not the only one! Maybe I can get him to quit and look at finding a patent for that robot cat...
Jennifer--our library has a great selection of audio books...but those teaching company dvds...I wish they would stock those.
Dancing Queen--somedays my creativity just does not work. But I love "Barenaked ladies" - and the song was already in my playlist...just had to move it to the top.
Kat, those are some awesome ideas! I'm with you on most of them (although the robot cat...not so sure about that one) lol but I could totally see my kids adding that one too.
That song, wow, it' to the post! A little annoying though. I love how you keep your theme going with music.
This was a great post! I don't know what today's theme was SUPPOSED to be, but I love your rebelious side. This was awesome! I got totally excited along with you as I read your ideas.
Oh, I've always wanted my own library. One with a second floor landing and those ladders on wheels. Full of old leather bound books from all over the world. I know, I'm a geek ;D
I asked Cody what he'd want if we won the lottery and he said he wants his own blacksmith shop in the backyard so that he can make his own swords.
Rhea--today's theme was "gross" as it was the 144th week of the Thursday Thirteen. But I am never a's fun to not follow the rules. :-) And hey...this song is not annoying. To me. There are a number of Barenaked Ladies songs on the playlist. I wish I was musically savvy enough to keep up the coordination...but trust me, it'll stop soon.
FM--See...your son came up with something "feasible" while mine came up with Robot cat. And I am with you on the library...I want the ladder...built in bookcases on every the ceiling.
Love the eating bonbons and blogging idea. Sounds like a sweet deal I might look into in about 11 days!!! Woo hoo!
Love cool school stuff! Field trips-- that's what I want. Memphis has so many neat places.. we can't bc budget is so tight. :( (Oh, blogero=blog hero)
You know how we talked about not having much to say. I love reading your "not much to say." That was really neat to see all the things you need as a homeschooler. I hope you can at least get some of the items on your list! I can't think of one funny thing to say right now because I am so tired...but I had to check in on you. If I don't, check in on you daily, I miss so much. Night night.
Hi Katrina! Love reading your was so good to see you the other day after so long! Let's get together soon. Hugs to the girls.
I LOVE that list, Kat!
I, too want the telescope, space camp(my hubby went when he was in middle school and loved it)for my son, but I especially want that blinged out Hello Kitty pink laptop!
Oh, and Rosetta Stone is awesome. I learned so much Italian in about a month to prepare for a trip last year.
Have a great mother's day! Glad you'll get some time to yourself. (ask for bon bons as well! lol)
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