Monday, October 13, 2008

The sign says: County Fair

A few weeks ago we took the girls to the county fair. The girls love it. They love the rides. They love begging us to let them play games. And they want to win those huge stuffed animals.

On the other hand, the fair is not my thing. I think the rides might be unsafe. It's ridiculously over priced. And I don't want huge stuffed animals in my house.

But this year. I decided to go. Because I blog. I was planning to take pictures of the girls having a rapturously good time. But instead. I became enthralled with the signs.

First sign we encountered was at the ticket window. I think this must be the most frightening thing in the place. All I could think was that it would cost as much as a day at Disney.

But quickly I saw a very soothing sign. One that reminded me of childhood. And how I always wanted to live in the Candy Land game.

I wanted to go to the candy cane forest. And climb gum drop mountain. And get stuck in the molasses swamp. Which for my children morphed into the chocolate swamp. Because, really, do small children know what molasses are? But my kids are quite well versed in chocolate. And who else remembers Plumply? Who was apparently not very PC and was replaced.

I turned again and was startled from my childhood nirvana with this sign. I can't tell from the picture EXACTLY what makes them redneck. Is it cheeze whiz? Is it the fry cook? Does the bacon come from an animal that is not a pig? But my children are beckoning me to get moving. And the questions remain unanswered.

The girls start going through their tickets. Fast and furious. Katie decides to ride something that Madalyn does not want to ride. So, Madalyn drags her daddy off with her to ride the bumper cars. She's tall enough to ride by herself...but her legs don't reach the pedal. Madalyn, I apologize for your short leg genetics. Rather than kicking Madalyn off the ride, they actually let Michael ride for free. Shocking, I know.

Next the girls ride the roller coaster. And I see this sign for the another ride right next to it. I don't know about you, but I think we'll pass.

Then we were off for a little hang gliding. And by we, I mean Katie and Madalyn.I found a plethora of signs by this ride. Right next to it was a mechanical bull ride. With both of these signs.

Very interesting. Do you think the three year olds can ascertain their own risk? All I can think of is Urban Cowboy. Bud. Sissy. And that convict played by Scott Glenn.

Also next to the hang glider is this sign. I love the juxtaposition of the food and the fun house. I want to try some deep fried oreos. But I would have to buy six. Which I am sure would lead to certain doom. I just want a bite of one. But the girls drag me off to another adventure.

Katie decides that she needs to ride the ferris wheel. But Madalyn is not tall enough to go on without an adult. And they don't want to waste one of their prized tickets on an Madalyn finds a fun house to go into. Any bets on whether or not they paid a licensing agreement?

After the girls had used all their tickets, we finally decided to partake of the fair food. Katie and I decided to split a funnel cake. Because it's really not a fair without funnel cake. Madalyn had a hard time deciding. Would it be something deep fried?

Nope. She decided on one of her favorite things. Corn. We watched the guys roast it. And then dip it in butter. It was really good.

And we had to have some lemonade, too.

Which came with a hitchhiker.

So, what about you? Do you like fried foods? Do you have a favorite? Ever tried deep fried oreos or candy bars or cauliflower?

post signature

Theme song: Queensryche - Scarborough Fair - because it's a little edgier than Simon and Garfunkel


Jill said...

Your pictures are great - both of the signs and the kids!!

We go to the fair every summer with my parents - and I swear my mom lives for the funnel cake she eats once a year!

The rides? They scare the daylights out of me - they don't look very safe - or clean.

My Two Army Brats said...

When I was a kid the rides seemed perfectly safe to me even if they were run by men who looked to be straight out of prison and didn't pay much attention to the ride.

Now that I'm a mom, and so much smarter than when I was a kid and wanted to ride the rides I realize that the rides freak me out for safety reasons. But I suck it up just like my mom did years ago and let the boys ride.....the slow, safest looking ones.

Funnel cake YUM! I love the fair just for the food!

Brandy said...

Funnel cakes are straight from heaven. Too bad they tend to head straight for my thighs.

Deep fried oreos sound delicious. Oh are making me hungry. Early lunch anyone?

Brandy said...

Oh and the big thing at one of our local fairs is nitros. What is a nitro?

A small bag of fritos with chili and chese scooped right in the bag, served with a fork so that you don't make a complete mess of yourself.

Jennifer P. said...

I am Jennifer P. And I eat marshmallow circus peanuts for breakfast :)!.

You're right--our posts are like complimentary bff's today! I love all the sign pictures, and the one of the ferris wheel is darn right pretty!

I found a new song to go with my post---if you have a minute, you'll have to come take a listen--you'll want it for one of your posts some day of fellow lover of the music blog :)!

Rhea said...

I love all the sign photos! And the expressions on the girls faces. What a fun day at the fair!!! I'd go photo crazy if we went.

I've never had fried oreos or fried ice cream...but I have had funnel cake. yummy goodness

Rhea said...

and I think it's hilarious the girls wouldn't "waste" any tickets on mom and dad. hehe

Wep said...

Hands down, cotton candy.

And Queensryche? Scarborough Fair? Explain please :)

Gina said...


I Love Purple More Than You said...

I'm just going to stay here to listen to the entire Queensryche long. Love them!

Yes, the Fair is outrageously expensive! And we avoid the big rides because I think they are probably not safely put together.

I totally had the fried oreos at our Fair in September. YUM. But I really wanted to reach through my screen and take a bite of that funnel cake you showed.

KimmyDarling said...

What great pictures!

I love fried foods. The Sweet Potato Queens introduced me to Fried Pickles in Jackson, and they became my instant favorite. LOVE LOVE LOVE 'em. I've never tried the oreos-- not sure I'd like them unless the batter had some salt in it. (I'm a sucker for the salty/sweet combo.) I've had almost every vegetable in the world fried, and can't think of one I didn't like.

I am so hungry now!!! =)

Jen said...

Ok so I totally want to go to the fair now. What a fun place, think!?!

Desi said...

Man that looked like so much fun!! I love fountain drinks from the fair. The fairs here always BITE!!!

Britt said...

Ohh, love (LOVE) funnel cake .. My mouth was watering just looking at it.

And the Scat sign .. I'm really hoping that was rust on the sign, and not suggestive paint .. either way, it made me giggle ;o)

Heather said...

I loved the fair when I was a kid. But every time I think about taking my kids, I'm just like you with my doubts. Unlike you, I listen to my doubts and don't go.

Now I regret it.

I love these pictures. This is Americana at its finest, deep fried oreos and all.

So next year, I'm loading up the minivan and kids, we're goin' to the fair! Right after you take your cholesterol medicine :)

Aleta said...

OMG - I don't know where to start with your post! I'm going to Disney and looked up the prices ~ you're right ~ you could probably go to Disney for cheaper! Yikes! And OHHHHHH... I used to LOVE playing Candy Land when I was a little girl! The hang gliding looks cool ~ really cute pictures of the family. Deep Fried Oreos? Has anyone tried this? I'd.... almost be afraid. Lol. What do they not deep fry at the fair? Gee, let's talk healthy??

Susan said...

Funnel cakes.... ahhh, pure heaven. They can only be trumped by fried mozzarella cheese... my absolute favorite.

Brian and Staci said...

GIRL those are some great pictures! Looks like you have some daring little girls !!! Love it! As for me, I'm not a huge fried food kinda girl. No favorite and I've never tried a deep fried oreo or candy bar. Sheesh, I don't sound very fun do I?? I do love me a good funnel cake though! Does that redeem me? We didn't really get to walk around the Texas fair this last Saturday because: we were really not in the mood because we lost, we were paying a bajillion dollars for a sitter who had been there since 5 a.m., and my sunburn was making me whiney :( Hope you have a great week! I think I may have gotten the hose on the swap...I never heard from anyone...boohoo :(

Anonymous said...

Deep fried Oreos. Sign, Me, Up.

Ronnica said...

I love the bumper car pics!

I haven't eaten anything weird fried, but I'd probably like it if I tried it. I do like fried pickles though. Yum yum!

Skeller said...

Fabulous photos!! I'm with you: I'm not fond of Fairs, but I blog.... ;-)

I especially love the bumper car pics of Madalyn & Michael -such cute expressions!

Elena said...

All things fried = DELCIOUS! Just the way the fair smells gets my mouth salivating. Love the food. Never had a fried oreo or candybar, but I REALLY want one. I wanted to see you ride the bull. ;)

sassy stephanie said...

I looooove the county fair. I have been going myself since I was in school and now love to take my kids. Overpriced, yes. Bad for you grub, yes. But oh so worth it.

I MUST have fried oreos every year at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. I make a BEELINE for the booth the first day I hit the show!

Kori said...

Love the pictures. look like an awesome day. We were going to go to the fair this year but of course that was at the time when Jacob had the shingles. lol

jen said...

fun pictures.

at our state fair...we are all about the cheese curds. mn is kinda up on things on a stick. i don't know.
this year...there was chocolate dipped bacon.
i didn't try it...couldn't imagine spending the $$. but...hmmm...a little salty a little sweet?? (the bacon was dried, more like beef jerky i heard). and dark chocolate. nuf said.

The Joye of Teaching said...

This looks like a fun day.My fav sign was the deep fried oreos with doom behind it. That was truly a *sign* hehehe Not one ride, Kat? Come on!

Twisted Fencepost said...

So tell me...
Who had more fun? The girls with the rides or you looking for pictures to take?
Never tried that fried stuff. YET!

cherry said...

We have been making funnel cake at home...fair recipe...looks like you had a lot of fun. cherry

Tiffany said...

What AWESOME photos! I'm lovin' today's blog, Ms. Kat! I loved the county fair as a child and have the same opposition to you as an adult and for the same reasons as well. And I always wonder just what the carnies inhaled or swallowed before and during the set up of the rides that our precious children will be later riding on.

And fried foods? Fried foods are my candy. You can take all the sweets in the world away but don't remove the fried foods, please. I love fried veggies, especially green tomatoes but I do love fried cauliflower as well. Although I've never tried fried oreos or candy bars, I can say with complete certainty that I would not be into them. At all. No thank you.

Redneck fries? That makes me laugh. hee hee

The Pink Tif

Tiffany said...

EEEEKS! I don't have any opposition TO YOU. I have the same opposition AS YOU to the rides. Um, can you tell I didn't proof that comment before hitting "publish your comment"? Jeez - sorry about that.

Tiffany said...

AAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKK! Rhea is 30 whole comments ahead now?

scargosun said...

I am STILL laughing at the "DOOM" ! I about fell off my chair.

Susie said...

I LOVE Funnel cake and roasted corn. Yummo!! I love the fried oreos and doom:-) Hee,hee,hee.

Lisa said...

I do not go to county fairs as I would eat an entire weeks worth of calories in one day. Fried oreos, fried zucchini, funnel cakes, corndogs, OMG!!

Marla said...

i avoid the fair because of cost... but these are some awesome photos... i'm thinking photo book from shutterfly... makes a nice present for grandparents...

Angie's Spot said...

There's that familiar lemonade cup that you were telling me about.

I tend to enjoy fried foods, but I'm not an adventurous eater. So, no fried oreos for me. Actually, the only deep fried foods I've enjoyed at fairs are funnel cakes. Yeah, I'm boring.

Tiffany said...

Screw the rides, I want the food!!!!!

Oh girl. You've got my mouth watering.

Funnel Cake??? AHHHHHHHHH!!!

Unknown said...

Give me a funnel cake ANY day...

Course I'm not a big fan of carnivals if you read my accident prone blog entry back a while ago, you know why.

Kelly said...

I love reading about the adventures and seeing all the great pictures...My absolute favorite is the fried Oreos, ice cream, funnel cakes and dire warning of DOOM!!!!

Unknown said...

I'd never had funnel cake until I got over here. The first one that I ever had was at the local rodeo. It was piled high with whipped cream and strawberries !! Oh my...

I also like fried zucchini, bloomin' onions and fried mozarella.

I love fried icecream as well. I used to go to a Chinese restaurant back in NZ, that had fried icecream to die for...

All this talk of fried food is not good for me !!!

Oh, and my favourite fried food of all time ...Fish'n Chips !!! And not the type that you get over here!!! What I'm talking about is delectable, English style fish'n chips, wrapped up in newsprint paper. MmmmMMmmmmm....

Unknown said...

Great photos BTW.... I got a bit caried away talking about food, forgot to mention anything else !!!

'Scarborough Fair' is one of my favourite songs. I rather like your version !!

Firefly Mom said...

I'm not a fair person, either. And the only times I've ever taken Cody to a fair have been several homeschool days (which coincide with the school field trips) - and there were no rides running.

I'm not a fried foods person, except for actual fries and onion rings. But I'm really, really picky about where I get them, because I can't stand the way most places make them! But that corn, I could eat. All. Day. Long. Yummm

Shannon said...

Mmmmm... funnel cakes. Its not even 8 a.m. and I am so craving one right now!

I have not been to a fair like this since I was a teenager. And probably won't go again...

I've never had fried oreos or a fried candy bar. I saw an episode of "Paula's Party" once where she deep fried butter. Seriously.

Amy Kay said...

Three words: DEEP FRIED OREOS!!!!!

The only doom to those words are that I have to go stand in the stinking line and get some MORE!!! either I ate them all or I fought my 3 boys for them. :) They are sooo awesome! I was leary at first, but once I tried them, there's no turning back, they are amazing!

Where in Georgia are you? I am south just next to the Florida/Georgia border.

Hugs from South Georgia, Amy ;)

koopermom said...

Those are great shots!! I just love going to the fair!

Rhiana said...

I love your pictures! The signs are great, they reall took me down a trip down memory lane. And all of those fried options! I would love to try a deep fried oreo.

Carrie said...

Great pics!!

I have always wanted to try deep-fried twinkies and deep-fried Candy Bars! But I would be too embarrassed to order them! haha

p.s. Hello Mr. Honeybee...No nectar for you here. Now go forth and pollinate!

Debbie said...

I gained 10 pounds reading this post! Of course I like fried foods, and I'm not partial to any of them because they are all good! I feel a zit breaking out....

Brightfish said...

The SC State Fair ends today. Their feature this year was deep fried corn-on-the-cob. I didn't try that. I opted for the deep fried cookie dough. YUMMY! I also wanted the deep fried Pepsi, but I had to make a choice. I am on Weight Watchers, y'know. I'll save some points next year for the Pepsi!