Wednesday, December 31, 2008

When your birthday is New Year's Eve...everyone wants to celebrate with you

It seems like just yesterday that you were this small.

And now. Look at how you have grown.

You are becoming a remarkable young woman. Sweet and kind. Unless we are talking about your sister.

Smart. Inquisitive. Loquacious. Go look it up.

You are a wonderful daughter. Good sister. Mostly. And a great friend.

And tonight. During your birthday celebration...I saw the future.

As you and your friends. Instead of watching the show. Stood and stared. And screamed. And declared your undying love for the hot knights.

post signature

Theme song: Pink - So What. Because that is what Katie says is her theme song. And can you just imagine three giggly girlies singing this at the top of their lungs last night on our way home from Medieval times? While they were jacked up on caffeine and Red Knight pheromones?


Gladys said...

What a cute young lady! What a great time! Happy Birthday! Oh and I think the red knight is cute too in a Eric The Red way.

Shannon said...

Ok, I totally had to go look up loquacious. Sigh.

Happy Birthday Katie!

Rhea said...

Happy Birthday to Katie!!

Loved this post. So sweet. And I love that you told her to look things up. And that knight was totally cute.

Linda said...

Well who wouldn't scream over the hot knights, especially when it's your birthday! What a sweet post for your young lady ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Katie!

Btw, did you try to hold out and give birth on New Year's day? My oldest's b/d is the end of Jan, and I actually had a nurse ask if I wanted to induce "early" to be the first to give birth in 1994.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Miss Katie. You are an amazing girl and I can't wait to getyou know you better!!!!!

Lori said...

what a fun night!!!
happy birthday young lady!

I Love Purple More Than You said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!! How fun you got to go to Medieval Times for your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like it was an awesome one! I love Medieval Times :)

Mama Dawg said... that's the kind of pre-teen I want LOML to grow up to be.

And I do believe she's well on her way.

Your daughter is beautiful in every way!

John Deere Mom said...

Um, I think I might just need to have my birthday with some knights. I do love a man in uniform...or costume...whatever.

Kori said...

That Knight is SmokiN!

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to my Hero. I mean who else would get to love up on some Knights and have an Edward Shrine. And be the coolest little Miss I know? Yep it is soooo Katie.

Cathy said...

That last picture is priceless! You can totally see how giddy they are! Ahhh, I remember being that young....

KimmyJ said...

Happy Birthday, Katie - you have good taste! Sorry, mom! I LOVE going to Medieval Times - so fun!!

Susan said...

How fun! You know I am keeping mental notes for the future on fun things to do with a daughter older than my own in our area. Thanks for that!

; )

Thank you for your entertaining posts this year. Happy New Year to you and yours. I wish you the best in 2009!

Shelley said...

Happy 2009 to you all. P.S. That knight really is kinda hot.
Tee hee.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter...

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Katie. Look at those big smiles on their faces standing by the knight or king or whatever he is, who cares, he was hot right! That looks like a great time.

Brian and Staci said...

OHHH!! Happy birthday Miss Katie!! What a sweet girl you are! How FUN was that party!!?? I want a party like that!!! Happiest and healthiest of New Year's to your sweet family Kat!

The Joye of Teaching said...

Fun day for a birthday! Neat place for a party. That night was hot- it's the hair. Rockstar knight hair. Happy New Year's Eve

Elena said...

What a COOL birthdate! And an even cooler birthday party. What is that place? We have NOTHING like that here. Happy Birthday to Katie.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Katie and many happy returns :-)

LOL...hormones seem to be rearing their head, earlier and earlier. Good luck, but the story is so cute :-)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, BTW.

Was it a medieval dinner type show. We had one of those places in Wellington, NZ ... I went a couple of times. It was hysterical.

LadyStyx said...

Happy Birthday!

Oh Medieval Times! I ~LOVE~ going to those shows!!!

Britt said...

Aw, happy birthday Katie!

Look at those pink cheeks .. I love it!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

How beautiful is she??

Happy birthday!

And where was this Medieval Manor exactly, and what was Hunky McKnight's name again?

Um. Just asking. No reason.

Skeller said...

A sweet, funny, delightful post for a sweet, funny, delightful bday girl. I love the picture of Katie in all the leaves!

ChicagoLady said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

(Keep ogling the boys, it'll drive your mom crazy.)

Cassie said...

Happy Birthday Katie! And Happy New Year!!

Amy said...

How cool is that? She got to have her pic done with the cutie!!

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!

Teri said...

Ho.Lee.Cow. I can't believe she is so old now. Where in the world has all the time gone?

Let me just warn you early about the hot knight thing. It will make you crazy, I swear. Especially when she is in high school with them. Yikes.

Teri said...

Oh, I almost forgot!

Happy Birthday Katie!!!!!!

jennifersusan said...

Happy Birthday Katie! I can't believe she's gotten to be such a young lady!!! Happy New Year!

Swirl Girl said...

Joust stopping by to wish you all a Happy New Year!

(pun intended)

and a Happy Birthday to Katie!

Michelle said...

OMG. I can't stop laughing. They're already into the nights? *sigh*

And not to depress you but ummmm any thoughts at all as to what NYE will look like on her 21st birthday?

Happy Birthday -- what a great idea for a fun birthday party!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday, Katie! I hope that you are having an awesome day!

Kelly said...

Happy, Happy, Katie!
What is it about Medieval Times that does that to little girls?!

Mrs Anne said...

you have beautiful girls!

happpiest birthday to your oldest!

what fun!

:) happy new year my friend!

Stephanie said...

awwwww how fun!!! Happy Birthday!!!

And Happy new year!

Karen said...

Wow, I feel so old! Love Medieval Times, love hot knights, still!

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter!

Tam said...

OO HOW COOL! It looks like they girls had a great time!

Runner Girl said...

Loquacious is good. As is being young, beautiful, jacked up on caffeine and Red Knight pheromones.

I'm going to google Medieval times now...I'm in greater Atlanta, too.

Happy Birthday, Katie. Happy New Year, Kat!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, Katie!

I am loving that last picture, with her pink cheeks, standing next to the hot knight...

Oh, the hormones. The teenage angst. The drama.

Good luck, Kat.

BTW, we are planning our Disney trip for March! Yay! Do you know when Kori is going? Just wondering. That scrapbook I won from you is gonna be perfect!

Happy New Year!

Nissa said...

Aww.. Happy Birthday to Katie! She is such a sweetheart & growing into quite the young lady. You're doing such an awesome job with those girls!

Happy New Year, too!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Wow, what a great birthday!! You're an awesome Mom!!! And how cool is it to have your birthday on New Year's Eve???

Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

i sooo remember that day...or was it three? just 11 years ago when fair Katie was born. thought about her all day yesterday and wish her a happy happy birthday with lots of young knights. love you Katie Grace!

Brandy said...

Happy Birthday Katie! ~better late than never~

I went to Medieval Times this past summer and loved it!

rachel griffith said...

happy birthday to katie!!!

Jenners said...

That was a lovely post! And what a great party for her! When you have to share your birthday with a holiday, it can be hard to make it stand out but I think you did a great job! She looks like a lovely girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Katrina. We took the kids to Medieval Times last year and Cassidy fell in love with the Red Knight as well. LOL Too funny Katie and her friends did as well.