Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Shot heard 'round the internet

It was a Saturday. September 27th to be exact. Late afternoon. I remember the moment precisely. The moment I got the email asking me for a favor. I had no idea who it was from. But I read it. And I swear that I heard a collective "awwwww" across the universe.

It was a email from the husband of one of my bloggy buddies. Asking me to participate in a virtual surprise party. I just couldn't respond right away. I just couldn't immediately hit reply and say "YES! sign me up." I just couldn't. I had to spend some time contemplating. And maybe having my own version of a pity party. Because there is NO WAY my husband would ever think to pull off something like this.

I had to spend some time with envy. Thinking about such a thoughtful husband. But then I remembered that she is buried with children. But then I went back to envy because she is one of the most prolific bloggers I know. She can do more than one post in one day!! But then I go back to that buried in children. And then I go back to envy because she's only turning 29 today!

Jen...I'm so glad I am a part of your special day. I hope that you have LOVED being surprised by all your blog friends. And I hope that this is a day to truly remember. Have a very happy 29th birthday!(And I'd like to do the internet version of sticking out my tongue and blowing you a raspberry - but I'm not sure how to spell it!)

So...what about you? Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? Have you ever organized one for someone else? What is the most unique gift you have ever received? Have you wished Jen a Happy Birthday yet? How about Shannon? It's her birthday too!

post signature

Theme song: Third Eye Blind - Semi Charmed Life


Shannon said...

Aw, great post for Jen!

And thank you for the shout out! :)

Firefly Mom said...

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jen and Shannon! :D

Wow - 29. It seems so long ago *snort*

My 17th birthday party was a surprise thrown by my friends.

I tried throwing one for someone else once. Problem is, you have to rely on EVERYONE to keep their mouth's shut. Which, apparently, not everyone can do. And the authorities frown upon keeping blabbermouths tied up in a closet with duct tape over their mouths. Too bad ;D

Hmm, I'll have to think about the unique gift.

Heather said...

I'll have to think about these questions; it's too early and I haven't had even one cup of coffee yet.

I received my swap from South Africa yesterday! Way earlier than I thought, and it was awesome! Loraine is incredibly generous...she included something for everyone in my family. It was like Christmas in October!

Thanks for organizing this swap. It was so much fun.

Jen said...

Aw Kat I don't know whether to say sorry or thank you. I am going to go with Thank you! You truly made my day so special! You are a pretty special blogger/lady too you know. I know that I love you.

Rhea said...

My friends threw me a surprise party when I had my first (and so far only) short story published!! I was NOT expecting it.

My most unique gift was my 30th birthday trip to California!!

My last birthday, my 31st, totally rocked with a new camera and Photoshop Elements and a scanner/photo printer. That was incredible.

I am totally jealous of Jen's husband too. Great post, Kat!!

Debbie said...

AWWWW...that is a great post and her hubby does get major props for it. I already went over and gave her some lovin.

Jeff said...

That was a great post for Jen. Thanks so much for helping make Jen's birthday a special one. That stock photo of the cupcake looks like some sort of sucrose-based fire hazard.

Aleta said...

Aww, wasn't that sweet of you! I love the song to go with it. How cool of her husband and how great from her blog friends to participate!

I helped my Mom plan a surprise 50th party for my Dad. He turned red and loved seeing all of his family and friends. Also surprised my sister-in-law with a bridal shower from the office staff. I love to see people smile and be surprised!

sassy stephanie said...

Mmmmm I want that cupcake. I heart me some cupcakes.

Going to wish these girls a happy bday!

Elena said...

Happy birthday girls! So fun to be showered all over the internet for you big day.

I don't think I've ever had a surprise party, but I went to Jennifer P.'s surprise party once. What fun!

Cheryl Lage said...

You are such a good friend, Kat!
AND your post helped me figure out how I discovered your blog...which I embarrassingly couldn't figure out...via Birthday Girl Shannon's! Now how I found hers, I still cannot remember...clearly I'm beyond 29 ;) .

Heather said...

Happy Happy Birthday girls!!!

Skeller said...

Isn't the Internet a weird and wonderful place?

I was just part of a "virtual" baby shower. I was the IRL contact and delivery person. The other women created a whole website, made presents, put together games ... the whole she-bang. You've got to see it:

jennifersusan said...

Looks like you got over the whole "envy" thing. You are such a good friend!
btw...You're reading Inkdeath! I am so jealous!!!! I have to go out, right away, and buy a copy. I didn't know it was out already!

Insane Mama said...

This is the cutest thing everybody wishing everyone a happy birthday. I went to Jens, I'm off to shannon's now

Susie said...

It was so fun wishing Jen a Happy Birthday but I think I blew it. Everyone thinks it's my birthday. Oops:-(

I Love Purple More Than You said...

That's a great surprise. What a thoughtful husband!!!

Sissy said...

I just picked up Inkdeath today, along with the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I love to spend money at the bookstore, but not really have to pay for it cause the school pays for the charge. Awesome way to feed my addiction.

Deborah said...

Hi Kat--no you don't know me! I found your blog on SITS and really enjoyed it. Hope you don't mind if I pop by and keep reading.

Brandy said...

He sounds like a total sweetie!

Stevie *tries* to surprise me but I hate surprises so it doesn't really work. I'm a snooper. Hardcore snooper. Anyone who opens their Christmas gifts and then tapes them back has a problem.

I had a surprise party for him at Hooters for his 30th. Rented a limo and all.

Great song!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

What a nice post!

Thanks for stopping by on MA's BATW day!

I am very familar with Stoneham. It's actually pretty close to me, and I have family in Melrose. Your husband will know exactly where that is!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

By the way I love your daily songs. I find myself coming back again and again just to hear them, hehe