Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trend setter? Or unwitting bandwagon jumper?

I don't have a huge collection of shoes. I am not into jewelry. Or make-up. Or even purses.

I usually use one purse. Because I can't shove everything I need in my pockets. I use that purse until it dies. A slow agonizing death. Always following by a strict period of mourning. While I attempt to replace the purse with the exact same thing.

For the past few years, I have been using a backpack purse. I don't like to actually carry a purse. And I have no shoulders to speak of, so purses always slide off. Hence the backpack. And I can keep my hands free.

This is the purse I have been using. I love it. I wrote about my love for all things Brighton here.

And then in December something got into me. Perhaps it was the girly influence of Kori. Or Lula. Or JDM. Or even Debbie. Because I bought a new backpack purse. Before my Brighton one wore out.

And this purse. Well. It's a sassy one. Rather unique. And not a basic brown or black like my usual choices. This one was a print. A giraffe print. With a pink trim.It was so not me. But I loved it anyway. It is so much bigger than my Brigton backpack. And I have managed to find more things that I need to put in there. And the larger backpack. Well...it kinda balances out my larger back side.

And then do you know what happened? I think that everyone and their sister saw that purse. And had to have one too. I see them everywhere I go. There are large ones with red trim. Slung over some mom's shoulder. Small ones with short handles. And green trim. At least I have yet to see someone else with a giraffe backpack. I think I started a trend.

Errr....or maybe I am more of a follower.

So...what about you? Are you a purse whore? An Imelda Marcos? A trendsetter? With a giraffee purse? Or none of the above?

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Unknown said...

I'm a purse whore wanna be who gets REALLY close to talking herself into a new purse (cheap-o Target ones) on a regular basis but then practical heads prevail and I walk away.

Anonymous said...

I am a total purse whore. (Try saying purse whore 5 times really fast ...!) I admit purses are my weakness. I rationalize it by the fact that I hate clothes and spend way less than most women on clothes. That sounds logical, doesn't it?

Gina said...

We use 'em till they die- and then use 'em some more. I just fixed girl child #2's purse handle with a scrapbooking brad!

Firefly Mom said...

If I admit that I've never collected anything "girly", will my girl membership be revoked? No?? What if I admit that it's been years since I stepped foot inside a (gag) mall?? ;D

When I do get around to buying a new purse (every couple of years or so), it's always a well made leather one that I know will last awhile.

MsTypo said...

My husband claims that i'm a purse whore. I will admit to having a couple of purses most of them are evening purses and i haven't thrown a purse out in years! So they're more of an accumulation.

I'd like to say i'm a leader but i'm totally a follower and since everyone out in the blogosphere is blogging their purses i'm going to have to toss my handbag into the ring and get to writitng! :p

LadyStyx said...

I have exactly 3 purses...more than I have pairs of shoes. I have a dress purse for nights out, an everyday one and one for going on day trips (it's worn sideways so I have both hands free and dont end up with a sore back from toting extra batteries n such around).

Finding Normal said...

Um. Yeah. Purse whore. The thought that anyone would NOT have more than 5 is bizarre to me. I just don't get you non-pursing girls. Sorry.
I am, however, not as bas as some people I know (coughJDMcough) in insisting that the wallet match to the point of NOT using a purse if I don't have the perfect wallet.
I saw that giraffe print all over Gatlinburg this summer. Well, the week that we were there. I felt slightly betrayed. I had no idea this was the new trend. They're cute. They're bold. They were all ginourmous. A little too bold and ginourmous for me.
But I bet you rock that backpack!

Anonymous said...

lol...I LOVE brighton too...I don't have sholders either...so I should copy you and get a backpack purse...but er I don't really like the giraffe print...so I won't copy you there...your safe here in IL!!

DiPaola Momma said...

In my defense I USED to be a serious fashionista... So my current accessory and shoe compulsions are MUCH better than that. See after four kids, my body jumped ship and said "forget it woman it's too hard to play elasta-lady" so everything droops, over flows, sags and bags these days. I've moved on from cute clothes to gym garb. But I'm okay with that as long as I have a great bag and some killer shoes (Hello Luva). That backpack is just toooo cute! Gotta have it momma!!!

DiPaola Momma said...

USED to be ... HA I need some sleep.. and a dictionary

Twisted Fencepost said...

You can add me to the purse whore group. But I don't like the leather purses. They add extra weight that I get tired of carrying around. I hate carrying a purse. I have a larger tote bag that most of my things go in. You know, Mom things. It stays in the truck, so I can carry a lighter purse. The heavier it is, the more it falls off the shoulder. HATE IT!

angi_b72 said...

I too really ahte it when i have to get "used" to a new purse again. There are alot of purses taht i see taht i like...but not for me. I like to be able to carry it on my shoulder. The one i am carrying now is a Coach purse that i own...i like it however, i can't carry it on my shoulder. But I am trying to step out of the box and make it work!

Heather said...

I ADORE Brighton. Love it. My kids know that they bake cookies in the store and they beeline to the little toy basket they have in the corner (after asking for a cookie) and then sit quietly while I shop.

Your new backpack is adorable and veeeery sassy indeed!

Unknown said...

OMG have you snuck into my brain? I too have this obsession with a back pack purse. There's a post of it on my blog. And never have been into purses till recently and now I see ones I want around every corner!

Anonymous said...

I have friends that are appalled because I used to own only ONE purse. They couldn't believe it. I, too, carry them until they fall apart. That was until a friend of mine had a purse party where she was selling designer knock-offs - CHEAP! For some reason, I have a fettish for designer purses. That being said, I still only own 3 purses that I can now use. I still have my Coach that is no longer usable because I can't part with it. Besides that I have a new Prada and Burberry that I got for Christmas and I have my cheapy Target one. That's it. I hate the thought of having to change purses.

Heather said...

I love the new purse! You are a trendsetter indeed.

I am not a purse whore. I'm too busy spending my money on scrapbooking stuff! But I do usually buy two new purses a year (a spring/summer one, and a fall/winter one).

I still have my black backpack purse I bought years ago, though. I'm bringing it with me to WDW.

I hope no giraffes were killed in the making of this post.

Just sayin'.

jennifersusan said...

I'm more of the "wait for it to have a slow agonizing death" kind of purse person. Not that I haven't seen super cute purses that I'd love, I just never seem to get myself to buy a new one. However when it comes to diaper bags I seem to have a ton. My sister made me a cow diaper bag when I had my oldest and I loved that thing, wish I knew what happend to it.
Happy Mardi Gras!

Tam said...

I am a reformed purse whore big time. Since becoming a Stay at home Mom I no longer have the means to feed my addiction.

I will say that I love BACKPACKS and my last Three purses have been Vera Bradley Backpacks...but I got them ubber cheapo on post.

YOUR pattern is all over Savannah now too.. It went from everyone having Vera Patterns to that one you got....

I say YOU are a TRENDSETTER!!!

Susan said...

I like a nice purse, and have a few, but wear them TO THE BONE.

Carrie said...

I used to be a purse whore, but I'm a recovering addict. Now I just buy one at a time and use them until they poop out. I still have quite a few purses in my closet that I won't use anymore because they're too small to fit all the crap I carry since I had a baby.

Mama Dawg said...

Not a purse whore but definatley a shoe whore. It's ridiculous. And since I moved to the country, it's pointless. I have no place to wear lilke half of them!

I carry an actual backpack for my purse.

I have other purses that I use when I need something small, but I've had all them for years!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I'm just like you. You didn't mention whether you are cheap. I buy one that is like ten bucks or less then use it til it breaks. I've never had a purse I really liked. Maybe I'm too cheap. I do like your backpack purses. I've thought of those but wasn't sure. I promise not to copy you though. My current purse is not worn out:)

Unknown said...

None of the above.... I will invest in a really nice purse & use it until it dies.... shoes... only buy what i need, they are way too expensive over here...

How you doing?

Swirl Girl said...

I am a purse whore - what is worse, is that I am also a purse whore snob. I think nothing of paying beaucoup bucks for a purse or a pair of shoes...yumm.

(ps - Kat, it's good to see you back!!)

Stephanie said...

The amount of purses I have is downright shameful.

Michelle said...

I'm a borderline purse whore. I'll buy one really nice purse (like a Coach, D&B or Brighton) to use every day, because I beat the hell out of my purses. I know good purses are going to last! Then, I'll buy a few cheaper ones, like Target or NY&Co. to switch out every once in awhile. I always buy a brightly colored purse for summer, and then rotate as I see fit.

Okay, I just re-read that, and I am definitely a purse whore. I stand corrected.

ChicagoLady said...

I hate purses, shoes, jewelry, makeup, all things girly. Since my shoulders aren't able to hold onto any purse strap, I choose to carry a purse about the size of a doctor bag, with handles and no strap. If I could get by with putting things in my pockets instead, I would. I'm starting to actually think about getting one that I can sling cross-ways over my shoulder to my opposite hip, just so my hands are free, because of course, I'm tired of carrying a purse.

Britt said...

I am so not a purse whore .. or a shoe whore .. or a clothes whore.

If I see a cute one at a thrift shop, it comes home with me .. because I just can't stand spending more than a couple bucks on a bag. Or a pair of shoes. Or jeans.

My husband says I'm cheap. I say I'm thrifty .. and I then remind him that it's because of my thriftiness that he can afford his toys =-)

Your purse is totally cute, by the way =-)

Elena said...

Goodness, I take off blogging for a week and look what happens! Kat posts twice! HOORAY! How is Michael's recovery coming? Sure hope it's going well. I'm not a purse whore (hate changing my stuff from on to the next, so I only have one), but I do love a good bag. Duffle, beach, church, etc. Don't have a giraffe one yet though. Maybe I'll have to follow the trend. :)

Susie said...

What a cute bag:-) I am neither. I have about 6 purses total for different ocassions but one that I use everyday.

Brian and Staci said...

I do have quite a few purses...but I tend to get stuck with one and use it for waaaay too long :) My favorite purse is my pink and white seatbelt purse. Yep...it's made of seatbelts and they are cool :) They make backpacks too :) You should check it out...seatbeltbag.com is the best place...in my opinion ;)

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

Shoes. Shoes.

Did I say shoes?

Just checking.

Though I am on a constant quest for the perfect bag. I've noticed that I've started buying them based on whether I can fit a notebook in them... or two... and a water bottle, lip gloss, pencil case....

Jen said...

that is a great bag. I have yet to find my perfect purse.

Shannon said...

I love shoes. And purses.

I can justify purchasing new clothes to Shane... but he doesn't like when I buy new purses or shoes!

I like your new purse! My SIL has one in that print... same color trim, too.

Josh and Tiff said...

You have been BAG TAGGED!!!!

Aubrey said...

I used to be a shoe whore. But then I realized I loved getting pedis and showing them off in my flip flops. So my whorishness has turned to handbags! One nice pricey one per year. Maybe one cheap one in between!

Oh! And I bought a giraffe print bag off a street vendor downtown. It's big, sassy and I love it!

Aleta said...

I am missing the shoe shopping gene - I just don't get that. I have a small collection of purses, but I tend to find one I love and stick with it. Not much into make-up, which Greg is happy about Lol. BUT.. jewelry, ah now, being that I can make my own jewelry, I tend to have something for every outfit. But hey, when you make it, why not customize it to your own likes?

Michelle said...

Oh I love that one. I almost bought a giraffe print one last fall but... it was sold out. And then I forgot to look again. Great taste.

And is it just me or can you manage to fit everything in your purse no matter how large or small... things expand or shrink as needed.

My one purse is a "Gucci" I got in a backroom in NYC. Awhile ago. Note I said singular purse....

Rhea said...

I'm like you, I use one purse until it falls apart. Not a huge purse person. I would shove everything in my pockets if I could.

I have kind of a big hobo bag. Maybe I need a backpack purse...because I love backpacks.

Angela said...

I am a purse whore! Wait well I used to be but now I am more of a hoarder meaning I have TONS of them but never switch them out. Before we had our second son, I changed purses daily to match my outfit. Isaiah, our second son now almost 4, rocked our world to say the least and now I am lucky to change purses every 6 months. HOWEVER I do have a smaller version of yours with red trim. The other day my 7 yr old said while we were out, "Wow Mom you've used that purse so long that now everyone has one! They are everywhere!" I would LIKE to think that I am a trendsetter and everyone has copied me but alas I am a follower who just happened to join this bandwagon early on!!

Rhea said...

You know, there's this store nearby that sells knock off purses...and they have TONS. I think I need to go there soon and find a good purse.

They carry tons of jewelry too. Cheaper jewelry...

I have to look so nice these days. My wardrobe has had a complete overhaul. My mom and grandmother keep taking me shopping.

Rhea said...

I'm going to post about it, but my mom just gave me seven pairs of her nice shoes that she can't wear anymore. I'm so excited! I took pictures...

Unknown said...

I love your new backpack purse.

I dream of owning heaps of purses...however as I'm a backpack purse girl as well, I only have one that I use all the time. Backpack purses are not easy to find, especially in this area!

Other than that, I have a big bronze sequin hobo bag, a small black squin evening purse, asmall clutch one with the eiffel tower or something on it and two black handbags...really boing, huh!!