Monday, November 17, 2008

Bed. Wed. Behead.

When I read a book that I don't like. I hold a grudge. And I won't read that author anymore. I'll never read another Charles Frazier book after "Cold Mountain." Another Ian McEwan book after "Atonement." Another Virginia Wolff book after "Mrs. Dalloway."

But. When I find a really good book, I find it difficult to transition to another story. I want to read more about THOSE characters. Or even read a book that is just like it. So, one of the things that I tend to do is read every book that that author wrote. Did you know that there is even a name for this tendency? It's called Glomming.

For me. One of the markers of a really good book is one that will send me to the internet. Sending me there so that I can research a little more. And one of the books that first sent me there was Philippa Gregory's "The Other Boleyn Girl."When I first picked up that book, I really didn't think I would like it. The time period was really boring to me. It was all those names and dates. And my history classes never engaged me after ancient times. But now I know what the problem was. They were missing the sex part of the story.

The entire time I was reading about Mary and Anne Boleyn. I was just shocked. Shocked just because I didn't realize. Didn't realize that adultery was so out in the open. That a husband would not mind being cuckolded. If it was the king. That a family would openly push their daughters into such a liason because it would actually mean family presitge. This I was never taught in school.

So, when Showtime started their soap opera...otherwise known as "The Tudors." I put it into my netflix queue. And this weekend, I finally started watching it. I have found my research has paid off. Because I know the cast of characters. And their motivations. I am really enjoying it. How could you not enjoy seeing Henry Cavill. Nekkid. In every episode.

And as I was watching it. I thought that the colors were really interesting. Very artistic. Creative.

The series starts with the French killing the English ambassador in Italy. All of the French seem to have this blue hue to them. The English a greenish tinge. It made it easy to tell who was who. A very dramatic effect. And I thought it was strange that I have never read about the color filters used in the filming. I mean. Even the horses have a purplish tinge to them.

And as I am watching, my mom comes into the room. Sees what I am watching. And says that the same cinematographer must have done the movie "Little Children." Which she had watched last weekend on the dvd player. Because that movie was also filmed all in purple and lime green.

And I began to realize that there was a problem. With the color on the DVD player. And that maybe the Tudors weren't supposed to look artsy. Or glorious in all their shades of greens and purples.

Maybe the filming was more realistic. Not quite aesthitic. Or with an artistic flair. But more like this:

After a bit of research. And the employment of my personal tech support (I swear that when I renew my marriage in front of Elvis in Vegas, tech support is going in the vows. Along with carrying stuff. And squashing bugs.). We discover the culprit. I don't think it would surprise you to see that it was a cat. Who pulled out a cord.

So...what about you? Do you hold author grudges? Do you glomm? Is there a time period you like to read about? Or not? Do you watch "The Tudors?" Have you entered the contest?

post signature

Theme song: Cyndi Lauper - True Colors - Because I might have to actually watch "The Tudors" unplugged. I kinda like the artsy effect. And just between you and me - I almost used Herman's Hermits "Henry VIII, I am." But decided not to punish you like that.


Anonymous said...

You never fail to give me a good laugh.

Jo-Jo said...

I am such a gloomer! And now I am glad to know that there is a name for it! I think I meantioned in my last comment (the one about the contest I WANT TO WIN) that I am a Laurell K. Hamilton fan. One of the reasons I love her is because she writes series books...I don't have to suffer so much about leaving my new book friends because they are waiting for me in the next book! Only thing I have to wait a LONG time between books. sigh

Shannon said...

I've been working on a post similar to this... something I've been obsessing over lately, like I need to get my hands on every last thing...

I've wanted to read this book! I almost picked it up the other night when Angie and I were at Barnes & Noble.

Linda said...

I glomm. But I didn't know there was a name for it until I read your post. You should get a prize for being educational. I glommed Richard Russo last summer. Wait, did I use the word correctly? It sounds a little naughty. Jane Austen, Barbara Kingsolver and Peter Mayle are a few others.

Can glomming apply movies? Like you have to watch every single movie that a certain actor is in? Yeah, I have a few of those too.

MsTypo said...

I glom all the time! In fact, when i read TOBG, i then read its sequel, and books set in the same period by numerous other authors. LOL

If only the real Henry had been that good looking!! *sigh*

Oh, and the gas cylinder are how we cook! Very few people are as lucky enough to be on a main so they have a hook up from their stove to this canister. Much like your bbq or portable cooktop. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I Glomm. Big time if I really like the writer. I usually read current day stuff but I do really like the Jamie Fraser series (as I already mentioned). I bought Anna Karenina and War and Peace recently and am determined to finish them by next Christmas. Really.

Never seen the Tudors. Didn't enter the contest (I don't like Vampire stuff but it is pretty popular these days.)

Michelle said...

Ohh, sounds like something I might like to read. Gonna check it out.

I need to upgrade my cable, I am missing some good shows.

Oh, I glomm for sure, I have just always called it OCD.

Hold a grudge? Me? Never. Just ask my husband. :)

lynette355 said...

Gloom. I have a group I fit into! To gloom, glooming, gloomed???
Yes us OCD people really know how to gloom. LOL
Color issue funny. Don't we wish more people were color coded as to who is the good guys and who is the bad guys?
Cyndi----love the lady. Love the songs. But, Herman Hermits was my very first "album" I ever owned. So bring on Henry the Eighth.

larkswing said...

I read the Boleyn Inheritance and thought the same thing - how bizarre and intriquing. And I headed to the website which had the family tree which I should have checked out when starting the book . . . but loved it and plan on reading more.

Will have to check out the tudors ...

S Club Mama said...

I totally hated Mrs. Dalloway too!

Lauren W said...

Oh my goodness! I'm totally a glommer! I'm into historical fiction, but I really prefer mid-19th century and earlier. I'm open to all of it, though. I'll definitely be checking out these books and adding The Tudors to my netflix queue :)

Heather said...

Absolutely I do. To all those things mentioned. I hate when I read a "bad" book. 'Cause I can't NOT finish a book, no matter how bad it is. I cannot leave it in the middle. What is that one called, hmm?

Oh, the one answer that is a no...I don't watch the Tudors. But it sounds interesting.

I love getting good reading ideas from your blog. You're like my own personal library source. Thanks! And did you hear the rumor that Diana Gabaldon is writing a new Jamie and Claire book, due out this September? Be still my heart. I just hope they're not, like, seventy years old in this one...

Jen said...

I was thinking about watching that movie, maybe the book is better?

sassy stephanie said...

Glooming, huh? THought it was more OCD! LOL

Unknown said...

I used to get stuck on an author & read nothing elns. For exsample Nora Robert & Danielle Steel.
I have since discovered there are so many books I was missing out on, so I read lots of differant authors now. If I don't like the book after the first few chapters I give the book away & start on a new one.

Mama Dawg said... many questions.

Yes, I hold a grudge, too. But since I can never remember which authors I like or dislike, it causes a bit of a problem for me.

I glomm. Big time. I get obsessed.

I love the time period of the Tudors. Most of my fiction these days is from that time period.

I ADORE the Tudors.I totally fell in love with it. JRM (King Henry) is so gorgeous.

Also, tell your mom I'm LOVING Mad Men!

Decor To Adore said...

I absolutely loved the Other Bolelyn Girl and can't wait for the new season of The Tudors.
Currently I am going through the Twilight series like an addication and will be in line to watch the movie. :)

Tam said...

GLOMM....Ah...NOW I know what I do. I have every book PHILPPA Gregory has written. After reading The Other Boleyn Girl I started buying the rest of her stuff. I am sick like that. I have to read all the authors books if I like that first book I read. I also thought that this was going to be a very boring book but I really enjoyed. Yes I also hold a grudge when I read a book that I do not like. LOL LOVED this POST KAT!!!

Rhea said...

And you said you had nothing to post about! This is post gold, baby!! LOVED it. Your sneaky kitty. Little stinker.

Glomming. I didn't know this term, but boy have I practiced it. I loved The Other Boylen Girl. Awesome book. And I've been wanting to watch The Tudors.

I'm cracking up that you thought the cinematography was artsy...and it was a messed up cord. HEHEHEHE

Brian and Staci said...

Ahh Kat! This post might just be one of my favorites! Sooo funny! Thankfully...your little kitty didn't actually INGEST the wire...thus "granting" you another nice little vet bill :) Did I just type "thus"??!!
Nope, I don't glomm...because I only read magazines (and blogs!) Remember, I'm a loser and need to get a life and actually read a book! I have been known to hold a bit of a grudge :( Have never seen The Tudors, but now I must!!! Sadly, I don't think I've entered the contest.

Unknown said...

Glom... not so much... BUT I did read a couple Gregory books and they TOO made me check out the internet for more about the times and the people and I WANT to see the Tudors in whatever color my tv will deliver it but I cancelled my netflix.

9 DAYS!!!!

Brandy said...

I tend to glomm...for a while and then I get over it.

I love that you didn't realize they weren't supposed to be green & purple. LOL!

I haven't watched The Tudors but I will now...heading to Blockbuster as we speak.

Brandy said... I type would be a better description I guess.

Brandy said...

Oh and I love Cyndi Lauper - she made a guest appearance on Gossip Girl last week AND DID NOT PERFORM! What's up with that???! I just knew she was going to sing but no.

Elena said...

Oh those naughty kitties! So funny! I have glommed a few times. I've read every Dan Brown book (although after reading a few you can pretty much predict the plot from the first chapter, but I still love him.) And of course all Stephenie Meyers goodness. Love Brad Meltzer and Dean Koonz and Michael Crichten. Hmmmm... I've never written it down before. Aparently I like male authors. And I did love the first Outlander book, but I haven't had time to get into the second one yet. Do you do Good Reads? You should join if you don't already. I so need to add you as a friend.

Britt said...

I was wondering how the song would tie in .. I love your music choices! So very clever of you, ma'am.

I'm not much of a glommer .. and I generally pick my books by their cover art. If the art interests me, I'll try the book out. This usually leads me to good books, surprisingly. But sometimes it drops me smack dab in the middle of a stinker.

I'll have to look for that book now. I loved the movie .. it had hubby and me hitting the web, researching like crazy.

Vickie said...

I was at Finding Normal and saw your comment regarding your Friday event. So I wanted to visit again. I was here this past Saturday from SITS. I think I was the only one not a fan of Twilight. Sorry.
I am a glommer. I no longer read Toni Morrison, I find her books are to depressing and I refuse to read them after I read "Beloved" . I love historical fiction. So Gregory's books are on my list of books to read, which is way to long.

Your TV story cracked me up. I have a feeling I am coming back to visit again. Take Care.

Rachel Ann said...

Now I know the correct word for want I do...glomm! Good to know!

Now, I'm going to have to add the Tudors to my netflix qeue as I watched The Other Boleyn Girl movie and thought it was fantastic! Thanks for the heads up!

Heather said...

Love. The. Tudors. Love it love it love it and don't mind seeing Henry's boot-ay in action if you know what I mean. Yeee hawwwww!

Jane In The Jungle said...

OK, HH's "Henry the Vlll" would have been the bomb for this!!
I love this period in history!! Probably because I was living vicariously through the naughtyness when I first started reading it and that led to me studying it! And just how nekkid does he get??

KimmyJ said...

I loved that book and I am a Grommer. I have not seen the Tudors, but now I must!!

The Joye of Teaching said...

The Tudors is HOT! Loved it. I have to simply heart the people and story to keep reading a series. I do not glomm- I browse stories loving variety.

Susie said...

I like that Tudor period but I don't get much time to read books anymore. I am too busy with my business:-( I miss it.

Rebecca said...

I LOVE Phillipa Gregory books!
I have never watched the Tudors though....shame on me!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Haven't seen the movie or read the book, but I do love that historical period. I have read a few others set in that time period and like you, was SHOCKED by what actually went on.

Skeller said...

Oh yeah, I glom. And I definitely hold a grudge. And I, also, will NEVER read Charles Frazier again.

Finding Normal said...

That is hilarious!

Debbie said...

Oh Kat...that was HILARIOUS! That darn cat...hey isn't that movie? I too will never read anything by Ian M. after Atonement...I just cannot believe how much I hated that book. I mean loathed it. I should have listened to you. Other than that I don't hold grudges ;)

Queenie Jeannie said...

I LOVE Phillipa Gregory!!! I've read everything she's written!

And if you like her, you will love even more Posie Graeme-Evans. I guess you will have to trust me on this, but I am a voracious reader and we seem to have the same taste in literature judging by your booklist. Definitely check her out!!

Kim said...

This made me laugh aloud. Tech support is ery importnat in a marriage- at least one that will last through kids. :)

The Avid Reader said...

I'm a total glommer! Once I fall in love with an author I immediately have to read EVERYTHING they've written (and own it, if financially possible at the time). And if I read a bad book, I immediately write off that author. One bad book puts me right off.

And I loved the movie of The Other Boleyn Girl, so now I feel like i need to read the book.

Rhea said...

I forgot to tell you how much I LOVE the title of this post?! IT's hilarious. And perfect.