The contest is over. Much later than I anticipated. Spring Break. Kids. Angiograms. Oh my! Anyway...the winner of the movie is Linda from Another Piece of the pie! Congrats! Email me your address and I'll get it right out to you!
I've admitted many times that I have not been able to get through a Jane Austen novel. I have tried. I love romance novels. And so many of them strive to emmulate the penultimate. Especially "Pride and Prejudice." But I just cannot force myself to slog through it. Everyone keeps saying to give it a chance. And I do. But my eyes glaze over. And I end up reading the same paragraph over and over. And I still have no idea as to what I have actually read.
However, I have read all of the incarnations. Watched the movies. Swooned over Colin Firth. Just like the lot of you.
And as a total side many have read "Bridget Jones Diary" with it's own incarnation of Mr. Darcy. But not as many have read the sequel "The edge of Reason." Which in my opinion. Is even funnier. Including a pee in your pants funny interview between Bridget and Colin Firth.Mmmmm. Where were we?
It really is amazing. All of the inspirations that Jane Austen has given to pop culture. Including the most recent "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." Which apparently, seemlessly introduces zombies. And ninjas. Into Austen's tale of manners. Who knew that "unmentionables" was code for Zombies?
Because I haven't read the zombie version favorite variation on Jane's classic is the musical "Bride and Prejudice." I believe it is quite the antithesis to zombies.
"Bride and Prejudice" transplants Austen's story from regency England to modern India. And uses the full tradition of the Bollywood musical. Including lush and colorful costumes. A scene in the rain and running through fountains. And of course...breaking into song in the middle of the market place.
The movie even has our very own Sayid from Lost. Naveen Andrews plays Mr. Balraj - or rather the Mr. Bingley role. But my very favorite character in the movie is that of Mr. Kholi - in the Mr. Collins role.
In the Bollywood version, Mr. Kholi has come from "A-meer-ka" to find a bride. And after he is refused by Lalita (err...Elizabeth), he marries her best friend. After
forcing allowing my kids to watch this movie over the weekend. They have taken to imitating Mr. Kholi. From going around saying "whazzz up?" to asking me how I like "their crib" or just random quotes like: "there is no life. Without wife." Complete with hand gestures. I challenge you to watch this movie and not start immitating Mr. Kholi's laugh.
And to complete this challenge. I'll even give you your very own copy of "Bride and Prejudice." (Random number generator will be employed. Contest ends Wednesday night. Just comment to enter)
So...what about you? Have you seen "Bride and Prejudice?" Do you have a favorite Jane Austen book or movie or variation? Will you read the zombie version?
Of course I've seen it. How else could I be a certified Austen fan? (I guess that also means I will peruse the zombie book, but only if my local libary has it.)
I have never read any Jane Austen novel... I am not too big into romance novels but the Zombie one does sound good. :D
it is also the title of one of my posts...with poetic license, of course.
pride and pre-juiced!
Oh babe you are back in true form and I for one am happy as hell to have ya!!!
Zombies and elephants in drag... oh Miss Jane how proud you must be.
I too am a charter member of the Firth-ettes.. his loyal swooning league of smart chicks....he is right up there on my list of Brit/and the isles of Britan Bombshells of the Boy varitey.. including sexy ugly Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman...cheese cakey Hugh Grant, Daniel Day Lewis, Gerard Butler, James McAvoy.. ahh the list goes on.... I must go my keyboard is covered in drool and I have this sudden urge to watch Love Actualy
Would love to see it. The only Austen novel I made it through was 'Pride & Prejudice' for high school English.....
My favorite Austin is Sense and Sensibility. I enjoyed watching Pride and Prejudice, but like you said-Colin Firth. I became a fan when I watched Bridget Jones' Diary. You are right, the second book is funnier than the first. I read it in less than a week. The movie didn't grab me as much as the first one did.
I am gonna look up the Zombie Jane Austin book. You peeked my interest:) Besides one of my favorite movies is Dawn of the Dead.
Wow! Didn't realize they had all these different versions. I've never seen any of them. I did receive Pride & Prejudice in a giveaway. I read it and absolutely fell in love. I need to read some more Austen books. So I'm going to have to agree with everyone else: you definitely need to read the book. Haha! And I definitely need to see the movie!
The only thing I recognized in this whole post was Bridget Jones' Diary. Okay maybe a few other references but I've never heard on the zombie movie or the Bollywood movie.
Although I do have to say I LOVED Bend It Like Beckham and if I put this on my queue it will give S something else to shake his head about.
I love Jane Austen movies. I saw the movie The Jane Austin Book Club recently and decided I wanted to read them all and then rewatch the movie so I could keep up with what they discuss at their book club meetings. I just completed reading Sense and Sensibility last week. I can understand about eyes glazing over - you do have to concentrate while reading them. Bride and Prejudice sounds fun!
I like P&P with Kiera Knightly.
I also like Clueless.I think that's Sense and Sensibility in disguise?
My eyes were glazing over just reading this post. LOL
Jane Austen is no friend of mine. But the movies?!? Heck yeah!
I'm cracking up over Aubrey's comment!
I ditto that.
I got excited when I saw "zombie", 'cause I just finished The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, as suggested by Heather and Lula as a must read.
I also ditto that. Must read it is. Have you? Read it, that is?
Actually, Gina, Clueless is Emma in disguise :)
I have seen all you have mentioned, though not the Zombie version. Very much not my thing.
I want to see Bride & Prejudice again.
I didn't even know this show existed. Where have I been? I have a Jane Austin staring me in the face every night from my bed stand. I can't get into it either. Too much fluff. But I'm determined (and without anything good to read at the moment) so I'll do it.
This is crazy stuff, Kat. Just crazy!
My EW (finally!) came in the mail today... they reviewed P&P& Zombies (gave it a A-, btw). I have to say, after reading the review, I am intrigued!
I've not see Bride & Prejudice. But I can imagine your girls walking around, saying "there is no life... without wife" (HA! what a gem that is!)
And I've still not seen the Colin Firth version of P&P. Sense & Sensibility would be my fave Austen movie... I love Alan Rickman.
Pride and Prejudice Zombies got 5 stars on Amazon! hehehe Now I am totally curious. I love all movies Jane Austen.
I've never been a big Jane Austen novel fan. I like a little romance with my action. It's the condiment--not the entree for me.
But the stories are timeless and make great movies! My favorite movie version is Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Toni Collette, but Clueless and Sense and Sensibility are high up on that list.
I might read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies--if I'm feeling saucy!!
p.s. Colin Firth--sooooooo hot! Want to touch the hiney!!
*sigh* yet again, I'm proved to be uncultured. I've never read the book -- but apparently I'm not alone. However ummm I didn't know that there WERE variations. Huh. I did see the movie that came out recently. When I was on a plane. But I swear I watched it!
I will have to see Bride and Prejudice ... sounds interesting. I love Jane Austen. My daughter and her friends are trying to get me to teach a Jane class this summer. To read, I liked Persuasion. To watch ... well, without a doubt it's P&P with Colin Firth. I bought the DVD and try to watch it at least 3 or 4 times a year. A close second is Sense and Sensibility ... love Emma Thompson.
No, I haven't seen Bride and Prejudice. It sounds like a riot.
Let's see my favorite Jane Austen movie is Pride and Prejudice because I seriously, totally, screamingly, pee in my pants, L O V E me some Colin Firth.
He could just stand there and breath as far as I'm concerned and I would be happy.
Great contest.
I actually have seen Bride and Prejudice and if you like that movie style you have to see The Guru.
While I love anything Colin Firth is in, my favorite variation is actually the 2005 version.
I cant wait to be able to read the zombie one.
I have preordered the Zombie version--it sounds awesome!
Like you, I struggle with Austen...she bores me. But I LOVE the BBC version of the book, starring Mr. Colin Firth, of course. It's just been released in HD DVD...yes, I will buy it. That scene of Mr. Darcy jumping into the pond deserves the HD treatment.
And I will watch Slumdog Millionaire today, though. Good times.
I'm totally with you on not being able to make it through an Austen novel. Love the movies though.
I haven't seen this one so I'd love to be a winner!!
I have not seen any of the Austen films, but I read P&P in junior high. I'm going to try and pick it back up as an adult and see if it's any less excruciating this time around. Love the Bridget Jones flicks and Colin Firth. Swoon!
I'm like you, I can't get through a Jane Austen novel either.
But I would like to watch the movie! Looks great!
Nope, never seen or heard of it actually :) I'm so glad I read your keep me so up to date with the world going on around me :) I can just hear your Madalyn "Whazz up???" hee hee
I can't get through Jane Austen either.
I have read all of Jane Austen and it was like giving birth over and over without an epidural but I did not have kids at the time but now I have something to compare it to!
I have seen Bollywoods Bride and Prejudice.
I probably will not read the zombie thing unless someone twists my arm and sends me away to a nice resort with a HOT Cabana boy who brings me cocktails and turns the pages of the Zombie book for me....
I freaking love Bride & Prejudice. It is one of my favorite movies to watch over and over. The one wedding scene where Sayid is dancing. F*ing fantastic. I just love it. I already own it, so don't give me an entry. I want someone else to get it! I might check out this Zombie thing, but I've never even read regular Jane Austen, so I'm not sure.
i loved this movie!!!!!
Ok Ok, can we just go back to the pics of Colin and drool!
I too love Jane Austen movies, but have been unable to get through the books. Maybe I will try again this summer. I have not seen Bride & Prejudice, but would love to! Hopefully, I will win and see it soon!!
Oh I must see this Bride and Prejudice movie - I'm sure I'd get a huge kick out of it!!
Oh, I hope I made it in time to be entered!! This looks HILARIOUS! I love it.
I love Bride and Prejudice! The Mr. Kholi song is one of my faves from that movie.
thanks for the post
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