Monday, May 12, 2008

My Favorite things: Crocs

Crocs. You either love ‘em or hate ‘em. One thing you cannot do is ignore them. They stick out like a sore thumb. They have been voted the “ugliest shoes.” They are called a fashion don’t. And some even suggest that you are not actually supposed to wear them in public.

But, they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. I have challenging feet. Finding shoes that fit is somewhat impossible. I have a wide foot. A very high arch. And narrow heels. Impossible. But then, a few years ago, I found crocs. The ugliest shoes on the planet. But they actually fit my Fred Flintstone feet. AND they were comfortable. So comfortable that they make the pain from my heel spurs bearable to non-existent. There is no way that I could have walked for 10 days around Disney World without my ugly crocs.

I actually do wear them in public. Because they are pretty much all I wear. All year. I wear them on errands. To the pool. Exercising. On vacations. And even to church. My kids wear them all the time. To school. In the creek. And they even wear “dressy” black Croc Mary Janes to church.
I love that they don’t smell. I love that if they get dirty, I can just throw them in the dishwasher. I love that they are so comfortable. So comfortable that I don’t care if I am the poster child for this fashion don’t.

But at least, I don’t wear mine with socks.

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The Joye of Teaching said...

I have never worn a croc. I see them everywhere. Nice photo of the Pres. in his crocs! hahaha Maybe I'll try a pair this summer.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Joye--Never worn crocs?! They are ugly clown shoes...but a wonderful balm to sore tootsies. Just remember when you try them on that your feet are supposed to "float" in them. If your feet touch the tips or sides, they are too small. They'll mold to your feet as you wear them.

Debbie said...

Ok Kat, you know I love you. You are one of my favs. We have alot in common. But this is where it ends. My kids have crocs. I have never ever slid my feet into a pair of crocs ever. I am a flip flop gal. My son wears brown crocs just like Gdub! But I'll bet Gdub doesn't have lightening mcqueen, scooby, mater, scooby do or a soccer ball on his crocs!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Debbie--now, that is something I'd like to see - dubya in Mickey crocs! We have so many crocs in our house. It's sad. It's like Imelda Marcos decided to wear clown shoes. But, you have gotta try 'em! Nothing else is comfortable anymore. Maybe you should stay away :-)

John Deere Mom said...

Oh, Kat! We have something in common. I LOVE my Crocs. Love them. I put them on first thing in the morning and they are the last thing I have on before bed. Sadly, somewhere in the middle of the day I have to change into actual shoes for school, but there are days I take my Crocs with me and change right after school. I too admit they are ugly, but once you go Croc, you never go back.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Angie--I'm with you. I have a pair right by my bed...even if I have to get up in the night, I slide them on. I never go barefoot...podiatrist says it's a bad idea anyway! And then to be a teacher...and on your feet all day...if anyone needed to wear Crocs it would be teachers.

GBK Gwyneth said...

Bad to go barefoot? Uh oh. I am always barefoot unless I have to wear shoes.

I love my crocs but have won them less and less as I have now fallen twice on wet surfaces while wearing them. I'm loving my Keens now :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Gwyneth--My podiatrist said it was bad to go barefoot...but maybe he just meant me because of my heel spurs and not everyone in general.

You know, I always feel like I really need to be careful on wet floors with my crocs...which is strange since they are meant to be boat shoes. Maybe we have worn out the treads?

Heather said...

LOVE G. Dub wearing his Crocs. I happen to have a pair that are wedges. Yep, I do. I love 'em too and the whole family has a pair. If you go look on the Crocs website you can see all the new super sassy styles.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Heather--the girls have several the "sassy" styles...but me and my Fred Flintstone feet have to stick to the originals. I wish the Mary Janes worked for me...

Sissy said...

I have never worn crocs and always think they look big on people's feet. Like loose. And I have a narrow foot. But mostly, I think they are against the dress code where I work and I don't usually spend money on things I can't wear to work. I just can't get attached to something I couldn't wear 5 days out of the week. But I do think they look cute on kids. All those colors and thinks to stick in them. And shoes you can wash in the dishwasher are an advance of technology!

Dancing Queen said...

#2 on my 100 Things About Me post in April...

2. I LIVE in my "Crocs"! I have a red pair that I wear to run errands/walk to school & such, a black, fleece pair & a pink/brown flip flop pair that I wear inside & around the house. Our entire family has multiple pairs! Love, love them!

Can't live without 'em!!! They are sooo comfortable!
Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Sissy--I understand. But they are not expensive - about $30...and great for wearing when you are not at work. And pining for them when you are :-)

DQ--I had to go and search your blog for your 100 list. I am trying to do one for my 100th post which is quickly approaching. I see now that I can simply cut and paste yours into my blog. Except the parts about your husband :-) It was scary reading that and seeing how much we have in common!

Debbie said...

Totally off topic, but so far I like "Atonement." Now I am nervous knowing that you, my literary "go to" gal hated it. I'll let you know when I finish.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Debbie--well, if you haven't glazed over yet...I am sure that you will like it. My book club read it. There were quite a few that thought it was the best book ever. Some that slogged through it and said they felt like it finally hit its stride around page 150. I didn't make it that far...and wasn't willing to try again. Now I am nervous to know that I am the literary "go to" gal!!

Rhea said...

I have to agree that crocs are pretty ugly, and I couldn't stand them at first...but they're growing on me. I like all the varieties of colors. We only have two pairs in our house. My 6 yr old has a bright red pair (his fav color) and he would wear them day and night if he could. He wears them to school two days a week but cannot the other three because those are PE days and they can't wear them in PE. The older son has a pair of knock-off camo crocs. Poor child...needs some real ones. lol

I might give in and get some this summer. It's just so hot around here and they're great pool shoes...

Great post! I'm impressed with how many you guys have! And, I 'm glad you've found some shoes that work well with your feet. That's SO important!

Love Dubya with the socks and crocs. Serious no-no. Sheesh.

Sugar said...

dey aren't ugly!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Rhea--I don't know that Crocs are the secret to cool feet...because of the materials...they actually make your feet hot. But, you can wear them through the water. And they give great support - actually are orthodic. And we actually have more crocs than are pictured...those are just the ones I could find at that moment!

Sugar--They are ugly...but they look very cute on your feet :-)

Anonymous said...

YEp. They're prety great. Until the kid sitting next to you in third grade throws up on your feet. Just ask Ashley about yesterday..

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Cindy Sue--Oh, no!! Yuck, yuck, yuck. Is Ashley traumatized for life?!

Lula! said...

I have never worn a pair of Crocs, but my girls & 18 month old niece adore them. My FIL wears them all the time. My footwear of choice in winter is Uggs. (Not because famous folk espouse them, but because they are super-comfortable.) In the summer, though, it's full-on flipflops. The cheaper the better.

And I love Dubya in his Crocs AND socks. Because as you can see in the picture, they are Presidential Socks and I'm sorry, but that just rocks. R-O-C-K-S!
p.s. What's the weather your way? My parents are still talking about the tornado in Macon--they live in Warner Robins.

Nicole said...

Haven't tried them either. But coming from you, I'm curious to go try them now! (They just LOOK uncomfortable, but you say otherwise, so I will take that into consideration!)

Maybe people who wear socks with crocs are big Dr. Seuss fans?

Anonymous said...

Great post--just stumbled upon your blog. So many blogs out there just trash Crocs but in 20 years their pathetic bunion-y feet will no longer fit into 5 inch stilettos and they will finally concede what we've known all along--Crocs (not all styles) extremely foot friendly. I know, I have rheumatoid arthritis and on certain days, Crocs are the only shoes I can wear comfortably.

Anonymous said...

Debbie needs to know that Crocs come in flip-flops too! I love my ugly shoes as well, sounds like we have the same foot tissues...heel spurs, wide feet, high arches...mine are a size 11 to boot...crocs are what my feet were meant for, now if only they would look good at special occasions.

Christy said...

My daughter is 13 and she wears her crocs proudly...with socks no less! And not just any socks...she makes sure the socks don't match and that they are the brightest, most attention attracting socks she has. It's too funny. After reading your post I might actually have to try on a pair.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Lula--Welcome! You know, Crocs makes flip flops...but they are not the cheaper the better variety. I have a pair, but they don't give me quite the support as my regular ones - which I "think" are the Caymans. We did have some horrid weather...but our area was not hit with the tornados...just some pretty amazing wind - non-stop for 24 hours. I had not noticed that Dubya's socks were presidential socks...funny...funnier :-)

Nicole--Oh, I love that I might have found some converts. You ought to go and try some on. You won't be a true convert until after a few days when your body heat allows them to mold to your feet. Just remember they are supposed to be big. And crocs...thy name is comfort.

BDS--Welcome - I am guessing you are the one that found me via the google search "comfortable shoes?" I think all the croc detractors have never actually tried them on.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Evi--I have often wished for "formal" crocs! They have ballerina shoes...but the fit on those is strange. My 10 year old cannot even get those to fit her. She does wear the Mary Janes...but those are just not wide enough for me. Thanks so much for coming by - hope to see more of you!

Christy--My girls actually like to wear two different colored crocs. It started out because they could only find one. Because, of course, you might take off one when you walk in the door, and then run and crawl under your bed and take the other off. And forget both deposits. Then it just became something fun to do to get me to roll my eyes. Welcome to you as well...hope you'll be back...but I am not sure that I'll top your bracelet story :-)

Skeller said...

ahahahahahahha!!!!! the picture of the Prez. What a total hoot :-D. I don't know why that tickles me so much, but it does. Thanks for making me smile!!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Susan--Dubya in his crocs...and his presidential socks amuses me, too. How can you not smile at that photo?!

Unknown said...

Oh dear ... I just realised who wears socs with his crocs.... blimey !!

I think I really need to buy myself a pair of crocs ....