The Fox is an incredible place. It's architecture is like a sultan's palace. Complete with a Bedouin canopy. A blue sky. Twinkling lights. And moving clouds.The choir's first performance was in the lobby. On the grand staircase.
They were ready to perform as guests entered the lobby.
With all the parents gathered around to listen. We kinda blocked the entrance. And blocked the kiosk of Nutcracker goods being offered for sale. But they had the most beautiful pointe shoes.
For $250.
What would you do with these gorgeous $250 pointe shoes?
After they finished singing...we marched back into the bowels of the theatre into the holding room. Practiced their song again. And then it was time to head back stage.
On the set. And backstage. Are all the props for the Nutcracker ballet. The kids were under strict orders to not touch anything. But I felt compelled to take pictures. And perhaps learn how to use my camera without the flash. I did manage to figure out how to set the aperture. Or is it the f stop? Or shutter speed? I managed to get the lighting correct. However. I couldn't tell that my photos were blurry. So you have to use your imagination a bit.
Here is Mother Ginger's skirt. Where all the kids come racing out from underneath.
And horses. For some part of the ballet. That escapes me now.
The kids get in place. The organ is going for the sing-along. The audience sings Jingle Bells. Then - O Come All Ye Faithful. And at the second verse...the curtain rises.
And the kids lead the audience in the rest of the song.
Then comes the tricky part. All the kids have to come off stage. Stay in line. And wait. Wait offstage while another chorus sings a song. And that wait. It must be in complete silence. Wrangling excited children is a challenging proposition. Because it's dark off stage. And difficult to get the kids to see my mommy look. But that was my job. And I only had to strangle a very few.
After our wait...the kids went back onstage. To sing with the adult choir. They got into position as the audience was singing about Frosty. With Larry. And Mo. And once again...the curtain rose to reveal the choirs together.
And with a whole new set. And beautiful voices. And snow.
Performing at the Fox. In front of a sold out audience. What an opportunity. And what a whirlwind. I am so glad that it's over.
So...what about you? Have you ever been in a play? Performed on a stage? Gotten to go back stage? Tried to keep 45 kids in complete silence for 8 whole minutes? Entered to win this week's prize package?
Theme song: Tom Petty - The Waiting. Because. That was the hardest part.
Wow, wow, and wow! How utterly cool that your daughter sang on stage for a sold out crowd!
My brothers were both in plays growing up...
Me? I prefer to be an observer!
I've never been so talented. That is fabulous, I bet you were so proud.
And those ballet shoes...$250?? Not!
That place looks beautiful and everyone looks wonderful! Sounds like a great time - those shoes were super pretty but ouch! $250 is a lot of money!!
I've been in some small plays but nothing this big.
I've never been in a play, but our dance recitals were always in a theatre, so I've been backstage.
I was in the drama club in HS but it was for backstage work, only. No acting.
Wow....now THAT brings back memories!! I was in the choir every year from 3rd grade on into my senior year. My senior year, I was also in the jazz choir. In high school I was in 2 of the 3 musicals (I had an awful schedule my junior year so I didnt take part in the musical)...and in one of those many years we were scheduled at the Landmark theatre in Syracuse NY. We sang on the grand staircase there and our voices were piped right out to the streets..... ahhh memories.
The family was theatre folks, so I've done backstage work as well...house, tickets, props, stage decor....everything except direct, work the lights or do the soundboard.
Now keeping 45 kids silent in the dark for 8 whole minutes...you got me there. Now 30 in a decently lit area...talking to a just a whisper for 45 minutes....armed with a whistle....yeah that I can do. Then again, I worked for the school too and wasnt a volunteer helping out AND had the authority to write their butts up if they didnt do as they were told. They knew they coulda had much worse people watching over them so they didnt give me much trouble at all.
Wow! I got butterflies in my stomach because my daughter and 16 other choir students will be singing this Friday at an Opera House before the Nutcracker performance and during intermission. I hope I get some good pictures like you!
How exciting!!
Wow! That looks completely amazing! How wonderful that she got to participate in that, and that theater looks so gorgeous!
Have you ever been in a play? Yes
Performed on a stage? Multiple times. Even a couple times without a pole.
Gotten to go back stage? Yes
Tried to keep 45 kids in complete silence for 8 whole minutes? Um... no
Entered to win this week's prize package? No.......
What a wonderful theatre. At the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool an organ comes up out of the stage and then a man in a kilt plays along with old films. Fantastic!
If you kept them quiet for 2 seconds I applaud you. Wow! What an amazing building...it must be pretty special to perform there. And I love the little bowties - cute!
What a beautiful theater. My daughter used to dance with the Moscow Ballet and they played in some GRAND old theaters. One of my favorites was in Shreveport La. The Strand Theater was gorgeous.
What a gorgeous theater! My kids are involved in theater, so yeah, lot's of backstage time for me. Any time you have more than zero kids back stage, it's difficult to keep 'em quiet. Wish you had audio of the singing to accompany your great photos!
That theater is amazingly beautiful!! Love it.
Those $250 pointe ballet shoes? I would never be able to wear them, even if I could dance ballet...
I've been in numerous plays. Some at school but a lot in my hometown of Kerrville on their main stage theater. I was Greta in the Sound of Music. I was an orphan in Annie. I was a little boy in Oliver.
I love theater.
And, btw, congrats to Katie and her choir for this big honor!!
Wow! What an exciting post! I love the toeshoes!
I love everything about the performance... sans actually getting to hear it! :)
Bet it was amazing!
That Theater is beautiful and how pretty are those $250.00 toe shoes!! Your pics are wonderful!!
That theater is amazing, what a big deal, she must have had so much fun.
Oh how beautiful.
And tell me why did this post make me cry. Kids singing always makes me cry but these were just pictures.
WOW! What an INCREDIBLE night! I know you must be so proud of your Katie! I was in a school play when I was in 5th grade. Oliver Twist. If that counts?? It WAS quite a production for our little po-dunk school though :) Never tried to keep 45 kids silent...whoa! YOU WIN! And nope, I don't think I've entered to win this week's package :(
What an incredible experience for your daughter!! The venue looks absolutely fantastic and I want all of the ballet shoes...even though I don't do ballet.
That theater is Amazing!! Such fun! I have indeed been in numerous plays/musicals as a child and as an adult. I love, love, love it!! I last played Truvy in Steel Magnolias!!
what beautiful pictures! im glad it turned out well. i was in ballet when i was little and had to perform on stage. have a great day SITSta!
That must have been very challenging to keep all those kids in line, but it looks like everything went off without a hitch.
I was in one musical/play, in 6th grade on my gradeschool stage. It was a three-parter. Part 1 was done by the 4th graders, part 2 was done by the 5th graders, and part 3 was done by the 6th graders. In between scenes there were songs. It was a lot of fun. I've never performed on a big stage, or been behind stage for any major theatrical performances. I'd probably have stage fright!
A night the whole family will remember for a long long time. What a treat to sing at the Fox!
What a beautiful Hall! And the performance looks like it sounded amazing. I love a good Christmas concert. Yep, I was a choir girl too, brings back many memories to see these pictures.
Oh I love old halls and auditoriums. Looks like a first class show.
As I said yesterday...
Ahhhhh...the fabulous Fox with its starry sky. One of my favorite places on the planet.
This is so awesome, Kat...I'm so proud of Katie!
I have been in a play--well, I was the narrator of the 1st grade Thanksgiving play, 1980. Yep.
The thought of keeping 45 kids in complete silence for 8 minutes is mindboggling. For real.
That is some performance! I woulda been balling my eyes out just to be at the theater ...
and I was total drama as a kid- on stage (and off)
How amazing for your daughter to get to be part of such a large show. You know you can become a head elf for Santa with those kid wrangling skills. LOL The FOX is a beautiful theater. And I want the last pair of shoes so I can wear the around the house and feel like the fairy princess. Great blog.
Oh man, I ADORE old theatres! That one is gorgeous! What an experience for your daughter!
I shall spare you all the gory details and leave room for your other commenters, but let's just say--a big emphatic YES to all the questions.
Oh, this is such a special gift to a young person! I bet she will remember this fondly forever! It is a beautiful theater! My first Broadway musical was seen at none other than...The Fox Theatre (in St. Louis, Mo)! I was in high school, and our choir went to see CATS. I felt like I was in a royal palace! I've loved stage production ever since (and have seen CATS 4 more times). That's awesome that the concert was sold out!
Yes, to all the the questions but the last one. It's always a rush!
I know what I'd do with the toe shoes - give 'em to my daughter and watch as she dances them to shreds.
Congratulations to your daughter - it looks like it was an exciting night. :)
That looks amazing! I'm glad everyone had such a good time!
I was in a lot of performance groups in HS. Band geek. Choir geek. Geekity-geek-nerd-geek.
My top three best venues ever:
#3 - The Wang Center - actually saw how they get the tree throush the stage during The Nutcracker.
#2 - Citizenship ceremony in old Fanueil Hall. An amazing experience all around.
#1 - National Anthem at Fenway. Enough said.
How beautiful. My younger cousin, who is 14 performs with the Texas Girls Choir. She auditioned for and made the traveling choir. Their concerts are absolutely gorgeous.
Love the pics too, thanks for sharing.
Wow! That really doesn't cover it but Wow but a show. I only wish it was a movie so that I could watch it.
Back in my younger days I did a lot of acting and singing. What you were describing is all too familiar to me.
I was active in high school drama so I was on stage alot but nothing like that! What a great opportunity for them!
Amazing, Wonderful, Beautiful, Out of Control Cool!
Basically, I'm impressed.
it looks like it was an awesome evening!!! sam auditioned for the chicago children's choir a few years ago but the monthly fees were just not in our budget.
I would have been perfectly happy just to sit in that beautiful theater, so the concert would have just been a bonus.
Congrats on only having to strangle several of the kids! Job well done ;)
What an honor for her! Awesome!
Keeping kids quiet behind stage is SO HARD. I do that with my daughters dance team (they are 5 and 6).
Oh the Fox, love the Fox, miss the Fox! When I was little our parents would take us to see Disney movies there! Last time I was there was when I was expecting child #1 and we saw Cats. Now that child sings in a boys choir here in Tn.. They just performed their Singing Christmas Tree in our old theatre, the Tivoli. My hubby always works backstage with them for at least one performance so he's good doing the hushing stuff! If you've heard the new Casting Crowns Christmas CD, my sons choir sings background for "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day". Of course I tell everyone, he got that talent from Moi!! I don't care if he didn't, I'm taking full credit! Don't ya love kids choirs!!
I just looked up if there was more than one Fox theater. There is :O) We have one not too far from where I live although I've never been there.
Growing up my family had seasons tickets to the ballet and i remember always wanting to buy a pair of used and autographed toe shoes. :)
How awesome! I love the Fox.
Been in plays and lots of choir concerts with a few solos. Never tried to wrangle 45 kids! Now THAT's a feat!
I can't believe those ballet shoes! They're gorgeous! I suppose all you could do with them is display them as works of art.
How fancy! What a place. I would dance around on my toes with those fancy shoes.....yeah right after I break my ankle.
Oh how cool! That was really, really neat! I hope she remembers and treasures this (and gets to do it again next year). I love the concept of this.
I've been on stage before and sung, but nothing to this degree. And never in a real BIG theater like that. Maybe I'll be a stage mom for Little Miss ;)
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