Hi there! It's been a long time. Like a really, really long time.
There have been a lot of changes here at casa Sunshine and Lemonade. Madalyn is about to graduate from 5th grade. Katie about to graduate from middle school. And we are in our last year of homeschooling her. (I know - that should be a story unto itself)
And I have rather retired from blogging.
Or so I thought.
About a year ago, I began working as a travel agent - in a teeny, tiny agency (my dining room!) that specializes in Disney. And then just a few months ago, I started my own website. And I've been blogging there. It's all Disney all the time. But with lots of mommy comments and family pictures.
I'd love it if you'd come and visit me there: at Keys to the Magic Travel -- even if you aren't planning a trip - and especially if you are. And if you are feeling the love, follow me over there - and you can also find my agency on facebook.
Looking forward to seeing you on the glorious interwebs!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Come find me at my new website!
Labels: Disney
Friday, January 7, 2011
The month my blog stopped
Labels: 2010, Staycation
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What I did on my summer vacation
So. This is what we did last year.
I always start my scrapbook off with Katie's birthday. Even though it happens on the last day of the year, we usually celebrate on the first day of the year. And last year was no exception. We started the party on her birthday with lunch (or maybe it was dinner. It's been a whole year. I really can't be expected to remember. So. When I start scrapbooking again, is it okay to make up details??) at Red Robin. And surprised her with a cell phone.

I took my Latin class to see "Percy Jackson" - and the students who had not read the books loved it. The rest of us were rather disappointed.

We celebrated Valentine's day with cards, candy, and a movie.

And we had the arrival and attemped delivery of those dreaded cookies. (Did you know that sales start up on Friday? Do you need any or want to donate any??)

And that was our first few months of 2010. And if formatting on blogger doesn't kill me first, I'll hopefully tell you about the rest of our year. Cross your fingers!
Labels: 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Sing...sing a song
"Dirty babe. You see the shackles. Baby I'm your slave. I'll let you whip me if I misbehave..." ~ Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake
"The whole damn world is just as obsessed. With who's the best dressed and who's having sex, who's got the money, who gets the honeys..." ~ High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup
They just take on new meaning. When the songs are sung by your 8 year old. At the top of her lungs. In the back seat of the mini-van. All while having a raging case of the hiccups.
Labels: Madalyn
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I hear that Tuesday is the day that I am supposed to be random. But since I am usually a day late and a dollar short. Thursday makes perfect sense to give you the bits and pieces. Flotsam and jetsam. List of sundries.
I had almost thought that I was back in the swing of blogging. And now it's been almost two weeks since I posted. I have 9 posts in draft on my dashboard. But I don't suppose that counts. However. My photoblog is current. Shocking, no?
A post that is currently residing in my head. And not in the draft section. Is one on Judy Blume. But every time I think about it. I get irate. And flummoxed. For what you ask? Barnes and Noble has a new rating system on their website. And a group rated "Are you there God, It's me Margaret" as a book that is IFFY for anyone under 14. IFFY? Are you kidding me? I could go on and on. But what comes out is incoherent babble. And incoherent babble rarely makes a good blog post. Unless it's titled Foderol. So. Instead. I decided to get my 8 year old a copy of the illustrious book. All in the spirit of solidarity.
Speaking of books. I just finished Edith Wharton's "Ethan Frome." It was my bookclub reading for the month. And I had thought I read it in high school. But after finishing it. I am not so sure. I don't recall any of it. Of course it is always possible that I was supposed to read it. But didn't. Anyway...I really liked it. The writing is amazing. And picturesque. But the subject matter. There is not another way to describe it other than bleak. Or tragic. Ethan - the title character - is just trapped in a horrible life. Where he is just trying to figure out how to survive. Rather than to live.
Katie is studying weathering in science. Specifically Devil's Tower in Wyoming. And how it's the neck of the volcano. But the outside of the volcano eroded away. Naturally, we watched "Close Encounters" to go along with the lesson. About weathering. *Ahem*.
Madalyn keeps talking about this delicious drink she is getting at school. She wants to know when we can get some ya-hoo milk. And she refuses to believe me when I told her it's called yoo-hoo. Not ya-hoo.
I am just loving LOST this season. I don't think that there has ever been a show that is that enveloping. And I love that Katie is watching it with us. Look at the cool shirt I found for her:
Labels: random
Friday, February 19, 2010
In the kitchen with Kat: Chicken Tacos
One of the kitchen tools that I have never been a huge fan of is the crockpot. I have used mine occasionally. Never with much success. It seems like everything that I have tried ends up tasting the same. Or swimming in its own grease. Appetizing not. However. I do have a few crockpot recipes that I like. And I thought I'd share them with you. Starting with the very easiest one. Easy. And most importantly - yummy.
This recipe is so easy that it only calls for three ingredients. Three. 3. T.H.R.E.E. That's it. Bonelesss chicken breasts. Salsa. And taco seasoning.
Just dump them all in your crockpot.
Maybe swirl it a bit with a spoon. And ignore it the rest of the day.
When it's cooked, that chicken will just fall apart. It might need a smidge of help from you and a fork. But it's rather effortless.
What is interesting about this is that chicken you started with. Well. It's like it multiplies. After you eat your tacos. You will still have LOTS of chicken left. You can freeze some. You can make chicken nachos. You can make enchiladas. Taco salad. Tortilla soup. Or just keep noshing on it as you do the dishes. And wonder about the mystery of your disappearing leftovers.
Here is my simple recipe:
6 boneless chicken breast (frozen or thawed)
16oz jar of salsa spiced to your taste
1 envelope of taco seasoning
Put all the ingredients in the crockpot and cook for 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low. Enjoy!
So...what about you? Do you like your crockpot? Have a favorite crockpot recipe? Do you use those crockpot liners?
Labels: Chicken Tacos, crockpot, Recipes
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Vegas, Baby part VI
I am not sure what happened to my brain. Cause my camera was right there!
The conference had a short opening. And then we broke for dinner. And then re-grouped for the evening cocktail party. Where there was dancing. And an open bar. Shannon, Lula, Elena, and I hung out together.
Celebrated Shannon's birthday.
And we took lots of photos on Lula's camera while she was off dancing. Socializing. And drinking. The best photo of Michael and I was taken on that camera!
We finally crashed late. And then had to get up early again. While we were conferencing. I left Michael with an assignment. To go to the half price ticket booth and find us something to do in the evening. I was hoping to see a Cirque show. He was armed with a priortized list. And a budget.
So...what did we end up with? No tickets to Cirque. Or to that guy with the puppets who won America's got Talent. Damn budget. But we did get tickets to Anthony Cools' naughty hypnotist show at the Paris. (Did any of you see him when he was on the Millionaire Matchmaker show?) The show didn't start until later in the evening, so after the conference was over Shannon and I arranged to meet for dinner and then do a little gambling. Slot machining?
As part of our room package through SITS, each room got $25 in slot vouchers. Can you believe that Shannon had never gambled? Well we set out to eradicate that. Pronto. Unfortunately. Shannon listened to me. She got her voucher. Dumped it into a machine. And then decided that that particular machine didn't like her. And went to switch. Except that her money did not follow her. It stayed on that machine. Which some floozy took over. And won money with Shannon's money. And left. All before we realized what happened. Oh. Wait. Was that supposed to stay in Vegas?
Shannon and I finally decided to make our way to the Paris to meet Michael for the show. Did I mention that Shannon was joining us. What would you call that? A double date? Triple? A menage? No. Wait. Ummm. Staying in Vegas?
When we got to the Paris, Shannon and I decided to lose a few more quarters in the slots before we found Michael in the line.
For the show, we had front row seats. And I must admit that I was quite surprised that Michael did not volunteer to be part of the show. Evidently he decided that if he paid for it, he'd watch it. And after seeing the show. I am quite glad he remained in his seat. Anthony Cools puts on a hilarious show. It is naughty. Raunchy. And not for the faint at heart. Or those without water proof mascara.
After the show, we set out for a different show - that of the Eiffel tower. We rode up the elevator to the observation deck. And what a sight. At night. With the lights. Vegas is just beautiful.
And finally. Our trip was over. With just a few hours of sleep, we had to check out for our 7am flight. And head back to the real world.
So...what about you? Have you ever seen a hypnotist show? Heard of Anthony Cools? Or forgotten to take a picture that you really meant to take??
Labels: Las Vegas