Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Swap time: My favorite things

One of my favorite things is to give things away. I have had so much fun with the contests that I have done. And who doesn't love to get things in the mail? Well...beside bills and junk. I think it's time to combine those two things (no, not the bills and the junk - the giving things away and getting things in the mail) and invite you all to share in the joy with my first ever swap!

What is a swap? All it means is that you are signing up to exchange themed goodies with a partner. Sort of like secret pals. Here are the guidelines:

1. Sign up here in the comment section by September 23. When you sign up, I will send you a set of questions to help out your partner. Names will be exchanged and you will receive your partner's info by September 26. Go shopping. Make something. Whatever. And ship out by October 6.

2. The theme of our swap is "Favorite Things." Meaning, you will be sending your favorite things to your partner. BUT one of the questions on the questionnaire will be about things you would not like to receive. If one your favorite thing is scented candles, and your partner is allergic - move onto another item. This should be FUN - and what a great way to learn about someone else - or possibly find your new favorite thing.

3. Feel free to take the badge above or even to post about the swap on your blog.

4. Please spend a minimum of $25 on your partner and if you want to do more, feel free. This cost does not include shipping.

5. Please let me know if you would be willing to ship internationally.

6. Email me when you mail your package and receive your partner’s package. No flaking out!

7. HAVE FUN!!!!

And many thanks to Rhea for the theme suggestion.

post signature

theme song: Julie Andrews - My favorite things


Shannon said...

Sign me up!!! This sounds like so. much. fun!

Rhea said...

Thanks for the shouout! I love the badge you made for this.

oh, yeah, I'm IN, baby!! Sounds like fun.

Rhea said...

and I think you should make everyone agree that by joining and NOT sending out a gift, makes them agreeable and open to public humiliation on the blog. lol

Shannon said...

You know, I think Rhea leaves separate comments just so she can keep her lead over the rest of us on your Top Commenters. ;)

Unknown said...

I am fairly new here, but count me in! I love swaps!

Rhea said...

Uh, oh, Shannon has figured me out. hehe

Tiffany said...

Okay Kat- count me in. This sounds like fun!

Insane Mama said...

I'm in- WHAT FUN! Great Idea.

Insane Mama said...

I'm with Rhea- public humiliation should be part of the agreement if someone signs up and doesn't send. I am on a tight budget, so international shipping is out for me.

Mama Dawg said...

I totally wish I could participate, but I can't. I never even have $5 to spend on MYSELF let alone $25 to spend on someone else.

however, this does sound like fun. Will you do a follow up post to let us know what everyone received?

Jill said...

I can't ship anything from here - no reliable mail system. But it sounds like so much fun!

I just want to hear what people send... so please keep us posted!

Lula! said...

Me, me, me!!!! I'm in, please.

Lula! said...

Me, me, me!!!! I'm in, please.

Elena said...

Okay, I've NEVER done one of these before, but I'm willing to try. Sounds like fun. Sign me up... Now I'm nervous. :)

The Joye of Teaching said...

Count me in! (but I am a poor teacher, no international shipping for me) FUN!

Brian and Staci said...

I'm in too!!! I've never done this swap kinda thing...so be gentle :) I could probably ship international??? Can't wait to hear more. Look at YOU...DOING!!! (Is that your other secret...you're really a doer instead of a thinker??!)

Jeanine said...

Ok, I want to play too..LOL
Sign me up

natalie said...

Sign me up!

Kelly said...

Okay I'll play too...is it possible to ship Mexican food?!

Debbie said...

Of course I'll play! I don't want to do International though...I am shipping Twilight books to my friend Julie in Hungary this wee...that has eaten into my int'l shipping budget ;)

Debbie said...
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Anonymous said...

Count me in! Sounds like so much fun - I'm already compiling a mental list and all the fun things I can send!

maria said...

hi I would like to take part of this swap please.
thank you

What The Hell Is This? said...

I am in... I come here from Joye

Brandy said...

No international shipping for me either!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kat! Finally a swap open to international participants as well! Please sign me up! Loraine

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Katie. I forgot to leave my e-mail address for the swap sign-up. loraine@pinktulip.co.za

Insight, Insanity, Imagination said...

Oh Please please please let me play! I've been looking for a swap like this and I always seem to miss the deadline!


Weeksie50 said...

Please sign me up for all the fun!

smileitsbecky @ yahoo . com

Fun. I can't wait.


Amanda said...

I'd love to participate.


Amanda said...

OH! You needed my email! SORRY!!


Kelly said...

Hi Kat, I hope I'm doing what you wanted me too....
my email:

Jennifer P. said...

I LOVE random happy presents :)!

Great idea Kat!

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, fun! I'm in!

That One said...

I'll participate. International shipping is fine.


Angie's Spot said...

Hey chick! I'm finally getting caught up on my reader today and I'm so glad I didn't miss the deadline on this. Count me in! And I think you have my email addy. :-)

P.S. Got my Office Depot winnings today. Woo hoo!! Can't wait to go shopping and there will be a detailed inventory blog posting about my trip. LOL!

The Joye of Teaching said...

My email joye5789@bellsouth.net
Love your little sun thingy at the top!

NicciN said...

I've never done one of these before, but it sounds like fun, so I am jumping out of my comfort zone.

Tiffany said...

This is gonna be so fun! Can I shout it out on SITS this weekend?

Anonymous said...

I can't afford to do this however I would love to see what everyone gets. Could you post pictures, etc.?
Any extra cash goes on our boys for now - some day when they are in college - I'll splurge - probably on my grandchildren. ;)

I enjoy watching others and getting ideas. Great blog!

Marla said...

i just did this on another site... let's just say what i got was sort of well... lame... i want to try again... so count me in...


Arielah said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast! Sign me up!

Becky W said...

Oohh, I would love to do this again. I was in another one and it was so much fun!!!

jennifersusan said...

Oh I wish I could play this right now, but I can't. Wah!!!! Promise to have this swap again sometime in the near future and I will so sign up!! I have so many favorite things to send out!!!!!

Heather said...

Kat, just discovered you through Lula...

This is a great idea. I just did a little swap of my own with What Katy Did in Australia. I can't wait to get my package. It's like Christmas, in September.

So, please, count me in!

Brooke said...

I just happened upon your blog. What a fun idea. I don't know what you need from me but I would love to participate! Preferably no international shipping. Thanks!

Katy said...

Hi There what a great idea, i'm in! I'm in Australia so i am very happy to internationally ship. Let me know what the go is :-)

Katy said...

ooo here is my email katyelisha@gmail.com

Tonya Staab said...

Ooh, I love a good swap, count me in.

My Two Army Brats said...

Oh I want to play too please!


Unknown said...

Sign me up :-) I'd be willing to do international...

Kori said...

Stopping by from SITS. I would love to participate.

Dover Fam said...

Count me in. Sounds like a great idea. I am always willing to take a risk. :) What do I do now??.....

Dover Fam said...

PS. Sorry I can't do international shipping either (wish I could)

Sarah B. said...

Love the favorite things idea...sign me up for sure. :)

Brandy said...

I want to join too.

Brandy said...
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Brandy said...

Oops forgot to leave my email addy


Randi said...

Sounds like fun! Sign me up! No international shipping.


Anonymous said...

I too can not join right now but would love to do one...say in the Spring...tax return time!

Sara said...

Hey.. just found your blog! On the last day to sign up too! I would LOVE to play!

Aubrey said...

MUST be a sign! My friend was talking about a blog swap she just participated in and it sounded like a lot of fun!

Count me in for this one!!

BTW, coming over from SITS!!

Lori said...

count me in!

Tiffany said...

Just wanted to let you know that our package shipped yesterday. On it's way to Cali. I sent it priority so it should arrive by Friday or Saturday.