Monday, October 20, 2008

Love. Eat. Hyperventilate.

It's amazing what someone can accomplish in 8 hours. It's pretty amazing when you had no idea that you were even setting out to accomplish it. And it becomes a done deal. And it was like it was meant to be.

Middle of last week, Lizzy let me know that she was coming to Atlanta again. I asked if she wanted to get together for lunch again - and it worked out that she had a little down time before meeting Mr. B. And then on Friday, Lizzy blogged about coming to Atlanta to see Mr. B. - and coming to meet Madame Kat. I am not sure when I became a Madame. Or when I became the owner of a brothel. But then again, I am having a lot of blogger "meetings." Maybe it is appropriate. I posted my comment to the very same time, Kori posted a comment. And she jokingly said "So I so need to drive to Atlanta and meet up with you and Kat. I mean how much fun would that be? I am such a thinker. Have a great weekend! Which I know you will. Duh"

And for a split second, I was transformed. From my usual role as thinker. Into an otherwordly experience. And I became a doer. I emailed Kori and invited her to really and truly come to Atlanta. And I emailed her again. Maybe a few more times. And hit refresh every few seconds. Was on pins and needles. Went back to post one on Kori's blog and truly stalked. Read every. Single. Word. And refreshed my email again. Until the email came that said - "I am going to need some major directions 'cause Atlanta traffic scares me. And I hope my Alabama accent doesn't scare you!"

And then Lizzy and I. A state apart. Swooned.

Kori and her accent arrived at my house on Saturday. I gave her the twenty five cent tour and then we were off to meet Lizzy. We decided to be wild and not meet at Applebees but at Red Robin. Kori and I arrived first. We told the hostess that there was one more coming and that we would just wait. She had to have asked us several times. And in several manners. If there was really just going to be three of us. "Are you still waiting on one more?" "Will there just be three of you?" "Would you still like to wait for ONE more person to join you?"

Lizzy arrived. We were finally seated. We discussed how old we were when we first started our periods. And then we were ready to look at the menu. We laughed. And giggled. And told stories. Including many from Kori about the joys of boys. And all their parts. Ate lunch which I promptly dribbled on my shirt. And Lizzy tried to frighten all the children at the table next to us. Ate dessert. Got dehydrated. Left a small tip. And waddled out of the restaurant to reconvene back at my house.

We had to get back to my house so that we could take pictures. Good pictures. Because Kori's friend could not believe that she was meeting people that she met online. Kori's friend was quite sure that Kori was a gonner. And that we were going to chop her to bits and bury her in the yard. We thought that her friend deserved an appropriate picture.The fear that is radiating from Kori is amazing. I am thinking that she missed her true calling to the theatre. And Lizzy obviously missed her true calling. With her pink spoon. To the theatre of the absurd. Or at least as an Alan Rickman impersonator.

And then Kori got lucky. Hey! Not that kind of lucky. Lucky in the book department. Because Katie had finished it. My mom had just finished it the night before. And now Kori had her very own slightly used. Slightly drooled upon copy.And did you know that Lizzy's last name is Cullen?

We spent some time checking out my basement. Walking in the backyard around the creek. Lizzy has insisted that she is just going to pitch a tent and move back there. And then we went back inside. And talked. And laughed. Laughed so hard we cried. Laughed so hard we hyperventilated. And there might have been some snorting. Especially as Kori loudly announced - "hey...I have on two different socks."

And then...Kori decided that she and her accent needed to head home. So we "employed" Katie to take our picture. And she had so much fun taking pictures of hips. Ta-tas. And maybe some trees. We finally got her to take some pictures of all three of us.And then Katie...who insisted that she needed to be a part of the action too...because she her moment in the flashbulb:And before anyone could be bid adieu...there was one more thing to accomplish. I had teased Lizzy about crossing her eyes when she talks in my post about our first meeting. And Kori noticed this quirk as well. And it was also noticed that Lizzy can make her eyes go in different directions. This was one of our causes of the above mentioned hyperventilation. And it made Lizzy talk to us for the rest of the afternoon with her face hidden behind a pillow.So...what about you? Are you a demonstrative speaker? Do you use your hands? And your eyeballs when you speak? Have you ever driven three hours to meet someone for lunch? Do you think your friends and family might think you've gone off the deep end if you did? Have you ever found a blog you liked and gone back to read every-single-post?

post signature

Theme song: Jack Johnson - "Upside Down" because it perfectly captures the day. And there is not a song called hyperventilate.


Kori said...

Ok so I stayed up late just so I could read it and be the very first to comment.

I would have drove 6 hours to have the wonderful time and belly aching laughs we had.

The post is wonderful and I think I will just post "Hey I went to Hotlanta to meet up with some killers that I took pictures with. Go see Kat to read all about it." lol

I so can't wait to do it again. And I'm curious as to who might joins us next time.

KimmyDarling said...

It looks like y'all had the BEST time. You all look so happy!

I've done lots of crazy things to meet my internet friend, so I can't blame Kori at all-- and I certainly don't think y'all are crazy. (Well, not for THAT, anyway!) ;) Some of my Real Life Friends don't get my Internet Friends, but they're missing out (and they do know it-- I make sure of that).

I think I am a really demonstrative speaker. Somebody once told me I talk with my whole body, and to this day I'm really not sure whether or not they were trying to insult me when they said that!

The only blog I know I've read every word of (probably twice) is Surcie's, because I heart her and her words.

Glad y'all had such a fun time!!!

Rhea said...

I'm so jealous. So very jealous. I want to love, eat and hyperventilate. And laugh so hard I almost pee in my pants.

Kori said...

Oh and you know I love me some Jack Johnson. Thanks for keeping me suspense. lol

Also Lula I hope I make you proud. i am already more than halfway through the book. And I must admit. I'm in love.

Unknown said...

Yeeehaaahhh!!! Sounds like you all had a rip roaring time!! :-)

I use my hands a lot when I talk, epecially if I get excited. Not sure what my eyeballs do.

I must say...those eye tricks of Lizzie's are quite impressive.. :-)

Tiffany said...

I am SO jealous!!!! Wow, what fun.

I Love Purple More Than You said...

What an awesome time! Those pictures are hilarious. LOVE the Twilight pic!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it sounds like so much fun! I wish I were in Atlanta (not 6000 miles away!)

And yes, I have done crazy things, like driving 8 hours just so a friend could see her boyfriend, and yes online people too :) We have an expat blogger meet-up every year here in Germany. Bloggers rock :)

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm totally jealous of all you Easterners! Any chance you all are going to be making an appearance in Utah anytime soon? We've got Applebees here too!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I'm with Rhea! I'm jealous!!

larkswing said...

Great pics of your great time! I have driven 3 hours for lunch, but not to meet a stranger . . . that was just 1 1/2 hours. hehe

Shannon said...

These pics are too funny! And Katie getting in on the action, LOL!

We really do need to get our own blogger convention set up... how fun would THAT be??!?!!?

Yes, I use my hands when I talk... remember the "signing" I did???

Suzann said...

This is such an awesome post. I have not ever met a fellow blogger, but seeing the three of you looking like best friends that have a bond deep and true, makes me feel great about being a blogger and perhaps someday meeting another whom I have met through blogging. Precious times to be treasured!

Becky W said...

I would love to meet some of my blogging friends, and people would probably think I am a bit crazy!! Oh well, all you ladies are great!

Unknown said...


If that spoon ever turns up missing........

I had such a blast with y'all!!!!

Lula! said...

BEST POST EVER!!!!!!!!!!

I am so jealous. Y'all had such fun. Why wasn't I invited? Or Angie, for that matter? Humph!

And when did the Atlanta-area get a Red Robin? I thought that was a West Coast thing.

See how I always bring it back to the food? Yep. That's me.

Jen said...

It looks like you guys had an awesome time. I am so jealous. I do have noe question, how long of a drive is it from Michigan to Atlanta?

Heather said...

See, we so need a blogger reunion so we can ALL meet each other in person.

I've met one blogger friend in real life, and am getting ready to meet another next month.

So far, so good. No crazy axe-yielding psychos yet. Ask me again next month...

Y'all look like you had a great time! Lovin' the pictures!

sassy stephanie said...

Sniff sniff. I wish I was close enough to drive so I could be beaten with a pink spoon by the next US Prez!

You girls had WAY too much fun!

jori-o said...

How fun for you! Way to be a doer!

Desi said...

Oh man, that looked like a lot of fun!!

Kelly said...

Looks and sounds like you guys had SUCH a great time...You are now officially the Blogger hostess...someone needs to make you a button!!!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

A Bunch of us got together last week, but I tried to get them to do some crazy "bedlam" pictures and they passed. I needed you guys. :)

Elena said...

LOL!!! Oh so fun. Lizzy is going to do some serious de-gutting with that vicious spoon. So funny. I think it is so great that you all meet up. If Atlanta wasn't a 3 day drive for me I'd be on my way. So fun! (oh wait, I said that all ready.) And yep, hands, eyes, snorts, the whole body when I talk. Don't you wodner what all your bloggy friends voices sound like? Someday we all need to put up video clips with us talking so we can hear each other.

Jill said...

What fun, fun, fun!! You meet all the coolest people... lucky duck you!

Great photos too. :)

Yay for cool bloggers!

p.s. totally love jack johnson!!

Brandy said...

No, I havent' but I would. Looks like too much fun to miss!

Stevie would definitely think I was crazy to drive that far but he already thinks that so I'm good.

There have been several blogs I've read from beginning to end. Including yours.

I think.

Does that make me a blog stalker?!

Scary Mommy said...

So fun!!! I would totally be up for a blog-date! Looks like you guys had a blast.

Trish said...

HILARIOUS!! I can hear the laughter through my computer screen. Who knew Lizzy was sooo talented?
And of course I am a bit jealous! I totally want to meet bloggy friends somewhere.

I did have a bit of a blogger symposium here at my house this weekend as Gina came to visit, but she's my sister so that doesn't really count!

Gina said...

Cannot speak to you right now. Putrid green with envy. Never wished to be back in Marietta- until now.

Gina said...


Susie said...

You guys are soooooo lucky that you get to play together!! I would love to join you guys but I think it would be a little more than 3 hours:-)

I used to drive 4 hours to watch my daughter in a concert for an hour just to turn around and drive 4 hours home. I am so glad she is just an hour away now.

KimmyJ said...

I'm so jealous, I can hardly stand it. I wonder how long will it take me to get there from Virginia Beach?

Anonymous said...

That was soooo funny....I love the way you told the story of the day, Kat. I felt like I was there with you had me laughing too!!!

Sissy said...

You gotta pass on the Twilight. It's like a cult we have all joined and I don't mind being a member. Looks like you had fun.

Teri said...

Oh, I big time talk with my hands. For some reason, I feel it is crucial to draw an imaginary timeline in the air when I am given my answers/opinions in class, or I'll use big hand drawings to describe how important my point is. I'm not quite sure why I do this.

I don't remember driving 3 hours for lunch. Can't say I wouldn't do it.

And yes, I've stalked some blogs seriously. You started this, you know!

jennifersusan said...

I'm so jealous! I remember having fun like that with my online friends in college. When I was in college all the people I ever met and became friends with just happend to be people I had chatted with on the computer and then found out that we all went to the same university. Most of us are still friends and still refer to each other by our online names. I know ya'll had a blast!!!

Heather said...

Oh it looks like soooo much fun!! I want to hyperventilate with you someday. Maybe I will.

Ronda's Rants said...

Dang it!!! I never get to go anywhere!! Yall looked like you had a lot of fun!

Aubrey said...

I'm sitting here laughing! I wish I could have been THERE though, laughing with you all! What a blast!

Swirl Girl said...

You guys look like you had so much fun!

It's amazing how quickly you can get to know someone over the 'airwaves'.

I've read Lizzy's account too!

Debbie said...

That sounded like an absolute blast! Three of my absolute faves...all together under one roof cracking up. I am so gald you had such a wonderful time!

Firefly Mom said...

Geez - I'm off-line for a few days and I find talk of madames, brothels, and getting lucky! Always a fun time on your blog ;D

Anonymous said...

such a great blog and so many great pictures i hope all is well, god bless

Mama Dawg said...

Yeah, I talk with my hands. I've also gone and stayed a weekend with someone I met on the computer (no, not a guy, a girl on a site we visited frequently invited me to stay with her in Dallas and I took the plunge and have not regretted it one bit).

Angie's Spot said...

You're getting so good at planning these little mini-summits! Now, comes the BIG blogger conference plans. It needs to happen lady!

As far as my speaking habits, I know that I tend to use my hands A LOT. It comes from using sign language with my mom for my entire life. Force of habit. I've also been told that my facial expressions are usually very bold.

I have indeed driven 3 hours to meet someone for a meal and my friends thought I was crazy at the time. Turned out they were right unfortunately.

I have found several blogs that I love, but just don't have the time to go back to the beginning. Someday. Sigh.

Unknown said...

Sooo fun! I really hope I get a chance to meet up with some of my bloggy buddies one day! Looks like y'all had a blast!