Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A blessing or a curse?

Katie sings with a professional children's choir. And tonight she has a concert at the Fox theatre in Atlanta. It's a pretty big deal. I volunteer. And help out the director of the choir. And perhaps you can imagine my dismay last week.

Dismay because emails were sent out last week to all the parents. To let them know that not only did the singers need tickets to get into the Fox. But that any guests would need tickets as well. Very few parents responded to the email. So, when I tried to hand out tickets. I was told that: emails were down; they don't check often; and shockingly. I even heard "I don't have email."

Can you imagine? In 2008. There are people without email accounts? There are people that aren't wired? There are people that actually pick up the phone to communicate rather than sending an email at 1am right before they go to bed?

So. Naturally. It send my mind a-churnin.'

And I think about all the emails that land in my inbox. Or my spam folder. Ones that I'd rather not receive.

About penile enhancements. Or penile drugs. Because I don't have a penile part.

Or special prayers. That I must send to 7 people in the next 7 minutes or have 7 years of bad luck.

Or ones about long lost relatives. Who have died. And left me millions of dollars. But I have to get it from Nigeria.

Or ones from NASA. Telling me about a cool meteor shower. Or eclipse. Or planetary alignment. Except that the event actually took place several years ago.

Warnings of viruses. Gang initiations. Or other bizarre rumors debunked by Snopes.

But even with all this "important" information. Most forwarded by ever so helpful friends and family. I am rather partial to email. It is a rather powerful medium. A great way to stay connected. Get connected. And share all the things that I find at you tube.

So...what about you? How long have you been emailing? Do you have people in your life that are not wired? Are you one of those that forwards emails? Or are you more on the receiving end?

post signature

Theme song: Smash Mouth - I'm a Believer - for all the people who forward emails. Without checking snopes first.


Elena said...

LOL!!! Such a hilarious song and reason. Witty as ever, you are. (I just sounded like Yoda.) I'm on the recieving end unless it's ULTRA good. And I can't even imagine a life without email. I've had it ever since it was invented and LOVE it. We just recently talked my parents out of dial up and it has changed their world. Who are these crazies that don't use email?

Mrs Anne said...

I have been emailing since 1995... and been wired since. Everyone in my family is also wired... we email daily/weekly! (even grandma!)... i'm NOT a forward person at all... in fact I'm guilty of just deleting them prior to even reading... just dont have the time or energy for them. (My mom sends them often... shh dont tell her!)

:) Amen for email!

(minus the penile enhancement ones.. ugh... blech)

Lori said...

cannot live without it
and was JUST writing a post about it!
will be up soon!

Gladys said...

you mean Bill Gates Isn't going to send me thousands of dollars? I'm not going to cause a little boy in Mylasia to go blind if I don't forward my email to 473 people in the next 5 seconds? There IS no Nigerian Prince? WHY OH WHY AM I JUST NOW FINDING THIS OUT?

I love email and would rather IM or email than talk on the phone. I hate the phone. I've been emailing since the mid 90's and my sister is almost unwired but she did figure out email.:)

Jill said...

I was a late bloomer when it came to e-mail... I don't think I really started until 6 or 7 years ago - and nothing like now.

However, I still believe in the beauty of snail mail and the personal letter - there's something to be said about receiving a hand written card.

Anonymous said...

I probably got email in college so 1995? We didn't have internet at home, heck I doubt it had been invented yet, lol!
Even my parents are wired up :)
I do not forward emails, I hate those kinds of things. I get a million and one from my MIL and her sister, drives me BATTY! I don't even read it. I see FWD and I automatically delete.

Firefly Mom said...

I've been on internet for about 13 years now, and would you believe I *still* use the same email account? Of course, I also have 4 others, but my main one is the oringinal.

I am not a forwarder. Typically I delete them without even reading them. They are the online equivalent of chain letters, which I also hated.

lynette355 said...

Well I know I have been online for more than 10 years. And no not for one time and not off yet. (but it does feel that way sometimes) I hate phone talks but use it to get messages done quickly when I need too. Email is my prefered way too. But I do not like to forward on much of anything.

Michelle said...

I know I have had email for well over 10 years. I agree, I can't believe people under the age of 75 that is, don't have email. Really. Get with it people.

I do hate junk emails. If I can buy all those drugs online, why do I even bother to go to the doctor and pay all that money?

larkswing said...

I have been emailing since the mid90's and can't imagine not! But, when I have new or interested customers come in the shop, I ask about adding them to the email list. I AM surprised at how many do not email, I understand some of the older clients, the but the 20 somthins that say they will need to put their husbands b/c they just don't check it or ever use it!

Desi said...

I've been e-mailing since I was 12. I've always been avoidant of telephones, so it's just better.

I don't forward many emails at all, although I receive plenty.

Unknown said...

I think I got my first e-mail account in college, so around.. 94? I've been wired ever since...

Pretty much everyone I know is wired, my step-mom was a hold out until my sister showed her all the recipies online and then she got hooked.

I do agree that there's something about a REAL letter in your mail box, but I like the timeliness of e-mail...

Sometimes though I'd like to pitch all techology... just when it's not working for me.

Skeller said...

GASP! People who don't email? How totally inconvenient!

Then again, you know those people have way more time in their day precisely because they're not married to their 'puters.

Then again, they're missing out on all the virtual fun...

I do NOT forward stuff. And most who know me well, know not to send me that stuff to begin with ... except my mom and m-i-l (funny, huh?)

Rhea said...

I love that you dedicated your song today to those who forward without checking snopes first. hehe

I can't imagine not using the Internet or email...it's so vital to the way I live. There are very few in my life who don't email. Some email more than others...

Rhea said...

BTW, awesome that Katie is singing at the Fox Theater!

Mama Dawg said...

I'm usually on the receiving end and I've been wired since 1999.

My grandmother's not wired but everyone else I know is.

I can't live without it.

Good job Katie!

Shannon said...

I'd have to say it was the late 90s when I started emailing... I cannot believe there are people who don't have email! Where have they been??!!?!?!?! What are they waiting for??!!?!?!!?!?

I tend to NOT forward emails. I'm on the receiving end... especially from my mom.

Brandy said...

I've run into the same thing with the band parents. I couldn't imagine functioning without email, although I don't usually do the "forward" thing. Unless they are extremely funny I just delete them. Is that mean?

Tam said...

I have had email forever and a day. I had email back when I paid per minute to get email. I do have quite a few people in my life who are NOT wired! It is all fine with me and it does not bother me. Infact sometimes their lives look much more calm than mine..LOL OBLIVION I think may be better on SOME THINGS!

I do not forward those emails...I am on the recieving end often.

Unknown said...

I have been using email since grad school so 94/95 sounds about right. I use email on a daily basis. I cannot imagine life without it.

On a totally unrelated note, I had no idea that you were an Atlantan like me! Go Georgia bloggers.

ChicagoLady said...

I've had email at home for about 10 years. I know several people who don't have email, and don't even have a computer at home. My aunt still types, on a typewriter, letters to friends and family! Of course, she's like 80 years old, so I can forgive her for that, lol.

I am not a forwarder, unless it's something cool that I think someone will appreciate, none of that chain mail stuff. That goes right into my trash. And if I can snopes it, I reply back so they might, maybe, someday, stop forwarding that crap around and cluttering up the email universe with it.

Brian and Staci said...

I guess I've been emailing for about 5 yrs maybe?? And when I say that...I mean strictly emailing...In the past year, I've learned to do attachments!! YAY ME!! I really shouldn't reveal how very STUPID I am about computers...I know I could learn if I really wanted. Right now though, I just don't have the time...or would it be more truthful to say MAKE the time. I'd rather be reading blogs :) LOSER I AM!!! All the people like my Mom and Dad are even wired and know how to do more on their computers than I do :( I don't generally forward emails. AND I DON'T get caught up in the ones that say you need to send these to 7 friends within 7 seconds or you'll have 7 bad years :)

Linda said...

I've been connected since 1996 ... the year my son was born. Back when Amazon was just a small website. I didn't have anyone to email back then because no one else I knew had internet connections. So I joined an online email loop of scrapbooking gals. We are all over the country, and we're still friends, and we're still emailing! How cool is that?

I detest receiving the same FWDs over and over. UGH!

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I couldn't imagine life without emails..what would I do all day??

Jen said...

you know those people do have email, how can they not, they just don't check it or did and are being lazy.
How can they not have email, its like saying they don't have an arm. Ridiculous.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

I've had the same personal email since 1995. Maybe 94...

I do not participate in most forwards, but a handful of people related to me do, and I have had to bite my tongue many times. Hard.

The urge to reply with a link to Snopes or Fact Check is overwhelming!

LadyStyx said...

Been with email since the late 90's sometime. I am the receiving end of alot of the forwards. Generally, I wont forward it unless I think it's really a good share. Otherwise it gets pitched. As for the things that can be confirmed in Snopes, Fact Check, etc or better yet with a few simple keystrokes? I do the research AND hit the reply to all with the facts. A Bitch? I sure am. But when it's the same offenders over and over, they dont deserve me being nice about it anymore...family or not.

Lula! said...

Wiat, I can't get past the "Katie singing at the Fox" part. Oh, how I love the Fox...with its starry ceiling. Saw "The Secret Garden" there in 1993. It transormed my life. Good times on Peachtree.

I forward only pertinent information...about Twilight-related matters. Of course.

Susie said...

I have been emailing since 1996. I do have people in my life without it and it is really annoying. I do not forward chain emails because they are also annoying. I delete them when I get them.

Susie said...

I have been emailing since 1996. I do have people in my life without it and it is really annoying. I do not forward chain emails because they are also annoying. I delete them when I get them.

KimmyJ said...

I love me some email! Not a fan of spam or chain emails.

Finding Normal said...

I've been wired since 94, except a few days for vacation here and there. I freak out if I can't get online. It's like my world is ending or something. I do know people who aren't wired. My inlaws aren't, except she'll get on at work to look at pics of the kids. Some of my students' parents aren't, and I really wish they would be since it's the easiest way to communicate.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I've been emailing so long I don't even remember when I started!
And yes, I have family that's not connected.
I am definitely on the receiving end of all that crap!!

Teri said...

I have been emailing since 1996. It bothers when people actually DO have email but don't check it for weeks at a time. And then wonder why I don't get in touch with them.

I hate that forwarded mail stuff. And please, please don't send me one of those surveys where you answers questions about yourself and then have to pass it on to 400 of your closest friends.

I only have 399.

Anonymous said...

of course we still have older relatives that aren't conected, but as for everything else the email is a complete blessing in my opinion. who can't delete junk email in a flash? that does not bother me at all. i would die without email.

sassy stephanie said...

Um, no. Something wrong with them. Seriously. No email? I can't live without mine. It is now always in my hand. And LOOK OUT if it is down. Now, I do have three different accounts. One primary with all of my IRL crap though. Can't do without it.

Debbie said...

I can't live without email...Even my parents have email accounts and are computer savvy! And I have a post brewing about the penile and the Nigerian scam emails I get...all.the.time. And I NEVER forward because it drives me bananas when I receive them. ACK HATE THEM!!! And really hate when people don't check snopes...and it's always the same people...who by now should know about SNOPES!!!!!

Michelle said...

Oh, I'm so totally wired. Actually, not so much compared to some people as I don't text or email wireless or anything, I suppose. BUT the treasurer on my PTO only checks email once in a blue moon. Total PITA.

And I'm the one who receives the spam and sends the debunk into from Snopes to the sender :)

kalea_kane said...

I know like two people who do not have email. Drives me looney! I however get too much email. I just cleaned out my box to a respectable 400 from 2000...no joke. :)

I hope your Katie had a wonderful time. :)


Aubrey said...

I can't remember when email came into my life. All I know is that I never want to be without it. I think people who don't have email are just as bad as those who don't CHECK their email. i.e. my mother!
I am on the receiving end of what seems like 100s of forwards from my husband's aunt, per day. I've started marking her as junk. LOL

Susan said...

Receiver here. I never forward those "send in seven minutes" emails. Not a fan of those.

Heather said...

I have to admit that before last year, I was an "occasional" email-checker. Then I started selling Stampin' Up!, and I had a reason to check it. THEN, I started blogging and now I check my email several times a day.

There were a couple of kids on Elijah's baseball team that didn't even have a computer, much less an email account. And it was very difficult to contact them regarding practices, games, etc. Really, the internet is an amazing blessing to our lives, one we totally take for granted, isn't it?

Love the photos from the Fox. What an incredible night. You are such a great mom, helping with all that drama.

MsTypo said...

I've had email since 1994. I simply can't imagine someone *not* having an email address in this day and age. That's just crazy!

Nissa said...

I can't believe that!

I've been emailing since before there was the internet and it was just a bunch of dialup based home server web groups. 1991, I guess.