Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday Night Update

Hey all... still Lizzy,

Our friend's Shannon & Angie went down to Atlanta today. They spent quite a bit of time there. Michael recognized them both, and is doing pretty well. He was even about to eat TURKEY when they were leaving. Can you believe how far he's come in the last 48 hours!?

He did have an MRI and it came back negative, so they're still working on what happened. They'll be doing an angiogram on Sunday, and possibly another MRI. Hopefully he'll be in a regular room early next week.

Kat's friend Cindy arrived today so that is a good thing - she can help and be a support.

It's still a long road, and everyone is dealing with that in their own way. Of course it's a lot for Kat to deal with. So please please keep them right in the forefront of your thoughts and prayers.

Father - Oh how you are the great Healer!!! Thank you for your answers to our prayers for Michael & Kat. Please continue to guide the Doctors and staff to figure out what happened. Thank you for the miracles you bring. Help us be patient with Michael's progress and continue to be an encouragement to the whole family. In your name, Amen.

(and the Mojo continues... how DOES she do that???)


ChicagoLady said...

I'm so glad Michael is progressing so well. Keeping them all in my prayers.

Runner Girl said...

Still praying.....

Swirl Girl said...

It's amazing that he is eating , and seems not to have suffered much in the way of cognitive problems.

thank goodness!

Heather said...

Praises to God, and all those who have been praying on Michael's behalf.

Still praying and hoping things progress in a positive direction.

Take care, Kat.

Rhea said...

I'm so glad Michael seems to be doing well. I hope they can figure out what was going on.

Hang in there, Kat! We love you!

larkswing said...

Thank you Lizzy for the updates and beautiful prayers to offer up with you!

Glad the news is good and continuing to pray for a speedy recovery!

Jen said...

Wow, that power of pray. I wish that I could be there with you and support you but just know that I am here in my den praying away. Love you, Kat!

Tam said...

Still thinking about YOU guys and stalking for updates! Sending many prayers!

Jana said...

Lifting your family up in prayer...fellow homeschool mom, Christ follower and Sits sister.
love jana

Ann On and On... said...

Thank you for the updates... I'll keep praying for them.

Susie said...

It sounds like more good news. We will keep her in our thoughts.

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

Thankfully Michael is progressing well. Praise God for every step on his road to recovery.

So scary.

Brandy said...

God IS good. Michael's progress is amazing. Kat - Keep your head up and your faith strong. Take any help that is offered...I'm thinking of you!

sassy stephanie said...

Such good news. Hopefully things are shaping up! Glad to hear she has some full time help too. Miss you Kat and praying and thinking about you guys!

Rachel Ann said...

So sorry to hear what happened...will definitely remember them in prayer!

Linda said...

Glad to hear some good news. Still praying ...

Carrie said...

Oh Kat! We have been lifting your family up in prayer! God is GOOD!!

Please know we will continue to pray for you!

Michelle said...

Kat, I'm SO glad to hear that there is improvement and good news. And wow, what great friends you have to help and support you. I'm sure you're aware of what a blessing that is. Prayers to all of you, and here's hoping tomorrow brings even better news.

Kelly said...

So, happy to hear that Michael is doing so well. Here's to you all getting the answers you need and getting home soon. I am keeping all of you in my prayers!

Thanks Lizzy for keeping us all updated!!

Aubrey said...

I may not know you in person but feel like I know you in spirit. My heart was broken when I read about Michael. I have been thinking about you all and lifting you up in prayer! I'm happy to hear there has been bits of good news. I'll be anxiously checking in for more updates! Hugs to you Kat!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Praying from NC for complete healing!

Rosemary Q said...

Glad to hear of the good news and that he is cognicent. I hope Kat is doing well too. Thanks for the update...still praying for them.

LadyStyx said...

Thank goodness things are looking up.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all! Thank you Lizzie for the updates!

Unknown said...

That sounds such good and positive news.

Kat, you and Michael and the girls have been daily in my thoughts and prayers.

Lizzie, thankyou so much for the updates and that prayer is beautiful..

Anonymous said...

Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers Kat.

Thank you Lizzie for the updates.

jennifersusan said...

So glad to hear that Michael is doing so well and that Kat is surrounded by such wonderful friends.

Debie Napoleon said...

It's good to be surrounded by friends in person and in the greater universe.

Mama Dawg said...

Yay! I'm so glad to read about his improvements. Keep the updates coming!

Teri said...

We're right here with you. Keep getting better, Michael.

NicciN said...

Just found out. I will be sending my love and prayers.

Jennifer P. said...

thanks so much for the updates Lizzy. Glad you are surrounded by love and friends Kat!

GBK Gwyneth said...

Kat - I'm so sorry to learn that Michael is in the hospital. You and your family are are in my thoughts.

Michelle said...

Still praying for Michael and Kat and girls.

Brian and Staci said...

Still praying...so good to hear of his progress...and thank you again for the updates :)

Debbie said...

Hi Lizzy...Thank you for the updates and your wonderful heartfelt prayers...You are a wonderful friend.

Kat...my sweet friend Kat...I just read all the posts I've missed and I just shaking right now...I am so sorry to hear all that you are going through...I will pray for you...and I mean that with all my heart...I am lifting you and Michael and the girls up right now. The Lord can heal...He will be right there with you holding your hand every step of the way...Don't be fearful...cry when you need to ... and pray without ceasing. I will be checking in on you. Much much love...xoxoxoxooxoxooxoxooxooxox

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Still praying for them all!!

Nissa said...

More good news- Yay!

Keep Healing, Michael! Keep faith, Kat! Keep updating us, Lizzy!

Mariah said...

Thank goodness, it sounds like he is recovering. *HUGS* Kat!