Monday, December 15, 2008

Thank you for calling. Please leave a message.

Hello. You have reached casa Sunshine and Lemonade. No one is here right now. We are doing school work. Running errands. Wrapping gifts. Baking cookies. Keeping kitties out of the decorations.

So. I leave you with a hilarious song. About how a mother's work is never done. And then another song. A follow up. For the dads.

Don't forget to enter the contest. Please leave a message.

post signature


Brandy said...

Hey Kat...ummmm, just checking in to see how you are doing. I hate talking to these things. Ummm...gimmee a call whenever you get a hurry, it's not an emergency or anything. Ummmm, okay. Bye.

WheresMyAngels said...

Brandy is better than me, I just hang up on them machines!! lol

Mrs Anne said...

Hi Kat,

Just wanted to say Happiest Holidays to you and yours! Hope today is a great day for you!


mommytoalot said...

i just ramble on those answering machines..
wanted to share my happiness with someone..we are getting a placement some time this week..yippe skippe

Elena said...

OH.....those videos NEVER get old! LOL!

Unknown said...

Ello. Dis ees Steve cawing frum Citi-bunk. We wood leke to teel you aboot da insrist rates of goud we hab abailable. Pease to cawl us at 800-888-1234 for you to get dis rate dat is goud.

Anonymous said...

hot tub Lizzy, you are my new BFF!!!!
that was wonderful!
i love singing ridiculous songs to my kids. they might only last 45 seconds or so, and never get written down, but why else did i have kids if not for this?

MsTypo said...

Hi this is Publisher's Clearing House. We were going to give whomever answered the phone a chance at one million dollars... But you're not home. Um.. Ok. Thanks! And have a great day!

Tam said...

Hello Kat,

YOU have won the Grand Prize for weekend getaway to Savannah but since you are not home to answer the call it goes to the next Number on our list and that is MOMMASONG but since she lives there she will not answer the phone either.

Brandy said...

I love HTL's comment...and she hit the nail on the head because no matter HOW FOREIGN they sound they always have a common name like Bob, Steve or Mike. Yeah right?!?

Denea said...

Hello, Hello, Helloooo?
Your not there. AckHUMMM.
Well I really did not have a speech prepared. So what is it you need?
There are no instructions on here. Like name phone number date of birth kinky habits......ahhh.....i mean
well ok here i am and i called because........beeeeeep

dang i always run out of time on these things.

Rhea said...

Hey, Kat (in a disguised raspy voice)

I like what you're wearing.

heavy breathing...

more heavy breathing...

insane giggling...and hang up.

Anonymous said...

Quite possibly the funniest, truest thing I've ever heard!

Gladys said...

Hi do you have Prince Albert in a Can? (long pause)... You better let him out he's gonna suffocate. teehheeeheeee.

Jo-Jo said...

I was thinking while watching the 2nd video that all my hubby would say is go ask your mom! Too Funny!

Jen said...

I love those. So awesome.
BTW, just wanted to Thank you for holding such an awesome giveaway. I got my books and cake. The books look really good and I can't wait to start diving into them.

Swirl Girl said...

long pause, static and crunching noises....

uh, hallo? Id thi Mrs. SwirlgirlsreallastnamepronouncedincorrectlyImightadd? - uh - thi is Steve from XYZwhatever...we are in the hood' gibbin' free estimates for any paintin' or small repairs..

click. dial tone.

GBK Gwyneth said...

I hate that Momisms song from Anita Renfroe. XMKids plays it a lot, and I just can't stand it. Maybe I'm not hip enough, but I think it is crude and ugly.

kalea_kane said...

Great message. :) I'm there, man! By the Anita Renfroe. We saw her at WOF...she is killer!

Loralynn said...

The first video is funny, but the second is hysterical!

KimmyJ said...

Hola, Ms. Kat, you speaka Spanish?

Shannon said...

Hey, it's me.

Uh, Shannon.


You got your tree up, huh? Hope the evil kitties aren't causing too much trouble.

What kind of cookies are you baking? I'm hungry...

I've seen these videos! They are so funny. I think someone sent them to me in an email maybe? Anyhoo, I showed them to Shane. He did not find them as amusing as I did. But what does he know?


Shannon said...

Hey, it's me again.

Uh, Shannon.

I got cut off... hate when that happens! I don't know why it is, but I tend to ramble on and on and on when leaving messages. Every single time I try to leave a message or voicemail for someone, I have to call them right back cause I ramble and get cut off.

Seriously, it happens every. single. time! You'd think I'd try to gather my thoughts before I left my message so it wouldn't do that to me, wou...


LadyStyx said...

Too funny! I'd seen the mother one but that dad one is great too!!!

The Joye of Teaching said...

Hey Kat, I just got your Christmas card! What a fun surprise. I feel so loved getting a card from the Queen of Randomness! Merry Christmas. (I hope to have a cute card to send you soon.) TTYL Joye

momma said...

i love that song!!!!

Susie said...

I am stoned on cold medicine again so, I am in no position to be clever. Fun post though:-)

Aubrey said...

Ugh! Thanks for reminding me of everything I NEED to get done! I'll be baking on Weds!! Well, semi-baking. LOL

Carrie said...

I've been hugely slacking and don't even come close to appearing on your stalker list! I'll try harder from now on, I promise!!

Lula! said...


...just own up to it. You've been summoned.

Michelle said...

Oh, I love that song! The second one though... I hadn't heard that one before. Too cute :) Hope you're keeping yourself somewhat sane!

Desi said...

You're so funny. <3<3