While we are driving to the beach, I thought I might regale you with a yummy recipe. Perfect for summer because there is really no cooking involved. I should have posted this earlier so you could have made it for your 4th of July cook-outs. But I was busy shopping at Target packing. And plagarizingborrowing lame Thursday Thirteen lists. And procrastinating. And coming up with a million and one other ideas. Just without the follow through.
Maybe this will enlighten you on my amazing ability to procrastinate. I took these pictures and made this salad in May. And am just now getting around to telling you about it. I also have about 10 different Thursday Thirteen lists saved in Word. But they only have 7 items on each list. One day I will grace you with my brilliance. When it chooses not to show itself...we learn about aliens.
But I digress...
I think that everyone has heard of this salad. Or one of its various incarnations. I think my church cookbook has 4 versions in it. My recipe is an amalgam of those. Plus a little extra. And let me tell you why there is an extra. The reason I made this salad in May was because the PTA for Madalyn 's elementary school was having our annual end of year meeting. And everyone on PTA was supposed to bring a salad. Why is it that when women get together, they only want to eat salad? And things that are healthy? Are we eating our peanut m&ms in the closet? Do we only eat bacon cheese burgers in the privacy of our cars? Is it a secret that we like sour cream and onion potato chips?
My first end of year meeting was last year. And I dutifully brought my salad - a fruit salad - and when I left - I had to stop at Sonic for a cheeseburger. So, this year, I decided to put a little extra into the salad. I added a secret ingredient. Shhhh...it is chicken.
So...here is Kat's interpretation of Oriental Chicken Salad.
Here are our players:.jpg)
Break the ramen noodles. I just use the heel of my palm, leaving the noodles right in their package. Be careful that you don't pound them too hard or the noodles will spew out of said package into all the nooks and crannies of your stove, counters, burners...and onto the floor where you will step on those noodles for weeks even though you swept them up...and when you step on them with your bare feet, they tend to really hurt...and you'll have to send someone to the store for another pack of noodles. Not that those things happened to me. It is
just an example. I am
always careful when I cook.
Where were we? Oh, yes. Break the noodles and then put them on a cookie sheet. Add some almonds and stick them in a 350 degree oven for about 5 minutes. Just so they toast a little.
This salad really serves a lot of people. So, when you put your broccoli-slaw in a container, make sure it's big enough. I use my mom's ginormous tupperware bowl from the 1970's. Isn't it pretty in there?
Next, mix up the ingredients for the dressing - and then pour it over your slaw.
Even if your bowl is not empty when you get home, this salad is still delicious the next day. And even the day after that. The dressing does not make the slaw mushy - it stays crisp. If you are making this for a ladies luncheon...don't get offended if it's not all gone when you leave. Cause you are going to add that magic ingredient. And, the ladies are saving room for their Chick-fil-a sandwich and a hand-churned milk shake that they are going to eat in the car on their way home.
Are we still making salad? Oh, yes...the chicken. Because I like easy...I just buy a bag of Tyson grilled chicken strips...and then marinate the chicken in some teriyaki sauce for a bit before adding it to the slaw. You don't have to marinate it. If you are vegetarian, you can leave out the chicken. If you just want a nice salad side dish to go with your dinner, leave out the chicken. But trust me...if someone wants you to bring a salad to an all salad get together...add the chicken. Everyone will thank you.
And they'll
really thank you if you bring a little steam-y to your get together as well.

Hmmm...What was I saying? What was I doing? Is it hot in here? Oh...yes...salad...I like to add some sunflower seeds to this, too. Gives it another flavor. And adds more protein. We might not have to stop at Mickey D's on the way home after all...
Those noodles and almonds are probably nice and toasty now...so just dump them on top:
And mix it all together:
Did I tell you that I love this salad? It makes a great meal. Sorry Sonic...maybe next time...
Here is my simple recipe:
2 (10 oz) packages of broccoli slaw
2 pkgs Ramen noodles (I use beef flavor - it really doesn't matter what kind)
1 c. sunflower seeds
1/2 c. slivered almonds
Bag of tyson grilled chicken strips - marinated in teriyaki
3/4 c. oil
1/3 c. vinegar (I usually use Apple Cider vinegar - but whatever you have on hand will work)
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
both seasoning packets from the Ramen noodles
Break up noodles and toss with almonds. Toast at 350 degrees for 5 minutes.
Mix dressing.
Combine all ingredients.
Chill before serving.
Steam-y optional.

This recipe looks really good! And, of course, McSteamy looked even better...
I digress.
I think you're right about women eating little amounts around each other at these types of events...then getting in the car and hoofing it to McDonalds for a big ole burger. Not me, of course. I would NEVER do that. Nope, never. I'd deny it if you said you saw me...
We are so on the same wavelength it's scary. I have a cooking post set to auto post in about five minutes. Well, it isn't cooking totally, it's smoothie making, but close enough. :o)
Have fun driving to the beach! I'm so jealous but glad you'll still be posting. Don't have TOO much fun. :o)
Thanks for the recipe, Kat. Looks fab, hope you have a great time on vacay!
Um...yes, please. I would like a big helping. And seconds. Come back from the beach and bring this to me.
I'll be your BFF and give you a bag of peanut M&Ms. Ha!
Speaking of the peanut M&Ms...you MUST consume vast quantities of them while on vacay. We ate an entire bag every day--one of those 3 pounders from Walmart--I'm NOT exaggerating, either. I did have 3eighteen year olds helping with the noshing, as well as my husband and random other people who couldn't keep their hands out of the bag. Still...we ate so many, and enjoyed every single one. So you go ahead and do the same--and then eat salad in between.
Aw Man, between Rhea's smoothie and your salad, I'm STARVING now and it isn't even 8am. This sounds completely delicious and I'd never even thought of using broccoli slaw instead of the cabbage stuff. Brilliant!!
Have a most wonderful, fabulous vacation. Looking forward to gorgeous beach pics :-)
Steam-y MANDATORY!!!!! are you loco??????
Neat recipe. Looks yummy and easy. Funny how you call out all the fakeness people show around each other! I may have seen you at Sonic after one of these! hahahah
I love Oriental Chicken Salad and I'm definitely going to try out your recipe !!
But, sad to say, it's missing a vital ingredient ...JOHNNY !!! Viggo would add a bit of spice to the mix ...just a suggestion. :-)
You should see what's on the table, when we have a potluck lunch at school. Chocolate cake, pies, lasagna, cookies, oh and salads. They like their food at this school :-)
BTW... I love the way you have presented it on the plate. Very pretty !!
I'm with Rhea... Mcsteamy can feed me salad all day long or McDonalds or whatever he want to feed me.
Oh... Sorry I got carried away, the salad will go into my recipe drawer to eventually cook. I procrastinate also
OOOh, Kat, this looks yummy. The recipe looks good, too. :-) I love how you add a dash of hunky dude to your many postings.
I have an opposite food kind of story. AGES (seriously) ago when I was working at one of my first jobs at McDonald's (classy), this group of ladies would always come in for lunch and order enough food to feed a football team...for themselves. And they would ALWAYS ask, "Do you have Tab?" Because, you know, it is important not to add any calories to their 2000 calorie lunch. I'm thinking, just get a real drink, lady. Whateva.
Have so much fun at the beach!
The salad looks yummy! And so does McSteamy! Have a great vay-cay!
Woman, you have *got* to stop throwing in pix of the eye candy into your posts! There I am, minding my own business, reading away when suddenly I'm hit with a pic of someone yummy, and my brain just goes "PPZZZZZTH!" and I *completely* lose any info that has entered my head in the last 5 minutes.
So NOW that I've re-read the post (being careful to shield my eyes from McSteamy), that looks like a yummy salad to try! And right there with you about the stupid noodles. Cody is completely incabable of NOT spilling the dang broken ones *every single time* he makes ramen. They get e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!
I clicked and clicked and clicked and came across your blog and am happy I did. You are a riot!!! I love your writing style and the Oriental Chicken Salad recipe doesn't sound too bad either. I'll have to look back and see what other charming tidbits you've been sharing. Thanks for the chuckles!!! And McSteamy was somewhat tolerable also!!
McSteamy. YUM!!
Looks like a great recipe. I think I'll make this tomorrow with marinated tofu (we're veggies). I can't wait. Thanks!
Rhea--I am so not a salad only type person. Excpet for this one. Our drive to the beach was quite uneventful...and I suppose I ought to work on a post...but my brain is on beach mode :-)
Kimmy--Thanks. We are already having a great time. It's my favorite kind of vacation...one where nothing is planned...
Lula--That is alot of peanut m&ms. We need to vacation together :-) There are not a lot of stores here. I have to drive about half an hour to go to the Piggly Wiggly...
Susan--I am working on those gorgeous beach pictures. We were there this morning...and my camera is currenlty communicating with the computer so that I can see what I got...
CindySue-Loco? Probably. Steam is not always available...so that is why it's optional. It might be occupied...
Joye--I am so glad to know that I will have someone join me at Sonic!
Karen--Johnny and Viggo, huh? I'm a little partial to Clive and Gerard myself :-) That is so cool that the ladies at your school don't pretend that they don't eat. Maybe it's a Southern thing?
Insane Mama--How long will you procrastinate making this?
Teri--Apparently, dashes of hot dudes in my posts is my niche. You'll just never know when they'll show up. Or if there just might be an entire post about one. You just *never* know...
Angie--Thanks! We are having a great time - and I am mulling over my first vacation post. About something quite, quite important. Because that is what all my posts are like...quite quite important...
FM--I think there might be a mutiny if I stop putting a little spice in my posts. :-) And I am sorry that Cody does that with the noodles. I can *imagine* the mess. Because I have never done that. It was just an example. Nope...never happened.
Joyce--Welcome! I have found so many of my favorite blogs by clicking this link and then that one...and then another. And it's impossible to back track...but I am always so very curious as to how people land here!
Heather--I figure someone will find something yummy in the recipe...I aim to please :-)
Mary--You'll have to let me know how it turns out! (And can I just tell you that it really puts a smile on my face to see your comments?! I am thrilled to be one of the few blogs that you read. I keep telling my hubby how important I am...)
um thanks for the tasty mcsteamy shot. i can't wait to see what they do with him next season.
This is a little different than the version I make...I'm gonna have to give it a try! Great for Summer! I have to admit...I'm all a flutter since seeing McSteamy! Whoa, he's so hot! (But I still prefer MrDreamy :)
McSteamy...yummy...and the recipe...yummy too:-)
Wow! See, I have seen an altered view of this recipe and served cold and call Asian Slaw. I think I might try your version. Thanks.
Found you off Joye's blog.
Sydney--(whispering) I have never watched an entire episode of Grey's Anatomy. But I am such a queen of popculture :-) I can't watch it because of Meredith. She grates on my nerves. That episode a few years ago when she fell in the water...if she had just drowned...I think I'd tune in. But then I suppose the title wouldn't work anymore...Have I accomplished my blasephemy for the day?
Staci--I like the bad boys :-) I think House is hot, too.
I think that most people have a variation on this. I have a bunch of recipes for it...but I just combined all the ingredients I like and took out the ones I didn't...and then added my own thing. You'll have to let me know how it compares to what you usually do.
Romi--Yep. Tasty on all fronts.
WTH--Welcome! This salad is cold, too. Even the chicken (because the Tyson stuff is already cooked). The only cooking is the toasting of the noodles and almonds. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Well this is something I will try! I love the one at AppleBs.... Nice presentation too! You food network girl you...
Hope your summer is going well... and I'm jealous you are at the beach! I long for beach....
Lisa--I *love* the oriental chicken wrap at Applebees. It's my entire reason for going and the only thing I ever order. But...the salad is quite a bit different from theirs.
I am working on all my beach pictures...photoshop takes forever :-)
That sounds just delicious!
mmmm... I'm drooling all over my keyboard now. As a tip for vegetarians, you could also marinate firm tofu or any other chik'n substitute. If you get a good one (Quorn is awesome!), none of the meat eaters would even know it's not real meat.
That looks really really good...I have a recipe somewhat like this but it doesn't have chicken....and since I am so sick of turkey sandwiches for lunch, I will be whipping this up this week. drool....
Hi Kat!! I actually have this recipe!! This salad is always a huge hit at any covered dish/party. So yummy!! I may need to make it this week. Thanks for posting such great photos of every step. :) ~Jill :)
Hi Kat!! I actually have this recipe!! This salad is always a huge hit at any covered dish/party. So yummy!! I may need to make it this week. Thanks for posting such great photos of every step. :) ~Jill :)
Kat, did you know that Mary is my best friend from high school. Seeing as how we only just graduated in '98, we're all new to this blog stuff. (hahahahaha) Okay, '88. Uh, okay, not.
I tried this recipe last night for supper and my family loved it. I did substitue cabbage slaw for the broccoli.
Ohhh! Yummy!
Mmmmmmmm...Yummy! My sister-in-law makes something similar and my hubby loves it. I'll have to give yours a try.
If you scroll fast enough the salad and Mc Steamy kinda get mixed up together which would be the YUMMIEST dish of all!
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